articol Hotărât Și Nehotarat Flashcards
“I enteredtheroom.” or
“I entered into the room.”
Verbul a intra , în afară de alte utilizări pe care le-ar putea avea, este un verb tranzitiv care preia un obiect direct și nu necesită utilizarea unei prepoziții ca în . Întotdeauna introduci ceva. Acel ceva este de obicei un fel de loc, cum ar fi o cameră, o casă, o clădire etc. De exemplu:
Although it was dark inside, I entered the room.
“I entered the room.”
“I entered into the room.”
However, do not confuse the transitive verb to enter with the phrasal verb to enter into something which itself can have a number of slightly different meanings. Though, to tell you the truth, all those meanings are just minor variations on the main one: to be an important aspect or factor of a particular situation. For instance:
It was only after my miraculous survival of the car crash that nearly got me killed that God finally entered into my life.
am întrat în camera
I entered the room
Sit IN a Chair
Sit ON a Chair
You can use both sit on a chair or sit in a chair, both are correct. The difference is the type of chair.
If the chair closes around someone then we are are more likely to use IN
If the chair is more open then we use ON
What is the difference between On and In(prepositions of place)?
In general, we use:
ON-for surfaces and
IN-for enclosed areas(Inside and outside) .
I am sitting on the floor.
I am lying down on the bed.
Put the picture on the wall.
I watch Game of Thrones on T.V
I will send you a message on Whatsapp.
For everything online, we use ON because the screen of your computer or cellphone is a surface.
I work in a big building.
I went for a walk in the park.
I put the tea in the cup.
The ball was in the net.
She put the ring in the cake.
Remember that we use IN for volumes/areas. That is why we use in for parks because we think of the area of the park on a map. The same logic applies to a neighbourhood.
Ar trebui să merg la doctor.
I should go to the doctor.
Ar trebui să merg la doctor pentru a face niște analize de sănătate, să vadă starea mea generală.
I should go to the doctor to do some health tests, see my general condition.
Copacii de peste drum sunt foarte buni pentru că asigură un aer curat.
Trees across the road are very good because they provide fresh air.
adverb, preposition
We use across as a preposition (prep) and an adverb (adv). Across means on the other side of something, or from one side to the other of something which has sides or limits such as a city, road or river:
We took a boat
across the river.
Across the room, she could see some old friends. She got up and went to join them.
My neighbour came
across to see me this morning to complain about our cat.
Vecinul meu a venit să mă vadă în această dimineață pentru a se plânge de pisica noastră.
My neighbour came across to see me this morning to complain about our cat.
În cealaltă parte a camerei, a putut vedea câțiva prieteni vechi. S-a ridicat și s-a dus să li se alăture.
Across the room, she could see some old friends. She got up and went to join them.
Drumul era atât de aglomerat încât ne-a fost greu să traversăm.
The road was so busy that we found it difficult to get across
Aceasta este o hartă cu toate orașele și satele din România.
This is a map of all cities and villages in Romania.
Putem vedea toate formele de relief, avem munți, dar avem și mare.
We can see all the landforms, we have mountains, but we also have sea.
Cai sunt animale foarte nobile.
Horses are very noble animals.