Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
What are defense mechanisms?
Automatic, unconscious, involuntary activities used by individuals to protect ego minimize pain and anxiety
Enables person to split mental functions that allow them to express unconscious impulses without taking responsibility for actions
identifying with some idea or object so strongly that it becomes part of you; opposite of projection
refocusing of aggression or emotion evoked from external force into self
Directing a feeling toward a person or situation that is not the real cause ex. Man angry with his boss kicks a dog
replacing some painful feeling with complete opposite ex. Black person joins KKK
reaction formation
manifestation of emotional anxiety into physical feelings
Events that are too painful are removed from conscious mind. Expressed clinically as amnesia or selective forgetting
Active refusal to recognize reality ex. Addict says it is not an an issue
Attributing one’s own disowned attitude to something else ex. Instead if saying I don’t like then you say they don’t like me
Clts make up for deficiencies ex. Short man becomes cocky
Overestimation of an admired attribute of another
Person patterns themselves after significant other
Loss of motivation to engage in pleasurable things because it might stir up conflict over forbidden impulses
Giving believable explanation for irrational behavior
Partial or symbolic return to more infantile patterns of reacting or thinking
Diverting maladaptive behavior into socially acceptable activity ex. Channeling anger in sports
Clt’s existing defenses deteriorate
Name three defense mechanisms associated with borderline personality disorder
Splitting - Perception of self or others is all good or all bad
Projective identification - unconsciously perceiving other’s behavior as a reflection of one’ own
Devaluation - attributing negative qualities to self or others
What is the difference between defense mechanisms and coping strategies?
Coping = voluntary Defense = involuntary
Clts will get into trouble to get attention instead of talking about issues
acting out
Mastering anxiety by identifying with a powerful aggressor to counteract feelings of helplessness
identification with the aggressor
clt avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic
Unacceptable impulse, idea, act is separated from its original memory source
isolation of affect
Unattainable or unacceptable goal, emotion, or object is replaces by one more attainable
Deflect hostile aggression or unacceptable impulses from another to self
Turning against self
Using words or actions to symbolically reverse or negate unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or actions
In this mechanism clts accept goal related outcomes perceived as less ideal because of beliefs that it is more realistics
aim inhibition