Define the Medical Platoon Flashcards
ATP 4-02.4
Medical Platoon
The Medical platoon, also referred to as?
battalion aid station (BAS)
Who does the battalion aid station (BAS), coordinates the Army Health System (AHS) support operations?
battalion commander
The battalion aid station is the?
forward-most medically staffed treatment location organic to a maneuver battalion.
The battalion surgeon/medical officer is a member of the?
battalion commander’s personal and special staff
The battalion surgeon also serves as the medical advisor to the?
battalion commander
the battalion surgeon
advises the battalion commander on?
the employment of the medical
platoon and on the health of the battalion
Battalion Surgeon Responsible for all?
medical treatment provided by the platoon
also platoon leader
The battalion surgeon is also the supervising physician of the ____ squad?
medical platoon’s treatment squad
When the medical treatment squad splits, the battalion surgeon serves as the?
medical provider for treatment team “bravo”
Medical Operations Officer
The medical operations officer (MEDO) is ____ for the platoon?
operations/readiness officer
What does The MEDO do?
Plan, coordinate, and execute the AHS support for the battalion
The MEDO works with the battalion surgeon and physician assistant (PA) to ensure ____ are being met for the battalion.
medical treatment and AHS support
MEDO Is the primary leader for medical platoon operations, administration, training, and logistics and assists who _____ in planning and directing of Role 1 care for the battalion?
battalion surgeon
MEDO conduct MDMP with?
The battalion staff
MEDO also serves as __ when needed?
The Platoon leader as needed
Medical Platoon Sergeant
Who is the senior most experienced medic in the battalion and the only NCO that assumes a leadership role from a commissioned officer?
the PSG provides expertise, assists, and advises the platoon leader
Role of the PSG include?
Leads the platoon in the platoon leader’s absence, and supervises the platoon’s administration, logistics, and maintenance.
Who Serves as the ambulance squad leader, supervising the activities and functions of the ambulance squad to include maintenance of
ambulances and associated equipment?
Who is Responsible for the training of the Soldiers of the medical platoon and
provides training and supervision of operational security procedures?
Whose Primary focus is directing all resupply and maintenance activities; uses, or directs the use of, the Defense Medical Logistics Standard
Support (also referred to as DMLSS)
Who Performs general technical health care and administrative duties?
PA Is qualified in advanced medical treatment and works under?
the clinical supervision of a medical officer
PA Serves as the clinical professional for Alpha or Bravo?
treatment team “alpha”
PA Assists in the supervision and oversight of all?
medical treatment provided by platoon personnel
Who Plans, conducts and or supervises, the medical training of all battalion personnel with guidance from the medical platoon leader
and battalion surgeon?
PA Assumes the clinical leadership roles and responsibilities of the?
battalion surgeon in their absence
The Medical platoon is organized this way?
medical treatment platoon
a medical treatment squad consisting of two treatment teams,
an ambulance squad,
acombat medic section.
A medical platoon is organic to each maneuver battalion HHC. The medical platoon has a set of common capabilities they perform in support of the?
The CAB (Infantry) has two ___ and one ___?
mounted infantry companies and one tank
company assigned
The CGA (infantry) utilizes a?
tracked vehicle variant of the armored multi-purpose vehicle-medical evacuation (AMPV-ME) or M113 as the MEDEVAC vehicle
The AMPV-ME/M113 is used to?
treat and transport patients while protecting them in a variety of environments and terrains
The CAB (Infantry) combat medic section has a total of?
nine personnel
The CAB (Infantry) Generally, the section is attached as follows:
One emergency care sergeant and three (3) combat medics to each infantry rifle company
‒ One combat medic to the scout platoon
The CAB (Armored) has?
one mounted infantry company and two tank companies assigned.
The CAB (Armored) utilizes a tracked?
vehicle variant of the AMPV-ME or M113 as the MEDEVAC vehicle. The AMPV-ME/M113A3 is used to treat and transport casualties while protecting them in a variety of environments and terrains
The CAB (Armored) combat medic section has a total of?
seven personnel
The CAB (Armored) Generally, the section is attached as follows:
One emergency care sergeant and three combat medics (one per rifle platoon) to each infantry rifle company
‒ One combat medic to the HHC
‒ One combat medic to the scout platoon
‒ One combat medic to the mortar platoon
The CAB (Armored) ambulance squad has a total of ___ personnel and ___ ambulances?
18 personnel assigned with six ambulances.
The Stryker battalion utilizes the?
M1254A1 MEDEVAC vehicle, double V hull
A1 (MEVVA1). It is a wheeled Stryker variant used for MEDEVAC. The MEVVA1 has a double hull for increased protection and survivability
The Stryker battalion combat medic section has a total of?
14 personnel assigned.
The Stryker battalion Generally, the section is attached as follows:
One emergency care sergeant and three combat medics (one per rifle
platoon) to each infantry rifle company
‒ One combat medic to the scout platoon
‒ One combat medic to the mortar platoon
What four elements make up the Medical Platoon organization?
The Platoon Headquarters, the Medical Treatment Squad, the
Ambulance/Evacuation Squad and the Combat Medic Section.
Who is responsible for all medical treatment provided by the platoon?
The Battalion Surgeon.
Who leads the platoon in the platoon leader’s absence, and supervises the platoon’s administration, logistics, and maintenance
The Medical Platoon Sergeant.
Medical Platoon Headquarters
The headquarters section, under the direction of the platoon leader, provides for the ___ and resupply to ____?
(C2) and the platoon.
The platoon headquarters is manned by the?
platoon leader (MEDO), the medical PSG, and any other elements that may be attached, under operational control of or in a supporting role such as a treatment team or an ambulance
section from the BSMC
Who Normally forms with the treatment squad to form the BAS?
Wireless communications for this section consist of a tactical frequency modulation (FM) radio for who and Wireless communications for this section consist of a tactical frequency
modulation (FM) radio?
Who serves as the net control station for the platoon?
The medical treatment squad is the basic medical treatment element of the BAS it provides routine care task such as?
sick call services, triage, emergency medical care, and advanced medical treatment.
Who is staffed with a field surgeon, a PA, one health care SGT (E-6), two health care SGT (E-5), and three health care specialists (E-4 or E-3)?
Medical Treatment squad
The medical treatment squad can split into two treatment team called?
treatment team “alpha”
treatment team “bravo”
When _____ is split the teams can operate in bounding medical support, when BAS
must move to a new location, or extended medical support operations*
Medical Treatment squad
medical equipment set
Which medical treatment team is responsible for maintaining the MES patient decontamination and chemical treatment?
Battalion Aid Station
Role 1 BAS’s ability to maximize ?
patient flow, provide medical command and control, and survivability proportionate to their OE and surrounding threat levels
TACtical Standing Operating Procedure
What configuration is an economy of force device employed primarily to retain maximum mobility during movement halts or to avoid the time and effort required to set up a formal, operational treatment facility. Extremely rapid set up and tear
down time, but is restrictive in complicated injury treatment and easily susceptible to MASCAL. It is used for Treatment on the move or short halts.
Tailgate Medical Support
What configuration is used for short halts longer than a few hours or rapid maneuver operations. Utilizes critical equipment and ancillary specialized equipment. Two or four tables depending on number of medical providers available.
Hasty Configuration
What configuration is Used for locations where
medical support is relatively safe from enemy attack and movement of the Role 1 BAS is not expected for longer periods of time. Includes all equipment and tables. Usually includes a tent for
the treatment area.
Short-Term Configuration
What configuration is Used for locations where
medical support is relatively safe from enemy attack and Role 1 BAS is fixed. Includes set up of all equipment available. Usually includes tent or
hardstand building and generator/air conditioning.
Long-Term Configuration
Medical platoon ambulances provide evacuation within the?
battalion area
Each ambulance is equipped with an?
MES, ground ambulance
The ambulance squad sends out teams that provide?
MEDEVAC and enroute care from the Soldier’s point of injury (POI) or a casualty collection point (CCP) to the battalion aid station (BAS)
Each ambulance team consists of an?
emergency care sergeant or specialist
and two ambulance/aide drivers
The ambulance team’s principal function is to collect and treat the sick and
wounded on the battlefield and to safely evacuate them to ?
the nearest role of care or ambulance exchange point (AXP)
Who Provides Class VIII resupply to combat medics and CLS?
Ambulance Team
To foster good interpersonal relations and morale of combat troops, combat medics are attached to ?
maneuver companies on a continuing basis
during lulls in combat operations were should they return to?
the medical platoon for consultation and proficiency training
The combat medic makes their assessment, administers initial medical care, initiates a?
DD Form 1380 and then requests evacuation or returns the Soldier to duty
The combat medic also assists in the training of the?
platoon’s in (combat lifesaving) CLSs in enhanced first-aid procedures and requests of Class VIII supplies from the BAS
Which Battalion Aid Station (BAS) configuration has an extremely rapid set up and tear down time, but is restrictive in complicated injury treatment and easily susceptible to MASCALs?
Tailgate medical support.