Antenatal Care Flashcards
What action should be taken if a woman presents with reduced fetal movements & no FH can be detected on Doppler?
Ultrasound scan
What is the general incidence of GBS disease?
0.5 per 1000
At what gestation is ionising radiation most dangerous to the fetus, in terms of FGR?
At what gestation is the greatest risk of ionising radiation, in terms of teratogenicity?
What are the rates of pregnancy loss with appendicitis in pregnancy?
1.5% of simple
6% of peritonitis
36% of perforated
What is the proportion of breech presentations at 28/40?
What is the rate of congenital CMV with primary CMV infection in pregnancy?
What level of spinal cord injury is associated with autonomic dysreflexia?
T6 & above
What are the major risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
- Hypertensive disease in previous pregnancy
- Chronic kidney disease
- Autoimmune disease
- Type 1 or 2 diabetes
- Chronic hypertension
What are the moderate risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
- Primiparity
- Age ≥ 40
- Pregnancy interval > 10 years
- BMI ≥ 35 at 1st visit
- Family Hx of PET
- Multiple pregnancy
What are the absolute contraindications to ECV?
- CS required for another reason
- APH within last 7 days
- Abnormal CTG
- Major uterine anomaly
- Ruptured membranes
- Multiple pregnancy (except 2nd twin)
What are the relative contraindications to ECV?
- SGA fetus with abnormal Doppler
- Pre-eclampsia
- Oligohydramnios
- Major fetal anomalies
- Scarred uterus
- Unstable lie
How long can cervical cerclage prolong pregnancy?
5 weeks
How should VTE risk be managed in protein S deficiency?
Involve haematology
At what gestation should ECV be offered?
36/40 nulliparous
37/40 multiparous
What is the rate of worsening of spasticity in pregnancy for patients with spinal cord injury?
What is the rate of GBS disease if GBS in current pregnancy?
2 per 1000
What conditions are associated with low PAPP-A in 1st trimester?
- Spontaneous miscarriage
- Gestational hypertension
- Pre-eclampsia
- Low birthweight
- Preterm delivery
What conditions are associated with low β-hCG in the 1st trimester?
- Spontaneous miscarriage
- Low birthweight
What conditions are associated with raised AFP in the 2nd trimester?
- Fetal growth restriction
- Placental abruption
- Fetal demise after 24/40
- Preterm delivery
- Spontaneous miscarriage
What conditions are associated with raised β-hCG in the 2nd trimester?
- Preterm delivery
- Gestational hypertension
- Pre-eclampsia
- Fetal demise after 24/40
- Fetal growth restriction
What conditions are associated with raised inhibin-A in the 2nd trimester?
- Preterm delivery
- Gestational hypertension
- Pre-eclampsia
- Fetal demise after 24/40
- Fetal growth restriction
What conditions are associated with low unconjugated estrodiol in the 2nd trimester?
- Oligohydramnios
- Fetal demise after 24/40
- Low birthweight
- Spontaneous miscarriage
What maternal serum markers are associated with spontaneous miscarriage?
- Low PAPP-A
- Low β-hCG
- Raised AFP
- Low estradiol
What maternal serum markers are associated with gestational hypertension?
- Low PAPP-A
- Raised β-hCG
- Raised inhibin-A
What maternal serum markers are associated with low birthweight?
- Low PAPP-A
- Low β-hCG
- Low estradiol
What maternal serum markers are associated with preterm delivery?
- Low PAPP-A
- Raised AFP
- Raised β-hCG
- Raised inhibin-A
What maternal serum markers are associated with fetal growth restriction?
- Raised AFP
- Raised β-hCG
- Raised inhibin-A
What maternal serum marker is associated with placental abruption?
Raised AFP
What maternal serum markers are associated with fetal demise after 24/40?
- Raised AFP
- Raised β-hCG
- Raised inhibin-A
- Low estradiol
What maternal serum marker is associated with oligohydramnios?
Low estradiol
What is the incidence of PUPPP?
What action is taken when a woman has shingles close to delivery?
What action is taken with VZV exposure when shown non-immune?
Give VZIg
Consider infectious for 28days
What action is taken for HSV primary infection in 3rd trimester?
Aciclovir until birth
What is first-line treatment for toxoplasmosis?
Pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine
(if confirmed?)
Which antiepileptic depletes vitamin K?
Carbamazepine as enzyme inducer
In what cases is antenatal VTE prophylaxis prescribed?
- All high risk + refer
- Consider for intermediate risk
- 4+ general risk factors: from 1st trimester
- 3+ general risk factors: from 28/40
What constitutes high risk for VTE antenatally?
Previous unprovoked VTE
What are intermediate risk factors for VTE antenatally?
- Hospital admission
- Previous VTE related to major surgery
- High risk thrombophilia
- Medical comorbidities
- Surgical procedure
- OHSS (1st trimester)
What are general risk factors for VTE antenatally?
- Obesity, BMI>30
- Parity >3
- Smoking
- Gross varicose veins
- Current pre-eclampsia
- Immobility
- Family history of VTE
- Low-risk thrombophilia
- Multiple pregnancy
What are high risk factors for postnatal VTE?
- Any previous VTE
- Anyone requiring antenatal LMWH
- High risk thrombophilia
- Low risk thrombophilia with family history VTE
What are the intermediate risk factors for postnatal VTE?
- Emergency CS
- BMI >40
- Readmission or prolonged stay
- Surgery in puerperium other than perineal repair
- Medical comorbidities
What are general risk factors for postnatal VTE?
- Age >35
- Obesity >30
- Smoking
- Elective CS
- Family history
- Low risk thrombophilia
- Gross varicose veins
- Prolonged labour over 24 hours
- Current systemic infection
- Immobility
- Current pre-eclampsia
- Multiple pregnancy
- PTL <37 weeks
- Stillbirth
- Mid-cavity instrumental birth
- PPH > 1L or transfusion
What proportion of breech babies spontaneously turn after 36/40?
What are the cardiovascular signs of autonomic dysreflexia?
What proportion of babies get feral varicella syndrome if mum gets chicken pox in first 20/40 & doesn’t have VZIg?
What proportion of babies get feral varicella syndrome if mum gets chicken pox in first 20/40 & doesn’t have VZIg?
If a mother had primary HSV at NVB, what are the chances of neonatal herpes?
What is the chance of congenital CMV if maternal recurrence in pregnancy?
What is the chance of fetal rubella syndrome depending on when mum contracts rubella?
< 11/40: 90%
11-16/40: 26%
> 20/40: No cases known
What action is taken for incidental finding of short cervical length on US?
What % of transabdominal cerclage are converted to open?
Which HPV subtypes are protected against by Gardasil?
6, 11, 16 & 18
What is the advice for lithium management in pregnancy?
Stop over 4 weeks
+/- antipsychotic switch
What is the sensitivity of amniocentesis for diagnosing fetal CMV infection?
What proportion of pregnancies are complicated by primary VZV infection?
What proportion of women with VZV infection in pregnancy develop proteinuria?
What is the risk of neonatal varicella infection if chicken pox is contracted in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy?
What is the acceptable cumulative background dose of radiation in pregnancy?
What is the most common impact of lithium on the fetus?
Cardiac defects