Deck 4 Flashcards
Exoerythrocytic stage of plasmodium falciparum is located in:
Flagellated form of Histomonas meleagridis occurs in:
Endodyogony in Sarcocystis life cycle takes place in:
Tissue cells of intermediate host (particularly muscle cells)
So called ring worms are stages in the life cycle of:
Plasmodium spp.
Sporulation of genus Hepatozoon occurs:
Inside the vector
Intermediate host is:
A host in which the parasite passes obligatory through part of its development
Tritrichomonas foetus is transmitted by
Infected semen
The vector of human Plasmodium is:
Anopheles (anopheles mosquito)
Visceral leishmaniosis is caused by
Leishmania donovani complex
Giardia intestinalis is located:
Eimeria zuernii is located in
Ileum of cattle
The nematode Heterakis gallinae plays an important role in life cycle of:
Histomonas meleagridis
The infectious stage of eimeriosis is:
Sporulated oocyst with 4 sporocysts in each, with 2 sporozoites
Sporogony of Babesia spp. Occurs:
Inside the salivary glands of the final host
(typically an ixodid tick.)
What is the location of Histomonas meleagridis?
digestive tract, liver and cecum (of poultry & other avian species)
Cryptosporidium- where does sporogony occur (options: inside/outside host)?
What is the size of the oocyst of Cryptosporidium?
4 - 6um (5-7)
Life cycle of Cryptosporidium
Monoxnous, all 3 phases are endogenous
Schizogony: sporulated oocyst with 4 free sporozoites are ingested by the host à excyst in intestine and release sporozoites that invade the epithelial cells. They multiply asexually by binary fission and they will form the schizont with merozoites inside. The cell rupture and release merozoites that can invade other cells
Gametogony : merozoites enter appropriate cell and develop into gamonts. Female = macrogamont and male = microgamont with flagella. Male microgamonts undergo repeated division and results in a large number of flagellated organism. Microgametes penetrate the macrogamete –> fusion of nucleus–> zygote –> unsporulated oocyst
Sporogony : 2 types of oocyst are formed 80% develop into thick walled. Pass to the environment with feces. 20% develop into thin- walled oocyst and release their sporozoites in the intestine representing the autoinfective life cycle form
Texas cattle fever caused by?
A. Babesia
B. bovis
C. bigemina
Describe the location of Balatidium coli?
Intestinal tract of arthropods and some vertebrates mainly pigs and humans
Leishmania spp. Occurs in the vertebrate host in:
Amastigote form