Deck General - 6 Flashcards
The half-breadth plan is .
usually drawn for the port side only
The head block is located .
at the head of the boom
The heel block is located
at the base of the boom
The helm command “Check her” means .
slow the swing using moderate rudder
The helm command “Left twenty” means .
put the rudder left twenty degrees
The helm command “meet her” means .
use rudder to check the swing
The helm command “Nothing to the left” means do NOT .
steer left of the ordered course
The helm command “Steady as you go” means .
steer the course you are on now
The hitch used to secure the standing part of a gantline to the horns of a stage is a .
marlinespike hitch
The holding capabilities of an anchor are determined PRIMARILY by the
scope of the anchor chain
The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the
anchor’s ability to dig in
The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases when the .
amount of chain lying along the bottom increases
The Honolulu (Christmas tree) tow was devised to .
keep the catenary to a minimum
The horizontal flat surfaces where the upper stock joins the rudder are the
rudder palms
The horizontal fore-and-aft movement of a vessel is called .
The horizontal port or starboard movement of a vessel is called
The Immigration and Naturalization Service is concerned with which document on a vessel making preliminary entry into a U.S. port from a foreign port?
Certified Crew List
The implied condition(s) with respect to the doctrine of deviation in a marine insurance policy is(are) .
All of the above
The internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside faces of the cargo battens, the lower side of the deck beams, and the top of the tank top ceiling is known as the
bale cubic
The internal volume of a cargo hold measured from the inside of the side shell, the underside of the deck, and the tank top is known as the
grain cubic
The joint formed when two steel plates are placed end-to-end is called a .
The joint formed when two steel shell plates are placed longitudinally side to side is called a .
The joint indicated by letter D is a
The key to rescuing a man overboard is .
well-conducted drills
The key to rescuing a man overboard is .
well-conducted drills
The knot at the end of the heaving line used to pass the towing hawser is called a .
monkey’s fist
The knot lettered E is a .
timber and half hitch
The knot lettered G in the illustration is a .
fisherman’s bend
The knot lettered I as shown is a
bowline on a bight
The knot lettered J is a .
plain whipping
The knot lettered N as shown is a
The knot lettered O is a .
barrel hitch
The knot lettered P is a .
rolling hitch
The knot lettered Q as shown is a
The knot lettered R is a .
double becket bend
The knot lettered S is a .
blackwall hitch
The knot lettered U is a .
half hitch
The knot shown lettered W is a
square knot
The knot used to form the bridle at the standing part of a gantline rigged to a stage is a .
The knot used to join two lines of different diameter is a .
becket bend
The knot used to join two lines or two large hawsers for towing is called a
carrick bend
The label required for magnesium scrap is .
None of the above
The label required on containers carrying barium oxide in an international shipment must read
The Lake Carriers Association and the Canadian Shipowners Association prescribe separation routes for upbound and downbound vessels on the Great Lakes. The recommended courses for these routes are shown on the Great Lakes Charts in the form of
red or magenta figures over a segmented course line track
The larger sizes of manila line are measured by their .
The lashings on a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause .
The lashings used on Ro-Ro vessels should be capable of withstanding the forces of .
All of the above
The last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted .
The latch of a safety hook
prevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if the strain is abruptly eased
The lead of a tow bridle is usually redirected with a .
The legs of a tow bridle are joined together with a .
The length of a standard “shot” of chain is .
15 fathoms
The letter I indicates the keel. Which of the following plates is NOT part of the keel?
Longitudinal girder
The letter M indicates a(n)
web frame
The lifeboats on your vessel are stowed on cradles on deck and are handled by sheath-screw boom davits. Which of the following statements about launching a boat is TRUE?
The outboard section of the cradle must be released.
The line with the most stretch is
The lines led forward from the bow and aft from the stern when a vessel is moored to the dock are
bow and stern lines
The load chart of a crane enables the operator to combine the load radius with boom length to determine the
allowable load
The load line certificate is issued by
the American Bureau of Shipping
The load line markings shown are inscribed on the vessel’s .
port and starboard sides
The load line regulations are administered by the .
U.S. Coast Guard
The locking pin that joins the parts of a detachable link is held in position by
a lead plug
The lookout sights a vessel dead ahead. This should be reported on the bell with .
three bells
The lower hold of your vessel has a bale capacity of 45,000 cubic feet. How many cases of a cargo weighing 450 lbs. and measuring 2.5 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet could be stowed in the hold, assuming a broken stowage factor of 15 percent?
The lower hold of your vessel has a bale capacity of 60,000 cubic feet. How many tons of cotton in bales having a stowage factor of 85 can be stowed in the lower hold, assuming a broken stowage factor of 20%?
The lower hold of your vessel has a bale cubic of 52,000 cu. ft. You will load a cargo of cases, each weighing 380 lbs. and measuring 3 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft. The estimated broken stowage is 15%. How many tons of cases can be loaded?
625 tons
The lower seam of the strake indicated by the letter B is sometimes riveted. This is done to .
serve as a crack arrestor and prevent hull girder failure
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is known as the .
flash point
The machinery associated with heaving in and running out anchor chain is the .
The main advantage and chief characteristic of a Steulchen boom is that it can be .
swung from one hatch to the adjacent hatch
The main advantage of a Chinese stopper over the one line stopper is that it .
will not jam on the mooring line
The main function of a stripping system is to .
discharge liquid left in the cargo tanks after the main pumps have discharged the bulk
The main function of the core of a wire rope is to .
support the strands laid around it
The main reason a long towline is used during an ocean tow is that
there will be less stress on the towline
The main underdeck pipeline on a tankship is connected to individual tanks by .
branch lines
The MAIN use of the knot lettered M is to .
marry two hawsers
The major components which determine the length of a catenary in a deployed anchor cable are water depth, cable weight, and
cable tension
The major components which determine the length of catenary in a deployed anchor cable are cable tension, cable weight, and
water depth
The major components which determine the length of catenary in a deployed anchor cable are water depth, cable tension, and
cable weight
The maneuver which will return your vessel in the shortest time to a person who has fallen overboard is
a single turn with hard rudder
The maneuver which will return your vessel to a person who has fallen overboard in the shortest time is
a single turn with hard rudder
The marking on an anchor chain for 30 fathoms is .
two links on each side of the 30 fathom detachable link are painted white
The Master may have his/her license suspended or revoked for
being negligent
The Master may require part of the crew to work when needed for
All of the above
The Master must maintain the Oil Record Book on board for at least
36 months
The Master of a passenger vessel which is not required to maintain an Official Logbook must keep a record of the number of passengers received and delivered from day to day. This record must be available for a period of .
12 months
The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel .
is in all respects ready to load
The Master of any vessel bound on a voyage must apply to a district court when an allegation of unseaworthiness has been made to the Master by .
the First and Second Officers of the vessel or a majority of the crew
The master or individual in charge of a vessel prepares a certificate of discharge for each mariner being discharged from the vessel where the original discharge goes to the
The maximum draft to which a vessel can legally be submerged is indicated by the .
load line mark
The maximum length allowed between main, transverse bulkheads on a vessel is referred to as the
permissible length
The maximum theoretical stress that can be developed on a guy in a yard and stay rig is limited by the
lifting capacity of the winch
The measurement of the amount of force a towing vessel is capable of applying to a motionless tow is called
bollard pull
The metal, teardrop-shaped object sometimes used within an eye splice is a .
The MINIMUM acceptable size for a towing bridle would be that size in which the safe working load (SWL) of each leg of the bridle is equal to
that of the main towing hawser
The minimum temperature required to ignite gas or vapor without a spark or flame being present is called
autoignition temperature
The moisture equilibrium chart can be used to determine the .
dew point temperature that the air surrounding a hygroscopic commodity will have when in moisture equilibrium with that commodity
The most common method of securing a line to a cleat is a
round turn, then figure eights
The most important safety consideration during loading or discharge aboard a Ro-Ro vessel is
the thorough ventilation of all cargo spaces
The most likely time for oil pollution while bunkering is when .
final topping off is occurring
The most probable position of the object of a search at any given time is the .
datum position
The Muster List (“Station Bill”) shows each person’s lifeboat station, duties during abandonment, basic instructions, and .
all emergency signals
The muster list must be posted in conspicuous locations and signed by the .
The name and hailing port of a documented commercial vessel is
required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bows
The National Cargo Bureau represents the .
All of the above
The next-to-last shot of an anchor cable is usually painted .
The normal and safest way for a sailor in a bosun’s chair to be raised aloft is
manually by two or three sailors heaving away on deck
The normal and safest way for a sailor to be lowered in a bosun’s chair when descending vertically is .
for that sailor to feed the hauling part through a bosun’s chair hitch
The number of able seamen required on board is stated in the .
Certificate of Inspection
The number of certificated able seamen and lifeboatmen required on a vessel is determined by the
Coast Guard
The number of certificated able seamen and lifeboatmen required on board is listed in the .
Certificate of Inspection
The number of certificated lifeboatmen required for a vessel is found on the .
Certificate of Inspection
The number or name of a tank barge shall be .
displayed at the highest point of the barge’s hull such that it can be seen from either side
The objective of shoring a damaged bulkhead is to .
support and hold the area in the damaged position
The Officers Competency Certificates Convention of 1936 applies to all of these vessels operating seaward of the boundary line EXCEPT a/an
uninspected towing vessel of less than 200 gross tons
The official identification of a vessel is found in the .
Certificate of Documentation
The official logbook is filed with the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) .
upon completion of the voyage
The official number of a documented vessel is .
required to be permanently marked on the vessel’s structure
The Oil Record Book for all fixed or floating drilling rigs is the property of the .
U.S. government
The Oil Record Book for all U.S. ships is the property of the .
U.S. government
The oil record book is required to be carried aboard .
All of the above
The Oil Record Book on a vessel NOT engaged on a foreign voyage shall be maintained on board for not less than
36 months
The opening in the deck beneath the anchor windlass that leads to the chain locker is the .
spill pipe
The opening in the deck that leads the anchor cable outside the hull is the
The operator of an uninspected vessel MUST assist people affected by an accident if he or she can do so without
serious danger to his or her own vessel
The operator of an uninspected vessel MUST assist people affected by an accident if he or she can do so without
All of the above
The order of importance in addressing damage control is .
control fire, control flooding, repair structural damage
The organization that certifies the safe working load of cargo cranes on a vessel is the .
classification society
The original Bill of Lading, once signed by the Master, is NOT
surrendered to the customs agency of the country where the cargo is discharged
The owner or Master of a towing vessel must ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel knows all of the following EXCEPT .
the ownership of the vessel(s) being towed
The owner or Master of a towing vessel must evaluate whether the entire towline, or a part of it, is no longer serviceable. The towline should be removed from service in all cases EXCEPT .
when the vessel is underway
The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accomplish all of the following EXCEPT .
reduce speed only where local speed limits are posted
The owner or Master of a towing vessel shall ensure that each person that directs and controls the movement of the vessel can accurately fix the vessel’s position using all of the following EXCEPT
buoys alone
The owner or Master of a towing vessel that tows astern must keep records of the towline(s) that include all of the following information EXCEPT .
an invoice showing the cost of the towline
The owner or Master of a vessel pushing ahead or towing alongside must ensure that each of the following is appropriate for the vessel’s horsepower and tow arrangement EXCEPT .
hydraulic couplings
The owner, agent, Master or person-in charge of a “T-Boat” involved in a marine casualty causing injury that requires professional medical treatment must .
All of the above
The owners of the S.S. Short Haul agree to a charter with the Longsplice Steamship Company. The owners stipulate in the charter party that they must approve the Master of the vessel for the entire life of the contract.
Which charter has been affected?
The part of a windlass which physically engages the chain during hauling or paying out is the
The part of an anchor which takes hold on the bottom is the .
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter F is the .
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter G is the .
tripping palm
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter H is the .
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter I is the .
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter J is the .
The part of the anchor indicated by the letter K is the .
The pea is indicated by which letter?
The perforated, elevated bottom of the chain locker, which prevents the chains from touching the main locker bottom and allows seepage water to flow to the drains, is called a
The period of roll is the time difference between .
full inclination on one side to the next full inclination on the same side
The periodic weight testing of a vessel’s cargo booms may be performed by the .
American Bureau of Shipping
The phenomenon known as a “seiche” is most likely to occur on Lake Erie .
when strong winds from the Northeast suddenly diminish
The pillar shape that gives the greatest strength for the least weight is the .
circular type pillar
The pipe used to connect two separate piping systems on a tank vessel is known as a .
The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold directly to a cargo tank and serves only one tank is known as a .
tank drop
The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a .
line drop
The pitch of a propeller is a measure of the .
number of feet per revolution the propeller is designed to advance in still water without slip
The pivot pin at the base of a sheath- screw boom davit must be
periodically removed for inspection and lubricated
The pivoting point of a fully loaded vessel with normal trim proceeding ahead at sea speed is .
one-third the length of the vessel from the bow
The plating indicated by the letter N is known as the .
inner bottom
The Plimsoll mark on a vessel is used to .
determine the vessel’s freeboard
The point that is halfway between the forward and after perpendicular and is a reference point for vessel construction is the .
The primary objective of a Ro-Ro vessel is to .
transport vehicles
The primary purpose of a load line is to establish required .
minimum freeboard
The primary purpose of the stud is to prevent the anchor chain from
The process of lowering a boom to a horizontal position and onto its deck support is called .
cradling a boom
The projecting lugs of the rudderpost which furnish support to the rudder are called .
The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to .
draw a line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction
The proximity of pack ice may be indicated by .
glare on clouds on the horizon
The purpose of a bilge well is to
collect water to be pumped out
The purpose of a devil’s claw is to
act as a chain stopper
The purpose of item G is to
prevent the knee from shifting when the rudder is put hard over
The purpose of sheer in ship construction is to .
allow the ship to ride waves with drier decks
The purpose of the stripping bar on an anchor windlass is to .
prevent the chain from fouling the wildcat
The ratio of the height of a vessel’s rudder to its width is referred to as the
aspect ratio
The recessed areas on a wildcat are called .
The regulations require that inspected vessels on an international voyage, other than small passenger vessels, must carry which of the following distress signals on or near the navigating bridge?
12 rocket parachute flares
The responsibility for maintaining the Official Logbook on voyages between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States rests with the
Master of the vessel
The result of two forces acting in opposite directions and along parallel lines, is an example of what type of stress?
The revolving drum of a winch used to haul lines is called a .
The riding pawl is .
a stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat
The rope which is rove from the truck to be used with a bos’n’s chair is called a .
The rope which is the lightest is
The rudders are amidships and both screws are going ahead. What will happen if the starboard screw is stopped?
The bow will go to starboard.
The run of plating labeled A is known as the .
stringer plate
The S.S. Hollowpoint has a charter party in which the charterer assumes no responsibility for the operation of the vessel but pays stevedoring expenses. What is the name of the charter party?
The S.S. Microwave has been chartered to the Longline Steamship Company. The Longline Steamship Company agrees to pay all expenses and employ and pay the crew. Which type of contract is involved?
Bareboat Charter Party
The S.S. Ossel Hitch arrives in Capetown, South Africa, and the Master affects a note of protest with the U.S. Consul. Why would the Master affect this document?
Suspicion of heavy weather damage to vessel or cargo
The S.S. Sheet Bend arrives in New York after encountering heavy weather on a voyage from Cape Town. Who will note the maritime protest for the Master?
Notary Public
The safe working load (SWL) of wire rope with a safety factor of 6 is what percent of its strength?
The safe working load for the assembled cargo gear and the minimum angle to the horizontal for which the gear is designed shall be marked on the .
heel of the boom
The Safety Equipment Certificate shows that the vessel conforms to the standards of the .
The Safety of Life at Sea Convention was developed by the .
International Maritime Organization
The safety stopper that prevents the anchor cable from running free if the cable jumps the wildcat is the
riding pawl
The Scharnow turn should be used in a man overboard situation only when
there has been sufficient time elapsed since the man went over to complete the maneuver
The scuppers had been plugged as required at the time an oil spill occurs on deck. After shutting down the transfer, the engineroom should first be informed and then .
spread an absorbent material, such as sawdust
The section of each end of a barge which is heavily reinforced to take the pressure of pushing is called the
The securing of passenger cars on a Ro-Ro vessel requires .
All of the above
The securing systems for containers were developed to prevent container movement during which ship motion?
The shank is indicated by which letter?
The shearing stresses on a ship’s structure are usually greatest at
the ship’s quarter- length points
The sheave diameter to be used with a 3-inch manila rope is .
6 inches