Define Echelons Above Brigade Flashcards
These define superior and subordinate ______ between unit commanders.
- The degree of control of the gaining Army commander
- The expected longevity of the relationship
- The degree of support that the gaining and losing Army commanders
Army Command Relationships
_____ is Assigned to and forming an essential part of a military organization as listed in its table of organization?
What is Placed in an organization which will control and administer the
unit’s primary function (relatively permanent)?
What is Placed in an organization for the duration of a specific
operation (relatively temporary)?
What are the following:
Operational control (OPCON)
Tactical control (TACON)
Army Command and Support Relationships
What ____ control Authority to organize and employ
commands and forces, assign tasks, designate objectives, and give
authoritative direction necessary to accomplish the mission?
Operational control (OPCON)
What ____ control Authority limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area necessary
to accomplish missions or tasks assigned. Tactical control is inherent in
Tactical control (TACON)
What kind of support to another specific force and authorizes it to answer directly to the supported force’s request for assistance. Units assigned a direct support relationship retain command relationship with the parent unit but are positioned by and have priorities of support established by the supported unit?
Direct support
What is Support given to the supported force as a whole. It is not given to any subdivision of the force. are positioned and have priorities established by their parent unit?
General support
What Requires a force to support another supporting unit. Only
like units can be given a reinforcing mission. retains its command relationship with its parent unit but is positioned by the reinforced unit with priorities of support established by the reinforced unit, then the parent unit?
What is Assigned to a unit to support the force as a
whole and to reinforce another similar-type unit. support relationship is positioned and has its priorities established by its parent unit and secondly by the reinforced unit?
General support-reinforcing
True or False.
The assigned Army Command Relationship is described as a
subordinate unit assigned to a parent unit and forming an essential part of a military organization as listed in its table of organization?
False. Organic.
What kind of setting is the following:
Headquarters and
Headquarters Detachment, Hospital Center
To provide command and
control (C2) and medical C2 to
the hospital center.
8 out of 10 Medical Functions (MF) (Does NOT have evacuation or veterinary MF)
Consists at a minimum of a headquarters and headquarters detachment (HHD), hospital center
and a Field Hospital (32 Bed)
Maximum of 240 Beds (Modular)
Provides hospitalization and outpatient services for all classes of patients within the theater
Provides medical mission command for FRSDs and other med augmentation teams
Generally assigned to a MEDBDE (SPT) but can be further attached through the orders
Should be Initial Operating Capability (IOC) which includes limited C2 along with emergency medical services, surgical services, intensive care, and ancillary services within 72 hours of site selection
Hospital Center
What is this?
(32 Bed)
- Hospitalization
- Outpatient services
Assigned to the Headquarters and
Headquarters Detachment (HHD), Hospital Center.
employed with the HHD, Hospital Center within an assigned AO.
BOA and Capabilities
Provides company level mission command of
organic elements to include AHS support, planning, policies, and support operations (32 Bed)’s AO. (1) ward providing intensive
nursing care for up to twelve (12) patients. (1) ward providing intermediate nursing care for up to twenty
(20) patients.
Field Hospital
What is this?
Assigned to the Headquarters and
Headquarters Detachment (HHD), Hospital Center.
* Surgical capability
* Hospitalization
* Additional services
BOA and Capabilities
(32- BED), with 1 OR (2 OR Tables) for 36 OR hours in
a 24-hour period, with thoracic, urology, oral
maxillofacial surgical capabilities, 24 additional
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds, outpatient services,
and microbiology
Surgical Augmentation
What is this?
Assignment to the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
(HHD), Hospital Center.
* Intensive care nursing
* Specialty clinic
* Additional services
BOA and Capabilities
operational dental care, one additional ICU ward,
one Intermediate Care Ward (ICW), additional
microbiology capabilities, and outpatient services
for all classes of patients within the Theater.
Medical Augmentation
Assigned to the Headquarters and
Headquarters Detachment (HHD), Hospital Center.
* Intermediate care nursing
* Patient administration
* Additional services
BOA and Capabilities
Up to 60 patients consisting of three (3) wards providing ICW nursing for up to 20 patients whose conditions require observation for real or potential life-threatening disease/injury.
Intermediate Care Ward (ICW) Augmentation
What Provides scalable, modular & flexible hospitalization units to
enable combatant commanders to tailor capability to best fit the
demand up to 144 OR hours or 240 beds?
Hospital Center Capabilities
Assigned to a MEDBDE (SPT) and attached to an HHD, Hospital Center or Field Hospital (32 Bed) and may be further attached forward to a Role 2 Medical Company.
BOA and Capabilities
is a surgical Role 3 capability that MAY be used at Role 2!!!!
To provide forward damage control resuscitation (DCR)
and damage control surgery (DCS) in support of unified land operations, either independently, or as part of a future unified action partner coalition, for short and extended military health service support (HSS) operations.
Forward Resuscitative and
Surgical Detachment (FRSD)
what is the following:
Able to receive, triage, and prepare incoming patients for surgery, provides surgery, and continued postoperative care.
Can configure to support single or split based operations.
Complete FRSD: Consists of admin/supply, 2X surgical and 2X
resuscitative elements.
Split Base: Two resuscitative and surgical elements capable of
supporting split based operations. Each consists of administration/supply, surgical and resuscitative sections - 10 personnel); planning factor of 12 surgeries over a 72 hr period
Forward Resuscitative and
Surgical Detachment
* Intermediate care nursing
* Patient administration
* Additional services
BOA and Capabilities
Augments hospitalization with up to 60 patients
consisting of three (3) wards providing ICW
nursing for up to 20 patients whose conditions
require observation for real or potential lifethreatening disease/injury.
Head and Neck (H&N TM)
* Role 3 Hospital patient hold capability
* Role 3 Hospital OT/PT
BOA and Capabilities
To provide minimal care/convalescent care,
hospitalization, nursing, and rehabilitative services
for ambulatory patients being RTD or further
Medical Detachment, Minimal Care (MDMC)
Assigned to the MMB. As an EAB medical enabler, it may be further task organized in direct support (DS) to a BCT
* Primarily supports non-BCT troops BOA: 1 per 10,000 non-brigade troops
supported in the committed brigade/division
HQs/corps HQs and committed ASCC area
The MCAS provides Role 1 and Role 2 AHS support to units on an area support basis. It provides clinical,
medical, and technical consultative services as required.
Medical Company, Area Support (MCAS)
- Assigned or attached to the MMB or a MEDBDE
(SPT) for mission command - The medical company (ground ambulance) is
employed in EAB to provide area support. It is
tactically located where it can best control its assets
and execute its patient evacuation mission
BOA and Capabilities
To provide MEDEVAC within the theater of operations.
- M997 (24)
- Role 2 to Role 3
The transportation and handling of human remains is a logistics
(S4) function and not a medical function.
Medical Company, Ground
Ambulance (MCGA)
Assigned to the MMB or senior medical mission
command headquarters within the area of operations
- Capable of limited self-sustainment during initial
operations, meeting the requirement for early entry into the area of operations or as part of a task organization - The company will normally be under the mission command of the medical battalion (multifunctional),
forming the medical logistics base for the area of operations (AO)
BOA: One per 13 Tons of Class VIII supplies processed per day
To provide Class VIII support, optical lens fabrication and repair, and
medical equipment maintenance and
repair for the brigade combat teams (BCT) and echelons above brigade
(EAB) units, to include augmented support to the field hospital (FH).
Medical Logistics Company (MLC)
Assigned to the Theater Medical Command (TMC)
- The MLMC, maintains operations within Continental United States (CONUS) to provide centralized, strategic-level management of critical Class VIII materiel, Patient Movement Items (PMIs), optical fabrication, and medical maintenance for multiple Theater Army operations BOA: One unit required in the force. One MLMC Headquarters, four MLMC Support Sections (Early Entry/Follow On), Each team deploys and supports a Theater Army. One unit required in the force. Unit contains a HQ base and four MLMC Support Sections each with one Early Entry and one Follow On Employment and Capabilities
To provide centralized tactical to strategic level management of medical logistics in support of the
Army, Unified Action Partners, and range of military operations in
coordination with the Theater Medical
Command (TMC) and Theater Surgeon.
Medical Logistics Management Center (MLMC)
Assigned to the MMB
- Establishing the theater blood distribution plan
- Receiving and accounting for blood and blood product shipments from the Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratory or USAF EBTC
- Receiving and storing up to 5,100 refrigerated and/or frozen blood products from CONUS or other U.S. MTFs, and further distribute those products to supported MTFs
and medical units - Distributing blood and blood products to MTFs down to and including Role 2 MTFs
- Collecting single-donor platelets by apheresis when needed to address specific medical conditions
Implementing, monitoring, and enforcing Armed Services Blood Program Office and JBPO policies and procedures within the joint operations area
Employment, BOA, and Capabilities
Provides collection, manufacturing, storage, and distribution of blood
and blood products to BCTs, Corps, EAB medical units, and to other services as required.
Medical Detachment, Blood Support (BSD)
Assigned to the MEDBDE (SPT with further
attachment to an MMB or senior medical
mission command headquarters within an AO
BOA: One per 15,000 population supported in
an AO Employment and Capabilities
To provide optometry care
and optical fabrication on an area support basis within an assigned AO.
Medical Detachment, Optometry
Assigned to the MMB
- Consists of a detachment headquarters, a main support section (HQ and 18-Soldier w/ 6 3-person teams), a Unit Ministry Team, and a forward support section (18-Soldier
BH section w/ 6-3-person teams)
Provide COSC prevention and treatment services in direct support of BCT’s, DIV/Corps and Theater Army, and on an
area basis to a joint or combined force
Medical Detachment, Combat and Operational Stress Control
Assigned to a MEDBDE (SPT) or MMB
* Veterinary treatment in a deployed environment consists of
veterinary Roles 1 through 3 veterinary treatment support.
* Treatment is provided by supporting medical detachments
(veterinary service) on an area support basis. No organic
veterinary personnel are in the BCT
* The MDVS will be employed in an assigned AO
Provides dispersed Vet
Role 1-3 medical and
resuscitative surgical
care; executes
veterinary proponent
requirements as the sole
provider of vet services
to the DoD.
Veterinary Services
Assigned to a MEDBDE (SPT), MMB, MCAS, or a task force medical mission control headquarters in the corps or EAB. The detachment may be
attached to a unit in the brigade, division, corps, or EAB.
BOA: One detachment per
17,000 personnel supported at the Corps or EAB
To provide technical consultation support on preventive medicine issues throughout the Theater of Operation.
Preventive Medicine Detachment
Assigned to a MEDBDE (SPT)
BOA: 1 per 43,000 Army
population supported in the Theater. (Based) upon the ratio of one dentist in support of 1,175
To provide on an area basis operational dental care consisting of emergency and essential dental care, designed
to eliminate potential dental emergencies.
Dental Company (Area Support)
Area Medical Laboratory (AML)
Identifies and evaluates health hazards in the AO through unique medical laboratory analyses and rapid health hazard
assessments of nuclear, biological, chemical, endemic disease, occupational and environmental health threats.
Laboratory Services (current)
Global Medical Field Laboratory (GMFL)
Identifies and evaluates health hazards in the AO through unique medical laboratory analyses and rapid health hazard
assessments of nuclear, biological, chemical, endemic disease, occupational and environmental health threats.
Laboratory Services (Future FY25)
Assignment. To the Corps
aligned MEDBDE (SPT) and
attached to the HHD, Hospital Center when not operationally employed and further attached
to a Role 2 medical company.
Provides augmented patient care for protracted periods during delayed evacuation within the division and corps; provide en route care during intratheater patient movement; and to provide critical en route care during intertheater patient movement to strategic
support area medical treatment facilities.
Prolonged Care Augmentation (PCAD)