Deck 4 Flashcards
What is the principle of haemgglutination inhibition test:
Serological test – Antibody detection. Has the ability of the specific ab to
inhibit haemagglutination activity of some viruses (hemagglutinin)
identification – parvovirus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus…
What are negri bodies:
Round or oval inclusions within the cytoplasm of nerve cells of animals
infected with rabies
Which medium is used for cultivation of mycobacteria:
(MCQ) Lowenstein-Jenssen
Which staining method is used for microscopic detection of brucella:
(MCQ) Ziehl-Nielsen
What are stages of phagocytosis:
Chemotaxis, adherence, ingestion, digestion.
Which is the “gold standard” test for laboratory diagnosis of BSE:
(MCQ) Fluorescent antibody test
FAO is:
(MCQ) Food and agriculture organisation
Forms of infectious process according to quantity of agents:
Monoetiological, polyetiological or multicausal infections
What are grades of epizootiological process:
(MCQ) Sporadic, enzootic, epizootic, panzootic.
Dogs and cats are born:
(MCQ) Hypogamaglobulinemic
.Caustive agent of oedema diseases in pigs:
Hemolytic E. coli
Susceptible species in mycobacteriosis
(MCQ) All vertebrates including man.
Marek disease is caused by:
Gallid Herpes virus 2 (alphaherpesvirinae)
Which of following diseases are zoonotic:
(MCQ) Swine vesicular disease,
.Enzootic pneumonia of swine is caused by:
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae