Decision Making Flashcards
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing

Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing Self Knowledge
Cornerstone People can self reflect and translate the interests/insight into possible career options. Found from previous performance, interest, skills, values etc
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing Occupational Knowledge Schemas
Sometimes the mental representation of how we see things is not correct. People tend to romanticize jobs and make assumptions with a lack of knowledge.
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing Generic Information Processing CASVE

Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE C*ommunication
Initiates decision making process Internal Cues External Cues
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE C*ommunication Internal Cues
Come from inside, emotions, state of mind that inwardly prompts decision making. Examples are anxiety or some bad feeling about needing to make a change with work.
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE C*ommunication External Cues
Job loss, family issue, some sort of external input forces action.
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE A*nalysis
I know something is wrong. Time to analyze. What’s best for me? Examination of self-knowledge Learning new occupational information and re-examining old information.
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE S*ynthesis
Options are generated through analysis. Here we look at all possible options. This part can be overwhelming and prompt career counseling Narrow the field down Find a manageable amount of options, average 3-5
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE V*aluing
Cost/benefit What is the best choice for me? How will it affect my future and ppl i care about?
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE Valuing and Indecision
If a person is unable to select among options bc all options are appealing, use exercises to engage in critical thought. AKA approach-approach conflict
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE V*alue Valuing and Indecision Interventions for Indecision
Balance Sheet Elimination by Aspects
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE V*alue Valuing and Indecision Interventions for Indecision Balance Sheet
Generate occupational alternatives Rank importance of alternatives from +5 to -5 Computer the value of each alternative by summing positive and negative weights. This is an end component after looking at job options. This is created from research about regrets.
Decision Making
Cognitive Information Processing
General Information Processing
CASVE V*alue Valuing and Indecision Interventions for Indecision Elimination By Aspects
Identify relevant aspects Rank aspects by importance Identify acceptable range of the most important Eliminate least acceptable Explore remaining alternatives. This is used during the process of finding a career. CCI might help this
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing General Information Processing CASVE E*xecution
Developing and implementing a strategy Planning Trying out Applying We as counselors get them from the beginning to the end. Having a plan makes it more likely the client will follow through
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing Executive Processing Domain Meta-cognition
Self talk Monitoring and control This process can help/ hamper process
Decision Making Cognitive Information Processing Executive Processing Domain Meta-cognition Barriers to decision making
The negative thoughts that come up repeatedly aren’t just from career choice, it is often a theme in other aspects of life and helping battle these thoughts can help the client with more than a career choice.
Decision Making Career Thoughts Inventory CTI
Decision making confusion Commitment anxiety External conflict Appraise cognitions
Decision Making Career Thoughts Inventory Decision Making Confusion
Difficult to begin or continue with decision making due to negative feelings and confusion. Clients get overwhelmed and prolong the process
Decision Making Career Thoughts Inventory Commitment Anxiety
Difficult to commit to specific career choice, along with strong worries about decision making. Uses bell curve 70% percentile and up thoughts are holding back client Use workbooks, homework, practice and rehearsal to get better ways of thinking
Decision Making Career Thoughts Inventory External Conflict
Difficulty balancing the importance of your ideas with he importance of ideas for family members and friends making the decision more difficult.
Decision Making Casting Off Negative Thoughts
Catch the thoughts, Ask for evidence of truth to bad thought Is there a theme? (ie fear of failure) Reframe the thought into something positive Repeat as needed
Decision Making Monitoring and Control: Decision Making Styles

Decision Making Monitoring and Control: Decision Making Styles Data Gathering Spontaneous
Go with gut, take less time to make choices. Counselors help more spontaneous data gatherers to slow down and consider consequences of choices.
Decision Making Monitoring and Control: Decision Making Styles Data Gathering Systematic
Takes too much time to choose Too much thinking More info= more confusion
Decision Making Monitoring and Control: Decision Making Styles Data Analysis External
Too verbal with others Counselors help external ppl move toward solutions and goals
Decision Making Monitoring and Control: Decision Making Styles Data Analysis Internal
Too much thinking Counselors help internal ppl talk it out by asking open ended questions and minimal talking on counselor end Draw client into convo
Decision Making Indecisiveness
Incapable of making a decision Don’t even get to the options part
Decision Making Indecisiveness Trait Negative Affect
State or Trait Anxiety Depression Affect Low self esteem Fear of commitment Avoidance coping style
Decision making Indecisiveness Informational Deficits
Lack of information about self, occupations, decision making process. Has unreliable information Doesn’t know where to begin.
Decision Making Indecisiveness Interpersonal Conflict and Barriers
Disagreements with others Perceptions of external barriers
Decision Making Indecisiveness Identity Diffusion
Lack self clarity Unstable career goals Lack motivation to make and commit to a vocational decision CCI or genograms might be useful exercises.