Deck 'Everything' Vol.7 Flashcards
sopping (meaning)
saturated with liquid
din (meaning)
a loud unpleasant and prolonged noise
daze (meaning)
unable to think properly
winch (meaning)
a hauling or lifting device consist of a rope or chain
stifling (meaning)
very hot in temperature
scabs (한글뜻)
gait (meaning)
a person’s manner of walking
muzzle (meaning)
the projecting part of the face. eg. nose, mouth
detest (meaning)
dislike intensely
chap (meaning)
a man or boy (eg. an old chap)
cower (meaning)
crouch down with fear
wretched (meaning)
in a very unhappy state
sprucely (meaning)
very neatly in apprearance
fumble (meaning)
handle something clumsily
lech (meaning)
lecherous desire
dank (meaning)
unpleasantly damp and cold
tepid (meaning)
only slightly warm, lukewarm
gruff (meaning)
rough and low in pitch
bloodshot (meaning)
inflamed or tinged with blood
scowl (meaning)
a bad-tempered expression
mutt (meaning)
a dog, especially mongrel. A stupid and incompetent person
gnarled (meaning)
knobbly, rough and twisted
shilly-shallied (meaning)
be indecisive
vex (meaning)
make someone feel annoyed
dingy (meaning)
gloomy and drab
rapt (meaning)
completely fascinate
wolf down (meaning)
eat something very quickly
voraciously (meaning)
devouring a great quantity of foods
draggle (meaning)
make dirt or wet
cantankerous [ Kan-tang-ker-uhs] (meaning)
ravishingly (meaning)
in a jiffy (meaning)
in a moment
v. lie, sit or stand in a relaxed and lazy manner