Deck #6 - Business Terms Flashcards
market leader (n)
an organization or product that has the highest sales, or one of the highest sales, in its market or industry
market nicher (n)
a product or service sold in a niche market (a market for a product or service, perhaps an expensive or unusual one, that does not have many buyers) or the company that sells it
merchandise (n)
goods that are produced in order to be sold, especially goods that are sold in a store
merge (v)
if two or more companies, organizations etc merge, or if they are merged, they join together
merger (n)
an occasion when two or more companies, organizations etc join together to form a larger company etc
middleman (n)
a person, business, organization etc that boys things in order to sell them to someone else, or that helps to arrange business deals for other people
mission statement (n)
a short written statement made by an organization, intended to communicate its aims to customers, employees, shareholders etc
model (n)
a particular type or design of a vehicle or machine; a simple description or structure that is used to help people understand similar systems or structures; the way in which something is done by a particular country, person etc that can be copied by others who want similar results
morale (n)
the level of confidence and positive feelings among a group of people who work together
motivate (v)
to encourage someone and make them want to achieve something and be willing to work hard in order to do it; to provide the reason why someone does something
motivated (adj)
very keen to do something or achieve something, especially because you find it interesting or exciting
motivation (n)
eagerness and willingness to do something without needing to be told or forced to do it; the reason why you want to do something
nepotism (n)
the practice of giving jobs to members of your family when you are in a position of power
niche market (n)
a market for a product or service, perhaps an expensive or unusual one that does not have many buyers but that may be profitable for companies who sell it
open-plan office (n)
open-plan offices do not have walls dividing them into separate rooms