Death Investigations Flashcards
Who can verify a death on a certificate?
Only a physician can certify the cause and manor of death
What are roles and responsibilities?
State medical examiner
Deputy state med examiner
District/county med examiner
Assistant county/district med examiner
Deputy medical examiner
District attorney
What are the duties and limitations placed on an officer at a death scene?
Responsible for identifying deceased
Immediately notify medical or deputy medical examiner
May not move or permit the body
What percentage of deaths are natural diseased caused death?
Heart disease
Lung disease
What are tactics for investigating natural death scenes?
1) Introduce self and explain roles
2) Determine scene looks natural
3) Interview family or care provider
4) body exam
5) things to look for
6) medications
7) evidence that could rule out natural
8) positron of body
What is the presence of liver mortis?
Settling of blood in the lower portion of the body.
Purple/ reddish coloration
Appears within 30 mins, maximum 8-12 hours
What is the presence of rigor mortis?
Rigidity of the body after death
Usually last 24 hours or muscle decomposition
Maximum after 12 hours, disappeared after 72hrs
What is the difference is strangulation vs hanging?
Strangulation: Markings around circumference of neck
Marks that cross
Normally level around neck not steep angle
Hanging: steep angle markings
Markings colors are dark then fade up
Look for V mark
What are methods used to categorize accidental deaths?
Unplanned death Traffic fatalities Drowning Falls Industrial accidents Drug OD
What percent of death investigations is solved through team work?
Effective communication and teamwork can solve about 90% of all problems in death investigations
Fundamentals of ORS 146, what are the four parts of law?
1) defines type of case
2) safeguards property
3) controls body
4) administrative relationships
What type of deaths must be investigated?
Suspicious or unusual Traumatic deaths Deaths in jail or custody Drug deaths Employment death When a physician is not immediately present
What are the qualifications of a state ME?
1) Recommended by medical examiner advisory board and appointed by superintendent of OSP
2) pre med, medical student, internship, residency, AP and FP, fellowship
3) specialty board certification in forensics pathology
What are the qualifications for the deputy state ME?
Appointed by state ME
Same qualifications as state ME
What are the qualifications of the district/county ME?
Approved by county commissioners and state ME
Must be licensed physician, don’t have to be a forensic pathologist
Discharged only by state ME
Private practice MD
What are the responsibilities of the assistant county/district ME?
Appointed by district/county ME
Same qualifications as district/county ME
What are the responsibilities of the deputy ME?
Appointed by district/county ME?
Trained police or medical personnel
What are the state requirements for ME as of 2006?
Completion of 40 hr medico legal death investigation
8 hr clinic externship with physical ME
Maintain 12 hr manual continuing education
What is the cause of death?
The way, mechanical, primary or basic process of ending life
Gunshot to head
Heart disease
Fatal injuries
What is the manor of death?
It’s the ME opinion weather the death was naturally, intentionally or accidental.
1) Have north direction
2) Not to scale
3) Key or legend
4) Case number
5) Type of measurement
6) location of evidence
7) position of body