Deck 'Everything' Vol.8 Flashcards
alight (meaning)
descend from a bus or train
paling (meaning)
a fence made from pointed wooden or metal posts
missus [mis-uhz] (meaning)
a man’s wife
glisten (meaning)
shine with a sparkling light
slog (meaning)
work hard over a period of time
gash (meaning)
a long, deep cut or wound
relish (meaning)
enjoy greatly
glum (meaning)
looking dejected
dungaree [duhng-guh-ree] (한글뜻)
splay (meaning)
spread out
low-down (meaning)
mean and unfair
fidget (meaning)
make small movements
befuddle (meaning)
cause to become unable to think clearly
athwart (meaning)
from side to side of
transfix (meaning)
to become motionless with horror
brine (meaning)
water strongly impregnated with salt
inert (meaning)
lacking the ability to move
magistrate (meaning)
a civil office who administers the law
callousness (meaning)
showing cruel disregard
eg. a sad blend of callousness
relish (meaning)
great enjoyment.
eg. no relish for obscene jokes
perturbed (meaning)
unsettled, upset
fagged out (meaning)
extremely tired
curt (meaning)
rudely brief
vexed (meaning)
annoyed or frustrated
taciturn (meaning)
prostrate (meaning)
completely helpless
brandish (meaning)
wave in anger
eg. Brandishing his sword, he rode into battle.
stifling (meaning)
too hot to cause difficulties in breathing
eg. stifling hot
solicitous (meaning)
showing concerns
eg. solicitous about a person’s health.
vexation (meaning)
state of being annoyed
eg. vexation at missing the bus
fervor (meaning)
great warmth and earnestness of feeling
eg. to speak with great fervor.
cordial (meaning)
warm and friendly
eg. a cordial person
bolster (meaning)
a long thick pillow
shrilly (meaning)
gesticulated (meaning)
using gestures often dramatically
bawling (meaning)
shouting loudly
pucker (meaning)
tightly gathered wrinkles
acquit (meaning)
free from criminal charge
squeamish (meaning)
easily made to feel sick
letup (meaning)
a cessation, pause
irksome (meaning)
bilious (meaning)
affected by nausea
bout (meaning)
a short period of intense activity
distended (meaning)
swollen due to pressure from inside