Define Flashcards
What are a the 5 phases of a DMAIC project?
Define Measure Analyse Improve Control
When should a business use a Lean Deployment approach for a project?
When a business unit wants to transform the way that they perform their key activities. Leans main aim is to focus on process improvement by utilising a number of tools and techniques improving flow and eliminating waste.
When should a business use a DMAIC approach for a project?
When a specific business problem exists and the root cause is not known. Six Sigma is a quality improvement tools with an aim of reducing the processes variation.
What is the benefit of combining Lean and Six Sigma project methodologies?
The combination of these two methodologies delivers outputs to the customer faster and consistently, with fewer errors.
Why do we focus on the process as opposed to the people in the process?
85% of errors are built into the process… Only 15% are caused by people working in the process.
Within Bankwest we look at IT solutions rather than understanding the full end to end process, leading to removal of non-value add tasks. The automation generated by IT spend is just automating a wasteful and error prone process.
What are the key activities for Define?
Develop the charter Establish the team Plan your approach Understand the Voice of the Customer Map out a high level process (SIPOC)
What are some examples of variables that will effect the likelihood of a project being selected?
Impact to customer Expected benefit (revenue /cost, delivery, quality) Change readiness of the business/es Resource availability and capability Scale and level of process change
What is the benefit of using a project selection matrix?
Allows the benefits of the project to be weighted against the business’s strategic outcomes (eg Risk of delivery, Cost, Benefit to the Customer)
What is ‘scope creep’?
Scope creep in project management refers to changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project’s scope, at any point after the project begins. This can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled.
What is a tree diagram?
A problem solving or solution identification tool that breaks a problem or opportunity into discrete chunks
Why would we use logic trees?
To break a problem or solution into component parts
To ensure integrity of the problem solving is maintained
To build a common under-standing within the team of the problem solving framework
To help focus team efforts
What are the 4 stages of Tuckman’s Team & Group Development Model?
Forming – polite, tentative, perhaps awkward silences and unsure about right behaviours
Storming – Chaos and tension as people try to find their place and status in the group. Important – groups will either ‘pay now or pay later’ when it comes to working through members issues of their place, role or status.
Norming – establish norms of behaviour, communications, accountability etc. Know what expectations are.
Performing – group working at its best! Focussed, working together toward common goal, participation. Different skills, abilities & knowledge of members unite to overcome obstacles and progress forwards.
Exceptionally creative at this point. ‘Buzz’ and energy as team performs.
Adjourning – closure. Time to celebrate success, reflecting, assigning meaning to events, and learning.
Transforming – change in groups membership. Can occur at any point, team must go back to forming to properly integrate new members.
Why is it important to review who our stakeholders are on a project?
It is imperative to understand who the Stakeholders are early within an activity, Stakeholders can effect or be effected throughout the duration.
It also helps us understand who might need for focus than others when engaging them.
How do we rank our stakeholders on the stakeholder coalition diagram?
Behaviour/ Mindset
A = Supportive of the project/ deployment B = Neutral or opposed
Knowledge/ Experience
1 = High level of Productivity understanding/mindset
2 = Moderate level of Productivity understanding/mindset
3 = Low level of Productivity understanding/mindset
Why is it important to rank our stakeholders productivity knowledge and mindset?
It allows us to shape our conversation to the stakeholder involved so we are able to get maximum buy in for the project.
What are some of the key elements of a communications plan?
Audience and Representative Purpose Medium/Channel Frequency Owner
How often should you revise your communications plan?
At a minimum each stage of the project.