Deck 20 Flashcards
somber/sombre (adj)
- Dark or dull in colour or tone
2. Having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness
- (n) A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God
- (adj) Relating to agnostics or agnosticism
(In a non-religious context) having a doubtful or non-committal attitude towards something
aver (v)
State or assert to be the case
law) Allege as a fact in support of a plea (xác minh
precursor (n)
A person or thing that comes before another of the same kind; a forerunner
A substance from which another is formed, especially by metabolic reaction
puckish (adj)
Playful, especially in a mischievous way
geniality (n)
The quality of having a friendly and cheerful manner; affability
anonymity (n)
The condition of being anonymous
Lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality
gusto (n)
- Enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something
2. The style in which a work of art is executed
languor (n)
- Tiredness or inactivity, especially when pleasurable
- An oppressive stillness of the air
- -> languorous
tribulation (n)
A cause of great trouble or suffering
A state of great trouble or suffering
- (n) Painful or laborious effort
Labour pains - (v) Engage in painful or laborious effort
(Of a woman) be in labour
unbidden (adj)
Without having been commanded or invited
(Especially of a thought or feeling) arising without conscious effort
baleful (adj)
Threatening harm; menacing
Having a harmful or destructive effect
inaugural (adj)
- (Adj) Marking the beginning of an institution, activity, or period of office
- (n) An inaugural speech, especially one made by an incoming US president
picayune (adj)
Of little value or significance; petty
boon (n)
- A thing that is helpful or beneficial
2. A favour or request.