Communicate the Army Health System (AHS) Planning Flashcards
Whose role is?
Conducts timely and comprehensive planning to cdetermine medical requirements before, during, and after all phases of operations
Conducts mission analysis to determine the
allocation of AHS resources and planned locations of medical assets
Integrates the medical plans with the tactical plans
Provides commanders with a sketch of medical
capabilities in their area of operations and in the
operational environment
Role of the Medical Planner
Who is this?
is a part of the Commander’s special staff
writes the medical portion
of the battalion operations order
uses the same order
to issue to the platoon during subsequent TLPs
Medical Platoon Leader
as a Staff Officer
What are these?
Principles of the AHS
What is?
‒ Ensures that a comprehensive AHS support plan
conforms to tactical plans
‒ Medical assets are arrayed on the battlefield properly
What is?
Provide medical support at the right time and place
‒ Medical resources employed as far forward as possible,
without impeding ongoing operations
What is?
‒ Ability to shift AHS resources to meet changing
battlefield requirements
‒ Changes in plans or operations make flexibility in AHS
support planning and execution essential
What is?
AHS assets remain in supporting distance to support
maneuvering forces
‒ Vehicle hardening equal to that of supported unit
What is?
Patient moves through progressive, phased roles of care
‒ Each Soldier receives the care required to optimize
patient outcome
What is?
Resources are efficiently employed
‒ Ensure scope and quality of medical treatment meets professional standards and policies
What are these?
Understanding a situation, envisioning a desired
future condition, and laying out effective ways to
bring that future about
* Results in a plan or order that communicates the
commander’s vision
* Directs action to synchronize forces in time, space, and purpose for achieving objectives and
accomplishing missions
* Apply critical and creative thinking to understand,
visualize, and describe unfamiliar problems and
approaches to solving them
Principles of Planning
What are these?
Be there – maintain a medical presence with the
Maintain the health of the Command
Save lives
Clear the battlefield of casualties
Provide state of the art medical care
Ensure early return to duty
Medical Operational Planning Factors
What is this understanding?
what constitutes
success for the mission including the:
1. Operation’s purpose
2. Key tasks
3. Conditions that define the end state
enables the
medical planner to plan AHS support that is
synchronized with the scheme of maneuver and flexible
enough to adapt
- Medical planners may not always receive the
commander’s medical guidance
Understanding Commander’s Intent
Commander’s intent describes what constitutes success for the
mission including ________, ________, and ________?
Operation’s Purpose
Key Tasks
Conditions that define the end state
What is iterative planning
methodology to understand the
situation and mission, develop a course of action, and produce an operation plan or order.
Helps leaders apply
thoroughness, clarity, sound judgment, logic, and professional knowledge so they understand situations, develop options to solve problems, and reach decisions?
Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP)
Who initiate the
MDMP upon receipt or in
anticipation of a mission.
This step alerts all participants of the pending planning requirements, enabling them to determine the amount of time available for planning
and preparation?
Commanders - Receive the Mission
Who (supported by
their staffs) gather, analyze, and synthesize information to orient themselves on the
current conditions of the OE.
They conduct mission
analysis to better understand the situation and problem, and identify what the command must accomplish,when and
where it must be
done, and most importantly
Mission Analysis
Who has Broad potential solution to an identified problem.
Generates options for
subsequent analysis and
comparison that satisfy the
commander’s intent and planning guidance.
Planners use the problem
statement, mission statement, commander’s intent, planning guidance, and various knowledge
products developed during
mission analysis when creating COAs?
COA Development
Who Enables commanders and staffs to identify difficulties or coordination problem. It helps them think through the
tentative plan.
Appraises the quality of each COA, but it also uncovers potential execution problems,
decisions, and contingencies.
Influences how commanders and staffs understand a problem and may require the planning process to restart.
COA Analysis
After the decision briefing,
the commander selects the
COA to best accomplish the mission.
If the commander rejects all COAs, the staff starts COA development again.
If the commander modifies a proposed COA or gives the staff an entirely different one, the staff then war-games the new COA.
COA Approval
What Objective process to evaluate COAs independently and
against set evaluation criteria approved by the commander and staff.
Identifies the strengths and weaknesses of COAs, enable selecting a COA with the highest probability of
success, and further
developing it in an OPLAN or OPORD.
COA Comparison
The staff prepares the order or plan by turning the selected COA into a clear, concise concept of
operations and the required supporting information.
The COA statement becomes the concept of operations for the plan.
The COA sketch becomes
the basis for the operation
Publish OPORD
These are:
Receive the Mission
Mission Analysis
COA Development
COA Analysis
COA Comparison
COA Approval
Publish OPORD
Military Decision-Making Process
Whose role is:
Conduct Medical Estimate
Medical Planner’s Role in MDMP - Mission Analysis
Who supports (also referred to as the Medical Estimate) is a continuous process which systematically examines all aspects of operations. It produces the necessary task organization for decentralized execution and flexible medical support on the battlefield?
The AHS Support Estimate
What is the purpose?
Forms the basis for the subsequent AHS Support
All possibilities that could affect the successful
support of an operation must be considered
Contains facts and assumptions based on the staff’s experience
Planners should tailor their estimates according to
their mission needs
Purpose of the AHS
Support Estimate
These determine?
Medical Treatment
* Evacuation & Medical Regulating
* Operational Public Health
* Medical Logistics & Blood Management
* Medical Command and Control
* Hospitalization
* Combat and Operational Stress Control
* Laboratory
* Veterinary
* Dental
requirements for each Medical Functional Area
Who figures these out?
Killed in Action (KIA)
Wounded in Action (WIA)
Missing in Action (MIA)
S-1 does casualty estimates
Who refines these?
Number of patients anticipated at each role of care
Areas of patient density
Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs) and civilian patient estimates
Additional assets needed for patient movement
Medical Planner refines/analyzes the casualty estimate
Organic use what resource?
medical assets
Attached use what resource?
medical elements
Supporting uses what resource?
medical units
Joint Service and Allied uses what resource?
medical units
Host nation uses what resource?
medical resources
The main purpose during ____ should be to
examine the following seven areas in depth:
Enemy situation
2) Friendly situation
3) Characteristics of the Area of Responsibility (AOR)
4) Strengths to be supported
5) Health of the command
6) Facts and Assumptions
7) Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks
medical analysis
What does these show:
Strength and Location
‒ Enemy element’s time, distance, and range
* Combat Efficiency
‒ Enemy Soldier’s fatigue, training, and combat power
* Capabilities
‒ NBC / Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
* Logistics
‒ Enemy’s ability to sustain their force
* EPW Casualty Estimate
‒ Evacuation requirements / medical supplies
Enemy Situation
What does these show:
Strength and Disposition
‒ U.S., Allies, Coalition, Host Nation, etc.
* Combat Efficiency
‒ Soldier’s training, morale, and experience
* Rear Battle Plan
‒ Force protection, security, and higher medical support
* Weapon Systems
‒ Type of weapon systems being used = types of injuries
Friendly Situation
What does these show:
Medical requirements for:
– Joint Services
– Allied Forces
– Coalition Forces
– Refugees
– Civilian population of Host Nation
– Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) population
– Department of Defense (DOD) personnel
Strengths to be Supported
What does these show:
Medical Readiness of the Soldier includes:
– Immunizations
– Acclimatization
– Nutrition
– Fatigue (sleep)
– Combat and Operational Stress
– Dental Status
Health of the Command
What characteristics are these:
Obstacles, Avenues of Approach, Key Terrain, Observation
and Fields of Fire, Cover and Concealment (OAKOC)
– Effects on Soldiers
– Effects on medical evacuation
– Primary and alternate evacuation routes
– Terrain for Landing Zone (L Z )
– Special evacuation equipment needed
– Site selection for medical assets
– Effect on communications
Characteristics of the AOR
What characteristics show:
‒ Effect on ground and air evacuation
‒ Care for wounded in adverse weather
‒ Effect on supplies and equipment
‒ Maintenance requirements
‒ Poisonous reptiles
‒ Disease vectors
‒ Poisonous plants
* Flora and Fauna
What plan varies in purpose and scope
according to the size and complexity of the supported operation.
The AHS support
What are these?
Provides for accomplishing the mission
* Based on facts and valid assumptions
* Uses existing resources
* Clearly establishes relationships and assigns
* Provides for decentralized execution of the plan
* Simple, Flexible, Controlled, and Coordinated
Components of a Quality Plan
Who does these?
Patient Estimates
Who does these?
Knowledge of the mission
- Current situation
- Objectives
- Medical support requests
Who does these?
Enemy capabilities
- Terrain analysis (MCOO)
- Medical Intelligence
Who does these?
Nonmedical transportation
- Potable water resupply
- Mortuary affairs
The medical plan must support the Commander’s Intent and enable the accomplishment of the mission for?
the tactical COA developed.
To develop what understand these?
Commander’s Intent
* Tactical Scheme of Maneuver for each COA
* Task Organization of each COA
* Results from medical estimate
* Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks
* Constraints and Limitations
* Unit Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs)
Medical Plan for each COA
These must meet what?
Feasible – Can we do it?
* Acceptable – Acceptable risk?
* Suitable – Is it nested with the maneuver plan?
* Distinguishable – Are there significant differences?
* Complete – Includes all medical functional areas?
Medical COA
Each should address what?
Security Operations (Basic Reconnaissance Teams)
* Main / Supporting Attacks (close fight)
* Rear Operations (BDE Staging Area, FA units, etc.)
* Follow-on Operations (Stability OPS, Defense OPS, etc.)
Medical COA should address medical
support* for each of the following:
These are ____ for ground evacuation?
Least Affected by weather
* More reliable
These are ___ for ground evacuation?
* Obstacles
* Road networks
* Enemy Threats (IEDs, RPG, etc.)
These are ___ for air evacuation?
Airlift medical supplies and medical personnel
* Avoid Traversing difficult terrain
* Reduce patient discomfort
* Range and Speed
These are ___ for air evaucation?
Adverse weather
* Enemy air-to-air threat
* Enemy Anti-aircraft weapons
* More difficult to get approval for use
_____ for medical plan should include?
Task Organization for medical assets
* Task and Purpose for each medical element
* Command and Control relationships
* Evacuation and Supply routes
* Important maneuver graphics
* Ambulance Exchange points (AXPs) and Casualty Collection
Points (CCPs)
* Evacuation routes (air / ground)
* Location of treatment facilities
* Pickup Zones (PZs) and Landing Zones (LZs)
Scheme of Maneuver
What this criteria is needed for?
Criteria is established based on the mission, Commander’s Intent, and Commander’s Guidance
- Use the Medical Functional Areas as criteria:
- Medical Treatment
- Evacuation & Medical Regulating
- Operational Public Health
- Medical Logistics and Blood Management
- Medical Command and Control
- Hospitalization
- Combat and Operational Stress Control
- Laboratory
- Veterinary
- Dental
Medical Plan Evaluation Criteria
What are these for:
A decision matrix provides the medical planner with a
tool for evaluating COAs.
* Criteria is established based on mission, Commander’s Intent, and Commander’s Guidance
* Weights are assigned to each criteria in relation to its
importance in accomplishment of the medical plan
* Scores are totaled with lowest number being best
Who does these?
Consolidate products developed through medical estimates and
MDMP; coordinate the plan with subordinate units
* Coordinate with the G/S-1 and G/S-4 (and any other key
Sustainment planners) and publish the medical plan, Appendix 3
(Medical) to Annex F (Sustainment)
* Keep it short and easy to reference, so that anyone would be able
to understand and utilize it
* Two critical products needed for the medical plan are:
‒ COA Sketch
‒ Medical Sync Matrix
The Medical Planners
Each Medical Course of Action (COA) must meet what criteria?
- Feasible – Can we do it?
- Acceptable – Acceptable risk?
- Suitable – Is it nested with the maneuver plan?
- Distinguishable – Are there significant differences?
- Complete – Includes all medical functional areas?
During COA Approval Step of MDMP, once the commander selects a COA, what must the medical planner refine and publish?
The Medical Plan [Appendix 3 (Medical) to Annex F (Sustainment) to OPORD]
What are these?
is the continuous assessment of the current situation
used to determine if the current operation is proceeding according to the commander’s intent and if planned future operations are supportable.
- As the commander and staff transition from planning to execution they use running estimates to identify the current readiness of the unit in relation to its mission.
- Each staff section maintains a running estimate. In the running estimates, the commander and each staff section continuously consider the effect of new information and update the following:
Friendly activities and capabilities.
Civil considerations.
Conclusions and recommendations.
Running Estimates
What types are these?
* Combined Arms Rehearsal
* Support (Sustainment) Rehearsal
* Battle Drill or SOP Rehearsal
Rehearsal Types
What rehearsal is this?
Subordinates brief the commander to review how
they intend to accomplish their mission
* Backbriefs are performed throughout the preparation process
* Used by subordinates to confirm they understand the
commander’s intent
What rehearsal is this?
A combined arms rehearsal (CAR) is a rehearsal that
allows companies to synchronize their plans with each
* The battalion/brigade normally executes a combined arms
rehearsal after company/battalion commanders issue their
OPORDs to their platoons and attachments
* This rehearsal ensures unit synchronization of multiple
arms (maneuver, aviation, artillery, engineers, etc.)
Combined Arms Rehearsal
What rehearsal is this?
Performed to synchronize each
warfighting function with the
overall operation
* Most applicable for the medical
concept of support to reach the
maneuver elements and create a
more defined MEDCOP
* Opportunity to discuss how the
medical units plan to support the
operation, patient flow, and flow of
Support (Sustainment) Rehearsal
What rehearsal is this?
Ensures all participants understand a technique or a
specific set of procedures
* These rehearsals do not require a completed order
from higher headquarters
* Leaders place priority on those drills or actions they
anticipate occurring during the operation
Battle Drill or SOP Rehearsal
These are:
Medical Concept of Support (MCOS)
* Sync Matrix
* Appendix 3 to Annex F
* Casualty Estimate (MACE, JMPT)
Medical Planning Products
These are:
Joint Medical Operations
* Joint Medical Operations Planning Tool
* USAID/ OFDA Joint Humanitarian Operation
* Medical Management of Chemical and
Biological Casualties
Training for Medical Operations