Deck 6 Flashcards
What is the location of Histomonas meleagridis?
A. Stomach
B. Liver
C. Ceca
Ceca (primarily ceca but also liver)
What is the species responsible for East Coast Fever?
A. Theileri hirci
B. T. parva
C. T. bovis
D. T. muris
E. T. ovis
T. parva
What is the life cycle of plasmodium
o Human liver stage
Female mosquito inject parasite -> sporozoites into host after blood meal -> sporozoits reach the liver and invade hepatocytes, the mature to schizonts -> schizont rupture and release merozoites
o Human blood stage
-> erythrocytic Merozoites leave the liver and incade erythrocytes in which they reproduce and dvp into trophozoites (ring-stage) -> trophozoites mature into schizonts and rupture to release merozoites -> then some differentiate into gametocytes
o Mosquito stage
-> sporogonic cycle 48 Gametocytes enter in mosquitos during the blood meal and undergo sexual reproduction in the midgut froming the zygote -> ookinete is formed and dvp into sporozoites, which migrate to salivary gland -> mosquito injects sporozoites into another host during blood meal
What genera is Encephalitozoon cuniculi?
A. Microsporida
B. Myxozoa
C. Ciliophora
What are the differences between tachyzoites and bradyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii?
Motile coccidians.
- Tachyzoites divide fast, found in pseudocysts
- Bradyzoites divide slower because of Ab effect, found in tissue cyst
Leucocytozoon simondi is a parasite of what kind of host?
Neosporium caninum- what are its lifecycle and pathogenesis?
IH ingest sporulated oocyst -> excyst , transform to tachyzoites -> undergo endoploygony intracellularly -> pseudocyst formation in various tissue cells -> rapture ->tachyzoites release and penetrate other cells -> become bradyzoites and undergo endodyogony -> tissue cyst -> FH ingest tissue cyst -> bradyzoites excyst in intestine -> differentiate into micro and macro gamonts -> zygote -> unsporulated oocyst shed in feces of FH
IH= eq, cow -> abortion
DH= dog
Transmission= horizontal and vertical
What is the cause of neonatal diarrhea in piglets?
Isospora suis
Phlebotomae and lutzomyia are vectors of:
Leishmania - sandfly
What diptera are vectors of Trypanosoma equiperdum?
None. T.equiperdum is transmitted by coitus.
Tritrichomans foetus- how many flagella?
3 anterior flagella and 1 posterior free flagella
How/what is this -
Oocyst of cryptosporidium with 4 sporozoites
How to diagnose giardosis?
Aspiration from duodenum and sample of faeces by flotation method according to Faust. Every 3 days
What causes cutaneus leishmaniosis?
L. tropica major and minor, L. aethiopica
Where does the gamogony of Babesia occur?
Formation of gamonts – mammalian RBC.
Gametogony – intestinal cell of tick.
What causes blackhead disease?
Histomonas meleagridis.
In which form is Babesia found in vertebrate?
Merozite & gamont.
(Sporozoites are found in the tick and are the infective form for the vertebrate host, but they are not present in the vertebrate itself, except during the initial infection when they are injected into the host by the tick.)
Where dose sporogony occur in Eimaria?
External environment
How to diagnose trichomonas?
By clinical signs, agent identification, serological test.
- T gallinae - swap of esophagus of pigeons
- T.foetus - swabbing from vagina in first few days after infection Bull = examination of sperm- swabbing of preputial sac. Abortion - examination of amniotic fluids.
What is intravital diagnosis of sarcocycs?
Intermediate host - iv.
- serological test (IFAT, ELISA, IHAT)
- biopsy -> histology
What is the vector of trypanosome?
Glossina spp. (tsetsefly)