de studiat Flashcards
before sau front of
ambele sunt corecte
In English, the adjective always goes before the noun it modifies. In English, the adjective always goes in front of the noun it modifies.
Both are correct.
When talking about a place, though, they mean slightly different things:
The shop is before my house. (Implies that when walking along the road, the shop comes first, then my house.)
The shop is in front of my house. (Implies that the shop is located directly opposite the house.)
When talking about an action, before means time, where in front of always means place.
before sau front of
ambele sunt corecte
“In front” is direct and literal, referring to the relative position of the subject compared to the object.
“Before”, on the other hand, is more flowery, descriptive language. If somebody is “standing before you” then they’re probably in front of you, but they also might be in your presence but not directly in front of you.
whether or if
se pot folosi ambele
As we just learned, generally, we useifto introduce a condition:
If you see her, let me know.
And we usewhetherto talk about alternatives:
Do you know whether she’s coming (or not)?
This is a general rule that will help you avoid making mistakes. But remember, we can also useifto introduce alternatives:
Do you know if she’s coming?
Just and only
word “just” has several possible definitions:
1) Recently
Be careful – I just washed the floor, and it’s still wet.
(= I washed the floor a few minutes ago)
He just finished a big project.
(= he finished the project very recently)
2) Only
I have just one brother. (= I have only one brother)
I thought you were hungry, but you ate just half of your sandwich.
(= you ate only half of your sandwich, and no more)
Only and just
La fel
word “only” can be replaced with “just” in most situations:
Onlytwo students came to class on the day before Christmas.
=Justtwo studentscame to class on the day before Christmas.
My kidsonlyuse the internet for schoolwork, not for playing games.
= My kidsjustuse the internet for schoolwork, not for playing games.
In the expression“If only…”you can use “just” if you change the structure a little bit:
If only I hadstudied harder. I would’ve passed the test.
= If I had juststudied harder, I would’ve passed the test
from.. In
which.. that
become or has become
The correct usage is “it has become”. But then, it is written English. In spoken English, most probably in the US, people say as “it’s become”. Correct English is not “It is become”, which contracts to “it’s become”.
ne-am gandit
we thought
we figured
We imagined
we supposed
we expected
we considered
we believed
we assumed
we guessed
consisting in or consisting of
Of is the correct preposition to use in your second example:
The body consists of cells.
In is the correct preposition to use in your first example:
Meditation consists in attentive watchfulness.
Consist of means to be composed or made up of, while consist in means:
To have the thing mentioned as the only or most important part.
Tolerance consists in respecting other people’s opinions.
Consist of X means made up of X, while consist in X means have X as essential feature. The meaning is slightly different. For example,
His breakfast consists of noodles, eggs and bananas.
Her music consists in inspiring others.
A close physical union of two objects.
Faithful support for some cause.
(medicine) An extent to which a patient continues an agreed treatment plan.
The ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance.
Persistent attachment or loyalty.
An agreement to adhere.
(medicine) An abnormal union of surface by the formation of new tissue resulting from an inflammatory process.
to log in or log on
If you need a username and password (or other credentials) to access something, you are logging in. If you can access it without credentials (like this site), you are logging on
“Strong adhesion to wet surfaces is one reason why we use this expensive glue.” (Here, adhesion means a physical bond between two things. This is the more common meaning
“The teacher was criticized for her adhesion to outdated teaching methods.” (Here, adhesion means support of something or faithfulness to something.)
“His adherence to a no-carb diet impressed everyone who knew about his old eating habits.” (Here adherence means following the rules of something. Adherence is almost always used in this way.)
damage si damages
nu exista demages, nu are plural
a lot and many
Identity and identification are two related concepts that have different meanings and implications. Identity refers to the sense of self that a person has, which is influenced by various factors such as culture, values, beliefs, experiences, and relationships. Identification, on the other hand, refers to the process of recognizing and categorizing oneself or others based on certain attributes or characteristics, such as name, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, occupation, etc. Identity and identification can affect how a person perceives and interacts with the world, as well as how they are perceived and treated by others.