Deck 10 Flashcards
apolitical (adj)
Not interested or involved in politics
underwhelm (v)
Fail to impress or make a positive impact on (someone); disappoint
plucky (adj)
Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties
- (n) A long piece of wood or metal used for holding pieces of food, typically meat, together during cooking (xiên)
- (v) Fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer
Subject to sharp criticism or critical analysis
hauteur (n)
Proud haughtiness of manner
civility (n)
Formal politeness and courtesy in behaviour or speech
Polite remarks used in formal conversation
asperity (n)
Harshness of tone or manner
(asperities) Harsh qualities or conditions
audacity (n)
- A willingness to take bold risks
2. Rude or disrespectful behaviour; impudence
impudent (adj)
Not showing due respect for another person; impertinent
- (n) a detective
- (v) Carry out a search or investigation in the manner of a detective
Investigate (someone or something)
- (n) Annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated
- (v) (be chagrined) Feel distressed or humiliated
lucrative (adj)
Producing a great deal of profit
extant (adj)
Still in existence; surviving
- (adj) Subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty
- (adj) Having little or no practical relevance
- (v) Raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility)
topical (adj)
- (Of a subject) of immediate relevance, interest, or importance owing to its relation to current events
Relating to a particular subject; classified according to subject - (medicine) Relating or applied directly to a part of the body
retroactive (adj)
(Especially of legislation) taking effect from a date in the past