Cognitive Development Theory - Piaget Flashcards
What is the belief of Cognitive Developmental Theory
human development and behavior are the product of patterns of interaction with the environment called schemas
What is a schema?
goal oriented strategies that individuals use to explore the environment
What is Adaptation
reciprocal exchange between individual and the environent
What is assimilation
incorporation of aspect of one’s environment into an existing mental organization
Define accomodation
modifying existing thoughts to characterization of new object
What are the 4 stages of cognitive development?
- sensory motor
- pre operational
- concrete operational
- formal operational
Name some characteristics present during the sensory motor (0-2 yrs)
infant uses senses and motor skills to understand the world
Name some characteristics present during the pre operational (2-7 yrs)
child begins to use language to represent things, is self centered, gains understanding of time
Name some characteristics present during the concrete operational (7-11)
beginning abstract thought, plays games with rules, comprehends past, present and future, independent thinking
Name some characteristics present during the formal operational (11+)
construction of ideas, plans for future, understand others perspectives