Career Construction Interview Flashcards
Career construction interview
Mark L. Savikas, Ph.D
Subjective way to find identity
Life pattern theory
Thematic methods
Career construction interview
Private Logic
Who am I
What is this world like?
Where do I fit in?
Career Construction Interview
What can it do for client?
Help them self create Make sense of life Find meaning Self reflect Help short and long term decisions Enhance identity
Career Construction Interview Questions
A. How can I be useful to you as you construct your career?
This question helps client/counselor set goals and have something to check in with later.
We use useful rather than helpful because we don’t want client to think “helpless”
We facilitate them helping themselves
Career Construction Interview Questions
Item A.1. Who did you admire when you were growing up?
Parameters for client to answer this question
Ask for 3 role models before the age of ten
Avoid parents because you can’t pick your parents
Can be fictional or real
Career Construction Interview Questions
Item A.1 Who did you admire growing up?
What does this question allow counselor to see?
Models for self construction
Descriptions of models are client self concepts
Career construction interview questions
Item A.1 Who did you admire growing up?
What role do role models play?
Role models are the sources of our identities, and we find personal meaning in them and we see ourselves in them.
Career construction interview questions
Item A.1 who did you admire growing up?
Why do we ask for role models from when client was age 3-10?
This is an age where kids are inquisitive and they are figuring out simple concepts and this is a straightforward age.
Kids imitate, mimick their role models at this age
Very curious at this age
Wondering what life is
Career construction interview questions
Item a.1 who did you admire growing up?
What are counselors listening for in these answers?
Meaning, not just in the words, but the story around the words
Collection of traits
Career construction interview
Item A.1 who did you admire growing up?
What do these answers say about the client?
The characteristics and traits clients describe are how they think about themselves.
They describe themselves through their descriptions of role models.
Career constructive interview
Item A.1 who did you admire growing up?
Repeated words/synonyms
Pay attention to repeated words and similar words. These show that this is important about the client.
Career constructive interview
Item A.1 who did you admire growing up?
How does a counselor look for themes?
Look for similarities of characteristics and traits that are all included in each of the role models described.
Look for specific unique things also
Circle synonyms and repeat words
Look for core value that is thematic
These are the things that are most important to client
Career construction interview
Item A.2. Do you read any magazines regularly? Tv shows?
These forms of media are vicarious and immersive environments
Display client manifest interest
Career construction interview
Item A.2. Do you read magazines regularly (TV etc)
Manifest interests
These are the behaviors of our interests
Career construction interview
Item A.2 magazines or tv regularly?
What do we ask the clients about this?
What do they find interesting?
Why they like, are attracted to, or prefer these particular mags or shows
Career construction interview
Item A.2 what magazines/tv do you do regularly?
What can we use these preferences to assess?
Client’s preferred RIASEC environments
Career construction interview questions
Item A.3. Favorite book or movie? Tell me the story?
What insight does this give?
Parallels btw life and story
How transition and conflict are solved
Suggests how person is scripting next career move
Career construction interview
Item A.4. What is your favorite saying?
What are counselors looking for?
Client’s advice to self about how to begin to enact the new script
Career construction interview
Item A.4. Favorite saying?
What does it articulate?
The best advice the client has for themselves
Career construction interview
Item A.4 favorite saying?
What is this a form of?
Auto therapy
Career construction interview
Item A.4. Favorite saying?
What is auto-therapy?
Client’s repeatedly tell the self what they must do to advance their story to a new chapter and in doing so become more complete
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections?
Three earliest recollections. The younger the memory is the better
Age 3-6
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
What do they portray, reflect, reveal?
Perspective that the client has been taking on problems and then what to do about it,
Reveal attitudes that guide life and interaction with world
Reflect problem at hand
Metaphorical for life/attitude
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
What do counselors listen for?
Story around the memory.
Career instruction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
What specific questions should counselor ask?
What is most vivid part of memory?
Who was there? What happened next?
How did others react?
What were you feeling at the time?
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
Have client prepare a headline that captures the event Active voice Present tense Short, pithy words Be specific
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
What does this do?
Summarize story and point out what’s really important to the client.
Career construction interview
Item A.5. Earliest recollections
What do we mean by theme?
What is the glue that holds these stories together?
Career construction interview
What does the themes from all of the questions show?
Life portrait Grand narrative How person wants to use work to feel complete and satisfied Needs, wants, motives, Patterns.
Career construction interview
What is this not for?
Deciding a job