Brief Medical Logistics Flashcards
Which class is:
Medical Material, including medical repair parts
Class VIII
What class is:
Class I
What class is:
Class V
What class is:
POL, petroleum and solid fuels
Class III
Characteristics of ____ is that differentiate it most from other commodities, is the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of
Class VIII requirements, their specialized means of identification and
sourcing, and their criticality to the immediate needs of the AHS.
medical materiel
What factors are these for class VIII:
Judgment of the physician
Patient’s medical condition
Environmental considerations
Factors unique to medical supply that impact its use:
These are for which class?
Items subject to deterioration (short shelf life and dated items)
Subject to damage by freezing or high heat
Subject to damage if not properly refrigerated
Flammable or corrosive items
Controlled Medical Items: alcohol, narcotics, and precious metals
Radioactive Materials
Fragile Items requiring special packaging and handling
Medical Gases
Specific factors of class VIII material
Request for and actual use of Class VIII is preceded by a?
medical professional decision
Strict adherence to the provisions of the ___ are
required for medical materiel storage
Geneva Conventions
The following are what level?
Determination of material requirements
Acquisition, assembly, and fielding of medical supplies and equipment
Management of strategic programs for medical force modernization and
material readiness
Planning and executing the release or acquisition of Class VIII material to
complete the outfitting of medical units at the time of deployment and
coordination for support into the theater and staging areas
Strategic Level of Sustainment
These are for what level?
- Provide medical mission command elements in theater
- Link between strategic and tactical with Medical Logistic units forward
positioned - Requisition and Distribution of CL VIII supply
- Focuses on the mission and requirements of the combatant command and
supporting Army Service component command
Operational Level of Support
These are for what level:
Essential functions that include resupply and maintenance
Identification of unit requirements to ensure availability of medical material and equipment to sustain uninterrupted AHS support
Activities are aimed at satisfying immediate AHS support requirements
Tactical Level of Support
What are the different levels of support in Medical Logistics?
What are the essential functions of MEDLOG support at the tactical level?
Who is the following:
Serves as the medical life cycle management command
Manages and executes strategic programs to acquire, assemble, field and maintain readiness of Army medical capabilities
US Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC)
Who is the following:
Executes the life cycle management function for Class VIII
Implements and manages medical materiel readiness programs.
US Army Medical Material Agency (USAMMA)
Who is the following:
Provide installation-level support to strategic programs for force projection and
mobilization of deploying units
Provides supply support for internal customers of the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF)
Serves as the installation Class VIII Supply Support Activity (SSA) for operating
forces at home station
Installation Medical Support Activity (IMSA)
Who does the following:
Controls and supervises CL VIII support within the theater.
Maintains command link with MED BDE and coordination link with the Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) through the MLMC.
Who is:
Forward team is assigned to MEDCOM (DS) to coordinate distribution chains with
the Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC)/TSC
Medical Logistics Management Center (MLMC)
Who is:
Provide direct medical material support to theater medical forces
Serves as a major theater medical distribution node.
Theater lead agent for Medical Material (TLAMM)
Who is:
Provides theater-level medical materiel management (may serve as TLAMM)
Medical equipment maintenance and repair, optical fabrication, MES assembly and reconstitution
Customer support operations in peacetime and throughout the range of military
Medical Materiel Centers (MMC) –
These are:
US Army Medical Material Center- Europe (USAMMC-E)
US Army Medical Material Center- Korea (USAMMC-K)
US Army Medical Material Center- Southwest Asia (USAMMC-SWA)
Current Medical Material Centers
THe following are:
Multifunctional Medical Battalion (MMB)
Medical Logistics Company (MLC)
Brigade Medical Supply Office (BMSO)
Support Operations MEDLOG (SPO MEDLOG)
Tactical Assets and Capabilities
Who does:
- Provides mission command to EAB medical logistics units
Multifunctional Medical Battalion (MMB)
Who does:
Provides direct support for medical materiel and medical equipment maintenance
* Conducts single and multi-vision optical lens fabrication and repair to BCTs and EAB medical units.
* The MLC has two five-person mobile forward support cells and one three-person mobile forward support cell.
These mobile cells may be used as forward distribution teams to provide the necessary support.
* The MLC has no organic blood support capability.
Medical Logistics Company (MLC)
Who does:
BCT’s medical logistics element.
* Responsible for facilitating the resupply and distribution of CL VIII materiel for the brigade.
* Provides forward distribution of CL VIII
* Provides field level maintenance for medical equipment.
Brigade Medical Supply Office (BMSO)-
Who does;
Supports the BDE AHS plan by providing coordination efforts for supporting units
* Facilitates execution of the MEDLOG plan in conjunction with the BSMC.
Support Operations MEDLOG (SPO MEDLOG)
The Installation Medical Support Activity (IMSA) is a ______ level asset. What does it provide?
- Provides local medical materiel management and supply support for internal
customers of the Medical Treatment Facility (MTF); provides installation-level
support to strategic programs for force projection and mobilization of deploying units.
What are the MEDLOG assets at the tactical level?
* Roles 1, 2 and 3
Who is the following:
Medical platoons and sections have limited capability for internal medical logistic
management. They request their Class VIII supplies from the Brigade Medical
Supply Office (BMSO) of the Brigade Support Medical Company (BSMC).
Some of the capabilities at the Role 1 include:
* DCAM (automated system)
* Medical Materiel Mobilization Planning Tool (M3PT)
* Budget Management
* Serviceability of Equipment
* Ambulance Backhaul resupply method
* Senior Line Medics
Routine requisitions are sent by the Role 1 (BAS) via digital request to the
supporting BMSO. If a high priority request cannot be filled by the BMSO, it is sent to the next higher MEDLOG SSA that can fill the requisition and meet the requirement.
CLVIII Supply Operations for Role 1
Who is the following:
DCAM (digital ordering and catalog management)
* Pharmacy
* Medical Maintenance
* Blood Management
* Quality Control
* Budget Management
* Regulated Medical waste
CLVIII Supply Capabilities at Role 2
Who is the following for:
- BMSO serves as the forward distribution point that facilitates resupply and
distribution of all Class VIII for the brigade. - BMSO maintains a small authorized stockage list (ASL) of Class VIII. The
ASL is limited to 100 - 300 lines of critical line items to support Roles 1 and 2
medical requirements for the BCT. - MES organic to the treatment and ambulance platoons in the BSMC can also be used as a backup source of supply for emergency resupply to the medical platoons
CLVIII Supply Operations for Role 2
The Brigade Support Medical Company (BSMC):
Who is the following for:
Maintains its own Class VIII basic load of three days of supply (DOS). Class
VIII resupply must be coordinated directly with the supporting MLC.
* Maintains a small authorized stockage list of medical supplies that may be
used to resupply the area support treatment squads and teams throughout
EAB area of operations
* MES organic to the treatment and ambulance platoons of the MCAS can be
used as an emergency resupply to treatment squads and teams.
CLVIII Supply Operations for Role 2
The Medical Company (Area Support) (MCAS):
Who is the following:
The MLC facilitates the forward distribution of Class VIII to medical
The MLC has two five-person mobile forward support teams and one threeperson mobile forward support team to facilitate distribution of supplies.
* The MLC must coordinate shipment of Class VIII with their supporting
movement control team. The team will use general support transportation
assets as the primary means for sustainment resupply.
* Emergency requests for Class VIII will be monitored by the MMB and
MEDBDE (SPT) until they are received by the requesting unit.
Distribution of Class VIII
What are the CL VIII supply capabilities of the Role 1?
* Medical Materiel Mobilization Planning Tool (M3PT)
* Budget Management
* Serviceability of Equipment
* Ambulance Backhaul resupply method
* Senior Line Medics
What is the primary means of movement for sustainment resupply?
- General support transportation assets are the primary means of
movement for sustainment resupply of Class VIII materiel.
What system:
Offers deployable medical units a wide range of integrated
applications that bridge tactical and sustaining base information
management and information technology health care systems.
* Provide the Army computer infrastructure to enable automated
medical data collection and sharing.
Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4)
Allows remote supported units that have no other MEDLOG
automation to create automated Class VIII requests with minimal
hardware requirements (requires a laptop computer with a network
* Permits users to view the suppliers’ catalogs and provides the
capability to perform basic customer level medical supply functions
such as ordering, receiving, managing dues-in, and inventory
* Automates the Class VIII supply process at Roles 1 and 2 and
allows non-logisticians, to electronically exchange, catalog, order,
and status information with their supply activity.
DMLSS Customer Assistance Module (DCAM)
Does this work for:
DoD standard application to provide the Military
Health System with a single solution for both
generating and operating force requirements.
* Enables MTFs to serve as supply distribution nodes
or sources of local procurement in support of
operational MEDLOG units at home station.
* Centralizes information processing for MEDLOG
* Minimizes layers of materiel management, reduces
complexity and workload of logistics processes.
* MC4 supports the DMLSS application in theater
Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS)
Is working for:
Web-based application
* FORSCOM mandated all medical units utilize to inventory MES
* Accounted aligned to UIC
Medical Materiel Mobilization Planning Tool (M3PT)
Works for:
Supports the intermediate MEDLOG functions for distribution and
materiel management
* Supports the development, production, and ultimate theater
sustainment of medical assemblages.
Theater Enterprise-Wide Logistics System (TEWLS)
Works for:
Utilized for equipment accountability and maintenance
* All medical equipment must be input into GCSS-A system
* Allows for proper accountability of maintained equipment
* Allows for proper requisition of parts to fix equipment
Global Combat Support System-Army (GCSS–A)
Works for:
Tracks the movement of PMIs during wartime operations
* Used to manage and redistribute PMI assets in order to avoid
shortages during patient evacuations
* Shows location and status of PMI assets
Patient Movement Item Tracking System (PMITS)
DCAM automates Class VIII ordering at which roles of care?
Roles 1 and 2
What capabilities does MC4 Provide
Offers deployable medical units a wide range of integrated applications that
bridge tactical and sustaining base information management and information
technology health care systems.
* Provide the Army computer infrastructure to enable automated medical data
collection and sharing.
What role does this support:
The medical platoon leader is responsible for ensuring
that operator maintenance is performed on assigned
equipment and that a medical maintenance support
plan is established and coordinated with the BSMC.
* The medical platoon MES contain multiple
maintenance significant items. When a repair is
needed, the medical platoon leader reports the
equipment status immediately to the BMSO.
* If the medical equipment cannot be evacuated to the
BSMC, a contact repair team from the MLC can be
dispatched to diagnose and remedy the fault.
* The medical equipment is then transported to the
BSMC via logistics or medical vehicle, if available.
Maintenance Support at Role 1
What role does this support:
The BSMC’s BMSO provides primary field maintenance for the company
and may provide emergency medical equipment maintenance for the
medical platoons in the BCT.
* Units without organic medical equipment maintenance and repair
capabilities are required to coordinate with the BMSO for field
maintenance support.
* Units in the BCT must also coordinate with the BMSO for sustainment
maintenance support, which is provided by the MLC contact repair teams.
* The BMSO carries minimal Class VIII repair parts in support of the
brigade. When required, Class VIII repair parts are requested from the
supporting MLC.
Maintenance Support at Role 2
Who is responsible at the Role 1 for ensuring operator level
Medical Platoon Leader
Who can provide emergency medical equipment maintenance for the medical platoons in the BCT?
The Brigade Medical Supply Office (BMSO)
If medical equipment needing repair cannot be evacuated to the BSMC, who can send a contact repair team to diagnose and remedy the fault?
Medical Logistics Company
The following is a list of some considerations for?
Resupply procedures established?
* Special medical supply requirements identified based on the mission and the AO?
* Special storage requirements satisfied?
* Transportation support system described?
* Special containers and materiel packaging supplies and equipment needed been
identified and planned?
* Procedures for proper handling of controlled and regulated Class VIII items?
* Oxygen requirements identified and resupply procedures described?
* Blood management functions conducted?
* Support requirements for collection and disposal of medical waste?
Special medical maintenance requirements addressed?
* Mandatory parts lists or bench stock requirements specified?
* Have power requirements been identified?
* Plan for test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) repair and calibration?
* Does the plan address how field and sustainment maintenance is to be
* Procedures for medical maintenance and reparable items covered?
* Replacement items addressed?
* New equipment capability request procedures addressed?
* Contractor support integrated into the maintenance plan?
Medical Logistics
is a preconfigured list of supplies
designed to refill MES (minor sets) for medical units operating at brigade and below
* Designed to replace consumable items in the MES
* Constitutes an additional 7 days of supply
* Intended to operationally sustain the MES for which it was developed
* Used for contingency planning
Medical Resupply Set
What are are a predetermined amount of supplies designed and managed by the using unit in coordination with the supporting IMSA.
* Ideally, they are coordinated for by the unit prior to deployment
* Issued during early entry operations on a scheduled basis or upon request
* Contents standardized by the brigade or division surgeon