Deck 7 other qs asked earlier Flashcards
Temp for annealing of primers in PCR
52 degrees Celsius
Artifically obtained a virulent population of microbes are frequently
used. Method of passaging of microbes in less sensitive hosts
Bovine leukosis is caused by what virus
Retrovirus (family), delta retrovirus (genus)
Bovine leukosis is a disorder of?
Which brucella spp is not zoonotic
Brucella ovis
What is sent to diagnosis in Foot and Mouth disease
Lesion material is the richest source of FMDV + sample of choice.
Vesicular epithelium, vesicular fluid, heart muscle from myocarditis
cases. In case there are no lesions, can use clotted blood samples.
What is wavelength of UV light
120-380 nm
Established cell line
permanent cell subcultures 70 times at intervals of 3 days between
In which test to we need to find a precipitation line?
AGID test
What is lapinizion?
passing through several animals – Rabbits, ovinization – on sheep,
caprinization – on goats, avianization – on chickens
Tube serum agglutination test is it a quantitative or qualitative
Active immunization:
Can be natural after recovery from an infective disease or artificial
active immunization – vaccine which is the application of an antigen
to develop active specific immunity in an immunocompetent
organism for the purpose of production of antibodies. Effective method of the infective disease control.
Direct immunoflourescenc checks for?
Indirect immunofluorescence checks for?
Ag and Ab
Hemagluttination test detects?