Deck no. 20 Flashcards
groźny, okrutny, ponury
In 1906, the power of the Netherlands in what is now Indonesia reached its grim apogee as Dutch forces shelled the royal capital of the ancient Balinese kingdom of Badung until the battered, unarmed defenders, in a final act of defiance, “processed out of the palace and threw themselves, singing, at the Dutch automatic weapons.”
rough around the edges
nieokrzesany, nieobyty (o osobie)
Boxers are expected to be, and often accepted as being, more than a little rough around the edges. Yet the lack of control, and the lack of consequences, led Kovalev down the path to this latest incident.
w środku nocy / zimy
in the dead of night / winter
Dee and Kelley’s journey to Prague took almost a year. It was no mean feat to cross the northern European alluvial plain, especially in the dead of winter. Rivers swelled to impassability; carriages got bogged down in mud.
clearing costs
koszty transakcyjne
In fact, when the first part of the auction was concluded on December 23rd, the bids had reached a staggering $70bn. The winners will be on the hook for “clearing costs” of another $13bn-15bn, in part to compensate satellite firms for giving up some of their spectrum that is particularly wellsuited for 5G.
groźny, okrutny, ponury
In 1906, the power of the Netherlands in what is now Indonesia reached its grim apogee as Dutch forces shelled the royal capital of the ancient Balinese kingdom of Badung until the battered, unarmed defenders, in a final act of defiance, “processed out of the palace and threw themselves, singing, at the Dutch automatic weapons.”
z góry przesądzony rezultat
foregone conclusion
Once the seminary was destroyed, she hoped to apprehend Allen, Stapleton and the other exiles and bring them to trial in England, where their fate, as the hanging of Cuthbert Mayne had shown, was a foregone conclusion.
niepewny, wątpliwy, pod znakiem zapytania (np. wydarzenie)
Custom silicon was an iffy proposition a decade ago. General-purpose chips were getting better quickly thanks to Moore’s law, which holds that the number of components that can be crammed into a silicon chip should double every two years or so.
state of affairs
stan rzeczy, sytuacja
As things stand, however, executives’ incentives are clearly not aligned with retirement investors’ need for long-term value creation. What’s more, the investors are largely powerless to change this state of affairs.
to descend
pochodzić (od kogoś), wywodzić (się z czegoś)
Prospectors, planters, industrialists, missionaries and soldiers descended on traditional Asian societies and, shunting hapless native rulers aside almost everywhere, began to modernize Asia to suit western needs.
w bezpośrednim starciu jeden na jednego
Midway through round ten, Golovkin shook Canelo with a straight righthand and followed with a barrage of punches. Most of them missed, and Canelo regrouped to fire back. In round eleven, Gennady shook Canelo again. Round twelve saw toe-to-toe action as both men sensed that the outcome of the fight was in doubt.
surowiec; materiał wsadowy
That said, companies, researchers and regulators should pay particular attention to the feedstock used in these AI systems: data.
potencjał wzrostu (np. wartości akcji)
Meanwhile, Rosario would be well-compensated by Showtime and Premier Boxing Champions (which represents the Charlos) for bringing his IBF and WBA belts to the table. That meant the Charlos would be fighting for modest guarantees and hoping for a profitable upside on pay-per-view buys.
to come up short
nie uda się osiągnąć zamierzonego celu / standardu
Amit Daryanani, an analyst at Evercore ISI, is among those who believe that Apple will come up short, however, because of supply constraints.
to mend fences
poprawiać stosunki, dochodzić do porozumienia
Whether they were mending fences or rebuilding bridges, Andrade was on Showtime by June 2016, looking good while stopping Willie Nelson in 12 rounds.
to sack
Knox felt much of the blame was ascribable to the Duke of Alba, whose troops sacked Antwerp in 1576. The people felt their national liberties and privileges had been largely infringed by the Duke of Alba while he was governor.
nadszarpywać coś, podkopywać coś, zmniejszać coś
to chip away at
Now 30 years old, they’ve compiled a 65-1 (40 KOs) ring record between them. But they haven’t gone in as tough as boxing fans would have liked and they haven’t become stars. A September 26 doubleheader on Showtime PPV was designed to chip away at these issues and launch them into a higher orbit.
to span
obejmować; trwać; rozciągać się nad czymś
In the months that spanned the transition from 1572 to 1573, John Dee and astronomers across Europe noticed something strange and disturbing. A new star had appeared in the heavens. According to the then regnant view of the universe, all stars (including those wandering stars known as planets) were embedded in concentric crystalline spheres.
to sack
Knox felt much of the blame was ascribable to the Duke of Alba, whose troops sacked Antwerp in 1576. The people felt their national liberties and privileges had been largely infringed by the Duke of Alba while he was governor.
nieokrzesany, nieobyty (o osobie)
rough around the edges
Boxers are expected to be, and often accepted as being, more than a little rough around the edges. Yet the lack of control, and the lack of consequences, led Kovalev down the path to this latest incident.
obejmować; trwać; rozciągać się nad czymś
to span
In the months that spanned the transition from 1572 to 1573, John Dee and astronomers across Europe noticed something strange and disturbing. A new star had appeared in the heavens. According to the then regnant view of the universe, all stars (including those wandering stars known as planets) were embedded in concentric crystalline spheres.
to come to prominence
nabrać znaczenia
It came to prominence in the wake of the Great Depression because it was effective at mobilizing capital from private investors—who by the 1960s held more than 80% of company stock—for productive ventures.
widely held company
przedsiębiorstwo z duża liczbą akcjonariuszy
A corporation is considered to be closely held if it has a small number of shareholders, or owners, as compared to a widely held corporation, which has a large number of shareholders.
nie uda się osiągnąć zamierzonego celu / standardu
to come up short
Amit Daryanani, an analyst at Evercore ISI, is among those who believe that Apple will come up short, however, because of supply constraints.
koszty transakcyjne
clearing costs
In fact, when the first part of the auction was concluded on December 23rd, the bids had reached a staggering $70bn. The winners will be on the hook for “clearing costs” of another $13bn-15bn, in part to compensate satellite firms for giving up some of their spectrum that is particularly wellsuited for 5G.
pójść na swoje; robić po swojemu, działać samemu
to go it alone
In its 44-year history Apple has procured microprocessors for its desktops and laptops from mos Technology, Motorola, ibm, and finally Intel. Soon after the launch of the original iPhone in 2007, however, the firm decided to go it alone.
wiatr w plecy
“Foreign exchange has always been big drag for Apple but this is one time it should be a tailwind,” said Mr Daryanani. “And this is the first time we’ve seen component costs come down, so that could be another nice benefit for an earnings-per-share or free cash flow perspective.”
zastępować, wypierać, wysiedlać
to displace
Retiring employees benefit in the same way and enjoy favorable tax provisions for rolling the proceeds into their retirement accounts. It’s surprising that employee stock ownership plans aren’t more widely used, but dominant models are hard to displace.
koniec sprawy, sprawa zamknięta
the end of the matter
He knocked Rosario down in the first and sixth rounds before ending matters on a strange note in Round 8 with a jab to the beltline that, because of its landing angle, might have jammed Rosario’s protective cup into his private parts. As it was, Rosario lay on his back in pain and seemed to be having difficulty breathing.
to maroon
porzucać, odcinać od świata
Intel’s stumbles have left it marooned at 10nm— and its boss, Bob Swan, out of a job. His incoming replacement, Pat Gelsinger, will need to decide if the company, which, unlike TSMC, also designs its chips, wants to keep making them.
na całego; bez zahamowań; bez litości
balls to the wall
“I’m going to put it all out there because I know what’s at stake. [When] I’m fighting somebody else, I’m gonna do what I need to do to secure the win and be safe, because of cuts and head butts and all that type of stuff that happens in a fight. At this point, when I know I’m in there with an elite guy, everything’s on the line. I’m going to go balls to the wall.”
surowiec; materiał wsadowy
That said, companies, researchers and regulators should pay particular attention to the feedstock used in these AI systems: data.
to dig deep
kopać głębiej (sięgać po zasoby, których normalnie się nie używa)
After nine rounds, Golovkin looked to be fading. Canelo’s power was influencing him more than his power was influencing Canelo. It was clear that Gennady needed another gear to win. And he dug deep to find it.
sprawczość (zdolność oddziaływania jednostki na inne jednostki)
Whether it was British school students complaining about their A level grades or Stanford Medical Centre staff highlighting the unfairness of vaccination priorities, people understandably rail against the idea of faceless machines stripping humans of agency.
Dee would never see the fruits of his labors. Nor would posterity recognize him for his achievement. Indeed, the Restoration that gave England the Masonic Lodge and the Royal Society buried Dee under a mountain of opprobrium in 1659 when Meric Casaubon published Dee’s diaries along with a damning preface accusing Dee of diabolical magic.’’
trzymać kogoś w gotowości, trzymać kogoś w ciągłym napięciu
to keep somebody on one’s toes
Asia’s nanoscale duopoly remains fiercely competitive, as Samsung and TSMC keep each other on their toes.
to coast along
toczyć się swobodnie
That has been a feature, not a bug, of Andrade’s run the past few years. He will dominate his opponents early with good action, eye-appealing combinations, standout speed and power. And then, instead of ending things early, Andrade will take his foot off the gas and will be content with coasting along.
Dee would never see the fruits of his labors. Nor would posterity recognize him for his achievement. Indeed, the Restoration that gave England the Masonic Lodge and the Royal Society buried Dee under a mountain of opprobrium in 1659 when Meric Casaubon published Dee’s diaries along with a damning preface accusing Dee of diabolical magic.’’
to grumble
“I see people grumbling they aren’t pay-per-view fighters,” Showtime Sports president Stephen Espinoza said. “But no one is a pay-per-view fighter until they get put in a pay-per-view fight.”
zostawiać kogoś samemu sobie
to leave somebody to their own devices
A key marker was a 1976 article published in the Journal of Financial Economics by Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, titled “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.” The paper argued that professional managers are imperfect agents who, if left to their own devices, are inclined to maximize their welfare rather than that of shareholders.
na początku
in the early going
Golovkin looked flat in the early going. Or was it old? Either way, he didn’t fight the way the world is used to seeing him fight. A lot of that was due to Canelo. Looking back on their first encounter, Alvarez had realized that Golovkin was wary of his power.
stan rzeczy, sytuacja
state of affairs
As things stand, however, executives’ incentives are clearly not aligned with retirement investors’ need for long-term value creation. What’s more, the investors are largely powerless to change this state of affairs.
all the while
przez cały czas (gdy coś innego się dzieje)
That approach didn’t quite work for him. You don’t earn any money if you don’t fight. And all the while, Andrade’s co-promoters tried to repair relationships both with their fighter as well as with the sport’s powerbrokers.
przez cały czas (gdy coś innego się dzieje)
all the while
That approach didn’t quite work for him. You don’t earn any money if you don’t fight. And all the while, Andrade’s co-promoters tried to repair relationships both with their fighter as well as with the sport’s powerbrokers.
to grumble
“I see people grumbling they aren’t pay-per-view fighters,” Showtime Sports president Stephen Espinoza said. “But no one is a pay-per-view fighter until they get put in a pay-per-view fight.”
zadanie, zadanie domowe
How Asia’s ragtag revolutionaries turned that fierce desire for freedom into movements that could overcome European advantages in technology and organization is the story Mr. Harper wants to tell. It’s an ambitious assignment.
in the early going
na początku
Golovkin looked flat in the early going. Or was it old? Either way, he didn’t fight the way the world is used to seeing him fight. A lot of that was due to Canelo. Looking back on their first encounter, Alvarez had realized that Golovkin was wary of his power.
zacisnąć zęby (kontynuować działanie mimo niesprzyjających okoliczności, itp.)
to bite the bullet
“So I had my ‘bite the bullet,’” he said. “I fought Brian Rose. I’m not afraid to tell my numbers. 200 [thousand] I made. I should see more every time I step into the ring now.”
naruszyć (np. prawa, zasady)
to infringe
Knox felt much of the blame was ascribable to the Duke of Alba, whose troops sacked Antwerp in 1576. The people felt their national liberties and privileges had been largely infringed by the Duke of Alba while he was governor.
szara eminencja, potentat
That approach didn’t quite work for him. You don’t earn any money if you don’t fight. And all the while, Andrade’s co-promoters tried to repair relationships both with their fighter as well as with the sport’s powerbrokers.
ciąg, szereg (np. wydarzeń), seria (np. zwycięstw)
He was more skilled and also more athletically gifted than Derevyanchenko. A succession of jabs opened a cut on Sergiy’s right eyelid in Round 5. A more dangerous cut on Sergiy’s left eyelid that was partially obscured by swelling followed.
to leave somebody to their own devices
zostawiać kogoś samemu sobie
A key marker was a 1976 article published in the Journal of Financial Economics by Michael C. Jensen and William H. Meckling, titled “Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.” The paper argued that professional managers are imperfect agents who, if left to their own devices, are inclined to maximize their welfare rather than that of shareholders.
to infringe
naruszyć (np. prawa, zasady)
Knox felt much of the blame was ascribable to the Duke of Alba, whose troops sacked Antwerp in 1576. The people felt their national liberties and privileges had been largely infringed by the Duke of Alba while he was governor.
kopać głębiej (sięgać po zasoby, których normalnie się nie używa)
to dig deep
After nine rounds, Golovkin looked to be fading. Canelo’s power was influencing him more than his power was influencing Canelo. It was clear that Gennady needed another gear to win. And he dug deep to find it.
sprawczość (zdolność oddziaływania jednostki na inne jednostki)
Whether it was British school students complaining about their A level grades or Stanford Medical Centre staff highlighting the unfairness of vaccination priorities, people understandably rail against the idea of faceless machines stripping humans of agency.
przedsiębiorstwo z duża liczbą akcjonariuszy
widely held company
A corporation is considered to be closely held if it has a small number of shareholders, or owners, as compared to a widely held corporation, which has a large number of shareholders.
wiatr w plecy
“Foreign exchange has always been big drag for Apple but this is one time it should be a tailwind,” said Mr Daryanani. “And this is the first time we’ve seen component costs come down, so that could be another nice benefit for an earnings-per-share or free cash flow perspective.”
When word came two years later that the elder Chiang had purged his former Communist allies back home in China, the younger Chiang wisely issued a statement: “Chiang Kai-Shek was my father and my revolutionary friend. He has now become my enemy.”
the time is ripe
nadszedł czas
Given that the structure of the universe had just changed, the time seemed ripe for a bold move by the Elizabethans.
pokonywać (trudności), przezwyciężyć (np. strach)
to surmount
The early arrival of the Industrial Revolution had given western nations, especially Britain, what appeared to be an insurmountable industrial, economic, political and military supremacy.
spowodować zwarcie
to shortcircuit
The chip industry is poised for mutually assured disruption, in which America and China each have the ability to shortcircuit the other’s economy.
być sprzecznym
to be at odds
To satisfy their needs, any new model must overcome the fundamental governance problem of widely held corporations: that CEOs’ incentives are at odds with the long-term interests of those stakeholders.
to shortcircuit
spowodować zwarcie
The chip industry is poised for mutually assured disruption, in which America and China each have the ability to shortcircuit the other’s economy.
to have the stomach for something
czuć się na siłach (by coś zrobić)
It may retreat from making the most advanced chips, known as the three-nanometre generation, and outsource more production, like almost everyone else. That would leave two firms with the stomach for it: Samsung in South Korea and TSMC in Taiwan.
to go it alone
pójść na swoje; robić po swojemu, działać samemu
In its 44-year history Apple has procured microprocessors for its desktops and laptops from mos Technology, Motorola, ibm, and finally Intel. Soon after the launch of the original iPhone in 2007, however, the firm decided to go it alone.
w bezpośrednim starciu jeden na jednego
Midway through round ten, Golovkin shook Canelo with a straight righthand and followed with a barrage of punches. Most of them missed, and Canelo regrouped to fire back. In round eleven, Gennady shook Canelo again. Round twelve saw toe-to-toe action as both men sensed that the outcome of the fight was in doubt.
the end of the matter
koniec sprawy, sprawa zamknięta
He knocked Rosario down in the first and sixth rounds before ending matters on a strange note in Round 8 with a jab to the beltline that, because of its landing angle, might have jammed Rosario’s protective cup into his private parts. As it was, Rosario lay on his back in pain and seemed to be having difficulty breathing.
wyjątkowo dobry, najlepszy
That has been a feature, not a bug, of Andrade’s run the past few years. He will dominate his opponents early with good action, eye-appealing combinations, standout speed and power. And then, instead of ending things early, Andrade will take his foot off the gas and will be content with coasting along.
ciąg, szereg (np. wydarzeń), seria (np. zwycięstw)
He was more skilled and also more athletically gifted than Derevyanchenko. A succession of jabs opened a cut on Sergiy’s right eyelid in Round 5. A more dangerous cut on Sergiy’s left eyelid that was partially obscured by swelling followed.
balls to the wall
na całego; bez zahamowań; bez litości
“I’m going to put it all out there because I know what’s at stake. [When] I’m fighting somebody else, I’m gonna do what I need to do to secure the win and be safe, because of cuts and head butts and all that type of stuff that happens in a fight. At this point, when I know I’m in there with an elite guy, everything’s on the line. I’m going to go balls to the wall.”
to kick the can down the road
odwlekać na później, przekładać problem na później i mieć nadzieję, że sam się rozwiąże
Traditionally that has meant returning them to the public markets, by way of either an IPO or sale to a public company. But those exit routes (especially IPOs) have become less easy to take of late, and a growing trend is PE funds’ selling companies to other PE funds. Of course, that doesn’t eliminate an eventual return to public markets—it merely kicks the can down the road.
poprawiać stosunki, dochodzić do porozumienia
to mend fences
Whether they were mending fences or rebuilding bridges, Andrade was on Showtime by June 2016, looking good while stopping Willie Nelson in 12 rounds.
oddzielać, rozdzielać
to disassociate
A fighter doesn’t need cruelty to be great. Cruelty implies deriving joy from another person’s pain. Many fighters disassociate themselves from the pain they cause.
czuć się na siłach (by coś zrobić)
to have the stomach for something
It may retreat from making the most advanced chips, known as the three-nanometre generation, and outsource more production, like almost everyone else. That would leave two firms with the stomach for it: Samsung in South Korea and TSMC in Taiwan.
strategiczny punkt; wąskie gardło; przewężenie (zwłaszcza takie, które powoduje zator na jezdni)
In the 20th century the world’s biggest economic choke-point involved oil being shipped through the Strait of Hormuz. Soon it will be silicon etched in a few technology parks in South Korea and Taiwan.
to bite the bullet
zacisnąć zęby (kontynuować działanie mimo niesprzyjających okoliczności, itp.)
“So I had my ‘bite the bullet,’” he said. “I fought Brian Rose. I’m not afraid to tell my numbers. 200 [thousand] I made. I should see more every time I step into the ring now.”
to keep somebody on one’s toes
trzymać kogoś w gotowości, trzymać kogoś w ciągłym napięciu
Asia’s nanoscale duopoly remains fiercely competitive, as Samsung and TSMC keep each other on their toes.
foregone conclusion
z góry przesądzony rezultat
Once the seminary was destroyed, she hoped to apprehend Allen, Stapleton and the other exiles and bring them to trial in England, where their fate, as the hanging of Cuthbert Mayne had shown, was a foregone conclusion.
When word came two years later that the elder Chiang had purged his former Communist allies back home in China, the younger Chiang wisely issued a statement: “Chiang Kai-Shek was my father and my revolutionary friend. He has now become my enemy.”
porzucać, odcinać od świata
to maroon
Intel’s stumbles have left it marooned at 10nm— and its boss, Bob Swan, out of a job. His incoming replacement, Pat Gelsinger, will need to decide if the company, which, unlike TSMC, also designs its chips, wants to keep making them.
toczyć się swobodnie
to coast along
That has been a feature, not a bug, of Andrade’s run the past few years. He will dominate his opponents early with good action, eye-appealing combinations, standout speed and power. And then, instead of ending things early, Andrade will take his foot off the gas and will be content with coasting along.
nabrać znaczenia
to come to prominence
It came to prominence in the wake of the Great Depression because it was effective at mobilizing capital from private investors—who by the 1960s held more than 80% of company stock—for productive ventures.
to disassociate
oddzielać, rozdzielać
A fighter doesn’t need cruelty to be great. Cruelty implies deriving joy from another person’s pain. Many fighters disassociate themselves from the pain they cause.
on the hook for
być winnym pieniądze w wysokości; musieć zapłacić
In fact, when the first part of the auction was concluded on December 23rd, the bids had reached a staggering $70bn. The winners will be on the hook for “clearing costs” of another $13bn-15bn, in part to compensate satellite firms for giving up some of their spectrum that is particularly wellsuited for 5G.
niepewny, wątpliwy, pod znakiem zapytania (np. wydarzenie)
Custom silicon was an iffy proposition a decade ago. General-purpose chips were getting better quickly thanks to Moore’s law, which holds that the number of components that can be crammed into a silicon chip should double every two years or so.
zadanie, zadanie domowe
How Asia’s ragtag revolutionaries turned that fierce desire for freedom into movements that could overcome European advantages in technology and organization is the story Mr. Harper wants to tell. It’s an ambitious assignment.
być winnym pieniądze w wysokości; musieć zapłacić
on the hook for
In fact, when the first part of the auction was concluded on December 23rd, the bids had reached a staggering $70bn. The winners will be on the hook for “clearing costs” of another $13bn-15bn, in part to compensate satellite firms for giving up some of their spectrum that is particularly wellsuited for 5G.
to displace
zastępować, wypierać, wysiedlać
Retiring employees benefit in the same way and enjoy favorable tax provisions for rolling the proceeds into their retirement accounts. It’s surprising that employee stock ownership plans aren’t more widely used, but dominant models are hard to displace.
wyjątkowo dobry, najlepszy
That has been a feature, not a bug, of Andrade’s run the past few years. He will dominate his opponents early with good action, eye-appealing combinations, standout speed and power. And then, instead of ending things early, Andrade will take his foot off the gas and will be content with coasting along.
pochodzić (od kogoś), wywodzić (się z czegoś)
to descend
Prospectors, planters, industrialists, missionaries and soldiers descended on traditional Asian societies and, shunting hapless native rulers aside almost everywhere, began to modernize Asia to suit western needs.
odwlekać na później, przekładać problem na później i mieć nadzieję, że sam się rozwiąże
to kick the can down the road
Traditionally that has meant returning them to the public markets, by way of either an IPO or sale to a public company. But those exit routes (especially IPOs) have become less easy to take of late, and a growing trend is PE funds’ selling companies to other PE funds. Of course, that doesn’t eliminate an eventual return to public markets—it merely kicks the can down the road.
to surmount
pokonywać (trudności), przezwyciężyć (np. strach)
The early arrival of the Industrial Revolution had given western nations, especially Britain, what appeared to be an insurmountable industrial, economic, political and military supremacy.
szara eminencja, potentat
That approach didn’t quite work for him. You don’t earn any money if you don’t fight. And all the while, Andrade’s co-promoters tried to repair relationships both with their fighter as well as with the sport’s powerbrokers.
to chip away at
nadszarpywać coś, podkopywać coś, zmniejszać coś
Now 30 years old, they’ve compiled a 65-1 (40 KOs) ring record between them. But they haven’t gone in as tough as boxing fans would have liked and they haven’t become stars. A September 26 doubleheader on Showtime PPV was designed to chip away at these issues and launch them into a higher orbit.
nadszedł czas
the time is ripe
Given that the structure of the universe had just changed, the time seemed ripe for a bold move by the Elizabethans.
strategiczny punkt; wąskie gardło; przewężenie (zwłaszcza takie, które powoduje zator na jezdni)
In the 20th century the world’s biggest economic choke-point involved oil being shipped through the Strait of Hormuz. Soon it will be silicon etched in a few technology parks in South Korea and Taiwan.
potencjał wzrostu (np. wartości akcji)
Meanwhile, Rosario would be well-compensated by Showtime and Premier Boxing Champions (which represents the Charlos) for bringing his IBF and WBA belts to the table. That meant the Charlos would be fighting for modest guarantees and hoping for a profitable upside on pay-per-view buys.
When a baseball player hits a home run, he doesn’t empathize with the pitcher’s pain. So cruelty isn’t necessary. But it helps for a fighter to have a wellspring of anger to motivate him.
to be at odds
być sprzecznym
To satisfy their needs, any new model must overcome the fundamental governance problem of widely held corporations: that CEOs’ incentives are at odds with the long-term interests of those stakeholders.
When a baseball player hits a home run, he doesn’t empathize with the pitcher’s pain. So cruelty isn’t necessary. But it helps for a fighter to have a wellspring of anger to motivate him.
in the dead of night / winter
w środku nocy / zimy
Dee and Kelley’s journey to Prague took almost a year. It was no mean feat to cross the northern European alluvial plain, especially in the dead of winter. Rivers swelled to impassability; carriages got bogged down in mud.