Deck no. 18 Flashcards
to resolve
postanawiać, zdecydować się
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
rozterka, dylemat
The quandary investors now face is this: Will global oil demand recover before electric vehicles, renewable power, and environmental regulations permanently dent the market for fossil fuels?
tłoczyć (się), gromadzić (się), zapełniać (jakieś miejsce)
to throng
Although their worldly success was phenomenal, and they almost controlled the economic life of the country and made fabulous fortunes as bankers and merchants, and thronged the liberal professions, even attaining high rank in the Church, the vast majority of the Conversos remained faithful at heart to the religion of their fathers.
to amplify
wzmacniać (np. sygnał); powiększać (np. obawy)
“Smart cities essentially increase the downside risk considerably of cyber intrusions or abuses, both in terms of data security and cyber security,” says Andrew Davenport, chief operating officer at RWR Advisory. “The cyber risk that is associated with entities that are subject to Chinese laws and governance structures is amplified in this environment.”
The Jews who submitted to baptism were no longer subject to the head tax. They were also, as Christians, qualified for governmental office. Race was not an issue.
ilustrować, stanowić przykład, obrazować
to exemplify
The move exemplified the geopolitical chutzpah of America’s best-known energy producer — the kind of clout that persuaded Donald Trump to make Rex Tillerson, Exxon’s then chief executive, his first secretary of state.
tu: stworzyć przepaść; inne: ziewać
to yawn
In global development finance, such a sharp scaling back of lending by the Chinese banks amounts to an earthquake. If it persists, it will exacerbate an infrastructure funding gap that in Asia alone already amounts to $907bn a year, according to Asian Development Bank estimates. In Africa and Latin America — where Chinese credit has also formed a big part of infrastructure financing — the gap between what is required and what is available is also expected to yawn wider.
“The strategy will also focus on standards to facilitate civil-military fusion — a concept that has gained considerable traction in China and has caused a stir in strategic communities overseas, particularly in Washington,” wrote research fellow John Seaman in a report this year for the French Institute of International Relations and the Policy Center for the New South.
to reek of something
śmierdzieć czymś
But the bumper price reeked of panic. Return on capital employed dropped from more than 30 per cent in 2008 to single digits in 2014. The production growth promised by Mr Tillerson failed to materialise.
zewrzeć szyki; przygotować się na odparcie ataków
to circle the wagons
He is determined not to “circle the wagons” against the company’s critics, he states, but he also argues that persuading franchisees to embrace its values will be more effective than prescribing more rules.
ryzyko potencjalnej straty; oszacowanie maksymalnych strat, jakie może ponieść firma, angażując się w dane przedsięwzięcie
downside risk
“Smart cities essentially increase the downside risk considerably of cyber intrusions or abuses, both in terms of data security and cyber security,” says Andrew Davenport, chief operating officer at RWR Advisory. “The cyber risk that is associated with entities that are subject to Chinese laws and governance structures is amplified in this environment.”
to exemplify
ilustrować, stanowić przykład, obrazować
The move exemplified the geopolitical chutzpah of America’s best-known energy producer — the kind of clout that persuaded Donald Trump to make Rex Tillerson, Exxon’s then chief executive, his first secretary of state.
niezdolny; niezdatny
Sarmiento then proclaimed all conversos of Jewish descent to be unfit for any public office whose occupants exercise authority over Old Christians in the city and the district.
to clobber
Debt renegotiations have proliferated as the pandemic has clobbered emerging economies in Africa and elsewhere. A report by Rhodium Group, a consultancy, says at least 18 processes of debt renegotiation with China have taken place in 2020 and 12 countries were still in talks with Beijing as of the end of September, covering $28bn in Chinese loans.
dyplomatyczny i geopolityczny termin, który oznacza sytuację w rzeczywistości, a nie abstrakcję.
facts on the ground
“It can roll out technologies using Chinese standards in foreign markets, creating ‘facts on the ground’.” Crucial to the goal of popularising Chinese standards overseas is the Belt and Road Initiative, which Mr Zhao described in a blog on the ITU’s website as holding “so much promise”.
walka; zawody; konkurs
Video-streaming is a fight for supremacy between half a dozen firms. And cloud computing has become a fiercely contested market, too, as our analysis of the adventures of Microsoft shows.
host of
The massive lending by Chinese financial institutions that supports the Belt and Road Initiative has fallen off a cliff. At the same time, Beijing finds itself mired in debt renegotiations with a host of countries.
Overall, though, China’s rethink betrays a tacit recognition that its overseas lending bonanza has been ill-conceived. Photographs from the 2017 Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation — the venue at which Mr Xi declared his “project of the century” ambition — hint at what would become the programme’s fatal flaw.
odpowiadać komuś
to be to somebody’s liking
L’Oréal’s culture is ‘not to everyone’s liking’.
to sway
odciągnąć (kogoś od czegoś), odwieść (od planu, pomysłu)
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
capacity utilization
wykorzystanie mocy produkcyjnych
Using this diagram, you should make the recommendation to the client to decrease its capacity utilization. This will cause the supply curve to shift towards the left, increasing the market clearing price from P1 to P2.
to dip one’s toe in
zaczynać coś, próbować czegoś
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead. When it eventually dipped its toe into this new unconventional resource, the company focused on German and Polish shale fields.
podobno; rzekomo
Because of the large number of converted Jews prominent in Spain, it was reputedly more secular than renaissance Italy.
The very openness of Spanish Society, though favorable in the short run, was ultimately detrimental to the status of the converted Jews.
dwulicowość; obłuda
Second, Roth’s justification of duplicity condones subversion and makes it a Jewish characteristic.
to the vanishing point
do pomijalnego poziomu; nieomal do zera
The number of the Christianized Marranos was rising from generation to generation, while the number of clandestine Jews among them was rapidly dwindling to the vanishing point.
piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się (np. o problemach)
to mount
In America permanent job losses are mounting even as the headline unemployment rate falls. As more activity moves online, business will become more dominated by firms with the most advanced intellectual property and the biggest repositories of data; this year’s boom in technology stocks gives a sense of what is coming, as does the digital surge in the banking industry.
blokada; zamrożenia; wyłączność
There is the risk of lock-in, a point after which switching becomes too costly.” Serbia is just one of many countries that has signed up to a Chinese-installed smart city package complete with surveillance cameras supplied by Hikvision, a company blacklisted by the US because of suspected human rights abuses in Xinjiang.
to be to somebody’s liking
odpowiadać komuś
L’Oréal’s culture is ‘not to everyone’s liking’.
The Infante Don Alfonso summarized the situation when criticizing conversions [which] resulted from overt pressure and coercion.’
And the same political system that enabled our global progress and democracy after World War II now contributes to societal discord and discontent. Each was well intended but had unintended negative consequences.
zblazowany; znudzony
For a moment this week investors could afford to ignore stockmarket superstars like Amazon and Alibaba. As news of a vaccine broke, a motley crew of more jaded firms led Wall Street higher, with the shares of airlines, banks and oil firms soaring on hopes of a recovery.
niezdolny; niezdatny
Sarmiento then proclaimed all conversos of Jewish descent to be unfit for any public office whose occupants exercise authority over Old Christians in the city and the district.
wypłacać pieniądze, wydatkować
to disburse
They provide the overwhelming majority of China’s overseas development lending and the funds they disburse rival in scale those of the World Bank, the world’s largest multilateral lender.
usposobiony; nastawiony do czegoś
The Jews were initially well-disposed to the marriage.
The minimum rate of return required to finance long-term oil projects has increased to as much as 20%, according to Goldman, compared with as little as 3% for renewable projects. That gap suggests investors are factoring in higher regulatory costs for carbon producers, according to Goldman. The squeeze on capital has led to a dramatic pullback in spending.
The regimen of false conversions in Spain made a bad situation worse. The cynical Jewish converts continued to exploit the situation under the protection of the Church, while the sincere Jewish converts lived under constant and intolerable suspicion.
to induce
powodować, wywoływać
In both cases complete access to general culture induced an explosion of intellectual creativity. The Jewish New Christians and their children in the early 16th Century embraced Christian thought and learning with the same kind of creative enthusiasm as assimilated Jews contributed to modernism in literature and theory between 1900 and 1940.
The Infante Don Alfonso summarized the situation when criticizing conversions [which] resulted from overt pressure and coercion.’
to circle the wagons
zewrzeć szyki; przygotować się na odparcie ataków
He is determined not to “circle the wagons” against the company’s critics, he states, but he also argues that persuading franchisees to embrace its values will be more effective than prescribing more rules.
efekt uboczny; skutek uboczny
cost or benefit caused by a producer that is not financially incurred or received by that producer
The second change is the rising importance of externalities, costs that firms are responsible for but avoid paying. Today the value doctrine suggests you should load up on car firms and oil producers. But these firms’ prospects depend on the potential liability from their carbon footprint, the cost of which may rise as emissions rules tighten and carbon taxes spread.
wtrącać się; gmerać
to pry
He was also free to become a priest for the purpose of listening to the confessions of old Christians and to pry into their secrets.
This April, the pandemic briefly led U.S. oil prices to fall into negative territory for the first time ever. So much oil backed up in storage that investors literally paid people to take it off their hands.
to shatter
Even before coronavirus shattered the global oil industry, Exxon, once the world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation, was struggling.
to venture,
ośmielić się zaryzykować
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
jąkać się
to stammer
“I mean, for me, I think what I was proud of was our board, in my experience, has always made the right but sometimes tough decision,” Kempczinski stammers, his speech pattern betraying his discomfort.
specjalistyczny; wyróżniający się
Various other variants of a case like this can come up in an interview, for example when products are differentiated instead of commodities, or if the industry is a monopoly or an oligopoly.
działalność wywrotowa
The only Jew ostracized by the synagogue was the sincere convert. The liar and dissembler were tolerated tacitly, in violation of the teaching of Moses and the scriptural principle articulated in the Book of Maccabees. As a result, the rabbis and unscrupulous anti-Semitic Christian politicians collaborated in creating an atmosphere where subversion flourished.
to be dealt a bad hand
otrzymać słabe karty, mieć pecha
Its samestore sales plunged 22 per cent in March, then 39 per cent in April. No McDonald’s boss has been dealt a tougher hand.
najbardziej prawdopodobny przypadek
The financial results from the base case should be better than those from conservative scenarios, but worse than those from upside cases.
That is, evaluate digital projects and strategies based on the cash flows they are expected to generate, making sure to factor in “do nothing” or base-case scenarios as well as the overarching objectives of the digital project or strategy being proposed.
Adjusted for inflation, this total was roughly seven times what the US spent through the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after the second world war, according to Jonathan Hillman, author of The Emperor’s New Road. But according to data published this week, reality is deviating sharply from Mr Xi’s script.
siła; wpływ; moc sprawcza
The build-up of institutional firepower is a sure sign that China is set to wield much more influence over global technological standards. But equally as sure is that the backlash from Washington is building.
to pry
wtrącać się; gmerać
He was also free to become a priest for the purpose of listening to the confessions of old Christians and to pry into their secrets.
to disburse
wypłacać pieniądze, wydatkować
They provide the overwhelming majority of China’s overseas development lending and the funds they disburse rival in scale those of the World Bank, the world’s largest multilateral lender.
to fuel
podsycać; napędzać
As the flurry of manipulated but aspirational posts made people feel bad about their normal lives, Frier writes, “Instagram ended up fuelling a problem not just about truth in advertising, but about truth in life.
zgodzić się
to concur
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
The regimen of false conversions in Spain made a bad situation worse. The cynical Jewish converts continued to exploit the situation under the protection of the Church, while the sincere Jewish converts lived under constant and intolerable suspicion.
to get off the ground
zacząć działać; zacząć odnosić sukcesy
If the idea gets off the ground it could directly benefit State Grid, which is the global leader in making ultra-high voltage transmission lines.
poruszyć (np. wstydliwy temat)
to broach
In the 2014 film Kingsman, Samuel L Jackson tells Colin Firth that a McDonald’s cheeseburger “goes great with this ’45 Lafite”. The cheapest bottle of that vintage I could find is $2,999, so I grabbed a 2018 Josh Cellars Cabernet from home instead. I pour it into the two plastic cups I have brought, confirm that it helps the burger go down, and broach a more awkward subject.
to come on top of something
nastąpić zaraz po czymś
Indeed, the bad news related to COVID-19 came on top of the enormous economic, environmental, social and political challenges we were already facing before the pandemic.
“The strategy will also focus on standards to facilitate civil-military fusion — a concept that has gained considerable traction in China and has caused a stir in strategic communities overseas, particularly in Washington,” wrote research fellow John Seaman in a report this year for the French Institute of International Relations and the Policy Center for the New South.
pozbierać się, dojść do siebie, wrócić do normy
to bounce back
That is not a concern for China, which so far seems to be emerging from the pandemic strongest—at least in the short run. Its economy has bounced back quickly.
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
co przyniesie przyszłość
what the future holds
Even before the pandemic sapped the world’s thirst for fuel, the future of the fossil-fuel industry was already under threat due to the rise of electric cars, the proliferation of renewable energy and growing consciousness about the long-term impact of climate change. The biggest oil companies increasingly disagree on what the future holds.
The minimum rate of return required to finance long-term oil projects has increased to as much as 20%, according to Goldman, compared with as little as 3% for renewable projects. That gap suggests investors are factoring in higher regulatory costs for carbon producers, according to Goldman. The squeeze on capital has led to a dramatic pullback in spending.
to demur
odmawiać, sprzeciwiać (się)
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
wielki szacunek; wysoka ocena
high regard
“I think it’s safe to say that, you know, Steve was a supremely talented executive who behaved very badly,” he continues. “There was no flinching about it,” he says, but for a protégé who held Easterbrook in high regard, “it was disappointing, and it just hit”.
zblazowany; znudzony
For a moment this week investors could afford to ignore stockmarket superstars like Amazon and Alibaba. As news of a vaccine broke, a motley crew of more jaded firms led Wall Street higher, with the shares of airlines, banks and oil firms soaring on hopes of a recovery.
cnotliwy; prawy
Looking forward, such virtuous instincts can become a feature of our economic systems rather than a rare exception.
siła; wpływ; moc sprawcza
The build-up of institutional firepower is a sure sign that China is set to wield much more influence over global technological standards. But equally as sure is that the backlash from Washington is building.
czas realizacji
lead time
Businesses that successfully implemented a lean, global model of manufacturing achieved improvements in indicators such as inventory levels, on-time-in-full deliveries, and shorter lead times.
źle dobrany; niedopasowany
In late 2011, ExxonMobil announced plans to drill for oil in disputed land between Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq. Baghdad’s government, fearing the move could break up the country, threatened to eject the company from a big project near Basra, in the south. Exxon ignored the threat, knowing the encounter was a mismatch. Iraq’s revenue from oil sales that year amounted to about $80bn. Exxon’s revenue came in at more than $430bn.
zaczynać coś, próbować czegoś
to dip one’s toe in
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead. When it eventually dipped its toe into this new unconventional resource, the company focused on German and Polish shale fields.
dogmat; zasada
Netanyahu seems unaware of the contradiction at the heart of his book, a contradiction required by the unquestioned tenet of mainstream Jewish historiography, namely, that anti-Semitism is never a function ofJewish behavior.
As office workers continue to work in their kitchens and bedrooms for at least part of the week, lower-paid workers who previously toiled as waiters, cleaners and sales assistants will need to find new jobs in the suburbs. Until they do, they could face long spells of unemployment.
spektakularny; rzucający się w oczy
Conspicuous by its absence from Netanyahu’s book is any consideration of rabbinic theology on the issue of conversion under duress.
to lavish
hojnie rozdawać, nie szczędzić (np. pochwał, uczucia)
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
to bulge
In the 15 years up to 2019, capital expenditure hit $350bn but output ended lower. The balance sheet bulged. From 2015, cash flow from operations struggled to cover the sum of the company’s market-leading capex plus its dividend.
Cecil Roth says the opposite. Although within a generation or two, the Marranos became assimilated enough, Roth feels appearances were deceiving.
odciągnąć (kogoś od czegoś), odwieść (od planu, pomysłu)
to sway
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
sterta, stos
Strategic competition between the US and China raises the spectre of a fragmentation of standards that creates a new technological divide. Mr Segal says it is possible, for example, that 5G mobile telecoms — a bedrock technology that enables the “internet of things” — may be divided into two competing stacks.
przyjąć coś (np. pomysł)
to embrace
The concept had been embraced by the U.S. Business Roundtable—a major Washingtonbased lobbying group of U.S. firms— just months earlier.
to push the boat out
szarpnąć się (wydać więcej pieniędzy niż zwykle); zaszaleć (np. w zabawie)
“We should push the boat out,” I suggest, as we scan the bright digital menu screens, but I wonder how to do so. There are a couple of novelties (spicy Chicken McNuggets) but the menu hasn’t changed much since Ray Kroc died in 1984, 30 years after he went to sell Dick and Mac McDonald a milkshake mixer, taking the first step in the establishment of a global franchise.
to go about
zabrać się za robienie czegoś
Based on your proposed approach, how would you go about conducting the analysis and gathering the information required?
wypędzenie; wyparcie
Race replaced religion as the source of the animosity, but now there was no instant theological cure, ie., baptism, for being of the wrong race. There was, in fact, no cure other than extermination or expulsion.
Cantor says not only were the great majority of Jewish converts sincere, but from among learned and aristocratic New Christian families came some of the greatest names in early 16th Century Spanish ecclesiastical and cultural history.
to hit
osiągnąć (wynik)
In the 15 years up to 2019, capital expenditure hit $350bn but output ended lower. The balance sheet bulged. From 2015, cash flow from operations struggled to cover the sum of the company’s market-leading capex plus its dividend.
facts on the ground
dyplomatyczny i geopolityczny termin, który oznacza sytuację w rzeczywistości, a nie abstrakcję.
“It can roll out technologies using Chinese standards in foreign markets, creating ‘facts on the ground’.” Crucial to the goal of popularising Chinese standards overseas is the Belt and Road Initiative, which Mr Zhao described in a blog on the ITU’s website as holding “so much promise”.
host of
The massive lending by Chinese financial institutions that supports the Belt and Road Initiative has fallen off a cliff. At the same time, Beijing finds itself mired in debt renegotiations with a host of countries.
The mendicant friars, though, continued to preach sermon after sermon against Judaism and the Judaizers, urging the faithful to take matters into their own hands.
dwulicowość; obłuda
Second, Roth’s justification of duplicity condones subversion and makes it a Jewish characteristic.
ośmielić się zaryzykować
to venture,
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
tu: pomoc; inne: ulga
If China is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient relief to its borrowers, it could find itself at the centre of a debt crisis in developing markets.” The data that describes China’s predicament comes from researchers at Boston University who maintain an independent database on China’s overseas development finance.
nie widzieć szerszego kontekstu
to miss the forest for the trees
But Mr Leggate says that the market is “missing the woods for the trees” by discounting the only company that will have capacity to boost production when oil prices rise.
to run errands
załatwiać sprawy
As an example, if the price of gasoline increases by 25 percent in one day, drivers wouldn’t be very happy about it, but they would still fill up their tanks, because they need gas to get to work, run errands, etc.
blokada; zamrożenia; wyłączność
There is the risk of lock-in, a point after which switching becomes too costly.” Serbia is just one of many countries that has signed up to a Chinese-installed smart city package complete with surveillance cameras supplied by Hikvision, a company blacklisted by the US because of suspected human rights abuses in Xinjiang.
podniecenie, wielkie podekscytowanie
Kempczinski, too, has achieved his success with more consistency than sizzle. With one wife, two kids and a goldendoodle, the clean-cut Ohioan seems cast to preach an ethics message.
deser lodowy
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
kampania; akcja
Military-civil fusion is a plan to use the best of civilian research and development to bolster the technological capacities of the People’s Liberation Army. The drive is led by Mr Xi himself, who heads the Commission for Military- Civil Fusion Development. It is believed to target civilian advances in “dual use” areas such as quantum computing, big data, semiconductors, 5G and AI, but concrete initiatives are shrouded in secrecy.
to mount
piętrzyć się, nagromadzać się (np. o problemach)
In America permanent job losses are mounting even as the headline unemployment rate falls. As more activity moves online, business will become more dominated by firms with the most advanced intellectual property and the biggest repositories of data; this year’s boom in technology stocks gives a sense of what is coming, as does the digital surge in the banking industry.
dogmat; zasada
Netanyahu seems unaware of the contradiction at the heart of his book, a contradiction required by the unquestioned tenet of mainstream Jewish historiography, namely, that anti-Semitism is never a function ofJewish behavior.
podmuch (deszczu, śniegu); tuman; nagłe ożywienie
As the flurry of manipulated but aspirational posts made people feel bad about their normal lives, Frier writes, “Instagram ended up fuelling a problem not just about truth in advertising, but about truth in life.
załatwiać sprawy
to run errands
As an example, if the price of gasoline increases by 25 percent in one day, drivers wouldn’t be very happy about it, but they would still fill up their tanks, because they need gas to get to work, run errands, etc.
tu: krąg (ludzi)
In Washington, the battle over technology standards is seen in some quarters as crucial to defending democracy from China’s influence, which Madeleine Albright, a former secretary of state, describes as “the world’s leading pioneer of what we call techno-authoritarianism”.
to be in the doghouse
być w niełasce
Wells Fargo’s struggle to escape the doghouse is not over yet.
Conspicuous by its absence from Netanyahu’s book is any consideration of rabbinic theology on the issue of conversion under duress.
ułatwiać komuś zadanie, działać na czyjąś korzyść, być wodą na młyn
to play into somebody’s hands
The rabbis played into the hands of racists when they collaborated with unscrupulous Spanish politicians to allow false conversion.
Adjusted for inflation, this total was roughly seven times what the US spent through the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after the second world war, according to Jonathan Hillman, author of The Emperor’s New Road. But according to data published this week, reality is deviating sharply from Mr Xi’s script.
trwały; stały
“But as we look closely at the facts and the various expert assessments, we conclude that the needs of society will drive more energy use in the years ahead — and an ongoing need for the products we produce.”
czynić w czymś postępy
to make inroads in something
Alibaba’s and Tencent’s cloud arms dominate in China and are making some inroads elsewhere in Asia. Europe is so anxious about American firms that it has launched a statebacked rival, called Gaia-x.
tu: zdobycz, łup
Thus smart cities, which automate multiple municipal functions, represent a big prize for China’s standards drive. “China is setting standards from the bottom up through widespread export and foreign adoption of its technology,” says Jonathan Hillman, an analyst at CSIS, a Washington-based think-tank.
tu bust open something
otworzyć coś na siłe
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
mdły; nijaki; bezbarwny
A year into this bland-sounding regimen, he says stoically: “You get to know your way around the menu.”
to decompose
rozkładać na części składowe; gnić
We have already established that the client is the lowest cost producer, hence the costs cannot be lowered any further. Your solution will thus focus on increasing revenues. You can decompose revenues like so: Revenues = Price x Quantity.
powodować, wywoływać
to induce
In both cases complete access to general culture induced an explosion of intellectual creativity. The Jewish New Christians and their children in the early 16th Century embraced Christian thought and learning with the same kind of creative enthusiasm as assimilated Jews contributed to modernism in literature and theory between 1900 and 1940.
specjalistyczny; wyróżniający się
Various other variants of a case like this can come up in an interview, for example when products are differentiated instead of commodities, or if the industry is a monopoly or an oligopoly.
potyczka, spotkanie (np. drużyn sportowych)
In late 2011, ExxonMobil announced plans to drill for oil in disputed land between Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq. Baghdad’s government, fearing the move could break up the country, threatened to eject the company from a big project near Basra, in the south. Exxon ignored the threat, knowing the encounter was a mismatch. Iraq’s revenue from oil sales that year amounted to about $80bn. Exxon’s revenue came in at more than $430bn.
“I had been over enthusiastic and aggressive, pushing the sales team too hard which led to a build-up of stocks in the channel,” he says.
to dig deeper into something
zagłębić się mocniej w coś
I peel open a pot of barbecue sauce, dip in a nugget and ask whether the company has dug deeply enough to be sure that Easterbrook’s alleged behaviour was the aberration it claims, rather than a reflection of a wider problem with the company’s culture.
Netanyahu thus contradicts his original premise that the conversions were sincere. The crusade of Vincent Ferrer shows that preaching and persuasion led to the conversion of many Jews.
niechęc; nienawiść
Animus against Jews was based purely on religious grounds. Baptism, as St. Vincent Ferrer pointed out, destroyed the Jew. There was no Jew left after conversion. According to principles that the popes reiterated repeatedly, converts were to be accepted without calumny.
Not only did actual converts (anusim) try with all their might to live as Jews, but even the children and the grandchildren of apostates who had forsaken Judaism of their own free will and choice were now inclined to retrace their steps. The conversos secretly visited their Jewish brethren in order to join them in celebrating the Jewish festivals.
to bulge
In the 15 years up to 2019, capital expenditure hit $350bn but output ended lower. The balance sheet bulged. From 2015, cash flow from operations struggled to cover the sum of the company’s market-leading capex plus its dividend.
walka; zawody; konkurs
Video-streaming is a fight for supremacy between half a dozen firms. And cloud computing has become a fiercely contested market, too, as our analysis of the adventures of Microsoft shows.
null and void
nieważny, nieprawomocny, bez mocy prawnej
Any provision that is against the law is null and void.
trochę mniej niż
just short of something
Between 2008 and 2019, the two Chinese banks lent $462bn, just short of the $467bn extended by the World Bank, according to the Boston University data. In some years, lending by the Chinese policy banks was almost equivalent to that by all six of the world’s multilateral financial institutions — which along with the World Bank include the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the African Development Bank — put together.
przeszkoda; utrudnienie
The conversos often worked at the royal courts because their religion was no longer an impediment to putting their abilities to use as civil servants.
pułapka, sidła
The average Christian believed he was ruled by a class of philosophical intellectuals who were nihilists and opportunists with no religious beliefs. Baer cites the saying, to be born and die; all the rest is a snare and a delusion, as epitomizing the beliefs of this class of convert.
wyraźnie; znacznie
In contrast, the top three countries in semiconductors and mobile communications increased their share of trade markedly.
to diffuse
The BRI is generally seen as a huge Chinese programme to build roads, railways, ports, airports and other forms of infrastructure in mostly developing countries. But the BRI is also a means of diffusing Chinese technologies — and the standards they operate on — across the developing world by constructing what Beijing calls a “digital silk road”.
efekt uboczny; skutek uboczny
cost or benefit caused by a producer that is not financially incurred or received by that producer
The second change is the rising importance of externalities, costs that firms are responsible for but avoid paying. Today the value doctrine suggests you should load up on car firms and oil producers. But these firms’ prospects depend on the potential liability from their carbon footprint, the cost of which may rise as emissions rules tighten and carbon taxes spread.
do pomijalnego poziomu; nieomal do zera
to the vanishing point
The number of the Christianized Marranos was rising from generation to generation, while the number of clandestine Jews among them was rapidly dwindling to the vanishing point.
Netanyahu thus contradicts his original premise that the conversions were sincere. The crusade of Vincent Ferrer shows that preaching and persuasion led to the conversion of many Jews.
to fall off a cliff
ponieść fiasko
The massive lending by Chinese financial institutions that supports the Belt and Road Initiative has fallen off a cliff. At the same time, Beijing finds itself mired in debt renegotiations with a host of countries.
gniazdo, legowisko (ośrodek czegoś)
Regulators warned that it could threaten monetary stability and become a hotbed for laundering.
rozterka, dylemat
The quandary investors now face is this: Will global oil demand recover before electric vehicles, renewable power, and environmental regulations permanently dent the market for fossil fuels?
downside risk
ryzyko potencjalnej straty; oszacowanie maksymalnych strat, jakie może ponieść firma, angażując się w dane przedsięwzięcie
“Smart cities essentially increase the downside risk considerably of cyber intrusions or abuses, both in terms of data security and cyber security,” says Andrew Davenport, chief operating officer at RWR Advisory. “The cyber risk that is associated with entities that are subject to Chinese laws and governance structures is amplified in this environment.”
podsycać; napędzać
to fuel
As the flurry of manipulated but aspirational posts made people feel bad about their normal lives, Frier writes, “Instagram ended up fuelling a problem not just about truth in advertising, but about truth in life.
zaledwie; nie dalej niż
as recently as
Yet while Exxon plots more fossil fuel production it is also ploughing money into research on biofuels, which Mr Tillerson dismissed as “moonshine” as recently as 2007, and carbon capture techniques.
to divest
sprzedać coś (np. firmę lub udziały)
Maersk, a Danish shipping giant, for example, divested its oil and gas divisions, and is focusing on providing sustainable shipping solutions.
mdły; nijaki; bezbarwny
A year into this bland-sounding regimen, he says stoically: “You get to know your way around the menu.”
headline figures
dane podstawowe
In America permanent job losses are mounting even as the headline unemployment rate falls. As more activity moves online, business will become more dominated by firms with the most advanced intellectual property and the biggest repositories of data; this year’s boom in technology stocks gives a sense of what is coming, as does the digital surge in the banking industry.
wypędzenie; wyparcie
Race replaced religion as the source of the animosity, but now there was no instant theological cure, ie., baptism, for being of the wrong race. There was, in fact, no cure other than extermination or expulsion.
tu: dość (np. dobry)
What makes the situation even more challenging for investors are new questions about the direction of oil prices, which no longer follow the fairly predictable cycle of boom and bust that governed the industry for much of the past century.
to fall under
podlegać czemuś (np. ustawie)
They found that lending by the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China collapsed from a peak of $75bn in 2016 to just $4bn last year. The context around this is crucial. The two banks fall under the direct control of China’s state council (cabinet), so they function as arms of the state.
pałeczka (przekazywana w czasie sztafety), pałeczka sztafetowa
“I’m actually quite happy about passing the baton to someone who I respect and who will do this job very, very well,” he says.
otrzymać słabe karty, mieć pecha
to be dealt a bad hand
Its samestore sales plunged 22 per cent in March, then 39 per cent in April. No McDonald’s boss has been dealt a tougher hand.
to miss the forest for the trees
nie widzieć szerszego kontekstu
But Mr Leggate says that the market is “missing the woods for the trees” by discounting the only company that will have capacity to boost production when oil prices rise.
coś wart (zasługujący by nazwać go dobrym)
worth the name
Yet the virus has exposed longer-term flaws in China’s economic apparatus. It has no safety-net worth the name and this year had to focus its stimulus on firms and infrastructure investment rather than shoring up household incomes.
szarpnąć się (wydać więcej pieniędzy niż zwykle); zaszaleć (np. w zabawie)
to push the boat out
“We should push the boat out,” I suggest, as we scan the bright digital menu screens, but I wonder how to do so. There are a couple of novelties (spicy Chicken McNuggets) but the menu hasn’t changed much since Ray Kroc died in 1984, 30 years after he went to sell Dick and Mac McDonald a milkshake mixer, taking the first step in the establishment of a global franchise.
to concur
zgodzić się
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
worth the name
coś wart (zasługujący by nazwać go dobrym)
Yet the virus has exposed longer-term flaws in China’s economic apparatus. It has no safety-net worth the name and this year had to focus its stimulus on firms and infrastructure investment rather than shoring up household incomes.
wzmacniać (np. sygnał); powiększać (np. obawy)
to amplify
“Smart cities essentially increase the downside risk considerably of cyber intrusions or abuses, both in terms of data security and cyber security,” says Andrew Davenport, chief operating officer at RWR Advisory. “The cyber risk that is associated with entities that are subject to Chinese laws and governance structures is amplified in this environment.”
rygorystyczny (o zasadzie), surowy (o przepisie)
The bust that followed was a vindication of the stringent valuation methods pioneered in the 1930s by Benjamin Graham, the father of “value” investing, and popularised by Warren Buffett.
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
Looking forward, such virtuous instincts can become a feature of our economic systems rather than a rare exception.
The challenge for democratic governments will be to adapt to all these changes while maintaining popular consent for their policies and for free markets.
debt relief
umorzenie długu
“Historically, most infrastructure booms have gone bust,” he adds. “Whether China can avert that fate may depend on its ability to renegotiate loans with countries now in urgent need of debt relief.
Cantor says not only were the great majority of Jewish converts sincere, but from among learned and aristocratic New Christian families came some of the greatest names in early 16th Century Spanish ecclesiastical and cultural history.
The very openness of Spanish Society, though favorable in the short run, was ultimately detrimental to the status of the converted Jews.
high regard
wielki szacunek; wysoka ocena
“I think it’s safe to say that, you know, Steve was a supremely talented executive who behaved very badly,” he continues. “There was no flinching about it,” he says, but for a protégé who held Easterbrook in high regard, “it was disappointing, and it just hit”.
podlegać czemuś (np. ustawie)
to fall under
They found that lending by the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China collapsed from a peak of $75bn in 2016 to just $4bn last year. The context around this is crucial. The two banks fall under the direct control of China’s state council (cabinet), so they function as arms of the state.
to diffuse
The BRI is generally seen as a huge Chinese programme to build roads, railways, ports, airports and other forms of infrastructure in mostly developing countries. But the BRI is also a means of diffusing Chinese technologies — and the standards they operate on — across the developing world by constructing what Beijing calls a “digital silk road”.
podniebienie; smak
These flavours have been imprinted on my palate over countless children’s parties and latenight snacks. Each product is a dietary default, so popular that it defines its category.
podniecenie, wielkie podekscytowanie
Kempczinski, too, has achieved his success with more consistency than sizzle. With one wife, two kids and a goldendoodle, the clean-cut Ohioan seems cast to preach an ethics message.
skrajny; największy
A parody of a royal document, it purports to confer privileges on a knight of old Christian descent to henceforth live like a Marrano. He could now advise the country’s rulers and by his wicked counsel to lead them into the paths of licentiousness, lust and oppression of their poor subjects and to derive from all this the utmost possible advantages for himself.
to make inroads in something
czynić w czymś postępy
Alibaba’s and Tencent’s cloud arms dominate in China and are making some inroads elsewhere in Asia. Europe is so anxious about American firms that it has launched a statebacked rival, called Gaia-x.
ryzykowny, odkrywkowy
(used to refer to a search for oil in a new area without knowing if any will be found, or if a profit can be made from it)
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
tu: dość (np. dobry)
What makes the situation even more challenging for investors are new questions about the direction of oil prices, which no longer follow the fairly predictable cycle of boom and bust that governed the industry for much of the past century.
być owiany tajemnicą
shrouded in secrecy
Military-civil fusion is a plan to use the best of civilian research and development to bolster the technological capacities of the People’s Liberation Army. The drive is led by Mr Xi himself, who heads the Commission for Military- Civil Fusion Development. It is believed to target civilian advances in “dual use” areas such as quantum computing, big data, semiconductors, 5G and AI, but concrete initiatives are shrouded in secrecy.
dane podstawowe
headline figures
In America permanent job losses are mounting even as the headline unemployment rate falls. As more activity moves online, business will become more dominated by firms with the most advanced intellectual property and the biggest repositories of data; this year’s boom in technology stocks gives a sense of what is coming, as does the digital surge in the banking industry.
“I had been over enthusiastic and aggressive, pushing the sales team too hard which led to a build-up of stocks in the channel,” he says.
This April, the pandemic briefly led U.S. oil prices to fall into negative territory for the first time ever. So much oil backed up in storage that investors literally paid people to take it off their hands.
to shatter
Even before coronavirus shattered the global oil industry, Exxon, once the world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation, was struggling.
być w niełasce
to be in the doghouse
Wells Fargo’s struggle to escape the doghouse is not over yet.
to groom
przygotowywać (np. do ważnych egzaminów)
For the first time in the group’s 111-year history, L’Oréal named a woman, Barbara Lavernos, as deputy chief executive, a post that has groomed past CEOs.
rygorystyczny (o zasadzie), surowy (o przepisie)
The bust that followed was a vindication of the stringent valuation methods pioneered in the 1930s by Benjamin Graham, the father of “value” investing, and popularised by Warren Buffett.
out of hand
od ręki (np. odrzucić jakiś pomysł)
He fails to see that justifying false conversion lends credence to the anti-Semites. First, it ignores the many sincere conversions. Roth and the Spanish anti-Semites dismiss the possibility of sincere conversion out of hand.
wyraźnie; znacznie
In contrast, the top three countries in semiconductors and mobile communications increased their share of trade markedly.
trwały; stały
“But as we look closely at the facts and the various expert assessments, we conclude that the needs of society will drive more energy use in the years ahead — and an ongoing need for the products we produce.”
But say I had brought wine with me, I venture, am I right in thinking that New Jersey’s laws would let us drink it? He concurs that they would, so I push my bucket-sized Coke to one side and pull the bottle from my bag. “I’ll join you,” he gamely agrees.
plan generalny, plan ogólny
master plan
The Chinese government is working towards a standards master plan — China Standards 2035 — which Beijing was expected to publish before the end of this year. The strategy is expected to set out standardisation goals for crucial next-generation technologies.
as recently as
zaledwie; nie dalej niż
Yet while Exxon plots more fossil fuel production it is also ploughing money into research on biofuels, which Mr Tillerson dismissed as “moonshine” as recently as 2007, and carbon capture techniques.
ponieść fiasko
to fall off a cliff
The massive lending by Chinese financial institutions that supports the Belt and Road Initiative has fallen off a cliff. At the same time, Beijing finds itself mired in debt renegotiations with a host of countries.
nie mający skrupułów, nie przebierający w środkach
The rabbis played into the hands of racists when they collaborated with unscrupulous Spanish politicians to allow false conversion.
przez następne lata
for years to come
Exxon Mobil Corp. continues to invest in increasing oil production and has said it believes oil demand will increase for years to come. BP PLC, by contrast, believes demand may already have peaked and plans to reduce its oil and gas production by 40% over the next decade as it pivots to green energy.
And the same political system that enabled our global progress and democracy after World War II now contributes to societal discord and discontent. Each was well intended but had unintended negative consequences.
wzdrygać się
to flinch
“I think it’s safe to say that, you know, Steve was a supremely talented executive who behaved very badly,” he continues. “There was no flinching about it,” he says, but for a protégé who held Easterbrook in high regard, “it was disappointing, and it just hit”.
tu: pomoc; inne: ulga
If China is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient relief to its borrowers, it could find itself at the centre of a debt crisis in developing markets.” The data that describes China’s predicament comes from researchers at Boston University who maintain an independent database on China’s overseas development finance.
Very many of the Jews who, some time ago, were promoted to the Christian faith, are now not only known to blaspheme Christ and perform Jewish rites, they are also presumed to practice the abominable circumcisions.
to stammer
jąkać się
“I mean, for me, I think what I was proud of was our board, in my experience, has always made the right but sometimes tough decision,” Kempczinski stammers, his speech pattern betraying his discomfort.
instrukcja; zbiór strategii biznesowych lub kampanii politycznej; podręcznik
“The Chinese government has been actively promoting its internet and cyber governance playbook in many developing countries, most recently by leveraging 5G connectivity and smart city projects along the digital silk road,” says Rebecca Arcesati, an analyst at Merics, a Berlin-based think-tank.
być fanem czegoś
to be big on something
At PepsiCo he drank his way through gallons of Aquafina water and Lipton tea. At Kraft, he says, “I wasn’t big on Miracle Whip. But I ate a ton of mac and cheese.”
nonsens; bimber
Yet while Exxon plots more fossil fuel production it is also ploughing money into research on biofuels, which Mr Tillerson dismissed as “moonshine” as recently as 2007, and carbon capture techniques.
Cecil Roth says the opposite. Although within a generation or two, the Marranos became assimilated enough, Roth feels appearances were deceiving.
Overall, though, China’s rethink betrays a tacit recognition that its overseas lending bonanza has been ill-conceived. Photographs from the 2017 Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation — the venue at which Mr Xi declared his “project of the century” ambition — hint at what would become the programme’s fatal flaw.
to bounce back
pozbierać się, dojść do siebie, wrócić do normy
That is not a concern for China, which so far seems to be emerging from the pandemic strongest—at least in the short run. Its economy has bounced back quickly.
to throng
tłoczyć (się), gromadzić (się), zapełniać (jakieś miejsce)
Although their worldly success was phenomenal, and they almost controlled the economic life of the country and made fabulous fortunes as bankers and merchants, and thronged the liberal professions, even attaining high rank in the Church, the vast majority of the Conversos remained faithful at heart to the religion of their fathers.
tu: krąg (ludzi)
In Washington, the battle over technology standards is seen in some quarters as crucial to defending democracy from China’s influence, which Madeleine Albright, a former secretary of state, describes as “the world’s leading pioneer of what we call techno-authoritarianism”.
potwierdzenie; rehabilitacja
The bust that followed was a vindication of the stringent valuation methods pioneered in the 1930s by Benjamin Graham, the father of “value” investing, and popularised by Warren Buffett.
to be big on something
być fanem czegoś
At PepsiCo he drank his way through gallons of Aquafina water and Lipton tea. At Kraft, he says, “I wasn’t big on Miracle Whip. But I ate a ton of mac and cheese.”
the how and why of something
metody i zasady działania czegoś
For others, digital refers to the use of online tools and technologies to make process changes, or performance improvements, or to pursue organizational transformation. For still others, it’s an excuse to question the how and the why of their core business.
pułapka, sidła
The average Christian believed he was ruled by a class of philosophical intellectuals who were nihilists and opportunists with no religious beliefs. Baer cites the saying, to be born and die; all the rest is a snare and a delusion, as epitomizing the beliefs of this class of convert.
rozkładać na części składowe; gnić
to decompose
We have already established that the client is the lowest cost producer, hence the costs cannot be lowered any further. Your solution will thus focus on increasing revenues. You can decompose revenues like so: Revenues = Price x Quantity.
od ręki (np. odrzucić jakiś pomysł)
out of hand
He fails to see that justifying false conversion lends credence to the anti-Semites. First, it ignores the many sincere conversions. Roth and the Spanish anti-Semites dismiss the possibility of sincere conversion out of hand.
It was the first racially based pogrom in the history of Christendom; it marked the entry of racism into European history: the hatred which of old had been merely a matter of religion had become a matter of race. The one could be conjured away by baptism; the other was indelible and the change was of the most serious import, exercising for centuries its sinister influence on the fate of the Peninsula.
podmuch (deszczu, śniegu); tuman; nagłe ożywienie
As the flurry of manipulated but aspirational posts made people feel bad about their normal lives, Frier writes, “Instagram ended up fuelling a problem not just about truth in advertising, but about truth in life.
wstręt; odraza
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
to purvey
According to the Acts of the financial administration of Castile Jews controlled about two-thirds of the indirect taxes and customs within the country, on the frontier and at the ports. Occasionally, in conjunction with taxfarming, Jews also engaged in purveying grain, arms and clothing for the army that was then fighting with the Moslems.
master plan
plan generalny, plan ogólny
The Chinese government is working towards a standards master plan — China Standards 2035 — which Beijing was expected to publish before the end of this year. The strategy is expected to set out standardisation goals for crucial next-generation technologies.
The number of the Christianized Marranos was rising from generation to generation, while the number of clandestine Jews among them was rapidly dwindling to the vanishing point.
przeszkoda; utrudnienie
The conversos often worked at the royal courts because their religion was no longer an impediment to putting their abilities to use as civil servants.
sprzedać coś (np. firmę lub udziały)
to divest
Maersk, a Danish shipping giant, for example, divested its oil and gas divisions, and is focusing on providing sustainable shipping solutions.
działalność wywrotowa
The only Jew ostracized by the synagogue was the sincere convert. The liar and dissembler were tolerated tacitly, in violation of the teaching of Moses and the scriptural principle articulated in the Book of Maccabees. As a result, the rabbis and unscrupulous anti-Semitic Christian politicians collaborated in creating an atmosphere where subversion flourished.
Mr Diess demands unequivocal backing from the board so that he can fulfil his mission to cut vw’s bloated workforce and boost profitability (which is lagging far behind Audi and Porsche, the stars of the group).
umorzenie długu
debt relief
“Historically, most infrastructure booms have gone bust,” he adds. “Whether China can avert that fate may depend on its ability to renegotiate loans with countries now in urgent need of debt relief.
usposobiony; nastawiony do czegoś
The Jews were initially well-disposed to the marriage.
just short of something
trochę mniej niż
Between 2008 and 2019, the two Chinese banks lent $462bn, just short of the $467bn extended by the World Bank, according to the Boston University data. In some years, lending by the Chinese policy banks was almost equivalent to that by all six of the world’s multilateral financial institutions — which along with the World Bank include the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the African Development Bank — put together.
As office workers continue to work in their kitchens and bedrooms for at least part of the week, lower-paid workers who previously toiled as waiters, cleaners and sales assistants will need to find new jobs in the suburbs. Until they do, they could face long spells of unemployment.
wstręt; odraza
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
cnotliwy; prawy
Looking forward, such virtuous instincts can become a feature of our economic systems rather than a rare exception.
instrukcja; zbiór strategii biznesowych lub kampanii politycznej; podręcznik
“The Chinese government has been actively promoting its internet and cyber governance playbook in many developing countries, most recently by leveraging 5G connectivity and smart city projects along the digital silk road,” says Rebecca Arcesati, an analyst at Merics, a Berlin-based think-tank.
The mendicant friars, though, continued to preach sermon after sermon against Judaism and the Judaizers, urging the faithful to take matters into their own hands.
ryzykowny, odkrywkowy
used to refer to a search for oil in a new area without knowing if any will be found, or if a profit can be made from it
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
to struggle
borykać się z problemami
Even before coronavirus shattered the global oil industry, Exxon, once the world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation, was struggling.
potyczka, spotkanie (np. drużyn sportowych)
In late 2011, ExxonMobil announced plans to drill for oil in disputed land between Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq. Baghdad’s government, fearing the move could break up the country, threatened to eject the company from a big project near Basra, in the south. Exxon ignored the threat, knowing the encounter was a mismatch. Iraq’s revenue from oil sales that year amounted to about $80bn. Exxon’s revenue came in at more than $430bn.
to renounce
wyrzec się
The early Church was split over whether Christians who renounced the faith during the Roman persecutions should be readmitted to the Church.
to yawn
tu: stworzyć przepaść; inne: ziewać
In global development finance, such a sharp scaling back of lending by the Chinese banks amounts to an earthquake. If it persists, it will exacerbate an infrastructure funding gap that in Asia alone already amounts to $907bn a year, according to Asian Development Bank estimates. In Africa and Latin America — where Chinese credit has also formed a big part of infrastructure financing — the gap between what is required and what is available is also expected to yawn wider.
Very many of the Jews who, some time ago, were promoted to the Christian faith, are now not only known to blaspheme Christ and perform Jewish rites, they are also presumed to practice the abominable circumcisions.
boom and bust
What makes the situation even more challenging for investors are new questions about the direction of oil prices, which no longer follow the fairly predictable cycle of boom and bust that governed the industry for much of the past century.
osiągnąć (wynik)
to hit
In the 15 years up to 2019, capital expenditure hit $350bn but output ended lower. The balance sheet bulged. From 2015, cash flow from operations struggled to cover the sum of the company’s market-leading capex plus its dividend.
to lend credence to something
uprawdopodobnić coś, uwiarygodnić coś,
He fails to see that justifying false conversion lends credence to the anti-Semites. First, it ignores the many sincere conversions. Roth and the Spanish anti-Semites dismiss the possibility of sincere conversion out of hand.
Mr Diess demands unequivocal backing from the board so that he can fulfil his mission to cut vw’s bloated workforce and boost profitability (which is lagging far behind Audi and Porsche, the stars of the group).
źle dobrany; niedopasowany
In late 2011, ExxonMobil announced plans to drill for oil in disputed land between Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq. Baghdad’s government, fearing the move could break up the country, threatened to eject the company from a big project near Basra, in the south. Exxon ignored the threat, knowing the encounter was a mismatch. Iraq’s revenue from oil sales that year amounted to about $80bn. Exxon’s revenue came in at more than $430bn.
Looking forward, such virtuous instincts can become a feature of our economic systems rather than a rare exception.
rozwiewać (np. wątpliwości, obawy); łagodzić
to allay
Forced conversion strengthened the suspicions it was supposed to allay, and turned a difficult issue into an impossible one. And the rabbis were instrumental in strengthening the suspicions of the racially minded. Jews were regarded as a fifth column within the state, and conversos were regarded, because of the very conversion that was forced on them, as an even more dangerous fifth column within the Church.
The Infante Don Alfonso summarized the situation when criticizing conversions [which] resulted from overt pressure and coercion.’
przygotowywać (np. do ważnych egzaminów)
to groom
For the first time in the group’s 111-year history, L’Oréal named a woman, Barbara Lavernos, as deputy chief executive, a post that has groomed past CEOs.
Kempczinski, too, has achieved his success with more consistency than sizzle. With one wife, two kids and a goldendoodle, the clean-cut Ohioan seems cast to preach an ethics message.
wyrzec się
to renounce
The early Church was split over whether Christians who renounced the faith during the Roman persecutions should be readmitted to the Church.
what the future holds
co przyniesie przyszłość
Even before the pandemic sapped the world’s thirst for fuel, the future of the fossil-fuel industry was already under threat due to the rise of electric cars, the proliferation of renewable energy and growing consciousness about the long-term impact of climate change. The biggest oil companies increasingly disagree on what the future holds.
The Jews who submitted to baptism were no longer subject to the head tax. They were also, as Christians, qualified for governmental office. Race was not an issue.
to broach
poruszyć (np. wstydliwy temat)
In the 2014 film Kingsman, Samuel L Jackson tells Colin Firth that a McDonald’s cheeseburger “goes great with this ’45 Lafite”. The cheapest bottle of that vintage I could find is $2,999, so I grabbed a 2018 Josh Cellars Cabernet from home instead. I pour it into the two plastic cups I have brought, confirm that it helps the burger go down, and broach a more awkward subject.
nastąpić zaraz po czymś
to come on top of something
Indeed, the bad news related to COVID-19 came on top of the enormous economic, environmental, social and political challenges we were already facing before the pandemic.
to allay
rozwiewać (np. wątpliwości, obawy); łagodzić
Forced conversion strengthened the suspicions it was supposed to allay, and turned a difficult issue into an impossible one. And the rabbis were instrumental in strengthening the suspicions of the racially minded. Jews were regarded as a fifth column within the state, and conversos were regarded, because of the very conversion that was forced on them, as an even more dangerous fifth column within the Church.
śmierdzieć czymś
to reek of something
But the bumper price reeked of panic. Return on capital employed dropped from more than 30 per cent in 2008 to single digits in 2014. The production growth promised by Mr Tillerson failed to materialise.
The number of the Christianized Marranos was rising from generation to generation, while the number of clandestine Jews among them was rapidly dwindling to the vanishing point.
nieważny, nieprawomocny, bez mocy prawnej
null and void
Any provision that is against the law is null and void.
nonsens; bimber
Yet while Exxon plots more fossil fuel production it is also ploughing money into research on biofuels, which Mr Tillerson dismissed as “moonshine” as recently as 2007, and carbon capture techniques.
hojnie rozdawać, nie szczędzić (np. pochwał, uczucia)
to lavish
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
As apostate Jews, in many cases, they lavished hate and contempt on those who remained Jews. It proved impossible to stimulate popular abhorrence of the Jew without also stimulating the envy and jealousy excited by the ostentation and arrogance of the New Christians.
tu: zdobycz, łup
Thus smart cities, which automate multiple municipal functions, represent a big prize for China’s standards drive. “China is setting standards from the bottom up through widespread export and foreign adoption of its technology,” says Jonathan Hillman, an analyst at CSIS, a Washington-based think-tank.
borykać się z problemami
to struggle
Even before coronavirus shattered the global oil industry, Exxon, once the world’s most valuable company by market capitalisation, was struggling.
kampania; akcja
Military-civil fusion is a plan to use the best of civilian research and development to bolster the technological capacities of the People’s Liberation Army. The drive is led by Mr Xi himself, who heads the Commission for Military- Civil Fusion Development. It is believed to target civilian advances in “dual use” areas such as quantum computing, big data, semiconductors, 5G and AI, but concrete initiatives are shrouded in secrecy.
The Infante Don Alfonso summarized the situation when criticizing conversions [which] resulted from overt pressure and coercion.’
to fraternise
bratać się
The first Kempczinski heard about his mentor’s career-ending breach of fraternisation policies was when he came home from a run to discover a missed call from McDonald’s chairman and a text from its chief financial officer asking, in capital letters, where he was.
niechęc; nienawiść
Animus against Jews was based purely on religious grounds. Baptism, as St. Vincent Ferrer pointed out, destroyed the Jew. There was no Jew left after conversion. According to principles that the popes reiterated repeatedly, converts were to be accepted without calumny.
uprawdopodobnić coś, uwiarygodnić coś,
to lend credence to something
He fails to see that justifying false conversion lends credence to the anti-Semites. First, it ignores the many sincere conversions. Roth and the Spanish anti-Semites dismiss the possibility of sincere conversion out of hand.
shrouded in secrecy
być owiany tajemnicą
Military-civil fusion is a plan to use the best of civilian research and development to bolster the technological capacities of the People’s Liberation Army. The drive is led by Mr Xi himself, who heads the Commission for Military- Civil Fusion Development. It is believed to target civilian advances in “dual use” areas such as quantum computing, big data, semiconductors, 5G and AI, but concrete initiatives are shrouded in secrecy.
to flinch
wzdrygać się
“I think it’s safe to say that, you know, Steve was a supremely talented executive who behaved very badly,” he continues. “There was no flinching about it,” he says, but for a protégé who held Easterbrook in high regard, “it was disappointing, and it just hit”.
to play into somebody’s hands
ułatwiać komuś zadanie, działać na czyjąś korzyść, być wodą na młyn
The rabbis played into the hands of racists when they collaborated with unscrupulous Spanish politicians to allow false conversion.
It was the first racially based pogrom in the history of Christendom; it marked the entry of racism into European history: the hatred which of old had been merely a matter of religion had become a matter of race. The one could be conjured away by baptism; the other was indelible and the change was of the most serious import, exercising for centuries its sinister influence on the fate of the Peninsula.
podniebienie; smak
These flavours have been imprinted on my palate over countless children’s parties and latenight snacks. Each product is a dietary default, so popular that it defines its category.
Not only did actual converts (anusim) try with all their might to live as Jews, but even the children and the grandchildren of apostates who had forsaken Judaism of their own free will and choice were now inclined to retrace their steps. The conversos secretly visited their Jewish brethren in order to join them in celebrating the Jewish festivals.
gniazdo, legowisko (ośrodek czegoś)
Regulators warned that it could threaten monetary stability and become a hotbed for laundering.
lead time
czas realizacji
Businesses that successfully implemented a lean, global model of manufacturing achieved improvements in indicators such as inventory levels, on-time-in-full deliveries, and shorter lead times.
to clobber
Debt renegotiations have proliferated as the pandemic has clobbered emerging economies in Africa and elsewhere. A report by Rhodium Group, a consultancy, says at least 18 processes of debt renegotiation with China have taken place in 2020 and 12 countries were still in talks with Beijing as of the end of September, covering $28bn in Chinese loans.
niezgodnie z czymś
out of step with something
While breeding “disquiet” may seem out of step with the softer, more inclusive management styles at many other big corporations, Mr Agon defends his methods.
Strategic competition between the US and China raises the spectre of a fragmentation of standards that creates a new technological divide. Mr Segal says it is possible, for example, that 5G mobile telecoms — a bedrock technology that enables the “internet of things” — may be divided into two competing stacks.
otworzyć coś na siłe
tu bust open something
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
wykorzystanie mocy produkcyjnych
capacity utilization
Using this diagram, you should make the recommendation to the client to decrease its capacity utilization. This will cause the supply curve to shift towards the left, increasing the market clearing price from P1 to P2.
skrajny; największy
A parody of a royal document, it purports to confer privileges on a knight of old Christian descent to henceforth live like a Marrano. He could now advise the country’s rulers and by his wicked counsel to lead them into the paths of licentiousness, lust and oppression of their poor subjects and to derive from all this the utmost possible advantages for himself.
poradzić sobie z czymś; ogarnąć coś
to get a handle on
This report explores the rebalancing act facing many companies in goods-producing value chains as they seek to get a handle on risk.
The challenge for democratic governments will be to adapt to all these changes while maintaining popular consent for their policies and for free markets.
postanawiać, zdecydować się
to resolve
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
Kempczinski, too, has achieved his success with more consistency than sizzle. With one wife, two kids and a goldendoodle, the clean-cut Ohioan seems cast to preach an ethics message.
zabrać się za robienie czegoś
to go about
Based on your proposed approach, how would you go about conducting the analysis and gathering the information required?
deser lodowy
I had planned on a Big Mac but I am swayed by a poster advertising the “New! Hotter & Juicier” Quarter Pounder. I order it with a side of nuggets, accept the suggestion of a large fries and Coke and resolve to return for the hot caramel sundae.
zagłębić się mocniej w coś
to dig deeper into something
I peel open a pot of barbecue sauce, dip in a nugget and ask whether the company has dug deeply enough to be sure that Easterbrook’s alleged behaviour was the aberration it claims, rather than a reflection of a wider problem with the company’s culture.
to embrace
przyjąć coś (np. pomysł)
The concept had been embraced by the U.S. Business Roundtable—a major Washingtonbased lobbying group of U.S. firms— just months earlier.
Conspicuous by its absence from Netanyahu’s book is any consideration of rabbinic theology on the issue of conversion under duress.
podobno; rzekomo
Because of the large number of converted Jews prominent in Spain, it was reputedly more secular than renaissance Italy.
nie mający skrupułów, nie przebierający w środkach
The rabbis played into the hands of racists when they collaborated with unscrupulous Spanish politicians to allow false conversion.
pałeczka (przekazywana w czasie sztafety), pałeczka sztafetowa
“I’m actually quite happy about passing the baton to someone who I respect and who will do this job very, very well,” he says.
potwierdzenie; rehabilitacja
The bust that followed was a vindication of the stringent valuation methods pioneered in the 1930s by Benjamin Graham, the father of “value” investing, and popularised by Warren Buffett.
sterta, stos
Strategic competition between the US and China raises the spectre of a fragmentation of standards that creates a new technological divide. Mr Segal says it is possible, for example, that 5G mobile telecoms — a bedrock technology that enables the “internet of things” — may be divided into two competing stacks.
What was conceived as the world’s biggest development programme is unravelling into what could become China’s first overseas debt crisis.
bratać się
to fraternise
The first Kempczinski heard about his mentor’s career-ending breach of fraternisation policies was when he came home from a run to discover a missed call from McDonald’s chairman and a text from its chief financial officer asking, in capital letters, where he was.
spektakularny; rzucający się w oczy
Conspicuous by its absence from Netanyahu’s book is any consideration of rabbinic theology on the issue of conversion under duress.
What was conceived as the world’s biggest development programme is unravelling into what could become China’s first overseas debt crisis.
boom and bust
What makes the situation even more challenging for investors are new questions about the direction of oil prices, which no longer follow the fairly predictable cycle of boom and bust that governed the industry for much of the past century.
for years to come
przez następne lata
Exxon Mobil Corp. continues to invest in increasing oil production and has said it believes oil demand will increase for years to come. BP PLC, by contrast, believes demand may already have peaked and plans to reduce its oil and gas production by 40% over the next decade as it pivots to green energy.
zacząć działać; zacząć odnosić sukcesy
to get off the ground
If the idea gets off the ground it could directly benefit State Grid, which is the global leader in making ultra-high voltage transmission lines.
najbardziej prawdopodobny przypadek
The financial results from the base case should be better than those from conservative scenarios, but worse than those from upside cases.
That is, evaluate digital projects and strategies based on the cash flows they are expected to generate, making sure to factor in “do nothing” or base-case scenarios as well as the overarching objectives of the digital project or strategy being proposed.
to purvey
According to the Acts of the financial administration of Castile Jews controlled about two-thirds of the indirect taxes and customs within the country, on the frontier and at the ports. Occasionally, in conjunction with taxfarming, Jews also engaged in purveying grain, arms and clothing for the army that was then fighting with the Moslems.
to get a handle on
poradzić sobie z czymś; ogarnąć coś
This report explores the rebalancing act facing many companies in goods-producing value chains as they seek to get a handle on risk.
out of step with something
niezgodnie z czymś
While breeding “disquiet” may seem out of step with the softer, more inclusive management styles at many other big corporations, Mr Agon defends his methods.
Strategic competition between the US and China raises the spectre of a fragmentation of standards that creates a new technological divide. Mr Segal says it is possible, for example, that 5G mobile telecoms — a bedrock technology that enables the “internet of things” — may be divided into two competing stacks.
odmawiać, sprzeciwiać (się)
to demur
As wildcat drillers in the US were busting open a century’s worth of new shale gas reserves — the start of a supply revolution that would turn the global energy market on its head — Exxon demurred, backing big capital projects overseas instead.
metody i zasady działania czegoś
the how and why of something
For others, digital refers to the use of online tools and technologies to make process changes, or performance improvements, or to pursue organizational transformation. For still others, it’s an excuse to question the how and the why of their core business.