Deck 17 Flashcards
agog (adj)
Very eager or curious to hear or see something
- (v) Satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full:
Supply (someone) with as much as or more of something than is desired or can be managed
pronounced (adj)
Very noticeable or marked; conspicuous
cohesive (adj)
Characterized by or causing cohesion
cohesion (n)
The action or fact of forming a united whole
hew (v) (pp hewed or hewn)
- Chop or cut (something, especially wood or coal) with an axe, pick, or other tool
Make or shape by cutting a hard material such as wood - (hew to) Conform or adhere to
rankle (v)
1 (Of a comment or fact) cause continuing annoyance or resentment
Annoy or irritate (someone)
2. (Of a wound or sore) continue to be painful; fester
galling (adj)
Causing annoyance or resentment; annoying
- (n) Bold and impudent behaviour
- (n) gall bladder (túi mật)
Used to refer to something bitter or cruel - (n) Annoyance or resentment
- (n) A sore on the skin made by chafing
- (v) Make (someone) feel annoyed or resentful
- (v) Make sore by rubbing
aplomb (n)
Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation
blanch (v)
- Make white or pale by extracting colour
Whiten (a plant) by depriving it of light - Flinch or grow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion
- Prepare (vegetables) for freezing or further cooking by immersing briefly in boiling water
ravenous (adj)
Extremely hungry
(Of hunger or need) very great; voracious
- (v) Send off to a destination or for a purpose
- (v) Deal with (a task or opponent) quickly and efficiently
Kill - (n) The sending of someone or something to a destination or for a purpose
Promptness and efficiency - (n) An official report on state or military affairs
A report sent in from abroad by a journalist - (n) The killing of someone or something
blasé (adj)
Unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before
cavalier (adj)
Showing a lack of proper concern; offhand
- (adj) Favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause
- (n) A militant person