Deck 5 Flashcards
A counselor skill that involves the use of short 3-4 word sentences to ensure that the counselor has captured the essence of a client’s discussion.
A counselor skill that involves the use of head nods and positive facial expressions, open gestures and minimal verbals (“ummm or Uh-huh”)
A counselor skill that is useful in linking a client’s experiences from session to session and to wrap up a topic before moving on in the counseling session.
Associated with Rogers’ person-centered theory. Congruence implies that the therapist verbals and nonverbal, as well as his inner and outer presentation to the client match and are authentic.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Associated with Rogers’ Person-centered therapy. A counselor accepts the client for who he or she is, regardless of his or her behavior.
Necessary and Sufficient
Associated with Rogers’ Person centered therapy. If a counselor is congruent, demonstrates empathy and has unconditional positive regard for a client, that creates a condition that is necessary and sufficient for change to occur.
Abraham Maslow
Associated with Humanism. Developed a hierarchy of needs that determined people ned to meet lower level, or biological needs before they can consider more abstract needs like love or belonging.
Maslow’s Hierarchy
A pyramid shaped ranking, with the most basic and biological needs on the bottom that must be met before we can proceed to more abstract needs. The order from basic to abstract is psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization
Self actualization
Associated with Maslow and humanism. It is the guiding principle; that humans seeking to reach their full self-potential. Maslow found that few people are fully ever self-actualized.
A specialized group that is usually comprised of 12-15 members and has a focus on training
Therapy Group
Can be homogenous or heterogenous. Typically comprised of 6-8 people and is a formal and structured process.
Encounter group
Often a first-time exposure of experience group (an introduction to something). Membership varies and can contain from 8-200 members with a specified or open-ended format.
Marathon Group
A group or experience that is a lengthy duration, often lasting between 24-48 hours and focused around a specific topic or agenda.
Delegating Style
A low task, low relationship leader of group leadership
Participating style
A low task, high relationship leader of group leadership
Telling style of
A high task, low relationship leader group leadership
Selling style of
a high task, high relationship leader group leadership
Ginzberg’s adolscent
A three-stage theory of adolescent career development that includes career development fantasy (prior to age 11), tentative (ages 11-17), and realistic (17+) as its stages.
Frank Parsons
Known as the father of career development theory. Identified a system of 3 steps for evaluating young men entering the military: assessing skills, exploring the world of work, and integration
Armed services vocational aptitude battery, measures aptitude. ASVAB testing began in 1968 as a joint military effort to standardize military entrance testing
Career-life rainbow
a technique used by Super to assist clients in recognizing the roles they play in their life.
Robert Havinghurst
Was an adult developmental theorist who coined the term “teachable moment” and identified the focus of adulthood having developmental tasks, including getting started in an occupation.
Krumboltz’s model of
Applies social learning theory to career development. 4 aspects to social learning theory career development: genetic endowments, environmental conditions, learning and task approach skills.
David Tiedman
Emphasized the significance of ego development on career development, particularly career decision making. Identified seven stages of decision-making: 1. exploration, 2. crystallization, 3. choice, 4. clarification, 5. induction, 6. reformation, 7. integration