Deck #8 - Business Terms Flashcards
rise (v)
to increase in number, amount, or value
rise (n)
an increase in number, amount, or value; an increase in salary or wages. A rise is called raise in American English; the process of becoming more important, successful, or powerful.
rocket (also rocket up) (v)
if a price or amount rockets or rockets up, it increases quickly and suddenly
sample (n)
a group of people who have been chosen to give opinions or information about something; a small amount of a product that people can try in order to find out what it is like
sample (v)
to ask questions to a group of people chosen from a larger group, in order to get information or opinions from them, so as to better understand the larger group; to try a small amount of a product in order to find out what it is like
second (v)
to officially support a suggestion, idea etc made by another person at a formal meeting so that it can be discussed or voted on
security (v)
actions to keep someone or something safe from being damaged, stolen etc; a feeling of being safe and free from worry about what might happen; property or other assets that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money that you owe them; a financial investment such as a bond or share, or the related certificate showing who owns it
segment (n)
a part of the economy of a country or a company’s work; (also market segment) a group of customers that share similar characteristics, such as age, income, interests, social class etc
segment (v)
to divide a large group of people into smaller groups of people of a similar age or with similar incomes, interests etc. Companies segment markets so as to be able to sell to each group the products that are most suitable for it
sell-off (n)
when a business company etc, or part of one, is sold to another company
share (n)
one of the parts into which ownership of a company is divided
share capital (n)
capital in the form of shares, rather than in the form of loans
shareholder (n)
someone who owns shares in a company
skill (n)
an ability to do something well, especially because you have learned and practiced it
slip (v)
to become worse or less or fall to a lower amount, standard etc than before