Defense Mechanisms Flashcards
Deal with anxiety by reaching out to others
Deal with unacceptable feelings/impulses by substituting ut to acceptable forms of expression
Bad- person loses job and says they worry about paying bills next week
Voluntary denying of unpleasant thoughts and feelings
Unknowingly putting bad ideas, thoughts, and emotions out of awareness
BAD- scared of dentist puts off dental appts
Sudden use of childlike or primitive behaviors that do not match with current developmental stage
Shift feelings related to an object, person or situation to another less threatening object, person or situation
Reaction Formation
Unacceptable feelings or behaviors are controlled or kept out of awareness by overcompensating or demonstrating
Bad- a person who hates taking care of old people but is overprotective and restricts the persons freedoms
Performing an act to make up for before behavior
BAD- abuser buys person flowers to make up for what they did
Creating reasonable and acceptable explanations for unacceptable behaviors.
Bad- person explains they had to drive home drunk to feed their dog
Pretending the truth is not reality to manage unpleasant thoughts or feels
Separation of emotions and logical facts when analyzing or coping with an event
Bad- pt learns they have terminal illness and starts to make will instead of grieve
Demonstrating an inability to reconcile negative and positive attributes of self or others into a cohesive image
Bad- pt tells nurse they are the only ones to listen to them but the next day they ignore nurse
Attributing one’s unacceptable thoughts and feelings to another person who does not have them
Bad- pt is attracted to someone else and blames partner of cheating
Person copies someone/thing unknowingly
Pysch issues become physical
Headache during exam
Isolation of Affect
Accepting reality without any emotional response