December Flashcards
What is the first line treatment for hyperthyroidism in pregnancy?
Propylthiouracil as it crosses the placenta less readily than carbimazole
What is the risk of PPH in deliveries complicated by shoulder dystocia?
How should low mood be treated in patients taking Tamoxifen?
avoid SSRIs, St John’s Wort & soy isofavones
Compression of which nerve commonly results in foot drop?
Common peroneal nerve
Often from lithotomy position
What is the impact on VTE risk of taking COCPs containing levonorgestrel?
3 times
2:10,000 to 5-7:10,000
What is the suture absorption time of monocryl?
90-120 days
Which anti-epileptic drug has levels lowered by estrogen- containing contraception?
Spinal cord lesions at which level are associated with autonomic dysreflexia?
What are the absolute contraindications to ECV?
Multiple pregnancy
Abnormal CTG
Ruptured membranes
CS needed for other reasons
Hemorrhage in last 7 days
Uterine anomaly
What are the reintervention rates for uterine artery embolisation?
1:3 within 5 years
How are patients with thalassaemia managed for VTE risk in pregnancy?
Splenectpmy OR platelets >600: aspirin
“. AND. “. : aspirin + LMWH
What is the incidence of IBS in women in the UK?
COCP containing which progestogens have the lowest VTE risk?
1st & 2nd generation eg norethisterone, levonorgestrel
What is the risk of needing a CS hysterectomy for placenta praevia?
In suspected PE, how do CXR findings impact on imaging modality?
Normal CXR: V/Q
Abnormal CXR: CTPA
What percentage of UK obstetric admissions are complicated by AKI?
What natural menopause remedy is banned in the UK due to causing liver damage?
Kava kava
Women with which conditions should be referred to haematologists for antenatal VTE decisions?
Asymptomatic antithrombin, protein C or protein S deficiency
More than 1 thrombophilic defect out of: homozygous factor V Leiden, homozygous prothrombin gene mutation, compound heterozygotes
What is the student’s t-test used for?
Comparing 2 sample means,
Assuming normal distribution
What is the chi squared test used for?
Nonparametric test
Comparing numerical or categorical data sets
What is the ANOVA test used for?
Comparing multiple population means
With tubal ectopics, what is the MSD cut-off for expectant management?
What is the management for ultrasound finding of cervical length <25mm without hx of PTB or mid-trimester loss?
Prophylactic vaginal progesterone
What is the risk of placenta praevia after 1 previous?
How does 1 shoulder dystocia affect the rate of future shoulder dystocia?
10 x general population
What is the risk of requiring further treatment after a salpingotomy?
What are the risk factors for endometrial polyps?
Increasing age
What is the management for stage 1a vaginal cancer?
Wide local excision only
What is the incidence of 3rd & 4th degree tears in instrumental births?
Forceps no epis: 22.7%
Forceps with epis: 6%
Ventouse no epis: 6%
Ventouse with epis: 2%
What is the risk of serious haemorrhage with abdominal hysterectomy?
What are the RCOG risk categories?
1:1 - 1:10 Very common
1:10 - 1:100 Common
1:100 - 1:1000 Uncommon
1:1000 - 1:10,000 Rare
< 1:10,000 Very rare
What are the risks with CF in pregnancy?
- Prematurity rate 25%
- Spontaneous preterm labour
- Diabetes
- Stillbirth (live birth rates 70-90%)
Define relative risk!
Rate of disease in exposed group divided by rate of disease in unexposed group, aka risk ratio
Define odds ratio!
Relative measure of effect, comparing exposed group to control group
Odds in exposed group divided by odds in control group
What is the management of asymptomatic placenta praevia confirmed at 32/40?
Course of corticosteroids 34/40-35+6
What is the 1st line Mx of PMS?
- Exercise
- Vitamin B6
- COCP new generation
- Low dose SSRI, continuous or luteal phase
What is the rate of bowel obstruction following radiotherapy for cervical cancer?
What is the NNT for elective Caesareans & faecal incontinence?
What is the NNT for breech ElCS for any adverse outcome vs vaginal breech?
What is the NNT for ElCS vs vaginal breach for perinatal death?
What is the rate of conversion to open procedure for transabdominal cerclage?
What is the order of ligament division in vaginal hysterectomy?
- Uterosacrals
- Cardinals
- Broads
- Rounds
Tumour markers!!!
Make mnemonics
What is a common nerve injury in traumatic births, leading to sensory loss anterior thigh & knee, quadriceps weakness & loss of knee jerk?
Femoral nerve
What is the risk of ureteric injury in laparoscopic resection of severe endometriosis with hydronephrosis?
Following intrauterine death of 1 morochorionic twin, what is the risk of a) death & b) neurological abnormality in the 2nd twin?
a) 15%
b) 25%
What is the mortality rate associated with necrotising fasciitis?
What is the treatment for uncomplicated malaria in pregnancy for plasmodium vivax, ovale & malariae?
- Admit
- PO chloroquine
- 600mg loading dose then 300mg 6-8 hours later, daily for 3 days then weekly
What is the treatment for uncomplicated malaria in pregnancy with plasmodium falciparum?
- Admit
- Oral quinine 600mg 8-hourly
- Oral clindamycin 450mg 8-hourly
- For 7 days
What is the 1st line treatment for chicken pox exposure in pregnancy?
Oral Aciclovir
7-14 days post-exposure
What is the cause of MRKH syndrome?
Müllerian agenesis
Which complications of CS for placenta praevia are classed as “very common”?
Emergency hysterectomy
Massive obstetric haemorrhage
What is the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in the general population?
Which conditions result in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism?
- Kallman syndrome
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Pituitary tumours
- Brain injury
What are the proportions of patients with different impacts of pregnancy on MG?
30% remission
30% no change
40% worsen
What proportion of CIN2 lesions regress spontaneously within 2 years?
What is the absolute risk of VTE in pregnancy & the puerperium?
What is the 1st line varicella post-exposure prophylaxis?
Oral Aciclovir or valaciclovir
7-14 days after exposure
What is the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the UK?
11 in 1000
Following radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer, what proportion of patients need to ISC for long-term voiding difficulties?
What proportion of ectopic pregnancies are interstitial?
What is the presenting diameter of a brow presentation?
What is the leading cause of direct maternal deaths in the UK?
Thrombosis & thromboembolism
What are the contraindications to flying in pregnancy?
- Severe anaemia <75
- Recent haemorrhage
- Otitis media & sinusitis
- Serious cardiac or respiratory disease
- Recent sickling crisis
- Recent GI surgery
- Bone fracture, if may cause leg swelling
What are the general points for flying in pregnancy?
- Singletons don’t fly >37/40
- Twins don’t fly >32/40
- Flights >4 hours special measures
- LMWH for high-risk patients
What proportion of CIN1 & 2 lesions regress spontaneously within 2 years?