December 4 - Substitution and Elimination 2 Flashcards
What does it stand for?
What are the reactants?
What happens in it?
Unimolecular (1) elimination (E)
Between an alkyl halide and a base
In the first step, the alkyl halide dissociates, forming a carbocation. In the second step, the base removes a proton from the β-carbon and the electrons it shared with that carbon make a double bond between the β-carbon and the carbocation
8.7, p.283
What does it stand for?
What are the reactants?
What happens in it?
Bimolecular (2) elimination (E)
Between an alkyl halde and a base
The base removes a proton from the β-carbon, and the electrons it shared with that carbon make a double bond. Then the halogen leaves
8.7, p. 282
Rate law for E2
k[alkyl halide][base]
Depends on the concentration of both
Rate law for E1
k[alkyl halide]
Only depends on the concentration of the alkyl halide
A carbon that is adjacent to the carbon bonded to the halogen
Which alkyl halides undergo E1 and E2 reactions?
Only tertiary alkyl halides undergo E1
Primary, secondary, and tertiary alkyl halides undergo E2
How to tell the stability of an alkene
The greater the number of alkyl substituents, the more stable the alkene
Overall rate law
And interpretation of it
rate = k1[alkyl halide] + k2[alkyl halide][nucleophile] + k1[alkyl halide] + k2[alkyl halide][base]
SN2 and E2 reactions are favored by a high concentration of nucleophile/strong base
SN1 and E1 reactions are favored by a poor nucleophile/weak base
The sum of the rate laws for SN1, SN2, E1, and E2 reactions respectively
Relative reactivities of alkyl halides in SN2 and E2 reactions
Which alkyl halides undergo either substitution or elimination?
SN2: 1° > 2° > 3°
E2: 3° > 2° > 1°
Primary alkyl halides mostly undergo substitution (SN2)
Secondary alkyl halides undergo both substitution and elimination
Tertiary alkyl halides only undergo elimination (E2)
Relative reactivities of alkyl halides in SN1 and E1 reactions
Only tertiary alkyl halides can undergo SN1/E1
Because it’s a 2-step process, alkyl halides undergo both substitution and elimination
Selectivity for E2 and E1
The exception for elimination reactions
Regioselectivity - which constitutional isomer is formed?
Stereoselectivity - which stereoisomer is formed?
Eliminations tend to be selective for the most stable alkene product but the EXCEPTION is with bulky bases