Deck 1 Flashcards
1 адолатли
* адолат
- Бу шаҳарда адолатли одам борми ўзи?*
- Агар адолатли киши бўлганида шундай қилармиди?*
- Адолат билан иш қилсангиз яхши бўларди.*
just; fair; right, rightful
* justice
- Is there any just man in this city?*
- If he were a just person, would he have been doing this?*
- If you do your work with justice, then it would be good.*
- У янгиликка ажабланиб қолди.*
- У одамларга ажабланиб қаради.*
to wonder at, to be amazed, astonished
- He was astonished at the news.*
- He looked at the people in astonishment.*
- у бизга савол аломати билан қараб қўйди.*
- У бу ишми Худодан келган аломат деб қабул қилди.*
- Юнус пайғамбарнинг аломати.*
- касаллик аломатлари.*
sign (indirect, supernatural), mark, note, expression, emblem, indication
- He looked at us with a questioning expression.*
- He accepted (this) saying this thing is a sign which came from God.*
- Sign of the prophet Jonah.*
- Signs (indications) of sickness.*
* азоб чек–, торт–
** азоб бер–
*** 2азобла–
**** азоб–укубат
- У кўп азоб тортяпти.*
- Дўстимни деб жоним азоб чекди.*
- Итга азоб берманг!*
Suffering, torture
* to suffer
** to torment, torture
*** To torment; cause pain or suffering (i.e. physical or psychological); torture
**** suffering (poetical double)
- He is suffering greatly.*
- My soul suffered for my friend. (i.e. I endured suffering for my friend.)*
- Don’t torment the dog!*
(1) 2 амал
* бир амални қил–
** амалда бўлган
*** амалда
- Унинг жуда ақллилиги амалда исботланди.*
- Режа бузилди лекин амалини қиламиз.*
- У амалга эришиб, жуда ўзгариб кетди.*
- Қўшиш айириш, кўпаитириш, ва бўлиш – математик амаллар.*
- Сизнинг айтган гапларингиз олдин амалда бўлсин, кейин карор қиламиз.*
action, practice; means, possibility; rank, position; job; math function
* find a way; make do
** enforced; put into practice
*** in practice
- His great intelligence is proved in practice.*
- The plan fell apart, but we weill find a way.*
- He achieved rank, and he has greatly changed.*
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the mathematical functions.*
- Let your words be put into action, then we will decide.*
(2) 2 амал қил– (3) 2 амалга ош–
* амалга ошир–
** амалга мин–
- Йўл ҳаракати қоидаларига амал қилинг.*
- Унинг айтганлари амалга ошди.*
- Мактаб тўғрисидаги қарорни амалга оширдим*
- Гуноҳимиз учун Исо ўлиб тирилиб, жазони амалга оширди.*
- Қўшнимиз амалга миниб бировни танимай қолди.*
- Конунга амал қилиб ишламоқчи бўлдик.*
(2) to act, go into action, take effect; put into action; obey/keep a rule, follow instructions, act in accordance
(3) to be fulfilled, to come about
* to fulfill, carry out, execute, put into effect
** to achieve rank or status
Obey the traffic regulations.
- What he said was fulfilled.*
- I carried out the order relating to the schools.*
- Jesus, dying and rising again, fulfilled the penalty for our sins.*
- Our neigbor achieved rank, and now he doesn’t know anyone (he’s a snob).*
- We wanted to work in accordance with the law.*
Бугун мен ўзбек тили дарсидан аъло баҳо олдим.
excellent, highest (in quality),
greater (in worth)
Today I received an excellent score in my Uzbek language class.
* баён қил–, бер–, эт–
** баёнот
- Мезбонлардан бири меҳмонларга воқеани баён қилди.*
thesis (oral or written)
* to tell, inform; to expound on; to give a narrative
** declaration, statement, report
- One of the hosts informed the guests about the incident.*
- The holy gospel according to Matthew*
1бирон (биронта)
* биронтамиз
** биронта(си) ҳам… –ма–
- Менга биронта болта керак.*
- Ҳозир биз гаплашиб ўтирибмиз, лекин 100 йилдан кейин биронтамиз ҳам тирик бўлмаймиз.*
- Биронтангиз хонамни тозалаб беринглар.*
Some sort of, any sort of, any; a single
* One of us
** Not even one of them
- I need some kind of an aхе.*
- Now we are sitting and talking, but after 100 years not even one of us will be alive.*
- One of you clean my room for me.*
(1) 2бўлак (2) 4бўлак
* –дан бўлак
** бўлак чиқ
- Бу гўштнинг бир бўлаги сизники.*
- Эшикнинг тагига палос бўлаги солинган.*
- Она олмаларни бўлакларга бўлиб, болаларга тарқатди.*
- Шунинг учун эркак киши ота–онасидан бўлак чиқиб, хотинига боғланиб қолади, иккаласи бир тан бўладилар*
(1) part, piece
(2) separate, individual, independent; another, different
* Apart from, separate from
- A part of this meat is yours.*
- A piece of carpet was laid at the foot of the door.*
- Mother divided the apples in parts and distributed them to the children.*
- For this reason a man, separating from father and mother, is joined to his wife, and the two will be one flesh.*
(1)1 ет– (2) 1 ет–
* бу ҳам етмагандек
** Яхши етволинг (етиб олинг)
- Бугунга етар*
- Узумга бўйим етмади*
- Фарғонага кечаси соат бирда етиб келдим*
- Муродимга етдим*
- Ошхона вокзалга етмасдан ўнга.*
- Қишлоққа яқин қолганда унга етиб олдим.*
(1) to be enough, sufficient (2) to reach; attain, achieve; overtake
* as if that weren’t enough…
** Arrive safely (farewell phrase)
- That’s probably enough for today.*
- I couldn’t reach the grapes.*
- I arrived in Ferghana in the night at one o’clock*
- I got (attained) my wish.*
- The osh cafe is on the right before you reach the station.*
- When he was close to the village I caught up with him.*
* жумладан
** жумла(си)дан ҳисоблан–
*** жумла(си)га кир–
- Кўп аёллар, жумладан мен ҳам, бунга қаршиман.*
- Халойиқ, жумладан хотин–қизлар Унинг орқасидан эргашиб борди.*
- Кит ҳам ҳайвонлар жумласига киради.*
a phrase, clause; quantity
* including (from the aforementioned) specifically (from the aforementioned), among
** counted as, considered as
*** numbered among, considered part of
- Many women, including myself, are against this.*
- A big crowd of people, including women and girls, were following him.*
- A whale is also numbered among the animals.*
1 илгари
1 –дан илгари
- У тўйдан илгари келди.*
- Икки ҳафта илгари уйинларда нима воқеа бўлди?*
formerly, previously, forward, ago
1 before
- He came before the celebration.*
- What happened in your house two weeks ago?*
3имо қил–
- Унга учрашамиз деган маънода имо қилдим.*
- “Исо ким ҳақида гапиряпти, сўра–чи”, деб имо–ишора қилди.*
to signal, make a sign
- I signaled to him with the meaning that we meet.*
- Simon Peter signaled (-gestured) to him to ask Jesus of whom he was speaking.*
2 инсоф
* инсоф қил–
** инсофсиз (ноинсоф)
- Амаки, инсофингиз борми?*
- Биз инсоф килишимиз керак.*
- Шунчалик ҳам одам инсофсиз бўладими?*
- Инсоф сари барака (мақол)*
fairness, sense of justice, conscience; integrity
* to be fair (lit. do fairness)
** unfair, unjust, without conscience
- Uncle, can’t you be fair?*
- We must be fair.*
- Towards justice blessing (As much as you are just, you will be blessed)*
- Can a man be so unjust?*
3 кимки… –са
* кимгаки… –са
- Кимгаки пул керак бўлса ишлаши керак.*
- Кимки чарчаган бўлса дам олсин.*
* to whomever
- To whomever money is necessary, their working is necessary.*
- Whoever is tired, let them take a rest.*
1 иқтисод
* 2 иқтисодий
- Менимча, ҳозирги пайтда давлатимиз учун иқтисодий масалалар муҳимроқ.*
- Иқтисодий базамизни мустаҳкамлашимиз керак.*
* economic; economical, thrifty
- I think at the present time economic matters are more important for our country.*
- We need to strengthen our economic base.*
2 киргиз– (also 2 кирит–)
* қўлга кирит–
- Урф–одатларимизга янгилик киргизмоқчимисиз?*
- Рўйхатга киргизилди.*
- Уни уйингизга энди киргизманг!*
- Телевизорни қўлга киритдим.*
- Қўлга киритган барча ютуқларимизни нишонлайлик.*
to introduce (a new idea, proposal, etc.), to submit; to insert; to allow to enter; to let someone come in
* To acquire, get, obtain
- Do you want to introduce new things to our traditions?*
- It was entered (inserted) on the list.*
- Don’t let him enter your house from now on!*
- I got a television.*
- Let’s celebrate all our achievements that we have acquired.*
(1) кул (2) 1 кул– (3) уст(и)дан кул–
* кулгили
- Синфдошлари унинг устидан кулишди.*
- Унинг гапини эшитиб кулдим.*
- У ичида кулиб қўйди.*
(1) ash(es) (2) to laugh, smile (3) to put down, belittle; make fun of; ridicule, laugh at
* funny
- His classmates made fun of him.*
- I laughed at what he said.*
- He smiled to himself.*
3 кўз: –га кўз(и) ет–
- Ўз вақтида келишига кўзим етмайди.*
- Офисни топишга кўзинг етaдими?*
to be sure, to expect (lit.: his eyes reach)
I don’t expect he will come on time.
Are you sure you can find the office?
(also) Ишончим комил эмас = I’m not sure.
2кўр: –а кўрма–
- Компютеримни ишлата кўрма*
- Бу тўғрида бировга оғиз оча кўрма (Матто 8:4)*
don’t even think of trying…
don’t dare attempt to…
- Don’t you dare use my computer!*
- See that you say nothing to anyone!*
3 мурожаат қил–, эт–
- Оқсақоллар ҳоқимга мурожаат этди. *
- Биз Ҳудога мурожаат қиламиз.*
- Унинг номи билан мурожаат қиламан. *
- Бу ернинг каттасига мурожаат қилдим.*
- Саволингизга жавоб тополмасангиз луғатга мурожаат қилинг.*
to call upon, to address, consult with, check with
- The leaders addressed the mayor.*
- We will call upon God.*
- I will address him by his name.*
- I called upon the manager here.*
- If you aren’t able to find the answer to your question, consult the dictionary.*
назр (назр–ниёз)
(synonym: хайр–садақа)
* Бизнинг ҳам атаб қўйган назр–ниёзларимиз бор.*
* Бу, ҳар қандай қурбон сўйиш ва назр–ниёз аташдан аълороқдир.*
- We also have offerings set aside (for God).*
- This is more excellent than any kind of slaying sacrifice or dedication of offering (for the sake of God).*
3 рағбатлантир–
Бир–биримизни яхши ишлар қилишга рағбатлантирайлик.
to interest someone, encourage someone, stimulate someone
Let’s encourage each other to do good works/things.
(1) 1соч (2) 3соч–
* сочил–
- Сочингизни қаерда олдирдингиз?*
- Бола ўйинчоқларни ҳамма ерга сочади.*
- Қуёш нур сочяпти.*
(1) hair (2) to scatter, to pour out (getting rid of)
* to be poured out, to be strewn out, to be scattered out
- Where did you get your haircut?*
- The child scattered the toys everywhere.*
- The sun is scattering rays.*
2 тасвирла–
to describe
(1) 1ташвиш (2) 4 ташвиш
* ташвишга тушь
** –ни ташвишга (сол–, қўй–)
*** ташвиш (қил–, торт–, чек–)
- Кеча уйга келмаганингиз учун ташвиш қилдим*
- Сизга тунда телефон қилиб ташвишга солганим учун кечирасиз.*
- Рўзғор ташвиши билан юрибмиз.*
(1) worry, trouble (2) task
* to be worried, troubled
** to trouble or worry someone
*** to worry, be troubled
- I was worried because you did not come last night.*
- Forgive me for troubling you (by) calling you in the night.*
- We are busy with household tasks.*
Врач менга ароқ ичишни тақиқлади.
Tо forbid, prohibit, ban
- The doctor forbade me to drink vodka.*
Исо қўлини узатиб, унга теккизди–да (Матто 8:3)
To touch intentionally (киз– causative mood, with verb тег–)
Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him.
То сиз қайтиб келгунча мен бу ерда кутиб тураман.
Until, till, up to
- I will wait here until you return.*
* товуш чиқариб
- У товуш чиқариб ўқияпди.*
- Унинг товуши ёқимли.*
sound, voice
* aloud
- He is reading aloud.*
- His voice is pleasing.*
Soil, dirt
1турли (турли–туман)
* ҳар турли
- Ошхонада турли ҳил таом бор.*
- Бозордан турли хилдаги мевалар сотиб олдим.*
- Ташкилотимизнинг иши турли йўналишларга қаратилган.*
- Уйимизга турли одамлар келди. *
- Турли–туман ташвишлардан холи бўлишнинг ягона йўли – берилиб меҳнат қилишдир.*
- Ер юзида ҳар турли туман ҳайвонлар яшайди.*
different, various, diverse
* All different / diverse / various
- The “оsh hona” has various kinds of dishes.*
- I bought different kinds of fruit from the bazaar.*
- Our organization’s work has been directed to different branches.*
- Different people came to our house.*
- The only way to be free from different problems – wholeheartedly work hard.*
- There are all different animals on the face of the earth.*
3 фаолият
* фаолият юрит–, олиб бор–
- Устанинг фаолиятидан қониқмадим.*
- Ёзувчининг хаёти ва фаолиятини ўргандик.*
activity, activities, energy, work
* to be active in something (i.e. politics, business, study)
I am not pleased with the repairman’s work.
We studied the life and work of the writer.
2 хулоса
* хулоса чиқар–, қил–
** хулоса қилиб айтганда
- Муаллиф ўз асарининг хулосасини айтди.*
- Ўқиган китобингизнинг хулосасини айтинг.*
conclusion, summary
* to summarize
** succinctly speaking
- He gave a summary of the author’s works.*
- Give me a summary of the book you read.*
2 чўз–
- Қўлими чўзиб сўрашдим*
- Рафиқам ҳар доим гапни чўзади.*
to stretch out; strain; draw out; prolong, lengthen
- My hand stretched out, I greeted him. *
- My wife always draws out the conversation.*
* –дан эзилиб кет–
- У анорни эзиб сувини чиқарди.*
- Ҳаёт ташвишлари уни эзиб қўйди.*
- Олдин картошкани яхшилаб эзинг.*
To squeeze something so as to dent it in;
press in; crush, mash;
weigh one down (with worry, problems, etc.)
* To be exasperated with
- Squeezing the pomegranate he got its juice out.*
- The worries of life weigh him down.*
- First mash the potatoes well.*
- Бу қарор устидан менда эътирозим бор.*
- Бу сайловга қарши эътироз қилинди.*
protest, objection, disagreement
- I have an objection concerning this decision.*
- A protest was made against this election.*
To be considered proper, to be considered suitable
- Ҳозирча қизим ишга ярамайди.*
- Бу сув ичишга ярайдими?*
- Оғир ишга ярамайман.*
- Бир кунингизга ярар.*
To be fit for something (as in “able” or “suitable”);
to be suitable, to be acceptable, to be appropriate, useful
- My sister is not fit to work right now.*
- Is this water fit to drink?*
- I’m not fit for heavy work (my health won’t allow it).*
- It may be useful someday. (I.e. You may need it one day.)*