Deck 16 Flashcards
heinous (adj)
(Of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked
misconstrue (v)
Interpret (a person’s words or actions) wrongly
anoint (v)
Smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony
(anoint something with) Smear or rub something with (any other substance)
Nominate or choose (someone) as successor to or leading candidate for a position
bloviate (v)
Talk at length, especially in an inflated or empty way
epigrammatic (adj)
In the style of an epigram; concise, clever, and amusing
epigram (n)
A pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way
epiphany (n)
A moment of sudden and great revelation or realization
winsome (adj)
Attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way
debonair (adj)
(Of a man) confident, stylish, and charming
crestfallen (adj)
Sad and disappointed
- (adj) Bold and without shame
- (adj) Made of brass (đồng thau)
Harsh in sound - (v) Endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame
foolhardy (adj)
Recklessly bold or rash
untoward (adj)
Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient
torrid (adj)
- Very hot and dry
Full of passion arising from sexual love - Full of difficulty
- (Especially in financial contexts) characterized by intense activity; hard to contain or stop
- (n) The movement of the tide out to sea
- (v) (Of tidewater) move away from the land; recede
- (v) (Of an emotion or quality) gradually decrease
vex (v)
- Make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters
Cause distress to