DC4H Swine Flashcards Deck 1
1. Small framed and shorter sided pigs yield a carcass with more total muscle. - SW 3
- Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated? - SW 2
- Producers should avoid using stress positive and stress carrier hogs. - SW 4
- Market hogs with a low lean content and acceptable quality of lean are more efficient and more valuable to producers. SW 4
- Very large loin muscles in pigs have been found to be associated with poor muscle quality attributes such as very pale, soft, and watery meat. - SW 4
- Dark muscles only come from older pigs. - SW 4
- Hog insulin is important because its chemical structure most nearly resembles that of humans. - SW 5
- Pork today is leaner and, on average, contains 31 percent less fat, 14 percent fewer calories, and 10 percent less cholesterol. - SW 6
- Many cuts of pork are as lean or leaner than chicken? - SW 6
- Reduced water consumption by a pig will limit performance as significantly as a lack of any other nutrient. -SW 8
- Of all farm animals, the pig is the least likely to suffer from mineral deficiencies. - SW 8
- Once the gilt pig enters the breeding herd, body fat is emphasized less than during the grow-finish phase. -SW 8
- Requirements of breeding gilts for vitamins and minerals are higher than those of grower-finisher pigs. -SW 8
- Flushing a pig should result in an increased ovulation rate and litter size. - SW 8
- Pigs weaned at a young age should be fed more soybean meal. - SW 8
- Feeding complex starter diets to pigs weaned at less than four weeks of age results in significantly improved performance compared to simple diets. - SW 8
- The first one or two phases of feeding for pigs should be in a pelleted form. - SW 8
- Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (APP) only affects growing pigs forty pounds to market weight. - SW 9
- Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (APP) is a severe, often fatal, pneumonia of swine. - SW 9
- Atrophic rhinitis is a contagious disease where there is a lack of growth of the turbinate bones. - SW 9
- Piglets get enough iron from the sow’s milk. - SW 9
- If one pig in a group is affected by haemophilus parasuis all in the group should be treated with antibiotics immediately. -SW 9
- Pseudorabies (aujeszky’s disease - PRV) is spread mainly by direct contact. - SW 9
- Pseudorabies (aujeszky’s disease - PRV) affects most species of animals. - SW 9
- Pigs with swine influenza/flu rarely die. - SW 9
- Swine influenza/flu spreads slowly so it’s easy to stop. - SW 9
- Swine dysentery is usually milder in older pigs. - SW 9
- If one pig has streptococcus suis all pigs in the group should be treated with antibiotics. - SW 9
- Mycoplasma pneumonia is a chronic/long lasting disease that has a low death loss. - SW 9
- Mycoplasma pneumonia affects pigs of all ages. - SW 9
- Elimination of standing water helps decrease the spread of leptospirosis in pigs. - SW 9
- Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome/PRRS is caused by bacteria. - SW 9
- Whip worm provokes bloody diarrhea. - SW 9
- Pig to pig contact is the major means of transmission of external parasites. - SW 9
- The notches or holes, made for identification, grow as the pig grows. - SW 10
- It is necessary that each pig have an individual number in commercial operations where all hogs, except replacement gilts, are marketed for slaughter. - SW 10
- If the pigs sleeping area is too big, pigs will dung there. - SW 11
- Pig manure in a very dry or wet form will not let flies hatch and will minimize odors. - SW 11
- When you want the pig to move to the left, you should be on the left. - SW 12
- Aggressive use of the cane or whip on a pig may cause bruises to the muscle tissue and lower carcass value. -SW 12
- It is beneficial, if possible, to take a pig in the show ring so it can get accustom to the environment. - SW 12
- When brushing a pig, brush front to rear and slightly upward. - SW 12
- Clipping the hair on pigs is optional for a show. - SW 12
- Clipping the hair on the body of the pig is not acceptable for a show. - SW 12
- Feed pigs half feed or less at least two hours before the show. - SW 12
- An extra feeding will keep a pig active and alert at the show. - SW 12
- Always keep the pig between yourself and the judge. - SW 12
- When you enter the sale ring, you should be on the outside with the pig on the inside of the ring. - SW 13
- You should make contact with buyers before the sale so they feel appreciated. - SW 13
- Swine are generally not colorblind and have good depth perception. - SW 14
- Swine with young exhibit a maternal instinct, therefore they are usually easier to handle. - SW 14
- Most swine related accidents are the result of people’s bad judgment. - SW 14
- Records on swine should be filled out daily. - SW 15
- Crossbred swine offspring grow faster to market weight as a result of heterosis. - SW 15
- The corpora lutea produce progesterone and the follicles produce estrogen in female pigs. - SW 15
- The cervix in a female pig, has many ridge-like folds that lock the boar’s corkscrew penis. - SW 15
- Start breeding female pigs at second or third estrus (6-8 months of age). - SW 15
- The epididymis in male pigs produces sperm. - SW 15
- Providing fence line contact to the boar at twelve hour intervals will help stimulate the standing reflex in female swine that are in heat. - SW 18
- Duration of estrus or heat in gilts is about two hours longer than in sows. - SW 18
- Insemination should occur a minimum of eight hours prior to expected ovulation in swine. - SW 18
- Giving PG600 to pre-pubertal gilts will make them come into heat 4-6 days after injection. - SW 18
- The main differences between farrowing crates and pens are the amount of exercise for the sow, and the degree of protection of the pigs from crushing. - SW 19
- Farrowing pens allow more sow movement but require more cleaning and labor. - SW 19
- When washing a sow/gilt pig, prefarrowing, wash the whole body but not the teats. - SW 20
- You should be present when your pig farrows. - SW 20
- Pigs may be born either head first or rear feet first. - SW 20
- When processing new piglets keep them close to the sow. - SW 21
- When castrating pigs do not pull straight up on the testicles. - SW 21
- It is better to separate litters as much as possible. - SW 22
- You can use the extra dose of OTC product the vet gave your neighbor on your pig with the same symptoms? - SW 24
- Any use of a drug for swine, other than that printed on the label, can only be directed or prescribed by your veterinarian. - SW 24
- Everyone in the swine livestock industry is obligated to do their part to provide a safe, wholesome product to the consumer. - SW 24
- In many animal science occupations the highest salaries go to those with the most education. - SW 25
- True or False: Pork has always been a very popular meat due to its nutritional value. - SW 6
- True or False: Pigs are bigger now than ever and have a higher fat content. - SW 6
- True or False: Nutritionists are more aware of the protein, iron, and B-vitamins supplied by pork products. -SW 6
- True or False: Today, consumers should not consider closely trimmed pork low in nutritional value. - SW 6
- True or False: Consumers no longer perceive pork as being “fat pork”, but rather “lean, healthful pork”. -SW 6
- True or False: Pork is a good source of Vitamin B6 and B12. - SW 6
- True or False: Potassium is known as an electrolyte. - SW 6
- True or False: Potassium strengthens bones and generates energy cells. - SW 6
- True or False: Vitamin B7 helps build red blood cells and metabolize carbohydrates and fats. - SW 6
- True or False: Pork is still less nutritional than most other meat on the market. - SW 6
- True or False: A loin cut of pork is leaner than skinless chicken thigh. - SW 6
- True or False: Most cuts of pork contain less than 200 calories per three ounce serving. - SW 6
- True or False: Modern pork production compares favorably to other fresh cuts of meat. - SW 6
- True or False: Pigs and sheep have identical stomach structure. - SW 7
- True or False: The small intestine is before the large intestine in the digestive system. - SW 7
- True or False: The digestive process starts in the stomach. - SW 7
- True or False: Food traveling down the esophagus is the final stage of digestion. - SW 7
- True or False: Short term storage of food and enzyme digestion begins in the stomach. - SW 7
- True or False: Pork chops come from the loin of a pig. - SW 5
- True or False: Bacon comes from the butt of a pig. - SW 5
- True or False: Pork butt makes a tasty pork roast. - SW 5
- True or False: The picnic is often times called the “callie.” - SW 5
- True or False: Not counting the head, a pig carcass is divided into eight sections. - SW 5
- True or False: Canadian-style bacon is a loin cut. - SW 5
- True or False: Ham can be smoked or canned. - SW 5
- True or False: No other animal serves society with a wider range of products than hogs. - SW 5
- True or False: Humans are using hog-by-products to treat several medical conditions like diabetes. - SW 5
- True or False: The human body uses many hormones produced by hogs. - SW 5
- True or False: Because of certain hog diseases, what we can utilize them for is limited. - SW 5
- True or False: The point of raising market hogs is to produce the highest quality end product possible. - SW 4
- True or False: Not genetics, but good nutrition and care are the only way to raising a show quality animal. -SW 4
- True or False: Seeing the parents before purchasing a project is not really important. - SW 4
- True or False: Hogs with the stress gene have much more muscle and less fat, but also have tougher, poor quality meat. - SW 4
- True or False: The stress gene can cause the meat to be dark and bruised in appearance. - SW 4
- True or False: Muscle quality is not important in selecting a project animal. - SW 4
- True or False: Marbling in pork is not important like that in other livestock. - SW 4
- True or False: Science has found a way to identify major genes that affect muscle quality attributes of pork. -SW 4
- True or False: Pigs carrying one stress gene may be susceptible to death due to external stress. - SW 4
- True or False: A pig only needs one stress gene to be classified as “Stress positive.” - SW 4
- True or False: Although a pig has stress, it can still be bred for the high meat quality. - SW 4
- True or False: A pig with “Napole Gene” is fully muscled with soft marbled meat. - SW 4
- True or False: U. S. feeder pigs come in different grades. - SW 4
- True or False: A utility feeder pig is more valuable than a number one feeder pig. - SW 4
- True or False: The highest grade of feeder pig is U. S. Utility feeder pigs. - SW 4
- True or False: A U.S. Cull feeder pig is in poor health and costly to get to normal market weight. - SW 4
- True or False: The final step of pork production is turning it into food for humans. - SW 4
- True or False: A market hog carcass should be evaluated for quality. - SW 4
- True or False: Premiums and discounts are placed on animals based upon the measured lean content of the animal. - SW 4
- True or False: Live weight cannot help predict the dressing percent. - SW 4
- True or False: The dressing percent will go up as the pig get heavier. - SW 4
- True or False: As a pig’s weight goes up, more pounds of lean are found in the animal. - SW 4
- True or False: Fat depth is measured on the belly of the animal. - SW 4
- True or False: The fatter the pig the more lean muscle you can get off the carcass. - SW 4
- True or False: Muscle mass is measured on the loin and helps predict the amount of lean on a carcass. - SW 4
- True or False: Splitting the loin does not affect its value. - SW 4
- True or False: A loin must always be split in order to be acceptable for customers. - SW 4
- True or False: Having a very large loin area has been associated with poor muscle quality and pale, soft, watery meat. - SW 4
- Percentage of lean is simply an expression of the proportion of the carcass that is lean meat calculated using a mathematical equation. - SW 4
- True or False: Meat is rotten if there is any variation in the color - SW 4
- True or False: Dark muscle comes from older animals. - SW 4
- True or False: PSE pork will shrink considerably and be very dry to eat. - SW 4
- True or False: Firmness is not measured when selecting desired pork. - SW 4
- True or False: Pork does not get marbling like other red meats. - SW 4
- True or False: Meat cannot get too much marbling. - SW 4
- True or False: Too much marbling can make the pork unappealing to the customer. - SW 4
- True or False: Pork fat and marbling are the same thing. - SW 4
- True or False: Oily fat is the best kind for extra flavor. - SW 4
- True or False: Ear notching is the most common method for permanent pig identification. - SW 10
- True or False: You must make the ear notches large because they will get smaller as the pig grows. - SW 10
- True or False: The Universal Swine Ear Notching System is difficult to use, but most accurate. - SW 10
- True or False: All pigs in the same litter must have the same ear notches in the right ear. - SW 10
- True or False: A pig’s individual number will be on the bottom of the right ear. - SW 10
- True or False: Tattooing is easier and more common than ear notching. - SW 10
- True or False: To sell your animal at the fair, you simply show up the day of the show and tag them at the fair. - SW 13
- True or False: The day of the show, someone from the fair will come find you at your stall when it is your turn. - SW 13
- True or False: A pig should be bathed and groomed for the sale just like it was for the show. - SW 13
- True or False: It is up to the fair board to bring all the buyers to the auction. - SW 13
- True or False: Contacting buyers before the sale shows them that they are appreciated. - SW 13
- True or False: If you don’t receive a large amount of money for your animal, a written thank you to the buyer is not necessary. - SW 13
- True or False: It is important to thank and promote your buyer because they could return for the next year if they feel appreciated. - SW 13
- When selecting a market hog what should NOT be considered? - SW 3
- What is not a common hog breed? - SW 3
- What is the average growth rate for a feeder pig in pounds of daily gain? - SW 3
1.5-1.75 lbs
- What can prevent any type of pig from developing to its potential? - SW 3
Poor Management, Improper Feeding
- What is important for profitable pork production? - SW 3
Structural soundness, Durability
- Which is NOT an advantage for having a swine project? - SW 1
Large space requirement
- Which is a skill gained by a 4-H’er in having a swine project? - SW 1
Record keeping, Animal health, Competition, Ownership pride
- Which is NOT a purpose of a swine project? - SW 1
Get money
- What is an important concept you should know once you have decided to have a swine project? - SW 1
Type of pig, How to feed it, Diseases it may have
- Which pig feed was adopted in the 1600’s and originated in the Americas? - SW 2
- What developments brought about the centralization of pork processing and transportation? - SW 2
Railroad system, Refridgeration
- How much leaner are hogs now than they were in the 1960’s? - SW 2
- Quality control in the swine industry begins with providing good ? - SW 4
- Achieving high quality swine is largely based on ? - SW 4
Breed, Nutrition
- The gene is an inherited recessive condition in pigs that are susceptible to external stress and can lead to death. - SW 4
Porcine Stress Syndrome
- The gene is an inherited dominant gene in pigs that is associated with poor water holding capacity and excessive moisture loss in cooking. - SW 4
- A feeder pig that is moderately long and has moderately thick muscling through the hams and shoulders is what USDA feeder pig grade? - SW 4
No. 2
- A feeder pig that is short and has thin muscling throughout, particularly in the lower parts of the ham toward the shanks is what USDA feeder pig grade? - SW 4
No. 4
- Which is an expression of the proportion of carcass weight of a pig divided by the live weight? - SW 4
Dressing percentage
- What is the primary factor affecting the pounds of lean in a pig and is measured along the back at specific locations? - SW 4
Fat Depth
- What is most commonly measured on the loin of the pig and is helpful in predicting the pounds of lean in the carcass of a pig? - SW 4
Muscle Mass
- What is the average loin muscle area in swine in square inches? - SW 4
- How many dots are in area three on a plastic grid used to measure muscle area in hogs? - SW 4
- Fresh pork should be what color? - SW 4
Reddish Pink
- Which muscle firmness category is ideal in hogs? - SW 4
RFN reddish pink, firm, non-exudative
- Which muscle quality characteristic is non-desirable visual marbling quality in pigs? - SW 4
1% intramuscular fat
- How much does a loin wholesale cut from a pig weigh on average? - SW 5
10-14 lbs.
- Which cut of a pig weighs the most on average? - SW 5
- Which is a pharmaceutical by-product we get from hogs? - SW 5
Plasmin, Insulin, Epinephrine
- rank second only to meat itself in the important contribution’s hogs make to society. - SW 5
- Specially selected and treated hog is used because of its similarity to human, it is used to treat massive burn injuries in people. - SW 5
- Which is NOT an industrial by-product from hog hair? - SW 5
- Which is an industrial by-product from hogs blood? - SW 5
Sticking , Fabric printing and dye, Leather treating agent
- Which is a good nutrient provided by pork? - SW 6
High quality protein, Iron, B-vitamins
- Which nutrient from pork gives 33 percent of daily value and helps build red blood cells and metabolize carbohydrates? - SW 6
Vitamin B-12
- Which nutrient from pork gives 11 percent of daily value, is also known as an electrolyte, plays a major role in water balance and helps maintain normal blood pressure? - SW 6
- A three ounce pork tenderloin, broiled, has fat than a three ounce skinless chicken breast, broiled, and a three ounce beef tenderloin, broiled. - SW 6
- A three ounce pork tenderloin, broiled, has calories than/as a three ounce skinless chicken breast, broiled, and calories than/as a three ounce beef tenderloin, broiled. - SW 6
Same, less
- The pig is a simple stomached animal that is called ? - SW 7
- Where does digestion of food begin in swine? - SW 7
- Which part of a pig’s digestive system serves as a reservoir for short term food storage and digestive enzymes break down the feed components so they can be absorbed into the blood stream? - SW 7
- Which part of a pig’s digestive system takes some undigested feed, where it is broken down for absorption into the body, and it removes available nutrients? - SW 7
Small intestines
- Efficient and profitable swine production depends on an understanding of all the following EXCEPT? - SW 8
- Feed represents how much of the total cost of pork production? - SW 8
- Which refers to the amount of feed provided to a pig in the quantity of nutrients needed? - SW 8
- Which nutrient for a pig is the most essential and largest single component of a pig’s body? - SW 8
- How much water does a pig need to drink for every pound of feed it eats? - SW 8
2-3 lbs.
- What is the term used for the building blocks of protein? - SW 8
Amino acids
- How many essential amino acids are part of protein needed by swine? - SW 8
- Which nutrient group is the main source of energy in the diet of pigs? - SW 8
Carbohydrates and fats
- Which mineral in pigs is used for bone formation? - SW 8
- Which mineral in pigs is involved in bone building and assists in energy utilization? - SW 8
- Which mineral in pigs is important for maintaining good appetite and water consumption? - SW 8
- Which nutrient group are compounds that assists the body in the assimilation and use of other nutrients? -SW 8
- Which is NOT a fat soluble vitamin? - SW 8
Vitamin B
- Which is NOT a pig feed in the carbohydrate/energy nutrient group? - SW 8
Cottonseed meal
- Which is NOT a pig feed in the protein nutrient group? - SW 8
Beet pulp
- About 75-80 percent of the total feed pigs use is consumed during what period of a pig’s life? - SW 8
Grower to finisher
- Protein and energy needs of the pig fetus during the last few weeks of pregnancy. - SW 8
- Which is a major problem of excessive energy intake during gestation in a pig? - SW 8
Unnecessary expense, Reduces feed intake during lactation, Impairs mammary development
- What is the ideal condition score of a sow? - SW 8
- Lactating sows produce how much milk per day? - SW 8
15-25 lbs.
- How much feed will a lactating sow consume per day? - SW 8
9-15 lbs.
- A phase one diet for pigs, containing high levels of dried milk products, plasma, and ten percent soybean meal in pellets, should be fed at what age? - SW 8
17-24 days
- Which phase feeding should start pigs on the transition from milk based protein to plant based protein? -SW 8
Phase 2
- What is added to a pig’s diet in order to increase energy density during times of stress? - SW 8
- At what age are pigs most often affected by Colibacillosis and E. coli? - SW 9
5 Days
- What part of a pig does Colibacillosis and E. coli bacteria affect? - SW 9
Intestinal tract
- Atrophic rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes that line what part of a pig? - SW 9
- Which is NOT a sign of a pig with anemia? - SW 9
- What causes a pig to have anemia? - SW 9
Lack of iron
- Which is an observed sign of erysipelas? - SW 9
Red skin blotches, Purplish tail, Reluctance to move
- Haemophilus parasuis (glasser’s disease) is most often seen in what age of pig? - SW 9
2-16 weeks
- Which is often called “greasy pig disease”? - SW 9
Exudative epidermitis
- Which disease has NO vaccine? - SW 9
- Ileitis affects what part of a pig? - SW 9
Intestinal tract
- Streptococcus suis is a bacterial infection carried in what part of a pig? - SW 9
Nose, Tonsils
- Pseudorabies (aujeszky’s disease - PRV) involves what part(s) of a pig? - SW 9
Nervous system, Respiratory system
- In what season do outbreaks of transmissible gastroenteritis/TGE in pigs most often happen? - SW 9
- Which animal has been shown to transmit swine dysentery? - SW 9
- Swine dysentery occurs most commonly at what age? - SW 9
8-14 weeks
- Signs of mycoplasma pneumonia in pigs are often not noticed until what age? - SW 9
3 months
- Which pig is most often affected by leptospirosis? - SW 9
- How is Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome/PRRS usually brought into a herd of swine? - SW 9
Infected pig
- What does parvovirus cause in swine? - SW 9
Reproductive failure
- Which is NOT a usual result of parvovirus in pigs? - SW 9
- Which is NOT a way to administer dewormers to pigs? - SW 9
Pour on
- The eggs of some parasites in pigs can remain infective in soil for more than years. - SW 9
- Stomach worms generally have major reproducing populations in what age of pigs? - SW 9
All ages
- What does large round worm damage in a pig? - SW 9
Liver, Block intestine, Lungs
- Thread worms damage the host/pig in what way? - SW 9
Bloody diarrhea, Mortalities/death
- New pig additions to a herd have a day isolation period. - SW 9
- Which is NOT an affect of lice on pigs? - SW 9
Skin lesions
- A sow that is to be re-bred immediately following weaning, should be re-vaccinated post/after farrowing. - SW 9
2-3 weeks
- Sows and gilts should be vaccinated against E. coli scours at weeks and weeks pre-farrowing. - SW 9
6, 2
- Which is the most common method of permanent pig identification? - SW 10
Ear notching
- Which ear of a pig is used for the litter mark for identification? - SW 10
- Which ear of a pig is used for notches to show individual pig number in litter? - SW 10
- One self feeder should be for how many pigs? - SW 11
- One waterer should be for how many pigs? - SW 11
- For one pig that is 40 to 100 pounds, how much square feet per pig is the minimum space requirement? -SW 11
- For one pig that is 150 pounds to market weight, how much square feet per pig is the minimum space requirement? - SW 11
- The environment a pig needs depends on all the following EXCEPT: - SW 11
- What is the preferred temperature for pigs at finishing weight? - SW 11
50-75 degrees Fahrenheit
- What is the preferred temperature for pigs at nursery? - SW 11
65-80 degrees Fahrenheit
- If hogs are really hot, which is something you should do? - SW 12
Sprinkle cool water on their shoulders, neck, head, and nose, Take hog to wash rack, rinse in cool water, Water the hog
- Water hogs at least times a day on extremely hot days. - SW 12
- At least how long before a show should you start taking a pig out for a daily walk? - SW 12
1 Month
- How long before a show should a pig’s hair on the ears and tail be clipped? - SW 12
2-3 days
- How long before a show should you trim a pig’s feet, if needed? - SW 12
2 weeks
- After arrival at a show, water and rest a pig about before feeding. - SW 12
6 hours
- The pig should be positioned to feet from the judge. - SW 12
- Right after the sale of a pig what should you always do? - SW 13
Thank buyers
- Which is a reason people are injured when working with swine? - SW 14
Haste, Impatience, Anger, Preoccupation
- When handling swine, if possible, where should the young be in relationship to the adults be? - SW 14
Close to adults
- Swine are extremely sensitive to and are easily frightened and spooked. - SW 14
- What is an illness that can be transmitted between humans and pigs? - SW 14
- Which is NOT a zoonotic disease found in swine? - SW 14
Streptococcus suis
- Which is a way to reduce exposure to zoonotic diseases in swine? - SW 14
Prompt treatment, Proper cleaning, Proper protective equipment
- Which is NOT a way to help reduce risk at pig facilities? - SW 14
Smooth walkways
- Which is an important requirement for a swine breeding project to keep on record? - SW 15
Breeding, Feed, Environment
- Which is a swine enterprise? - SW 15
Feeder pig to finish, Feeder pig production, Farrow to finish
- What should gilt pig selection be based on? - SW 15
Genetic background, Phenotypical, Visual appraisal
- When choosing a gilt, emphasis should be placed on all these EXCEPT: - SW 15
- At least how many well spaced teats should be on each side on a female pig? - SW 15
- What is the ultimate control center for female pig reproduction? - SW 15
- Which secretes LH and FSH in a female pig? - SW 15
Pituitary glands
- Where in a female pig is the site where the egg gets fertilized by the sperm? - SW 15
Oviducts/fallopian tube
- What “captures” the egg at ovulation in female pigs? - SW 15
- Select and purchase boar pigs at what preferred age? - SW 15
6-7 months
- Boar pigs should be purchased at least how long before intended breeding? - SW 15
2 months
- What is the primary hormonal organ that controls reproductive processes in male pigs by secreting hormones that stimulate and regulate sperm production? - SW 15
- What secretes GnRH in male pigs and regulates LH and FSH? - SW 15
- The is a heavily muscled tube through which sperm move rapidly as they are being ejaculated from a male pig. - SW 15
Vas deferens
- Negative EPD’s are desirable for all the following characteristics in pigs EXCEPT: - SW 16
Average daily gain
- Positive EPD’s are desirable for all the following characteristics in pigs EXCEPT: - SW 16
Back fat
- are thread like structures that contain genes. - SW 17
- are the basic units of inheritance in pigs. - SW 17
- How many chromosomes does a body cell in a pig have? - SW 17
- A gene pair in pigs, where both genes are the same, is called what? - SW 17
- A gene pair in pigs with different genes for the same trait is called what? - SW 17
- A gene that affects physical appearance is called what? - SW 17
- A particular gene combination is referred to as what? - SW 17
- Which trait of a pig has the highest heritability? - SW 17
Carcass length
- Anatomical abnormalities or defects occurs in at least how many newborn pigs? - SW 17
1 percent
- Which is a weakened, supportive muscle in the navel area resulting in the intestines protruding through the belly wall? - SW 17
Umbilical hernia
- Which is a disease in male pigs with one or more testicles retained up in the body cavity? - SW 17
Scrotal hernia
- What is the average duration of heat for swine? - SW 18
50-60 hours
- What is the average interval between the start of heat and ovulation? - SW 18
35-45 hours
- What is the life span of sperm cells in the oviduct of swine? - SW 18
24-72 hours
- How many sows can one mature boar breed over a four week period and still maintain a high conception rate? - SW 18
- Liquid semen from boar pigs should be stored at what temperature? - SW 18
60-65 degrees Fahrenheit
- In a closed housing/confinement what is the maximum number of breeding sows that should be in a pen? -SW 19
- How big should the farrowing space be for a sow and litter in a pen with guard rails and creep area? - SW 19
5X10 Feet
- How many gallons of water should one gestating sow drink per day? - SW 19
- How long should the farrowing area be left unused before a new sow/gilt comes in? - SW 20
3-5 days
- Prior to farrowing how much feed should sows or gilts be fed per day? - SW 20
4-6 lbs.
- What is the average gestation length for swine? - SW 20
114 days
- How long before farrowing should a sow/gilt be put into a farrowing area to adjust to the surroundings? -SW 20
2-3 Days
- When providing extra heat to the piglets sleeping area, what should the temperature be the first week? - SW 20
90-95 degrees Fahrenheit
- What temperature should be maintained in a pig farrowing area for the sow/gilt pig? - SW 20
65 degrees Fahrenheit
- The presence of milk in a sow/gilt pig indicates it will farrow within what amount of time? - SW 20
24 hours
- What is the average interval between births of pigs. - SW 20
20 minutes
- All parts of baby pig processing should be done by what time after birth? - SW 21
24 hours
- Which is NOT something that needs to be recorded when processing baby pigs? - SW 21
- On a piglet, leave how much of the navel cord when cutting if it has not been tied? - SW 21
3-4 inches
- If a piglet navel cord is bleeding what should be done? - SW 21
Tie it with a string
- If the navel cord is dry or shriveled or tied in a knot on a pig, how short should it be cut? - SW 21
1 inch
- How many needle teeth does a newborn pig have? - SW 21
- How short should a piglet’s tail be docked? - SW 21
1 Inch
- The docked tail of a newborn pig should be completely healed by when? - SW 21
7-10 days
- Iron should be administered to a newborn pig within how long after birth? - SW 21
3-4 days
- Where should an iron shot for a newborn pig be given? - SW 21
- Which is the most common method of permanent identification for pigs? - SW 21
Ear notching
- What is the best age to castrate a pig? - SW 21
3-21 days
- Most pigs start on feed by what age? - SW 21
3-4 weeks
- A food control program begins with deworming the sow/gilt when? - SW 21
Before farrowing
- Which is one of the most stressful experiences that a pig will experience in its life? - SW 22
- For a three week old pig what should the temperature be at, at pig level, for the first few days after weaning? - SW 22
85 degrees Fahrenheit
- In a pig nursery how much space should be provided per pig for a totally or partially slotted pen? - SW 22
3-4 feet squared
- What is the minimum number of waterers per pen for pigs? - SW 22
- Which is NOT a way to deal with questions from an interested, concerned person about swine? - SW 23
Ignore them
- Which is NOT a way to deal with questions from activists or protesters about swine? - SW 23
Debate with them
- Which is NOT a way to deal with questions from the media about swine? - SW 23
Long answers
- What is a privilege of working with swine? - SW 24
To be recognized, To know about your project, To receive information to raise project, To be given a variety of experiences
- Which is NOT a responsibility of raising swine? - SW 24
Go to every show in your area
- What is a reward for working with swine? - SW 24
To receive recognition, Learn new skills, Feel good about producing a wholesome product
- What is the first thing to think about for your swine’s well-being before you get it? - SW 24
Are facilities big enough
- Which is NOT a common potential hazard that is often found in a pig housing area? - SW 24
Feeding bin
- Once your pig arrives what is the first step for the animal’s well-being? - SW 24
Feed balanced ration
- A swine VCPR care plan includes all the following EXCEPT: - SW 24
- It is recommended that all injections be given in what part of the swine to avoid possible damage? - SW 24
- What are the two P’s of swine training and care? - SW 24
Patience and practice
- How long should feed and treatment records be maintained for swine? - SW 24
From when you get it until it leaves your care
- in raising swine involves providing for the animal’s needs to produce a healthy animal and a wholesome product. - SW 24
Quality assurance
- Which is NOT a good way to care for swine? - SW 24
Let roam anywhere
- Where are subcutaneous injection sites for small, young pigs given? - SW 24
Loose skin in flank, Loose skin in elbow
- Which is NOT an injectable route of administering a drug to swine? - SW 24
Drenching tube
- Which injection in swine is given under the skin? - SW 24
- How often should needles be replaced when giving shots to swine? - SW 24
Every 20 pigs
- Name three things found on the label of medication for swine. -SW 24
Name of drug, Active ingredients, Withdrawal time, Cautions/warnings, Storage, Quantity of contents, Name of distributor, Lot number, Expiration date, Species and animal class, Approved uses, Dosage, Route of administration, Size available, For what disease/condition
- Which is not a pillar of character in the swine industry? - SW 24
- Who can you seek advice from about careers in animal science? - SW 25
Parents, High school guidance counselors, Teachers, Extension agents
- Which group of animal science careers is for someone who enjoys working with animals and being directly involved, and likes to be outdoors? - SW 25
Production management
- Reporters, management personnel, and commission agents are in what group of animal science careers? -SW 25
- To be prepared for higher education in animal science which high school courses should be taken? - SW 25
English, Math, Science
- In recent years, hogs and closer trimming have resulted in much leaner cuts. - SW 6
- Improved for carcass lean have reduced the fat content of pork. - SW 6
- There has been a shift in consumer perceptions toward . - SW 6
lean, healthful pork
- Based on a three ounce serving of pork, there is enough to help fight anemia. - SW 6
- Pork produces the highest amount of at 53 percent in a three ounce serving. - SW 6
- Pyridoxine or is important for the normal function of enzymes which are needed to metabolize protein, carbohydrates, and fats. - SW 6
Vitamin B6
- Many cuts are leaner than . - SW 6
- The leanest cut of pork is . - SW 6
- A pork tenderloin is as lean as . - SW 6
Chicken Breast
- A serving of lean pork has percent less cholesterol than skinless chicken. - SW 6
- In the past year pork has changed drastically. - SW 6
10 Years
- Pigs are simple stomached animals called . - SW 7
- Pigs and stomach is very similar. - SW 7
- The breaks down food into smaller pieces so it is easier to digest. - SW 7
- A long tube structure that carries food from the mouth to the stomach is the . - SW 7
- True or False: The stomach serves as a reservoir where enzymes start to break down food. - SW 7
- After the stomach, food is passed through to the where it is broken down further. - SW 7
Small intestine
- Pork chops come from the . - SW 5
- Bacon comes from the . - SW 5
- Pork roast commonly comes from the . - SW 5
- A “callie” looks like a small . - SW 5
- A ham will weigh an average of . - SW 5
15-20 pounds
- A pig carcass (not counting the head) can be broken down into main sections. - SW 5
- True or False: A hog will have two roasts weighing approximately 15 pounds each. - SW 5
- The blade roast retail cut of meat comes from the . - SW 5
- A side cut of meat is . - SW 5
- Some hog-by-products being used to treat human medical problems are . - SW 5
Heart valves
- The first heart valve transplant took place in . - SW 5
- Specially treated is used to treat burn victims. - SW 5
- Dried pig bone is used to make . - SW 5
China dishes
- Pig hide is used to make . - SW 5
Clothing, Footballs, Glue
- Achieving high quality is dependent upon and carefully planned nutrition. - SW 4
- A large part of a successful project has to do with the . - SW 4
- Animals with the gene have watery meat and is not wanted by the consumer. - SW 4
Stress gene
- When there is “stress” in pigs, it is because of an inherited gene. - SW 4
- Pigs that are stress positive are more susceptible to external stress associated with . - SW 4
Animal Movement, Changes in environment, Mixing
- Pigs with two stress genes are more susceptible to . - SW 4
- The “Napole Gene” is a genetic condition that produces . - SW 4
Poor meat quality
- The Napole gene is associated with the breed. - SW 4
- U.S. Feeder pigs are broken down into . - SW 4
- U.S. Feeder pigs come in different and are separated according to certain characteristics. - SW 4
- U.S. Number 1 feeder pigs have . - SW 4
Long hams and thick muscling
- A number one feeder pig will have a long . - SW 4
- A short, thin muscled pig, particularly in the lower parts of the ham toward the shanks is graded a No. . - SW 4
- A small unthrifty pig with an unkempt appearance indicating the effects of disease or poor care is considered a grade. - SW 4
- An important part of determining the success of pork production is evaluation. - SW 4
- Carcass plays an important role in the success of pork production systems. - SW 4
- Pork producers want pigs that gain weight on feed. - SW 4
Minimum amount
- The value of a market hog at slaughter is determined primarily by the amount of produced. -SW 4
Lean meat
- Weight is used to help predict the pounds of in the pig. - SW 4
- Carcass evaluation for fat often times takes place at the rib. - SW 4
- As the size of muscle increases, more pounds of lean are found in the pig. - SW 4
- It is best to measure the loin without it as this reduces the value. - SW 4
- There are modern packing plant technologies that help measure lean such as the . - SW 4
- The start of the finishing phase is pounds. - SW 4
40-70 pounds
- Hogs are purchased by weight. - SW 4
Carcass weight, Live weight
- Fresh pork should be a color. - SW 4
- Pork muscle should be to the touch. - SW 4
- Pork muscle should be to the touch. - SW 4
- For added flavor in pork and juiciness, look for in the meat. - SW 4
- Ear notching should be done after birth for identification. - SW 10
- Market hogs might be notched with the they were born to calculate days to market weight. -SW 10
- The right ear is used for the . - SW 10
Litter number
- All pigs in the same litter will have the same notches in the ear. - SW 10
- When listing or reading ear notches the notch is listed first. - SW 10
- When listing or reading ear notches the notch is listed second. - SW 10
- A 4-H member can sell their finished market animals at the . - SW 13
Junior livestock sale
- Animals need to be before the fair and again at check-in. - SW 13
- When you circle your pig, you should be to the of the ring so everyone may see the animal. -SW 13
- When you are going into the sale ring, it is important to be . - SW 13
Alert, Cheerful, Prompt
- There is considerable promotion by adults and business representatives at the auction offering premium prices as a reward to the . - SW 13
4-H Member
- It is important to contact the buyer after the sale to . - SW 13
Thank them
- The best time to contact a buyer is the sale. - SW 13
Days or weeks before
- What is the name of the nose on a pig? - SW 3
- Name the three common hog breeds that are all white in color. -SW 3
Chester White, Yorkshire, Landrace
- is the best indicator of total fatness of a hog. - SW 3
Back fat
- Name two of the three problems that are associated with making a hog have short choppy front leg movement. -SW 3
Straight shoulders, Steep pasterns, Strongly arched tops
- How many toes does a pig have? - SW 3
- Name three basic body designs on a structurally correct hog.
Relatively flat top, Level rump High tail setting, Sloping angular shoulder position
- is the proportion of body parts. - SW 3
- Name three people the successful completion of a swine project depends on. -SW 1
Parents, Experts, 4-H Leaders, You
- Name three characteristics every market hog carcass is evaluated on. -SW 4
Weight, Wholesomeness, Composition, Quality
- The value of a market hog at slaughter is determined primarily by the amount of meat produced. - SW 4
- Name two things used to determine the lean content of a pig. -SW 4
Weight, Fat Depth, Muscle Mass
- The very important measure of production efficiency in the finishing phase of production of swine is the . - SW 4
Rate of lean growth
- is the visible fat within the boundaries of the muscle area. - SW 4
- Name three wholesale cuts of meat from a pig. -SW 5
Butt, Picnic, Loin, Belly, Ham
- Name two areas where on a pig retail cuts of pork come from. -SW 5
Leg, Loin, Blade shoulder, Side, Arm shoulder
- Name two areas where food service cuts of pork come from. -SW 5
Shoulder butt, Picnic shoulder, Spare ribs/belly, Loin,
- The amazing utility of the hog has motivated the saying, “We use everything but the .” - SW 5
- Name four parts of a pig’s digestive system.
Stomach, Liver, Duodenum, Pancreas, Small intestine, Cecum, Colon, Rectum, Mouth
- Name four nutrient categories required by swine. -SW 8
Water, Protein, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Vitamins
- the is mixing feed stuffs to get the right amount of nutrients that the pigs need. - SW 8
Balancing, Ration
- Energy is needed constantly by a growing pig, so the body stores some energy in the form of on pigs. - SW 8
- Name the two classes of vitamins required by hogs. -SW 8
Fat soluble, Water soluble
- Name three factors that can influence a pig’s growth rate and nutrient requirements. -SW 8
Genetics, Sex, Health, Environment, Stage of Development
- Name one phase of production within the swine breeding project. -SW 8
Gilt development, Gestating and lactating phase, Starter phase for baby pigs
- is when a thin gilt at breeding is given a provision of a high quantity of feed for eleven to fourteen days pre-breeding. - SW 8
- Name the two main objectives for nutrition of the lactating sow. -SW 8
Minimize weight loss and loss of body nutrient reserves, Optimize milk production
- The amount of provided to the lactating sow is of extreme importance in meeting the needs of milk production. - SW 8
- Name two things that impact the success of a pig weaning program. -SW 8
Environment, Health, Management practices, Nutrition
- feeding involves feeding several diets for a relatively short period of time to more accurately and economically meet the pig’s nutrient requirements. - SW 8
- Name the two things used in treatment and control of Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (APP) in pigs. -SW 9
Antibiotics, Vaccines
- Name two bad housing management skills that are more likely to cause problems in pigs. -SW 9
Overcrowding, Poorly ventilated buildings, Sudden weather changes, Drafts
- Name two symptoms that pigs with Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia (APP) have. -SW 9
Labored breathing, High fever, Depression, Reluctance to move
- Name two common signs of atrophic rhinitis in pigs. -SW 9
Sneezing, Sniffling, Snorting, Coughing, Clear to yellowish discharge from nose
- Name two things erysipelas causes in pigs. -SW 9
Death, Fever, Diamond skin lesions, Arthritis, Heart valve lesions, Abortion
- Name two things that cause stress to young pigs that make them more susceptible to disease. -SW 9
Weaning, Moving
- Most pigs with Ileitis experience and . -SW 9
Weight loss, Chronic diarrhea
- Outbreaks of salmonellosis are associated with what three stresses? -SW 9
Transportation, Co-mingling, Overcrowding
- are able to carry transmissible gastroenteritis/TGE to neighboring swine herds. - SW 9
- Name two characteristics of transmissible gastroenteritis/TGE in pigs. -SW 9
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Mortality in pigs less than two weeks old
- What are two signs of leptospirosis in pigs? -SW 9
Decreased litter size, Abortions, Still birth, Mummies, Weak pigs
- Besides using the appropriate dewormer at the right time, what can you do to control parasites? -SW 9
- Name five common internal parasites in pigs. -SW 9
Round worm, Whip worm, Nobular worm, Stomach worm, Lung worm, Thread worm, Kidney worm
- parasites are found on or in the skin of a pig. - SW 9
- parasites are those that are within the body of an animal. - SW 9
- How can the types of parasites present in your pig be determined? -SW 9
Veterinarian exam, Fresh fecal sample under a microscope
- Name two of the four things damaged by kidney worms in pigs. -SW 9
Liver, Peri-renal tissues, Ureters, Kidney
- What are the first things seen on pigs that have mange? -SW 9
Raised areas of skin, covered with brown scabs, around ears and neck
- Name the two most common external parasites on swine. -SW 9
Lice, Mange
- In days, at what age should pigs be weaned? - SW 9
14-28 days
- From birth to ten days of age, name four things that should be done. -SW 9
Navel cords trimmed and disinfected, All piglets nursing, Received colostrum Iron injection, Clip needle teeth, Tail docking, Ear notching, Castration, Vaccines
- The system is the most common method for permanent identification for pigs. - SW 10
Universal ear notching
- Name three symptoms of over crowding hogs. -SW 11
Reduced gain, Increased feed consumption, Tail biting, Cannibalism
- Pigs will usually dung in a area. - SW 11
- Name four sources of odor in and around swine buildings. -SW 11
Wet, manure-covered floors, Dirty, manure-covered hogs, Spilled, moldy feed, Improper disposal of dead pigs, Manure pits under barn floors, Incomplete combustion in incinerators, Stored manure awaiting land application
- Name three factors that affect the amount of odor from pigs. -SW 11
Number of hogs, Temperature, Diet, Air flow, Dust level
- Name the two places we get the water supply we use for ourselves and pigs. -SW 11
Ground Water, Surface Water
- Name the three acceptable areas for tapping a pig. -SW 12
Jowl & neck region, Shoulder & front leg region, Rear hock region (lightly tap),
- Name the two bad places to tap a pig. -SW 12
Ham and loin (back or rump)
- Name seven of the twelve pieces of equipment you need to bring to a show. -SW 12
Whip/cane Small clippers, Small brush, Sprayer, Grain, Bedding, Feed pans & waterer, Health papers, Soap, Water hose, Stiff brush, Hurdle
- Name two pieces of important information you should know about your pig for a show. -SW 12
Farrowing date, Weight, Number of teats on both sides (for a gilt)
- However long you are in the ring with your pig you should be and . - SW 13
Alert, Cheerful
- Most swine have a strong territorial instinct and develop a sense of in their pens. - SW 14
- When starting a swine breeding project what three kinds of female pig could you start with? -SW 15
Open gilt, Bred gilt, Sow
- Name two advantages of being involved in raising and breeding swine. -SW 15
Initial investment can be modest, Project can be adapted to many management situations and resources, The enterprise can have a rapid turnover and steady cash flow, Hogs are efficient converters of feed, Many types of enterprises
- Before buying a pig decide if you want a or production system. - SW 15
Purebred, Commercial
- is a breed or line of swine that have been selected for specific purpose over a period of time. - SW 15
- is mating swine from different breeds or lines. - SW 15