Deck 2 Flashcards
Indirect Visualization Studies
Upper gastrointestinal (UGI)
Small bowel series
Barium enema
Abdominal ultrasound
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Abdominal CT scan
types of enemas
Large volume
Small volume
anthelminitic enema
destroy intestinal parasites
oil retention enema
lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa, easing defecation
carminative enema
help expel flatus from the rectum
nutritive enema
administer fluids and nutrition rectally
visual examination of the distal sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal through a flexible or rigid sigmoidoscope
Types of Ostomies
Sigmoid colostomy
Descending colostomy
Transverse colostomy
Ascending colostomy
Colostomy Diet
low fiber foods first 6-8 weeks
-avoid gas-causing foods
-avoid foods that cause blockage: nuts, corn, popcorn, mushrooms, coconuts, stringy vegetables, foods with skins/casings
-add foods that thicken stool (bananas, cheese, pasta, rice, yogurt, applesauce, potatoes)
-Drink 2.5 quarts of fluids (preferably water)
NG tubes
used to decompress or drain the stomach of unwanted stomach contents
-used to allow GI tract to rest before or after abd surgery to promote healing
-can be inserted to monitor GI bleeding
actual loss
can be recognized by others
tangible and measurable
definite and observable absence of something that was once present.
percieved loss
subjective, felt by the person but not tangible or objectively measurable.
-involves the feeling or belief that something significant has been taken away, even if there is no concrete evidence of the loss
(Ex: the loss of opportunities, or the loss of a valued aspect of one’s life, loss of financial independence)
Physical loss vs. psychological loss
Physical loss is an alteration of our physical self like amputation, removal of an organ, or loss of function
-psychological loss pertains to the emotional and subjective experience of a loss, Loss of self-esteem, loss of a relationship, or loss of a dream or opportunity
maturational loss
experienced as a result of natural development processes
-the emotional distress or sense of grief experienced when individuals go through natural life transitions or developmental milestones, such as aging, retirement, or children leaving home
situational loss
experienced as a result of an unpredictable event
(Ex. job loss, divorce, or a major illness)