Deck #7 - Business Terms Flashcards
product portfolio (n)
all of a company’s products considered as a group
profit and loss account (n)
a financial document showing the amount of money earned and spent in a particular period of time by a computer. This is usually called the income statement in American English.
promotion (n)
a move to a more important job or rank in a company or organization; also sales promotion an activity such as special advertisements or free gifts intended to sell a product or service
protectionism (n)
the idea that a government should try to help an industry in its country by taxing foreign goods that compete with it, limiting the number that can be imported etc and the actions that it takes to do this
prototype (n)
the first form that a new design of a car machine etc has
public limited company (n)
a limited company whose shares are freely sold and traded; in Britain public limited companies have the letters PLC after their name
qualification (n)
an examination that you have passed at school, university, or in your profession; a skill, personal quality, or type of experience that makes you suitable for a particular job
quality circle (n)
a small group of employees who meet regularly to discuss ways to improve working methods and to solve problems
quota (n)
an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period
R and D (n)
research and development; the part of a business concerned with studying new ideas and developing new products
rationalize (v)
to make a business or organization more effective by getting rid of unnecessary staff, equipment etc or reorganizing its structure
real estate (n)
land or buildings and the business of buying and selling them
recall (v)
if a company recalls one of its products, it asks customers to return it because there may be something wrong with it; to remember something that you have seen or heard, such as an advertisement
receipt (n)
the act of receiving something; a document given by someone, showing that they have received money, goods, or services
recession (n)
a period of time when an economy or industry is doing badly and business activity and employment decrease. Many economists consider that there is a recession when industrial production falls for six months in a row
recover (v)
to increase or improve after falling in value or getting worse; to get back money that you have spent or lost; to get back something that was stolen, lost, or almost destroyed
recovery (n)
when prices increase, or when the economy grows again after a period of difficulty; the act of getting something back, such as money that you are owed
recruit (v)
to find new people to work for an organization , do a job etc
recruit (n)
someone who has recently joined a company or organization
recruitment (n)
the process or the business of recruiting new people; an occasion when someone is recruited
redundancy (n)
when someone loses their job in a company because the job is no longer needed; a person who has lost their job in a company because the job is no longer needed
redundant (adj)
if you are redundant or made redundant, you employer no longer has a job for you
reference (n)
a letter written by someone who knows you well, usually to a new employer, giving information about your character, abilities or qualifications; a person who provides information about your character, abilities, or qualifications when you are trying to get a job
reliable (adj)
someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or depended on
relocate (v)
if a company or workers relocate or are relocated, they move to a different place
resign (v)
to officially leave a job, position etc usually through your own choice, rather than being told to leave
resource (natural resource) (n)
something such as oil, land, or natural energy that exists in a country and can be used to increase its wealth
restriction (n)
an official rule that limits or controls what people can do or what is allowed to happen
retailer (n)
a business that sells goods to members of the public, rather than to shops etc; someone who owns or runs a shop selling goods to members of the public
retail outlet (n)
a shop through which products are sold to the public