Deck 'Everything' Vol.4 Flashcards
Cyclopean [ sahy-kluh-pee-uhn] (meaning)
denoting a type of ancient masonry made with massive irregular blocks
garbled (meaning)
reproduce in a confused and distorted way. eg. “Your transmission is garbled”
Icarus (meaning)
Greek mythology. Flying with waxed wing.
tenuous (meaning)
very slight
perilous (meaning)
full of danger
gale (meaning)
very strong wind
ominous [ om-uh-nuhs ] (meaning)
giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen
airscrew (meaning)
an aircraft propeller
prong (meaning)
two or more projecting pointed parts
recover one’s wit (meaning)
recover the ability to think clearly
prop oneself up (meaning)
make oneself more comfortable by leaning onto something
formidable (meaning)
inspiring fear
uncanny (meaning)
strange or mysterious
carapace [kar-uh-peys] (meaning 한글)
등껍질 (eg.거북이)
relic (meaning)
an object surviving from an earlier time
scuttle (meaning)
a metal container with a handle (used to store coals)
sombre (meaning)
having a feeling of deep seriousness
What are the 3 big lunar craters?
Tycho, Copernicus, Clavius
leaden (meaning)
tour de force (meaning)
turn of force (in French), exceptionally skilful performance
sinister (meaning)
giving impression that something harmful will happen (불길한)
amphibious (meaning)
suited for both land and water (양서)
apparition (meaning)
a ghostlike image of a person
prise (meaning, verb)
use force to move
tessellation (meaning)
a pattern of shapes that fit together perfectly
undulate (meaning)
move with a smooth wave-like motion
손톱갈기 (표면을 부드럽게 하는 것), 영어로
rasp = a tool for scraping
congeal [kuhn-jeel] (meaning)
become semi-solid
desolate (meaning)
uninhabited and bleakly empty
trellis (meaning)
a bar to support for plants to grow
inconspicuous (meaning)
not clearly visible
aseptic (meaning)
free from contamination