Deck 10 Flashcards
Are Roth IRA contributions deductible?
Not deductible
Medical insurance premiums qualify as:
Deductions from AGI
Sales taxes and interest expense are examples of:
Deductions from AGI
Examples of contributions that are not charitable?
Contributions for political campaigns
Casualty and theft loss:
Loss starts at the lesser of decrease in FMV or adjusted basis
A corporation’s capital loss carryback or carryover is always treated as:
A short term capital loss
Losses resulting from the sale, exchange or worthlessness of Section 1244 qualifying stock are treated as:
Ordinary losses up to $50,000 in any tax year; only available to original owners of the stock
What amount of distributions is classified as dividend income to shareholders?
Accumulated E&P and Current E%P
Net capital losses:
Carried back 3 and forward 5
Net operating losses::
Carried back 20 years and forward 2
Limit for charitable contributions for a C corporation
10% of its taxable income after adding back the dividends received deduction
Dividends Received Deduction (DRD) =
70% of dividends received; limited to 70% of DRD modified taxable income
If the prior omission was nonfraudulent, the statute of limitations…
Cannot be reopened after it has expired
Tax-free (Type B) reorganization:
The acquisition of a controlling (usually 80%) interest by one corporation in the stock of another corporation solely for stock
The costs of organizing the corporation:
Are expensable (subject to the $5,000 limitation) and amortizable; the costs of selling stock are not
A significant advantage of consolidate tax returns is:
The ability to offset gains and losses among group members as if they were a single taxpayer.
The statute of limitations on a corporations tax return begins on what date?
March 16
Taxable dividend income is paid out of the corporation’s:
Current and accumulated earnings and profits; if there is a deficit, only current E&P are available
Filing fees, professional fees, and other expenditures incurred in connection with a liquidation and dissolution are:
Deductible in full by the dissolved corporation
Organizational costs are amortized over a minimum period of:
15 years (180 months); a $5000 deduction is allowed in year 1