Deck General - 9 Flashcards
What should you inspect to be sure that it is safe to go aloft in a bosun’s chair?
All of the above
What size block shell should be used with a 4-inch manila line?
What statement is true regarding a Contract Salvage Agreement?
There cost of the salvage is set at a fixed price
What term indicates a curvature of the decks in a longitudinal direction?
What term indicates an inward curvature of the ship’s hull above the waterline?
Tumble home
What term indicates the immersed body of the vessel aft of the parallel mid-body?
What term indicates the immersed body of the vessel forward of the parallel mid-body?
What term indicates the length measured along the summer load line from the intersection of that load line with the foreside of the stem and the intersection of that load line with the aft side of the rudder post?
Length between perpendiculars
What term indicates the line drawn at the top of the flat plate keel?
Base line
What term indicates the midships portion of a vessel that has a constant cross section?
Middle body
What term indicates the outward curvature of the hull above the waterline?
What type of line melts easiest?
What type of stopper would you use on a nylon mooring line?
What welding pattern is NOT used to permanently attach a stiffener to a plate?
What will be accepted as the shipping papers for an unmanned tank barge but will not be accepted if the tank barge is manned?
Logbook entry
What will cause wire rope to fail?
All of the above
What will NOT be found on the Certificate of Inspection of an ocean going tankship?
Minimum freeboard permitted
What will NOT increase friction of a liquid flowing in a pipe and cause a loss of suction head?
Slowing the pumping rate
What will NOT reduce yawing of a tow?
Stowing deck loads forward
What would be prima facie evidence of unseaworthiness?
What would have the greatest affect on a vessel’s longitudinal strength?
Grounding damage to the bilge strake, just aft of midships
What would NOT require that a detailed report of the release of hazardous cargo be made to the Department of Transportation?
Part of your deck cargo of five gallon cans of paint is damaged and leaking so you jettison them to eliminate the fire hazard.
What would you use to adjust the height of a cargo boom?
Topping lift
When “checking down” a barge using a check line you should use
at least three round turns around one timber head
When a boat turns broadside to heavy seas and winds, thus exposing the boat to the danger of capsizing, the boat has .
When a cargo boom or crane is rated at varying capacities, there will be a table at the controls which relates safe working load to .
load radius
When a deck cargo is secured with chain or wire lashings and grab (pear) links, which statement is FALSE?
The amount of take-up is limited by the length of the turnbuckle.
When a helmsman receives the command “Right 15 degrees rudder,” the helmsman’s immediate reply should be .
“Right 15 degrees rudder”
When a line is laid down in loose, looping figure-eights, it is said to be
When a line is spirally coiled about its end and lying flat on deck, it is said to be .
When a line is subject to wear where it passes through a mooring chock, it should be .
wrapped with chafing gear
When a man who is conscious has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat, the boat should approach with the wind .
just off the bow and the victim to leeward
When a merchant vessel is under the Naval Control of Shipping Organization in wartime, naval authorities may give orders pertaining to .
regulations about darkening ship
When a small craft’s anchor fouls in a rocky bottom, the first attempt to clear it should be made by .
reversing the angle and direction of pull, with moderate scope
When a tow is trimmed by the stern it is said to .
When a tug is “in irons”, she
may be in danger of being overrun by her tow
When a tug is pulling on a hawser at right angles to the ship, and the pilot wants to come ahead or astern on the ship’s engine, care must be taken that the pilot .
does not get too much way on the vessel
When a tug makes up to a large vessel, the spring line should lead from the forwardmost part of the tug so that .
the tug can pivot freely
When a two-leg sling is used to lift a load, a sling 40 feet long is better than one of 30 feet because the
tension in the sling legs is less
When a vessel is entering or leaving a port, a record of engine speeds is kept in the .
bell book
When a vessel is on autopilot steering, the “weather “ control is adjusted to compensate for which severe weather effect on a vessel?
When a vessel is swinging from side to side off course due to quartering seas, the vessel is .
When a vessel with a single right- hand propeller backs to port the
bow falls off to starboard
When a wedge of water builds up between the head of the barge and the bank it is referred to as
bank cushion
When accepting vehicles for shipment, the Master should ensure that .
All of the above
When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed, the watch officer should record the results .
in the compass deviation log
When an Official logbook is not required, an unofficial logbook is required to be kept aboard for review by a marine inspector for
12 months
When anchored, increasing the scope of the anchor chain normally serves to
prevent dragging of the anchor
When anchoring a vessel under normal conditions, which scope of chain is recommended?
Five to seven times the depth of water
When anchoring a vessel, it is best to release the anchor when .
going slow astern
When anchoring in a clay bottom, what is one hazard that may cause the anchor to drag?
The anchor may get shod with clay and not develop full holding power.
When anchoring in a current, you should .
anchor while stemming the current
When anchoring in calm water, it is best to .
have slight sternway on the vessel while letting go the anchor
When anchoring, good practice requires 5 to 7 fathoms of chain for each fathom of depth. In deep water you should use .
less chain for each fathom of depth
When anchoring, it is a common rule of thumb to use a length of chain
five to seven times the depth of water
When anyone voluntarily deposits his/her license or document with a Coast Guard investigating officer
it may be for reasons of mental or physical incompetence
When attempting to free an anchor jammed in the hawsepipe, the simplest method of freeing it may be
starting the disengaged windlass at high speed
When backing down with sternway, the pivot point of a vessel is
about one-quarter of the vessel’s length from the stern
When barge headlogs do not meet or are not even with one another, the void or opening between them is called a .
When being towed by one tug, the towing bridle should be connected to towing .
bitts with figure eights
When being towed, a fairlead is a
fabricated shape used to change the direction of a flexible member of the tow hookup
When bunkering at a dock which of the following signals must be displayed?
A red flag by day, red light by night
When bunkering at anchorage which of the following signals must be displayed?
A red flag by day ONLY
When bunkering is complete, the hoses should be .
drained, blanked off, and stored securely
When can the US citizenship requirement for the Master of a US- flag uninspected towing vessel be waived?
Never, under any circumstances
When caring for natural-fiber line, you should NEVER .
lubricate the line
When carrying a cargo of asphalt or molten sulfur, which are carried at temperatures of over 300°F, one of the biggest dangers is .
water in the tanks or pipelines
When carrying a full or nearly full load of bulk ore in a general cargo type vessel which has engine spaces amidships, the cargo in each hold should be trimmed so that the bulk of the cargo lies .
toward the after bulkhead of the forward holds and the forward bulkhead of the after holds
When carrying out a parallel track search pattern, the course of the search units should normally be which of the following?
In the same direction as the anticipated drift
When casting a heaving line to a disabled vessel, cast the line
well over vessel’s center to drop on deck
When checking a mooring line, you should .
surge the line so that it maintains a strain without parting
When cleaning a tank by the Butterworth process, you should begin to pump out the slops .
when the process is started
When cleaning cargo tanks with portable machines, how is the machine grounded?
The water supply hoses contain internal wires that act as conductors
When clearing a vessel for a foreign voyage, the original crew list is duly certified by proper authority. In a U.S. port, this authority is the U.S.
When clearing customs for a foreign voyage, which of the following is processed at the custom’s house and returned to the vessel?
Shipping Articles
When commencing cargo operations on a container ship, one cell at a hatch is generally discharged completely (to the bottom of the ship) before removing any containers from the adjoining cells to .
initiate loading in conjunction with unloading at the hatch
When comparing twin screw tug to single-screw tugs, which statement about a twin-screw tug is FALSE?
It develops more bollard pull for the same horsepower.
When connecting the tow bridle to a tug, the end of the bridle is passed with a .
messenger line
When considering a vessel’s stability, which spaces in a general cargo vessel are the best locations for the carriage of bulk grain?
Deep tanks
When cutting regular-lay wire rope, what is the minimum number of seizings to be placed on each side of the cut?
Three, and more on larger diameter wire ropes
When cutting wire rope, seizings are put on each side of the cut. The seizings prevent the wire from unlaying and also .
maintain the original balance of the tension in the wires and strands
When discharging an oil cargo, the first consideration is to .
get the bow up
When dropping anchor, you are stationed at the windlass brake. The most important piece(s) of gear is(are)
When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, the vessel should be
underway with the wind 30° on the bow
When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which course should the ship take?
A course that will keep a free flow of air, clear of smoke, over the hoist area.
When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which statement is TRUE?
Flags should be flown to provide a visual reference as to the direction of the apparent wind.
When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift, which statement is TRUE?
The litter should not be touched until it has been grounded.
When fruit is carried as refrigerated cargo, the most frequent cause of its being infected at the discharge port is
improper cleaning of the cargo spaces
When handling cargo, the majority of cargo gear breakdowns is due to
guy failures
When hip towing, a line led from the bow of the towing vessel aft to the vessel being towed would be a
towing line
When hip towing, a line led from the stern of the towboat forward to the barge provides the towing pull when
When hooking up a cargo hose to your vessel’s manifold, you should use a(n) .
insulating flange or single length of non-conducting hose
When hugging a bank in a narrow channel, you should take precautions against .
All of the above
When improperly tied, which knot shown is called a granny or thief’s knot?
When inspecting ground tackle, fractures are most frequently found in the .
end links
When inspecting wire rope before a hoisting operation, one must look for
All of the above
When inspecting wire rope that has been in use for some time, one must look for .
All of the above
When loading a cargo of taconite, proper sequencing of loading by hatch number is necessary to .
prevent excessive longitudinal stresses
When loading a container vessel, the operation is basically that of vertical loading. The important factors to be considered when loading containers are port of discharge, .
weight, and refrigeration
When loading a tanker, you should
close valves by closing them down, reopening one or two turns, and re-closing
When loading bulk liquid cargo, what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?
Order the dock man to shut down.
When loading containers into the cell guides in the hold of a container ship, which statement is TRUE?
No further securing is usually required.
When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel, they should be allowed to trail in the water .
to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the water
When making a Scharnow turn, the
rudder is put hard over and the initial turn is maintained until about 240° from the original course
When making a short splice in wire rope .
all tucks go against the lay
When making a wire fast to bitts it is recommended that you .
take 3 round turns around both bitts, then make figure eights
When making up a long, large coastwise tow, which of the following procedures is INCORRECT?
Back-up wires are left slack
When making up a tow connection, you should use .
screw pin shackles
When making way in heavy seas you notice that your vessel’s screw is being lifted clear of the water and racing. One way to correct this would be to .
decrease speed
When maneuvering a heavy barge up a wide channel with a tug, the tow may be most closely controlled by making up to the barge .
nearly stern to stern, at a small angle to the barge
When maneuvering from pull towing to breasted (alongside) towing, a twin- screw vessel is more likely than a single-screw vessel of equal horsepower to .
foul the towline
When may a seaman on a vessel engaged in foreign trade be paid before earning the wages?
The seaman may only draw an advance on earned wages.
When may foreign licensed or documented personnel be employed on a US-flag towing vessel?
While on a foreign voyage and outside US jurisdiction, in order to meet manning requirements
When measuring the oxygen content of the cargo tanks prior to loading cargoes requiring vapor recovery, check it .
one half the ullage of the tank and one meter below the tank top
When moored with a Mediterranean moor, the ship should be secured to the pier by having .
a stern line and two quarter lines crossing under the stern
When more than one vessel is being assisted by an icebreaker, distances between vessels should be constant. Which signal should be given by a vessel which is ahead of another and whose speed suddenly begins to drop?
A flag hoist consisting of the code figure “5”
When must the Master of a vessel log the position of load line marks in relation to the surface of the water in the Official Logbook?
Prior to getting underway
When must the owner or Master of a towing vessel retest a towline or remove it from service?
When the record of its material condition lapses for 3 months or more.
When natural fiber rope gets wet, the
line shrinks in length
When oil is discharged overboard, an entry is required in the .
Oil Record Book
When oily ballast has been pumped overboard, an entry must be made in the .
Oil Record Book
When operating in an area where sea ice and icebergs are present, which statement is TRUE?
Icebergs may travel in a direction many degrees different from the sea ice.
When passing a hawser to the dock you would first use what line?
Heaving line
When patching holes in the hull, pillows, bedding, and other soft materials can be used as
When paying off seamen in a foreign port, where a United States consul is not available, the release must be executed by the seamen and the
Master of the vessel
When paying out nylon line from around the bitts .
stand clear of the bitts and use two or more round turns under your figure eights
When picking up your mooring at the buoy, the correct method is to
approach the buoy with the wind and current ahead
When piloting a vessel, how are visual references used to establish a constant rate of turn?
Fixed objects that stay on the same relative bearing when the ship is turning indicate a constant rate of turn.
When planning the loading or discharging of a VLCC (100,000 DWT+) what is the most important consideration?
Limits of the bending moments
When plugging holes below the waterline you should .
reduce the entry of water as much as possible
When preparing to hoist the anchor, you should FIRST .
engage the wildcat
When referring to dry bulk cargoes, the term “flow state” .
refers to the saturation of a dry bulk product with water to the point where it acts as a liquid
When relieving the helm, the new helmsman should find it handy to know the .
amount of helm carried for a steady course
When relieving the helm, the new helmsman should find it handy to know the .
amount of helm carried for a steady course
When relieving the helm, the new helmsman should know the
course per magnetic steering compass
When rigging a bosun’s chair, a tail block or lizard is used to .
reeve the gantline through
When rigging a stage, the standing part should be fastened to the horns of a stage with which of the following hitches?
Marlinespike hitch
When riveted joints occur at the ends of plating they are called .
When running before a heavy sea, moving weights aft will affect the handling of a vessel by .
reducing yawing
When securing a hook to the end of a wire rope you should use
wire rope clips with a thimble eye
When securing a manila line to a bitt what is the minimum number of round turns you should take before figure- eighting the line?
When securing a synthetic line to a bitt what is the minimum number of round turns you should take before figure-eighting the line?
When selecting the fuel oil tanks for the “burn-out” of bunkers during a voyage consideration of all of the following must be taken with the EXCEPTION of .
When several salvors are on-scene at the same time to assist a vessel that has not been abandoned, which principal governs the decision as to which one’s services will be accepted?
The Master of the ship needing assistance has the absolute right to decide.
When shoring a damaged bulkhead, effort should be taken to spread the pressure over the .
maximum possible area
When should a crane boom-up so high that the boom hits the stops?
When should you conduct a visual inspection of your towline?
All of the above
When steaming through an anchorage, a shipmaster should
avoid crossing close ahead of the anchored ships
When steering by hand, which of the following may be a functional input to the steering gear as a result of turning the wheel?
When steering a vessel, a good helmsman does NOT .
use as much rudder as possible to keep the vessel on course
When steering a vessel, a good helmsman will .
repeat back to the watch officer any rudder commands before executing them
When steering on autopilot which of the following input conditions may NOT have an effect on the control of the steering gear?
When stowing hazardous materials on deck, lashing of such cargo is permitted if .
the lashings are secured to deck pad eyes
When stripping a tank, excessive air in the suction line may cause
loss of suction
When taking a length of new manila rope from the coil, you should
lay the coil on end with the inside end down, then pull the inside end up through the middle of the coil
When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway, which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side?
Sea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowly
When talking about wire rope, the lay of the wire is the .
direction wires and strands are twisted together
When tandem tug towing, the more powerful of the two tugs should be
behind the lead tug
When tank cleaning with a portable machine, the weight of the machine is suspended from .
the supply hose
When the anchor is brought to and holding, the horizontal component of anchor cable tensions should equal the .
environmental forces
When the dew point of the outside air is higher than the dew point of the air in the cargo hold, you should
not ventilate the cargo holds
When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the cargo hold, you should
ventilate the cargo holds
When the gyro-pilot is used for steering, what control is adjusted to compensate for varying sea conditions?
Weather adjustment
When the longitudinal strength members of a vessel are continuous and closely spaced, the vessel is
longitudinally framed
When the period of beam seas equals the natural rolling period of a vessel, what will most likely occur?
Excessive rolling
When the pilot is embarked he or she
is a specialist hired for his or her local navigational knowledge
When the vessel is on coastwise articles, the original certificate of the seaman’s certificate of discharge is
given to the seaman
When the wave period and the apparent rolling period are the same
synchronous rolling occurs
When towing a small trailer-able boat, the sturdiest fitting available to attach a tow rig is the .
trailer eye
When towing another vessel astern, the length of the towline should be
such that the vessels will be “in step”
When towing another vessel, the length of the towing line should be
such that the vessels will be in step
When towing astern what equipment should be stowed ready for use near the towline?
Axe or cutting torch
When towing astern, chafing gear should NOT be used on a hawser which is .
attached to an automatic towing engine
When towing astern, each towline must meet all of these requirements, EXCEPT .
being suitable for use as soon as it is removed from its normal stowage location
When towing astern, increased catenary will .
reduce shock stress on the towing hawser
When towing astern, one way to reduce yawing of the tow is to
trim the tow by the stern
When towing astern, you notice that another vessel is about to pass between the towing vessel and the tow. You should immediately
slow down and pay out the main tow hawser
When towing in an open seaway, it is important to use a towing line
that will have the tow on a crest while your vessel is on a crest
When towing, a tow hook is used to
provide quick release of the hawser
When towing, the least amount of tension will be on each bridle leg when the two legs .
form a small angle with each other
When towing, what is the main reason for using a chain bridle on a wire hawser?
It gives a spring effect to cushion the shock.
When turning a ship in restricted space with a strong wind, it is normally best to .
turn so that the tendency to back into the wind can be used, if on a single-screw vessel
When turning a vessel in shallow water, which statement is TRUE?
The turning diameter increases.
When underway and proceeding ahead, as the speed increases, the pivot point tends to .
move forward
When underway with a tow, you are required to notify the Coast Guard in which casualty situation?
Accidental stranding or grounding
When underway with a tow, you are required to notify the Coast Guard in which casualty situation?
Accidental stranding or grounding
When using a Mediterranean Moor, the vessel is moored with her
stern to the pier
When using natural-fiber rope, you should NEVER .
try to lubricate the line
When using the anchor to steady the bow while approaching a dock you must be aware of the fact that
using an offshore anchor decreases the chances of the anchor holding
When using the term “limber system” one is referring to a .
drainage system
When using two tugs to assist in mooring a large, deeply laden ship, the most powerful tug is usually placed .
forward to control the bow
When using wire rope clips to form a temporary eye in wire rope, you should .
place the U-bolt of the wire rope clips on the dead end of the rope
When weighing anchor in a rough sea, how would you avoid risk of damaging the bow plating?
Leave the anchor under foot, until the vessel may be brought before the sea.
When working with wire rope, which must be considered?
It needs better care than hemp or manila.
When you “end for end” a wire rope, you .
remove the wire rope from the drum and reverse it so that the free end becomes the bitter end
When you enter shallow water, you would expect your rudder response to
be sluggish and your speed to decrease
When you have a tow alongside, your stern should extend aft of the tow in order to .
obtain better steering control
When your tug reduces speed to shorten tow, the .
All of the above
Where are the test certificates, for wire rope used as cargo runners, and loose gear certificates usually maintained?
With the Cargo Gear Register on the ship
Where are the towing bitts best placed for towing purposes?
Forward of the rudder post and close to the tug’s center of pivot