Deck General - 3 Flashcards
As a ship moves through the water, it causes a wake, which is also moving forward relative to the sea. In addition to a fore and aft motion, this wake also has a(n) .
upward and inward flow
As a ship moves through the water, it drags with it a body of water called the wake. The ratio of the wake speed to the ship’s speed is called
wake fraction
As Chief Officer of a vessel underway, it comes to your attention that the vessel is, in some manner, unseaworthy. Under such circumstances the Master is required to take action upon receiving
notification of such condition from yourself and the Second Officer
As defined in the regulations governing marine casualties a “marine employer” may be the .
All of the above
As look-out, you spot an object 45° off your port bow. You should report the object as .
broad on the port bow
As Master or person in charge, you must notify the U.S. Coast Guard if an injury leaves a crewman unfit to perform routine duties for more than
Any amount of time
As operator of a 199 GT towing vessel sailing foreign, it shall be your duty to enter in the Official Logbook or other permanent record .
the barges load line and draft readings
As seen from the tow, what should connect the leading ends of both towing bridle legs to the main towing hawser?
A fishplate, flounder, or towing plate
As the propeller turns, voids are formed on the trailing and leading edges of the propeller blades causing a loss of propulsive efficiency, pitting of the blades, and vibration. These voids are known as .
As you hold a piece of manila line vertically in front of you, the strands run from the lower left to the upper right. Which type of line is this?
Right-hand laid
As you hold a piece of manila line vertically in front of you, the strands run from the lower right to the upper left. Which type of line is this?
Left-hand laid
Assume that your vessel has just entered Lake Erie by way of the Welland Canal and is proceeding in a southwesterly direction. Which statement about the aids to navigation you can expect to encounter along the route is TRUE?
The characteristics of buoys and other aids are as if “returning from seaward” when proceeding in this direction.
Assume that your vessel has just entered Lake Michigan via the Straits of Mackinac and is proceeding south to Chicago. Which statement is TRUE with respect to the aids to navigation you will encounter along this route?
Red buoys should be passed down your starboard side.
At least one reinspection shall be made on each vessel holding a Certificate of Inspection valid for two years. This inspection shall be held between the tenth and fourteenth months of the duration period of the certificate and shall be .
generally similar in scope to the inspection required for certification, but in less detail
At the establishment of Naval Control of Shipping (NCS), ships at sea will
continue voyages unless in danger areas defined in the advisory or supplemental message
At the outbreak of war your ship is caught in an enemy port. Which statement is FALSE?
You should resist boarding by local officials.
At the required fire drill, all persons must report to their stations and demonstrate their ability to perform the duties assigned to them
in the Muster List (“Station Bill”)
Atmospheres laden with coal dust or grain dust caused by loading these cargoes .
may be explosive in some concentrations
Back-up wires on a towed vessel provide .
All of the above
Barges and vessels are ballasted before departure to .
improve their stability
Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is
to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel’s frames or shell plating
Beams are cambered to .
provide drainage from the decks
Because of the arrangement of the cell guides, the MOST important factor while loading containers is the
list of the vessel
Before a Master relieves a Pilot of the conn, the .
Master should foresee any danger to the vessel on the present course
Before a tank is to be crude oil washed, the oxygen content in the tank must be measured at a position
one meter from the deck
Before arriving at the first U.S. port from foreign, you must fill out a Crewman’s Landing Permit for each
nonresident alien crewmember
Before being certified by the American Bureau of Shipping, anchor chains must undergo .
a breaking test
Before entering an ice area, the ship should be .
trimmed down by the stern
Before leaving port on an ocean tow, a tug captain should assure himself of all the following EXCEPT
an insurance underwriter has prepared a pre- sailing survey
Before letting the anchor go, you should check that the .
All of the above
Before loading bulk grain, bilge wells must be covered to .
prevent cargo sifting into the bilge wells
Besides saving distance along the track line, another advantage of the Scharnow Turn over the Williamson Turn in a man overboard situation is because .
it is faster
Besides the chemical testing of a mariner’s breath for alcohol, what other specimen testing for alcohol is acceptable to be taken onboard the vessel after a Serious Marine Incident?
Bilge keels are more effective at dampening rolls as the .
rolling increases
Bilge soundings indicate .
All of the above
Buckler plates are .
metal plates secured over the tops of the hawsepipes
Bulk cargo refers to .
homogeneous cargo not enclosed in a container
Butadiene, inhibited, is labeled as a
flammable gas
By definition, a “spar deck” is the
upper or weather deck above the main strength deck
By law, a user of marijuana shall be subject to .
revocation of license or certificate
By law, the maximum penalty for failing (without reasonable cause) to give aid in the case of collision is
two years imprisonment or
By paying out more anchor cable, you
increase the holding power of your anchor
Camber, in a ship, is usually measured in .
inches per feet of breadth
Cargo pump relief valves are piped to the .
suction side of pumps
Cargo securing for Ro-Ro is based on the concept of .
rapid loading and discharge
Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n) .
odorous cargo
Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is called .
delicate cargo
Cargo that is suitable for carriage on Ro-Ro vessels includes .
All of the above
Cargo transfer operations on a tank vessel need NOT be stopped when
a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoes
Cargoes that might leak from containers are known as .
wet cargoes
Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the .
dip of the line
Centrifugal pumps have what advantage(s) over reciprocating pumps?
All of the above
Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their .
inherent characteristics
Chafing gear .
reduces and prevents wear caused by the rubbing of one object against another
Chafing gear is normally used
on mooring lines
Chafing gear is used to .
protect towlines from wearing down against edges of vessel
Chafing gear is used to .
protect fiber rope from abrasion
Chafing gear should be placed
at all wearing points of mooring lines
Close link chain of not less the 3/4” (or the wire rope equivalent) is required for lashing deck cargoes of timber.
What size flexible wire rope would provide the strength equivalent to 3/4” chain, using a safety factor of 5?
Coiling new rope against the lay, bringing the lower end up through the center of the coil, then coiling with the lay, in order to remove the kinks, is known as .
Combustible liquid is defined as any liquid having a flash point above
80°F (27°C)
Combustible liquids are divided into how many grades?
Commercial ships or other persons or agencies requiring the assistance of Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers should first contact .
Ice Sarnia
Compared to manila line, size for size, nylon line .
has more strength than manila line
Conditions for crossing a rough bar are usually best at .
high water slack
Considering manning requirements for US flag vessels, your 2 watch cargo vessel has a deck crew of 20 people, exclusive of officers. How many of these people do the manning regulations require to be able seamen?
Considering the manning requirements for U.S. vessels (100 gross tons and above), your cargo vessel has a deck crew of 20 men, exclusive of the officers. How many of these men do the manning regulations require to be Able Seamen?
Considering the manning requirements for U.S. vessels, your three watch cargo vessel has a deck crew of 20 people, exclusive of the officers. How many of these people do the manning regulations require to be Able Seamen?
Container vessels are required to maintain an Oil Record Book when the vessel is ?
400 gross tons and above
Containers of flammable solids should be conspicuously labeled by the shipper with a .
red and white label
Control of flooding should be addressed .
following control of fire
Conventional anchors are least likely to hold in a bottom consisting of
very soft mud
Conventional anchors are least likely to hold in a bottom consisting of
Corrosive liquids and acids should have which kind of label?
White and black
Cottonseed oil is classed as a
combustible liquid
Damage to cargo caused by dust is known as .
Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors from liquids, gases, or solids is known as .
Damaged bulkheads often take a permanent set which is independent of the panting or bulge caused by water pressure. To control this, you should .
install shoring so the shoring supports the damaged bulkheads without pushing on them
Dead freight is the charge for the
difference in the amount of cargo loaded and the amount of cargo booked, through no fault of the vessel
Deckhands onboard towing vessels shall be divided into 3 watches when on a trip exceeding .
600 miles
Deckhands onboard towing vessels shall be divided into 3 watches when the trip exceeds .
600 miles
Defense plans may cause the operation of electronic aids to navigation to be suspended with
no notice
Delivery of a vessel to a charterer is called .
Displacement refers to the
number of long tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat
Disregarding friction, a twofold purchase when rove to disadvantage has a mechanical advantage of
Distances on the Great Lakes System are generally expressed in
statute miles
Due to the nature of a vessel’s construction for a particular trade, it does not fully comply with the provisions of SOLAS. Where will this be indicated?
On the Exemption Certificate
Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by
ship’s sweat
During a period of “whiteout”, you should expect which of the following?
Lack of ability to estimate distance
During the course of a voyage, a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident, Injury or Death if the .
injured, is unable to perform routine duties
During the manufacture of line, yarns are twisted together in the
opposite direction from which the fibers are twisted together to form strands
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations?
High winds
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations?
Crane hydraulic hose bursts
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations?
All of the above
During which condition should the operator of a pedestal crane shutdown operations?
All of the above
Each crewmember has an assigned firefighting station. This assignment is shown on the .
muster list
Each open lifeboat carried on a vessel on an international voyage must have
a davit span with at least 2 lifelines
Electric cargo winches have an overload safety device which normally cuts the current to the winch motor
after torque causes line pull to exceed the rated capacity of the winch
Entries should be made in a Ro-Ro vessel’s cargo-securing device record book for .
All of the above
Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the .
Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew
Fairleads perform the same function as .
Faking a line means to .
arrange it on deck in long bights
Fire and abandon ship stations and duties may be found on the
muster list
Fire fighting equipment requirements for a particular vessel may be found on the .
Certificate of Inspection
Fittings used for towing must be
securely fastened
Flame screens are used to
prevent flames from entering tanks
Flammable liquid means any liquid which gives off flammable vapors at or below .
80°F (26.7°C)
Flammable liquids should have what kind of label?
Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the .
effect of the propeller flow on the rudders
Floors aboard ship are .
frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened on a double bottomed ship
Fog can form in any season on the Great Lakes, but it is most likely to occur over open waters in
spring and early summer
Following a serious marine incident, a device to test an individuals breath can be used by .
any individual trained to conduct such tests
Following a Serious Marine Incident, a mariner directly involved in the incident is required to submit a urine specimen for drug testing within
32 hours
Following a Serious Marine Incident, a mariner directly involved in the incident is required to submit to alcohol testing within .
2 hours
Following a Serious Marine Incident, a mariner involved in the incident is prohibited from consuming alcohol until after being tested or
8 hours following the incident
For a given weight of cargo, the stress on the heel block of a cargo boom
decreases as the boom is topped to a greater angle
For any given pedestal crane, when the boom is lengthened, the lifting capacity is .
For operations in pack ice, a vessel should .
have a drag of not more than 2 to 3 feet
For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river, you should navigate your vessel .
toward the outside of the bend
For the purpose of regulating tank vessels, flammable liquids are liquids which will .
give off flammable vapors at or below 80°F (27°C)
For towing vessels over 100 gross tons that are permitted to maintain a two-watch system, what percentage of the deck crew must be able seamen?
For vessels fitted with cargo gear, an initial test of the units under a proof load shall be conducted. Subsequent tests and exams of the same nature shall be carried out at what time interval?
5 years
Form 2692 (Notice of Marine Casualty), when required, must be filed to the U.S. Coast Guard within how many days?
5 days
Forty-five fathoms is marked on the anchor chain by .
three turns of wire on the third stud from each side of the detachable link
Fracture damage to the end links of the anchor cable, or to the Jews’ harp may be eliminated by .
securing a piece of wood to the Jews’ harp
Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called
Freeboard is measured from the upper edge of the .
deck line
Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks .
allow water shipped on deck to flow off rapidly
Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting, disconnecting, and topping off must be supervised by .
the person designated as “person in charge”
Galvanizing would be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for
Galvanizing would not be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for
cargo runners
Generally speaking, the more destructive storms occurring on the Great Lakes usually come from the
southwest or west
Generally speaking, the most favorable bottom for anchoring is
a mixture of mud and clay
Generally, you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has .
Given a dry bulb temperature of 78°F and wet bulb temperature of 66.5°F, the dew point is .
Good seamanship while towing in heavy weather requires all of the following EXCEPT .
streaming all of your towing hawser
Grade D combustible liquids have a maximum flash point of .
Grade E combustible liquids have a flash point of .
150°F or above
Great Lakes cargo vessels, having a liferaft stowed more than 100 meters from the bow or stern, must have at least how many liferafts?
Great Lakes vessels, using liferafts, must have sufficient liferaft capacity on each side of the vessel to accommodate at least .
100% of the persons on board
Gross tonnage indicates the vessel’s
volume in cubic feet
Heave is motion along the
vertical axis
Holes in the bulwark, which allow deck water to drain into the sea, are
freeing ports
Horizontal fore or aft motion of a vessel is known as .
Horizontal transverse motion of a vessel is known as .
How are aids to navigation on the Great Lakes arranged geographically?
In a westerly and northerly direction, except on Lake Michigan
How are riveted lap joints made watertight?
The plate edge is split close to an adjacent plate and mechanically forced into contact with the adjacent plate.
How can the Coast Guard determine that a crew member is “able to understand any order spoken by the officers”?
Require a demonstration by the officer and the crew member
How could lashing gear used aboard Ro-Ro vessels be stowed when not in use?
All of the above
How do the height and location of a tug’s towing bitts relate to the danger of tripping?
The further forward and closer to amidships the more readily the tug will trip.
How do you determine the weight of the vessel that is supported by the ground when a vessel has run aground?
Use the hydrostatic tables and enter with the mean draft before grounding and the mean draft after grounding.
How does a vessel’s rate of turn change when entering shallow water?
There is no change.
How does an icebreaker normally free a ship which has become beset while navigating independently?
By approaching from the stern and crossing ahead at an angle of 20° to 30° to the beset ship’s course
How does the effect known as “bank suction” act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?
It pulls the stern toward the bank.
How does the effect known as “bank suction” act on a single-screw vessel proceeding along a narrow channel?
It pulls the stern toward the bank.
How is the size of chain determined?
Diameter of metal in link in inches
How long is the standard container used to measure equivalent units?
20 feet (6 meters)
How many board feet of dunnage are in a draft 4 feet wide, 1-1/2 feet high and 13 feet long?
How many board feet of dunnage are there in a draft 3 feet wide, 1-1/2 feet high, and 14 feet long?
How many board feet of dunnage would you estimate to be in a pile 5 feet wide, 1 foot high and 14 feet long?
How many cubic feet of space is required to stow 775 tons of a cargo with a stowage factor of 25? (estimated broken stowage is 15%)
How many fathoms are in a shot of anchor cable?
How many feet are there in 2 shots of anchor chain?
How many legs does the bridle for an ocean tow have?
How many turns of wire normally mark either side of the detachable link 45 fathoms from the anchor?
How many wire clips must be used to make a temporary repair to a tow wire?
How much force would be required to lift a weight of 200 lbs. using a gun tackle rigged to disadvantage (do not consider friction)?
100 lbs.
How much weight can you lift by applying 100 lbs. of force to a twofold purchase rigged to disadvantage (do not consider friction)?
400 lbs.
How should you signal the crane operator to dog everything?
Clasp hands in front of your body.
How should you signal the crane operator to hoist?
With forearm vertical and forefinger pointing up, move hand in small horizontal circles.
How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom and raise the load?
Extend arm with thumb pointing downward and flex fingers in and out.
How should you signal the crane operator to lower the boom?
With arm extended and fingers closed, point thumb downward.
How should you signal the crane operator to lower?
With arm extended downwards and forefinger pointing down, move hand in small horizontal circles.
How should you signal the crane operator to move slowly?
Use one hand to give any motion signal, and place the other hand motionless in front of the hand giving the motion signal.
How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom and lower the load?
Extend arm with the thumb pointing up, and flex the fingers in and out for as long as the load movement is desired.
How should you signal the crane operator to raise the boom?
Extend arm with fingers closed and point thumb upward.
How should you signal the crane operator to stop in an emergency?
Extend arm and move hand rapidly right and left with the palm down.
How should you signal the crane operator to stop?
Extend arm with the palm down and hold this position rigidly.
How should you signal the crane operator to swing?
Extend arm and point finger in the direction to move the boom.
How should you signal the crane operator to use the main hoist?
First tap the top of your head with your fist, and then proceed to use regular signals.
How should you signal the crane operator to use the whip line?
First tap your elbow with one hand, and then proceed to use regular signals.
Hygroscopic cargoes should be ventilated when .
going from a warm to a cold climate
Ice concentration is measured in tenths. What concentration range of ice corresponds to “Close Pack”?
7 - 8 tenths
Ice concentration is measured in tenths. What concentration range of ice corresponds to “Open Pack”?
4 - 6 tenths
Ice concentration is measured in tenths. What concentration range of ice corresponds to 1- 3 tenths?
Very Open Pack
Ice is often strong enough to halt navigation through the St. Lawrence Seaway by mid- .
If a drill required by regulations is not completed, the Master or person in charge must .
log the reason for not completing the drill
If a hydraulic pump on a winch accidentally stops while hoisting, the load will stay suspended because
a check valve will close and prevent reverse circulation
If a Master must jettison a container loaded with hazardous material, he must, as soon as possible, notify the
nearest Captain of the Port
If a mooring line should part while you are tying up at a dock, you should make a temporary eye by tying a
If a passenger vessel navigating the Great Lakes is required to carry 8 life buoys, what is the allowable minimum number of these buoys that must have self-igniting lights attached?
If a tow sinks in shallow water, you should .
pay out cable until it’s on the bottom and place a buoy on the upper end
If a tug equipped with flanking rudders is to be turned in a confined circle, when going astern, the stern will move to port the quickest if .
the rudder is hard to port and the flanking rudders are hard to port
If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel, his name must be placed on the .
separate Passenger List marked stowaways
If an attempt is made to hoist a load that exceeds the capacity of an electric winch, an overload safety device causes a circuit breaker to cut off the current to the winch motor
after the line pull exceeds the rated winch capacity
If an electric cargo winch is being used to lift a draft of cargo and the engine room loses all power, which will occur?
An electromagnetic brake will hold the load where it is suspended.
If given equal care, nylon line should last how many times longer than manila line?
If kinking results while wire rope is being coiled clockwise, you should
take a turn under
If reefer spaces are not properly cleaned prior to loading cargo, it will most likely cause .
mold to develop on commodities
If the Master of a US-flag towing vessel replaces any crew member with a non-US citizen, he/she must ensure that the .
all of the above