Deck 'Everything' Vol.9 Flashcards
It’s in store for me (meaning)
It’s going to happen for me in the future.
parricide (meaning)
a killing of a parent or other near relative
hubbub (meaning)
busy and noisy situation
eg. a hubbub of shouting
venetian blinds (meaning)
window coverings that are made up of lots of horizontal slats with equal gaps between them
chinks (meaning)
a narrow opening
eg. light was filtering through chinks
de trop (meaning)
(French) too much, superfulous
pince-nez /pɑːnsəˈneɪ/ (meaning)
a type of eyeglasses that are held in place by a spring that grips the bridge of the nose.
waste one’s breath
say something that will be ignored anyway
flabbergasted (meaning)
greatly surprised
eg. Celeste seemed flabbergasted
pout (한글뜻)
입을 삐쭉 거
squalid (meaning)
extremely unpleasant
eg. the most squalid description
vehemence (meaning)
great forcefulness
eg. speaking with great vehemence
extenuating (meaning)
acting in mitigation to lessen the seriousness of an offense. eg. extenuating circumstances
cut someone short (meaning)
interrupt or terminate someone’s conversation abruptly. eg. cutting them all short
contrition (meaning)
the state of being remorseful
eg. did this man show the least contrition?
reproach (meaing)
express disapproval or disappointment
eg. reproach him with this
mete (meaning)
dispense justice
eg. justice may be meted out
compunction (meaning)
feeling of guilt
eg. without compunction
titter (meaning)
eg. people tittering
prick (meaning)
pierce slightly
eg. pricked up my ears
aforethought (meaning)
the intention to kill
eg. malice aforethought
avert (meaning)
turn away
eg. his eyes averted
rigmarole (meaning)
a lengthy procedure
eg. started pronouncing rigmarole
decapitate (meaning)
cut off the head of
eg. I was to be decapitated in some public places
cordon (meaning)
a line or circle of police of soldiers
eg. break through police cordon
inexorable (meaning)
impossible to stop or prevent
eg. inexorable march of events
cogent (meaning)
clear, logical, convincing
eg. its effects became as cogent
exultation /eg-zuhl-tey-shuhn/ (meaning)
a feeling of triumphant elation
eg. absurd exultation