Deck #2 - Business Terms Flashcards
board (n)
the group of people who have been elected by shareholders to manage a company
bonus (n)
an extra amount money added to an employee’s wages, usually as a reward for doing difficult work or for doing their work well.
boom (n)
a time when business activity increases rapidly, so that the demand for goods increases, prices and wages go up, and unemployment falls
boom (v)
if business, trade, or the economy is booming, it is very successful and growing
brand (n)
a name given to a product or group of products by a company for easy recognition
brand (v)
to give a name to a product or group of products
branded (adj)
branded goods or products have brand names
branding (n)
the activity of giving brand names to products, developing people’s awareness of them etc.
brand leader (n)
the brand with the most sales in a particular market
brand loyalty (n)
the degree to which people buy a particular brand and refuse to change to other brands
brand manager (n)
someone in a company responsible for developing a brand
brand stretching (n)
when a company starts to use an exiting brand name on a different type of product, hoping that people will buy it because they recognize the name
bribe (n)
money that is paid secretly and dishonestly to obtain someone’s help
bribe (v)
to honestly giving money to someone to persuade them to do something to help you
bribery (n)
dishonestly giving money to someone to persuade them to do something to help you
broke (n)
a person or organization whose job is to buy and sell shares, currencies, property, insurance etc. for others.
bureaucracy (n)
a system of governing that has a large number of departments and officials
buyout (n)
the act of buying a business or all the shares in a company of a particular shareholder
cashflow (also cash flow) (n)
the amounts of money coming into and going out of a company, and the timing of these
cash generation (n)
money that a company gets from sales after costs are taken away. Cash generation is often used in talking about the degree to which the company is able to do this
chair (n)
the position of being the chairman of a company or organization or the person who is chairman; the position of being in charge of a meeting or the person who is in charge of it
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (n).
the manager with the most authority in the day to day management of a company, especially in the US
clock (v)
to record on a special card or computer the time you arrive at or begin work (clock in/out; clock off/on)
collapse (v)
if a company, organization or system collapses, it suddenly fails or becomes too weak to continue
commission (n)
an amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods, services, investments etc they have sold
compensation (n)
an amount paid to someone because they have been hurt or harmed in some way; the total of pay and benefits for an employee, especially a high-level manager
competitive advantage (n)
something that helps you to be better or more successful than others
concept (n)
an idea for a product, business, etc
conman (n)
someone who tries to get money from people by tricking them