What is DVT?
A condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a major vein located deep inside your body, impairing your venous blood
Where do DVT tend to form?
Lower leg
Abdomen or Pelvis
What is thrombus?
A collection of RBCs, platelets and fibrin clumped together
What is virchow’s triad?
Main causes of thrombus formation
Abnormal blood flow, hypercoaguability and abnormal vessel wall
What are the the fates of thrombus once formed?
Propagation (grows along the vein)
Recanulisation (hole form in the thrombin changing its structure)
Organisation (thrombus goes within the layer of vessel wall)
What is the symptoms of DVT?
Localised cramping pain along deep venous system
Pain in the foot and ankle
What is the signs of DVT?
Unilateral leg and thigh swelling (10cm below tibial tuberosity)
Asymmetric oedema
Warmer skin around site
Homan’s sign (pain in calf upon dorsiflexion of ankle)
Pale or reddish/bluish skin
What are the risk factors of DVT?
Extreme trauma Obesity FHx Staying seated for 3days or more Surgery lasting over 1hr Deficiency in protein C or S and in antithrombin
Which surgery procedures are most high risk of DVT?
Knee repair and pelvis area
What are the blood test for DVT?
D-Dimer Level
Elevated (not specific)
What scan would you do for DVT?
Proximal duplex ultrasound
What is the questionnaire taken for DVT?
Well’s Score
2 or more = DVT
Proceed to imaging
Which blood test are required before medicating?
How is DVT treated with drugs?
Rivaxaban (direct oral anticoagulant)
Enoxaparin (LMWH) + Wafarin
What is IVC filter? When is it used?
Devices inserted into inferior VC to filter blood and catch blood clots
Used to prevent PE If patient can’t take blood thinner
When using wafarin what must you check?
It should be 2-3