DC4H Beef Flashcards Deck 1
1. The Red Angus breed of cattle possess the same qualities for which Black Angus are known and the only difference is that they are red in color. - BF 2
- When looking at the hind legs from the rear, a steer that is cow hocked will have hocks that are turned inward or are placed too close together, causing the toes to turn outward. - BF 2
- Calf kneed is an undesirable structural condition in cattle that is the opposite of buck kneed. If a calf is calf kneed, it stands “back at the knees” when viewed from the side. - BF 2
- In a postlegged calf, its hock has too little angle or set. The calf is too straight through the joint, resulting is very stiff, restricted movement. - BF 2
- More cattle become unsound because of being sickle hocked than being postlegged. - BF 2
- Structural correctness is emphasized more in market cattle than in breeding cattle. - BF 2
- Animals that are more structurally correct will be better able to withstand the rigors of pasture conditions and thus increase their odds of being productive for longer periods of time. - BF 2
- When evaluating market cattle, traits that contribute to productivity and longevity must be emphasized. - BF 2
- Frame size and structural correctness are examined when evaluating breeding cattle, but to a slightly lesser degree than in market cattle. - BF 2
- The primary function of market animals is meat production. Therefore, traits such as muscling and finish are emphasized. - BF 2
- Cattle masculinity is exhibited by a long, refined head that is sharp about the poll. Ideally, males should possess a long, trim neck and be smooth about the shoulders. - BF 2
- Finish is not a priority when evaluating feeder calves. - BF 2
- Excessive fat on feeder calves can indicate a larger frame size. - BF 2
- To properly determine the frame score in beef cattle, the hip measurement should be taken at a point directly over the hip bones (hooks) with the animal standing on a level surface. - BF 2
- A feeder calf grade of L-4 indicates a feeder calf with a large frame and heavily muscled. - BF 2
- A feeder calf with a grade of S-1 indicates an unthrifty calf with little muscling. - BF 2
- Barbed wire could be used as a top strand for a fence for cattle, but not as the primary fencing system. - BF 3
- Pay special attention to first-calf heifers; keep them next to a barn to check for calving problems. - BF 3
- A cow’s nutrient requirement decreases after calving. - BF 3
- If you keep a beef calf’s head up and its nose under control, the rest will follow. - BF 3
- When training your project animal, it is best to work with your calf infrequently for long periods of time each training session. - BF 3
- Beef cattle are partially color blind and have poor depth perception. - BF 4
- Mature cows are generally resistant to worms. - BF 5
- Vaccines are usually made from the organism that causes the disease. - BF 5
- With beef cattle you should start and end the breeding season at the same time every year. - BF 6
- The heifer’s age is more important than her size in determining when to breed her. - BF 6
- For optimum performance, you want a beef heifer to calve by the time she is one year old. - BF 6
- The scrotum regulates the temperature of the sperm in the testicles. - BF 6
- A two-year old beef heifer will return to heat after calving faster than a mature cow. - BF 6
- The period of time from calving to the first heat is called the postpartum interval. - BF 6
- Heifers need the highest quality and largest quantity of feed before calving. - BF 6
- Calves that need help during birth are just as likely to live as calves that are born unassisted. - BF 6
- Differences between animals are a result of two factors: heredity (genetics) and environment. - BF 6
- No offspring can be genetically superior to the average of their parents. - BF 6
- A good crossbreeding program for cattle can increase the overall performance of offspring. - BF 6
- High birth weights in calves is always good. - BF 6
- One of the best ways to make genetic improvement in a beef cattle herd is through replacement heifer selection. - BF 6
- Steers that have access to warm drinking water will gain .3 - .4 pounds more per day than those drinking cool water. - BF 7
- Limitations on water intake can depress cattle performance more quickly and more drastically than any other nutrient deficiency. - BF 7
- Water is found in every cell in the body of a cow. - BF 7
- Salt is the main source of sodium in a cow’s diet. - BF 7
- Most feeds generally do not contain adequate amounts of salt needed for beef cattle. - BF 7
- Phosphorus is often deficient in forage diets for beef cattle. - BF 7
- If a feed contains a medication that does not have a withdrawal time, the feed is not required to have a precautionary statement. - BF 7
- The list of ingredients on a beef cattle feed label starts with the ingredient with the lowest concentration and then to the highest. - BF 7
- Conception rates are higher on the third estrus compared to the first. - BF 7
- For proper development heifers should be maintained separate from the cow herd. - BF 7
- Fat heifers normally have higher than average reproductive rates. - BF 7
- Calves may be started on creep feed at three to four months of age and continue until they are weaned. -BF 7
- Marbling in beef cattle is the first fat to be deposited on the cattle. - BF 8
- Less than half the live weight of beef cattle is sold as retail cuts. - BF 8
- Inedible by-products from cattle can be used to make insulin for humans. - BF 8
- Inedible by-products from cattle can be used in hydraulic brake fluid. - BF 8
- Humans can digest the same vegetation that cattle eat. - BF 8
- Beef cattle should be washed weekly, starting several weeks before the show. - BF 9
- When halter breaking a beef calf, let the calf drag the halter lead for a few days prior to tying for the first time. - BF 9
- When tying up cattle, tie below eye level about twelve inches from post. - BF 9
- Ringworm spreads rapidly on the body, to other cattle, and people. - BF 9
- Washing cattle hair twice a week is best. - BF 9
- Bedding beef cattle in a dark place during the day shortens day length and promotes a hair growing metabolism in the animal. - BF 9
- Brushing slows hair growth in beef cattle. - BF 9
- When clipping cattle clip with the natural direction of the hair pattern. - BF 9
- When clipping cattle leave most of the hair on the ear. - BF 9
- Cattle hair is usually trimmed in a downward and backward motion. - BF 9
- Show cattle should have their feet trimmed weekly. - BF 9
- All cattle should be shown with their tails up or bobbed. - BF 9
- When leading cattle wrap the halter strap around your hand for better control. - BF 9
- It is easier for cattle to put a foot forward than back. - BF 9
- When the judge is looking at the rear and front view of cattle the feet should be set square. - BF 9
- It is good to help the exhibitor in front of you, if they are having trouble, by tapping the calf. - BF 9
- When positions are switched in the ring at a cattle show you should pass back through the same hole that you left to the proper position. - BF 9
- To moderate stress from change, transport the cattle in early morning or late afternoon. - BF 9
- Marbling is the energy store that is closest to the muscle cell and is first to be used when there is an energy shortage in beef cattle. - BF 10
- The incidences of dark cutting in beef cattle are higher during hot weather in July-October. - BF 10
- All chemical substances will leave a beef cattle carcass within two months. - BF 10
- Dairy beef are well adapt at producing meat with a high lean to fat ratio that still maintains its tenderness and flavor compared to beef cattle. - BF 11
- If possible, purchase calves on the day of weaning. - BF 11
- The small framed breeds of dairy beef cattle often gain better than the large framed breeds. - BF 11
- It is recommended that young dairy calves be raised in individual hutches. - BF 11
- All male cattle intended for meat production should be castrated. - BF 11
- A cold, dry, well-ventilated environment for calves is preferred over a warm and damp environment to help prevent disease. - BF 11
- When a calf is born, it has little or no immunity. - BF 11
- Dairy steers require more energy than beef steers. - BF 11
- Beef steers typically have a higher average daily gain than dairy steers during the feeding period. - BF 11
- Stroking the under line of your dairy beef with the show stick will help to keep it content. - BF 11
- Dairy steers will usually not produce an acceptable carcass beyond eighteen months of age. - BF 11
- You can use the extra dose of an over-the-counter product the vet gave your neighbor on your cattle with the same symptoms? - BF 12
- Tenting is another name for lifting the loose skin of beef cattle for subcutaneous injections. - BF 12
- You should keep a manure management record. - BF 13
- In many animal science occupations the highest salaries go to those with the most education. - BF 15
- When a cow has dystocia, it has calving problems. - BF 6
- True or False: Cattle are ruminant animals. - BF 7
- True or False: Cattle can eat lower quality feed due to their ruminant stomach. - BF 7
- True or False: A ruminant only needs to be fed three times a week. - BF 7
- True or False: The rumen is a “honeycomb” type structure. - BF 7
- True or False: The Omasum is also called the “manyplies” because it has folds and helps digest feed and squeezes out water. - BF 7
- True or False: Water is found in EVERY cell in the body. - BF 7
- True or False: Hearing loss can occur with lack of water. - BF 7
- True or False: An animal’s sight may be impaired without the intake of water. - BF 7
- True or False: Cattle will drink around 20 gallons of water a day depending on the environment. - BF 7
- True or False: A steer that has access to cool water will gain more weight than those drinking warm water. -BF 7
- True or False: Most of beef cattle’s energy comes from carbohydrates and fats. - BF 7
- True or False: A cow can lick ice in the winter if it needs water therefore you do not need to fill it daily. - BF 7
- True or False: Without protein beef cattle will not build muscle. - BF 7
- True or False: Amino acids are the small building blocks of proteins. - BF 7
- True or False: Rice and corn are high in protein. - BF 7
- True or False: Urea is suited for cattle of all ages. - BF 7
- True or False: Calves must be at least four months old before they may have urea. - BF 7
- True or False: Animals over 800 pounds generally gain more efficiently on natural protein sources. - BF 7
- True or False: Minerals are not necessary but do benefit your animal if you choose to feed them. - BF 7
- True or False: Calcium and magnesium must be balanced in larger amounts - BF 7
- True or False: Salt, calcium, and phosphorus may be needed in larger amounts so may be put directly into the ration. - BF 7
- True or False: Trace minerals are so small in amount they are not needed in the diet. - BF 7
- True or False: Humans do not need trace minerals. - BF 7
- True or False: Beef provide humans with trace minerals. - BF 7
- True or False: Cattle confined in a drylot do not require mineral mixtures. - BF 7
- True or False: A milking cow or one late in gestation should have a magnesium supplement offered to avoid grass tetany. - BF 7
- True or False: Grass tetany and grass staggers are the same thing. - BF 7
- True or False: Grass tetany and Magnesium tetany are caused by the same deficiency. - BF 7
- True or False: Salt is a palpable carrier of minerals. - BF 7
- True or False: A mineral mix must be 65 percent salt in order to be offered free choice. - BF 7
- True or False: By mixing in other products to a mineral mix you can make it more tasteful. - BF 7
- True or False: A lack of calcium can lead to bowing of the legs also known as “rickets”. - BF 7
- True or False: Copper is a trace mineral. - BF 7
- True or False: Calcium, potassium, and iron are all examples of minerals. - BF 7
- True or False: Vitamin E comes from leafy green forages. - BF 7
- True or False: If giving vitamin A orally mixed in minerals, be careful not to overfeed as this can poison your animal. - BF 7
- True or False: Feeding at random times throughout the day is fine as long as it gets done every day. - BF 7
- True or False: You should remove old hay before feeding new. - BF 7
- True or False: Mineral and salt should be fed once a week. - BF 7
- True or False: In order to put weight on your animal faster, make their pen very small so movement is limited. - BF 7
- True or False: There are formulas to follow that tell you how much of which feed to give each day for adequate gain. - BF 7
- True or False: Feed tags are optional on food, but most have it anyway. - BF 7
- True or False: A feed tag will tell you everything that is in your food. - BF 7
- True or False: If you run out of food, you can use a supplement feed as a total ration. - BF 7
- True or False: Guaranteed analysis does not tell you the quality of the feed. - BF 7
- True or False: You should check feed tags for withdrawal times if planning to sell your animal. - BF 7
- True or False: You want a heifer to cycle and breed within the first 25 days of breeding season. - BF 7
- True or False: All calves MUST be bottle raised. - BF 7
- True or False: Protein is important for starter calf feed. - BF 7
- True or False: Proper feeding and weight gain has nothing to do with being able to breed according to schedule. - BF 7
- True or False: The first time a heifer ovulates and shows estrus is called puberty. - BF 7
- True or False: A heifer will always conceive on the first estrus. - BF 7
- True or False: It is not important to have the heifer at target weight prior to breeding season. She will gain all the weight she needs during pregnancy. - BF 7
- True or False: A heifer cannot get too fat so it’s ok to free feed grain. - BF 7
- True or False: Your heifer may need more grain in the winter and all the hay she will eat. - BF 7
- True or False: If your pasture is good quality, you only need a small amount of hay or grain. - BF 7
- True or False: A bred heifer requires approximately 20-25 lbs of hay per day. - BF 7
- True or False: The ideal BCS or bone condition scale for a calving heifer is a level six. - BF 7
- True or False: You only need to monitor the BCS of your heifer 45 days prior to calving. - BF 7
- True or False: We only monitor a cow’s nutrition for reproduction. - BF 7
- True or False: Immature cows continue to grow until approximately four years of age. - BF 7
- True or False: Body weight is more important than body condition on a beef cow. - BF 7
- True or False: If a cow is thin during summer there is nothing you can do to improve her body condition. -BF 7
- True or False: It is better to wait until after calving to correct deficiencies. - BF 7
- True or False: Leaving thin cows with the herd is better than separating them and feeding separately. - BF 7
- True or False: Weather can play a role in cow body condition. - BF 7
- True or False: A thin cow easily gains weight in the winter when cows are less active. - BF 7
- True or False: Weaning a cow’s calf will help a thin cow gain weight. - BF 7
- True or False: Creep feeding calves is a must to be successful. - BF 7
- True or False: If you plan to creep feed your calf you should begin between three and four months of age. -BF 7
- True or False: All livestock feed are intended for the same purpose so it is ok to buy the same feed for all your animals. - BF 7
- True or False: Reducing a calf’s feed and water intake on the day they are shipped will reduce stress. - BF 7
- True or False: Livestock feed is divided into two major classification: concentrate and roughages. - BF 7
- True or False: You can switch a calf’s diet to what you have on hand immediately without gradual change because they have a four chamber stomach. - BF 7
- True or False: It is not necessary to feed trace minerals if you mix your own food. - BF 7
- True or False: Your project animal should be kept in a big barn with heating and air conditioning. - BF 7
- True or False: You need at least 75 square feet per calf if the feeder and water are in the pen with them. -BF 7
- True or False: Calves don’t need feeders because they are used to eating off the ground. - BF 7
- True or False: Calves have thick coats and hard hooves so there is no need to worry about pen drainage. -BF 7
- True or False: Your barn should have four sides regardless of ventilation. - BF 7
- True or False: As long as you always use the same scoop, all types of food will weigh the same amount. -BF 7
- True or False: Different kinds of grain may fit in the same size scoop, but may not weigh the same amount. -BF 7
- True or False: You do not need to weigh your animal before the show because it will be done at the fair check-in. - BF 7
- True or False: A calf needs water free choice. - BF 7
- True or False: Feeding your calf once a day is fine if he gets all his rations at this time. - BF 7
- True or False: Feed accumulated in the bottom of the feeder is ok because the calf will eat it later in the week. - BF 7
- True or False: Corn and oats are the two most popular energy sources for show cattle. - BF 7
- True or False: Molasses is unhealthy for your animal and should not be used unless it is necessary. - BF 7
- True or False: Alfalfa pellets are a good source of calcium and protein. - BF 7
- True or False: Beef cattle have a major requirement for vitamin A. - BF 7
- True or False: Vitamins are best administered through injection. - BF 7
- True or False: Corn silage can be fed free choice. - BF 7
- True or False: Deworming has nothing to do with how effective the cow digests the feed. - BF 7
- True or False: You should adjust the feed during growth so holding is not necessary at the end. - BF 7
- True or False: There is no need in getting your steer used to eating while tied up. - BF 7
- True or False: You should feed your animal immediately upon arrival at the show. - BF 7
- True or False: Grading systems are used to determine the value of a beef carcass. - BF 8
- True or False: A beef carcass graded on marbling and maturity is quality graded. - BF 8
- True or False: Fatter animals tend to grade higher in quality. - BF 8
- True or False: Quality grades for younger animals are: Commercial, Utility, Cutter, Canner - BF 8
- True or False: Quality grades for older animals are: Commercial, Utility, Cutter, Canner - BF 8
- True or False: USDA Prime and Choice are in the greatest demand by consumers of fresh beef. - BF 8
- True or False: There is a relationship between marbling, maturity, and the carcass quality grade. - BF 8
- True or False: A factor of yield grading is assessing the area of the rib eye muscle at the twelfth rib of the carcass. - BF 8
- True or False: Yield grade five is the least desirable grade for beef. - BF 8
- True or False: The fat thickness is measured on the ninth rib. - BF 8
- True or False: When you dress an animal you remove the hide, head, tail, lower legs, blood and organs. -BF 8
- True or False: A “Retail Cut” is a cut purchased for canning. - BF 8
- True or False: A rib eye size will vary with the muscularity of the animal and the carcass weight. - BF 8
- True or False: A rib eye is measured using a standard tape measure. - BF 8
- True or False: “Middle meats” are the least valuable cuts of meat. - BF 8
- True or False: “Middle meats” are the most high priced cuts. - BF 8
- True or False: The numerical designation for the percentage of boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts from the round, loin, rib, and chuck of the carcass is called the yield grade. - BF 8
- True or False: The price of beef in the store is more than your steer costs because it accounts for all the expenses of the packer and processing fees along with the cost of the beef. - BF 8
- True or False: The processor disposes of all the internal organs and takes a loss on those parts. - BF 8
- True or False: Any meat that is not retail cuts is thrown away. - BF 8
- True or False: Some clothing is made from cow hide. - BF 8
- True or False: Cattle have great similarities in organic chemical structure to humans. - BF 8
- True or False: The only part of the beef we cannot find a use for are the fatty acids. - BF 8
- True or False: Cattle and humans have a very similar stomach structure. - BF 8
- True or False: We use cattle to digest and convert all types of vegetation into energy and important building blocks of the body that would otherwise be wasted. - BF 8
- True or False: Dairy cattle also contribute largely to the beef industry. - BF 11
- True or False: Dairy beef is leaner than beef cattle therefore it is more health-conscious for consumption. -BF 11
- True or False: Although dairy beef is leaner than beef cattle, it does not have as much flavor. - BF 11
- True or False: Knowing the anatomy of an animal helps in the selection process. - BF 11
- True or False: The Ayshire breed comes in black, black and white, or white with black markings. - BF 11
- True or False: The Brown Swiss is one of the oldest dairy breeds in the world. - BF 11
- True or False: If you want a small framed dairy cow, the Brown Swiss would be a good selection. - BF 11
- True or False: A Jersey cow is identified by having a black body with white markings. - BF 11
- True or False: The Jersey cow is the smallest dairy breed. - BF 11
- True or False: Milking Shorthorn cattle are moderately sized and produce leaner carcasses. - BF 11
- True or False: A farmer will often sell a bull calf as a dairy beef animal as soon as they are born. - BF 11
- True or False: It is perfectly safe to buy a calf from an auction barn with no health concerns. - BF 11
- True or False: If you purchase your steer late, push the feed hard and you will be sure to finish on time. -BF 11
- True or False: It is important to check the calf’s navel before purchasing to be sure it is infection free. - BF 11
- True or False: It is best to get your calf the day it is weaned. - BF 11
- True or False: It is normal for a calf to have a runny nose and watery eyes. - BF 11
- True or False: A baby animal looks the same in conformation as it does when it is full grown. - BF 11
- True or False: A structural problem may be corrected with proper feed and mineral supplements. - BF 11
- True or False: Structural soundness can be determined by watching an animal walking naturally. - BF 11
- True or False: Frame size is part of the USDA Feeder Cattle Grading System. - BF 11
- True or False: Feeder cattle are graded as large, medium, or small frame on the USDA Feeder Cattle Grading System. - BF 11
- True or False: It is always good to select an “unthrifty” animal for your project as it will gain weight rapidly. -BF 11
- True or False: When selecting a dairy beef project breed is an important choice. - BF 11
- True or False: Dairy beef animals breeds vary greatly in size and this should be considered before purchasing your animal. - BF 11
- True or False: A Jersey breed steer will gain more than a Holstein steer. - BF 11
- True or False: A large breed steer will meet market weight quicker than a small framed steer. - BF 11
- True or False: An animal’s disposition is not important when raising an animal for meat project. - BF 11
- True or False: You should select an animal with a dull and listless disposition because they will be easy to train. - BF 11
- True or False: An animal that is excitable and acts nervous is the easiest to train and lead. - BF 11
- True or False: The smoothness and eye appeal refers to the show qualities of an animal. - BF 11
- True or False: You do not need to know the age of an animal, but base your project on its weight. - BF 11
- True or False: Your dairy beef animal should be dehorned and castrated at the start of your project. - BF 11
- True or False: Young calves should be housed in a closed barn with heat lamps and no direct sunlight. - BF 11
- True or False: A calf can tolerate a cold dry environment more than a warm damp environment. - BF 11
- True or False: Turning your animals out at night to enjoy cooler temperatures in the summer will help develop a nice coat. - BF 11
- True or False: A pre-conditioned calf is one that has been health inspected, dewormed, vaccinated, disbudded and castrated. - BF 11
- True or False: Caustic paste can dehorn your animal. - BF 11
- True or False: Because of less hormones, a castrated male has a more docile disposition and higher quality meat. - BF 11
- True or False: It is best to castrate at the same time as weaning so they get over the traumatic events all at once. - BF 11
- True or False: All dairy beef feeder and dairy projects MUST be castrated. - BF 11
- True or False: Young calves are susceptible to many illnesses so it is important to monitor them closely even when they are healthy. - BF 11
- True or False: Calves can die from scours. - BF 11
- True or False: A calf with scours should be kept with other calves because they are not contagious. - BF 11
- True or False: Pneumonia is caused only by bacteria in cold conditions. - BF 11
- True or False: Good ventilation and keeping pens well bedded will help prevent pneumonia. - BF 11
- True or False: A cold dry environment is better for young calves than warm with any type of moisture. - BF 11
- True or False: Acidosis is when the rumen is unsuitable for the bacteria to survive. - BF 11
- True or False: Acidosis is a mild condition that is caused by change in weather. - BF 11
- True or False: A feed supplement that helps reduce the occurrence of acidosis is ionophore. - BF 11
- True or False: Roughage is not a necessary part of your steer’s diet as long as you feed enough grain. - BF 11
- True or False: You should vaccinate right before the show regardless of withdrawal times. - BF 11
- True or False: Your animal may require medications from veterinarian at some point that may also have a withdrawal time. - BF 11
- True or False: Keeping a good written record can help you succeed on your next project. - BF 11
- True or False: An animal must be properly identified in order to maintain good records. - BF 11
- True or False: You can mark an animal for proper identification by using black marker on the ear. - BF 11
- True or False: A steer’s nose print is unique to that animal and can be used as permanent identification. - BF 11
- True or False: Your method of identification does not matter so no need to check with the Extension agent on which method is preferred. - BF 11
- True or False: Milk or milk replacer should be weighed daily from birth to weaning. - BF 11
- All other feeds (excluding milk or milk replacer) should be weighed weekly from birth to weaning. - BF 11
- True or False: You can use a tape measure to weigh your animal. - BF 11
- True or False: The key to producing a safe wholesome food product is to keep your animal clean and bathed at least once a week. - BF 11
- True or False: Record keeping is important for producing safe wholesome food product. - BF 11
- True or False: There is no accurate way to tell if you had a profit or loss on your project because of the length of time it takes to complete a dairy beef project. - BF 11
- True or False: Colostrum may be fresh or frozen. - BF 11
- True or False: Colostrum provides passive immunity to a calf against scours, pneumonia, and other diseases. - BF 11
- True or False: You should not use milk replacer for your calf. - BF 11
- True or False: You can use milk replacer instead of milk, but it is much more expensive. - BF 11
- True or False: You should mix milk replacer with very cold water so it will stay good. - BF 11
- True or False: You should not store mixed milk replacer so mix just what you need per feeding. - BF 11
- True or False: A calf can get scours from changes in the quality or composition of whole raw milk. - BF 11
- True or False: Unlike milk replacer, there are no concerns when feeding whole milk. - BF 11
- True or False: Fermented colostrum can be given whole without having to worry about mixing. - BF 11
- True or False: Once mold forms on the fermented colostrum you should discard the entire batch of milk. -BF 11
- True or False: You should sanitize the fermenting containers between each batch of milk. - BF 11
- True or False: Feeding a calf more in extremely cold weather will give it more energy to stay warm. - BF 11
- True or False: It is not recommended to feed milk only once per day as it may lead to scours from overfeeding. - BF 11
- True or False: Water is not needed during the milk feeding period. - BF 11
- True or False: A starter grain is less expensive than milk replacer. - BF 11
- True or False: You should not feed hay to calves before weaning because it will reduce the amount of starter grain they eat per day. - BF 11
- True or False: If your calf has left over grain at the end of each day, you should add it to the new feed the next day. - BF 11
- True or False: When you remove the milk portion of the calf’s diet it is called transitioning. - BF 11
- True or False: Avoid moving calves from individual pens to group pens for at least one week following weaning. - BF 11
- True or False: A calf may require special care during weaning if it too stressed. - BF 11
- True or False: Forages are fed free choice or animals are grazed on pasture. - BF 11
- True or False: If feeding roughage to your steer, it is fine to feed moldy hay because they can digest most feeds others cannot. - BF 11
- True or False: Whole-shelled corn can be part of a complete feed ration. - BF 11
- True or False: Your dairy beef feeder should gain an average of five pounds a day from weaning to market. -BF 11
- True or False: There are some differences between a beef steer and a dairy beef steer that affect the way they should be fed and finished. - BF 11
- True or False: Dairy beef steers have higher fat ratio so they don’t require as much feed as a beef steer. -BF 11
- True or False: Beef steers are more efficient with feed from 400 pounds to finish. - BF 11
- True or False: You should limit the alfalfa when your steer is in the finishing phase. - BF 11
- True or False: It can take up to 50 additional days to finish a steer on roughage only rather than a steer fed roughage and grain. - BF 11
- True or False: It is risky to feed a diet of roughage only diet due to risk of bloat. - BF 11
- True or False: Early handling of your dairy beef steer is critical to develop good habits. - BF 11
- True or False: Being patient and calm with your calf or steer will help you be more successful in halter breaking. - BF 11
- True or False: It is best to start working with your animal in a small area when halter breaking and leading. -BF 11
- True or False: You do not want to use the halter you will be using in the show until the day of so it doesn’t breaking. - BF 11
- True or False: All counties use show sticks in the dairy beef class. - BF 11
- True or False: If using a show stick, you will need to practice before the show so you can use it correctly. -BF 11
- True or False: It is best to wrap the show lead attached to the halter around your hand so your animal cannot get away. - BF 11
- True or False: It is ok to allow extra lead strap to drag behind you as long as you do not step on it. - BF 11
- True or False: When turning your animal, it is best to push his head away from you and to the right. - BF 11
- True or False: Stroking the underside of your steer’s belly with the show stick will help keep him content while in the ring. - BF 11
- True or False: It is ok to wash your dairy beef calf when it is cold because their thick skin and hair works like insulation and keeps them warm. - BF 11
- True or False: The first step in developing a good hair coat is to remove excess dirt and old hair by brushing and washing your animal. - BF 11
- True or False: You must clip your animal before it is shown. - BF 11
- True or False: You will not own your calf long enough to have to trim its hooves. - BF 11
- True or False: You should trim your steers feet two days before the show. - BF 11
- When showing your steer, you should wear a glittery shirt to help show off your animal. - BF 11
- True or False: Once you enter the ring, you should not touch then animal in any way. - BF 11
- True or False: Beef cattle and dairy beef are shown differently so you must learn both styles. - BF 11
- True or False: Play a radio for a week before the fair to help it adjust to noise. - BF 11
- True or False: When you arrive at the fair, it is best to tie up your steer in the stall then bed all around his feet. - BF 11
- True or False: Beef steer and dairy beef steer carcasses have a very different taste. - BF 11
- True or False: By keeping your animal’s area clean it will perform better. - BF 5
- True or False: It is a good idea to keep any animals that have been at a show separated from the herd to ensure they are not sick. - BF 5
- True or False: Lack of nutrition can be the cause of some diseases. - BF 5
- True or False: Disease can be transferred from your shoes and clothing between farms. - BF 5
- True or False: Parasites are only found among livestock and do not affect humans. - BF 5
- True or False: Mature cows are usually resistant to worms. - BF 5
- True or False: Parasites can cause poor weight gain and diarrhea. - BF 5
- True or False: There is no need to deworm heifers as long as they are on pasture. - BF 5
- True or False: Lice are a bigger nuisance in the summer months. - BF 5
- True or False: There is really no way to control parasites other than fly repellant. - BF 5
- True or False: Pour on dewormers require less labor but may be more costly. - BF 5
- True or False: Parasites do not build a resistance to the ear tags or tape like with other dewormers. - BF 5
- True or False: An injectable dewormer is effective for controlling grubs and sucking lice. - BF 5
- True or False: Blackleg is a bacterial infection that is easily treated and is rarely fatal. - BF 5
- True or False: Once the bacteria causing blackleg is on the farm, it can live for many years in the soil. - BF 5
- True or False: Bloat can be fatal if not treated immediately. - BF 5
- True or False: There is no prevention for bloat other than limiting pasture time. - BF 5
- True or False: To treat bloat, you can put a stick or rope across the mouth so the animal will chew on it releasing gas from the stomach. - BF 5
- True or False: BVD is a virus that causes diarrhea, weak calves, high temperatures and discharge from the nose. - BF 5
- True or False: Brucellosis is easily treated with medication from your veterinarian. - BF 5
- True or False: The only way to prevent Bang’s disease is by vaccinating young heifers. - BF 5
- True or False: You can help prevent calf scours by vaccinating pregnant cows. - BF 5
- True or False: Immunity from the colostrum after birth will help prevent calf scours. - BF 5
- True or False: All diarrhea is caused by coccidiosis. - BF 5
- True or False: Foot rot is prevented by vaccination. - BF 5
- True or False: Foot rot infection can be prevented by keeping the animals feet clean and dry. - BF 5
- True or False: Grass tetany has obvious signs for a few days before death. - BF 5
- True or False: Hardware disease can be prevented by vaccinating at birth. - BF 5
- True or False: By keeping your pasture free of loose metal objects such as nail, you can prevent hardware disease in the herd. - BF 5
- True or False: I.B.R. or infectious bovine rhinotracheitis can cause diarrhea and fevers. - BF 5
- True or False: Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection that infects cattle of all ages. - BF 5
- True or False: Pinkeye is easily treated if caught early. - BF 5
- True or False: You can get ringworm from touching and infected animal. - BF 5
- True or False: Stress can bring on shipping fever in animals being hauled long distances, during weaning, and with extreme weather conditions. - BF 5
- True or False: Warts can be fatal if not treated. - BF 5
- True or False: There is a vaccination for warts in cattle. - BF 5
- True or False: Vaccinations are made from the disease you are trying to prevent. - BF 5
- True or False: Subcutaneous injections go deep in the muscle. - BF 5
- True or False: You use a longer needle for an intramuscular injection so you can get the medication deep in the muscle. - BF 5
- True or False: It is easier to treat a sick animal than to give vaccinations and other preventative medicine. -BF 5
- The breed of beef cattle originated in Scotland. These animals are polled with a black, smooth coat. They are known for their carcass quality and milking, mothering, and reproductive abilities. - BF 2
- The breed of cattle was developed in the Southwestern United States by crossing Zebu cattle from India with British breeds. They are known for their ability to withstand heat and insects. - BF 2
- The breed of cattle was developed in France and imported into the United States from Mexico. The animals are large and white. They are noted for their fast growth and lean meat. - BF 2
- The breed of cattle was developed in England and brought to the United States in 1817. These animals have red bodies with white faces. They are known for their foraging ability, vigor, hardiness, and quiet dispositions. - BF 2
- The breed of cattle was brought to the United States from England in 1783. These animals can be red, white or roan in color. They are noted for their good disposition, mothering, and milking abilities. - BF 2
- The breed of cattle was imported into the United States from Switzerland, France and Germany. These animals have red to dark red, spotted bodies with white to lite straw faces. They are noted for their fast growth and milking abilities. - BF 2
- When selecting an animal for a beef cattle project, consideration should be given to all of the following EXCEPT: - BF 2
- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an ideal market steer? - BF 2
Produces a yield grade of 5
- Which of the following is NOT a characterisitic of an ideal mature breeding heifer? - BF 2
Small capacity and volume
- Which is NOT a characteristic of an ideal mature breeding heifer? - BF 2
Crest of neck
- What is the name of the first vertebrae closest to the head of cattle? - BF 2
- When cattle are viewed from the front or rear and the knees are close together and the feet toe out away from each other, what is it called? - BF 2
- When viewing cattle’s rear legs from the side, and the hock has too much angle, or set, causing it to stand too far underneath itself, what is it called? - BF 2
Sickle hocked
- In cattle, is an undesirable structural condition where the knees are set too far out, causing toes to turn inward. - BF 2
Pigeon toed
- is an undesirable structural condition where a calf is “over at the knees,” preventing full extension of the knee. When observed from the side, the legs appear slightly bent. This is usually seen in cattle that are too straight in the shoulder. - BF 2
Buck kneed
- Which of the following is NOT an important trait that should be considered when evaluating breeding cattle? -BF 2
Frame size, Sex character, Structural correctness
- Which of the following is a trait found in an ideal market steer? - BF 2
Muscular loin, Long, level rump, Wide, deep stifle
- refers to the amount of fat cover a market animal possesses. - BF 2
- Which is NOT a characteristic of masculinity exhibited in beef cattle? - BF 2
Short neck
- In market cattle, characteristics of finish include all of the following EXCEPT: - BF 2
Maximum amount of body fat
- is a way of estimating what size cattle will be when they are fully grown. - BF 2
Frame score
- In beef cattle, frame score is based upon the height of an animal at the , at different ages. -BF 2
- In beef cattle, in order to determine the frame score of your animal, you need to know and . - BF 2
Birth date and hip height measurement
- Each feeder calf receives two grades–a letter grade and a number grade. What does the number grade represent? - BF 2
- Which is a common bedding for beef cattle? - BF 3
Saw dust, Newspaper, Wood shavings
- You can avoid beef cattle eating their bedding by . - BF 3
Feeding properly, Exercising to avoid boredom, Switching bedding
- Before calving, how should cows first be separated or grouped? - BF 3
Body condition
- In beef cattle, how long should the breeding season be? - BF 3
60 days
- The breeding seasons for yearling replacement heifers should start in relation to cows. - BF 3
One cycle earlier than cows
- How much weight should a replacement heifer gain daily? - BF 3
1 1/2 pounds
- How long before weaning should calves be introduced to creep feed? - BF 3
2 months
- Which beef cattle form of identification is the simplest and most easily identifiable? - BF 3
Ear tag
- When you first buy a beef calf and bring it to your farm, what is the first step in training it? - BF 3
Let the calf settle down for a few days
- During the early stage of training, it is a good idea to conclude each session by . - BF 3
Taking your animal to food, Taking your animal to water, Taking your animal to another environment in which it is comfortable
- Which knot is the standard knot used to tie beef cattle to a post or stall and is a good nonslip knot, which can be untied under tension? - BF 3
Quick release knot
- Which is NOT a way to describe an ideal breeding heifer? - BF 2
Narrow chest floor
- Which is NOT a way to describe the ideal market steer? - BF 2
Short stifle
- How much does an ideal mature market steer weigh? - BF 2
1,100 - 1,350 pounds
- How long before weaning should all vaccinations and internal and external parasite control be done? - BF 3
1 month
- What is the first step in halter breaking a beef calf? - BF 3
Tying to a post for a couple of hours
- What factor(s) cause people to be injured when working with beef cattle. - BF 4
Haste, Impatience, Anger
- The space that beef cattle develop around themselves that is a distinctive, comfortable space is called their . - BF 4
Flight zone
- Where is a beef cattle’s blind spot? - BF 4
Directly behind
- When moving a beef cow, where is the cow’s point of balance? - BF 4
Between shoulders
- Which is NOT an important zoonotic disease in beef cattle? - BF 4
- How long should new beef cattle be separated from the rest of the herd? - BF 5
1-2 months
- Which is NOT an external parasite affecting beef cattle? - BF 5
Stomach worms
- Which is a type of fly that is a major pest to cattle? - BF 5
Horn fly, Face fly
- Which beef cattle disease is caused by a build up of gas inside the rumen? - BF 5
- Which beef cattle disease is a contagious virus that causes diarrhea, abortions, weak calves, high temperature, discharge from nose, and problems in the intestines? - BF 5
- Which beef cattle disease occurs when the calf’s resistance is low because of stress, allowing bacteria or viruses to start an infection and then the calf becomes dehydrated? - BF 5
Calf scours
- Which beef cattle disease causes swelling and lameness; the skin between the toes and around the foot turns red and will have a foul odor? - BF 5
Foot rot
- Which beef cattle disease is a bacterial infection usually seen when cattle are on pasture during the summer and is spread by face flies? - BF 5
Pink eye
- is a beef cattle disease that occurs when cattle swallow metal while eating and the metal is caught inside the stomach. - BF 5
Hardware disease
- is a beef cattle disease caused by a combination of viruses, bacteria and stress; the mptoms are difficult breathing, coughing, and runny eyes. - BF 5
Shipping fever
- is caused by an infectious virus; this disease is unsightly and painful, but does not usually cause death. - BF 5
- On average, how long after conception will a cow calve? - BF 6
283 days
- is the time between when an egg is fertilized to when the calf is born. - BF 6
- How often does the estrous cycle repeat in a healthy cow that is not bred? - BF 6
18-21 days
- The testicles produce in a bull. - BF 6
- On average, how many days will it take a mature cow in good condition to return to heat after calving? - BF 6
- On average, cows show heat from hours. - BF 6
- In which part of the reproductive tract does the calf develop? - BF 6
- What organ produces the female sex cell called the egg? - BF 6
- Under pasture conditions, a bull that is two years old or older can typically service (breed) cows. - BF 6
- Which of the following systems is used for breeding cows? - BF 6
Pasture breeding, Handmating, A.I.
- During dilation, which of the following occurs? - BF 6
The calf moves into birth canal, The uterus contracts every 10-25 minutes, The cervix begins to open
- What is the most important thing that a calf gets within the first few hours after birth? - BF 6
- Which of the following should be done to assist a calf in breathing? - BF 6
Rub the calf, Tickle the inside of the nose with straw to cause it to sneeze, If it has excessive fluid in the windpipe, hang the calf upside down for 2-3 minutes
- What is it called when you are mating animals from two or more different breeds? - BF 6
- Cattle have compartments in their stomach. - BF 7
- About how long can domesticated cattle live without food? - BF 7
60 days
- About how long can domesticated cattle live without water? - BF 7
7 days
- The rumen in a calf is mostly developed by what age? - BF 7
3 months
- A young calf uses which stomach compartment to digest milk? - BF 7
- Which compartment is called the “true stomach” in cattle? - BF 7
- Name the stomach compartment of cattle that has many folds and squeezes water from feed. - BF 7
- Which stomach compartment in cattle is also called the honeycomb? - BF 7
- Which stomach compartment allows cows to digest cellulose? - BF 7
- Minerals help do all of the following EXCEPT: - BF 7
Provide energy
- Which of the following livestock feeds is NOT high in protein? - BF 7
- Cattle use protein to build all of these EXCEPT: - BF 7
Strong bone
- Which of the following feed is high in energy? - BF 7
Corn, Barley, Oats
- results when cattle, particularly cows that are milking and grazing on lush pastures, use up their existing body supplies of magnesium without a steady replacement in their diet. - BF 7
Magnesium tetany
- Which vitamin may need to be supplemented if green leafy forages are not available? - BF 7
Vitamin A
- All of the following are major minerals needed by beef cattle EXCEPT: - BF 7
- Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin? - BF 7
Vitamin C
- What will be written on a feed label to inform you if a drug is used in the feed? - BF 7
Active drugs, Medicated, Treated
- What influences the timing of puberty in heifers? - BF 7
Age, Weight, Breed
- There are around days between weaning and breeding for heifers. - BF 7
- What is the preferred body condition score of a heifer at calving? - BF 7
- A two-year-old heifer should weigh about percent of her mature weight at first calving. - BF 7
- Immature cows continue to grow until about what age? - BF 7
4 years
- at calving is the most critical factor in determining reproductive performance. - BF 7
Body condition
- Ideally, you should sort cows prior to calving based upon what? - BF 7
Body condition
- What system(s) are used to determine the value of a beef carcass? - BF 8
Quality grading, Yield grading
- How is maturity of a beef carcass estimated? - BF 8
Ossification of bone, Firmness of meat, Shape
- Yield grades in cattle are expressed in numerical scores in what range? - BF 8
- The proportion of carcass weight relative to live weight of beef cattle is known as what? - BF 8
Dressing percentage
- When using the plastic grid to measure beef rib eye area how many dots equal one square inch? - BF 8
- Which is a “thin cut” wholesale cut of beef from cattle? - BF 8
Shank, Flank, Brisket
- Which is a “middle meat” wholesale cut from beef cattle? - BF 8
Loin, Rib
- What is the first step in training beef cattle for a show? - BF 9
Halter breaking
- When halter breaking a calf where should the halter be placed to prevent slippage and to give maximum control? - BF 9
High on face, close to eyes
- What is the first step in beef cattle healthy hair growth? - BF 9
External parasite control
- Ringworm is a more common problem in what group of cattle? - BF 9
- How long before a show should you body clip cattle to promote hair growth? - BF 9
90-120 days
- Begin brushing new growing hair in cattle to train it to stay up. - BF 9
At an angle, Forward
- Which is a clipping pattern for beef cattle head area? - BF 9
Leaving cheek hair and blending it into brisket area, Conventional, Behind ear, blended and joins the line in brisket
- Clipping what part of beef cattle will make it look like it has more or less volume? - BF 9
Rear flank
- It is very important that the hair is left in what area as long as possible, to insure blending of the joint - BF 9
Behind shoulder
- What is done when clipping cattle to reduce hock prominence? - BF 9
Hair long above, Ball of hock shaved to skin
- When halter breaking cattle, which is first? - BF 9
Tie to post, Do in short segments
- When leading cattle, your hand should be how far from its head? - BF 9
6-12 inches
- When showing, if you want a rear foot of a calf to move back what do you do? - BF 9
Push backward with halter, Press soft tissue where hoof is split of the foot that needs to be moved
- When showing, and the feet of a calf are too close together where should pressure be applied? - BF 9
Inside of leg above the hoof
- When showing cattle, where should the rear foot on far side from the judge be placed? - BF 9
In front of foot closer to the judge
- When showing cattle, where should the front feet be placed? - BF 9
Set square, Staggered - far foot slightly behind closer foot
- Which is NOT a function of the beef market? - BF 10
- Which is a type of market for beef cattle? - BF 10
Terminal public market, Auction markets, Electronic markets, Livestock dealer
- Which beef cattle market has direct delivery of livestock to the packing plant, and the price is determined between the buyer and seller? - BF 10
Direct to packer sales
- Which is a feeder calf marketing option? - BF 10
Sell calves in fall, Sell at weaning, Keep calves and feed to harvest weight
- What is NOT part of a calf preconditioning program before a sale? - BF 10
Halter breaking
- Preconditioning calves should be done how long before cattle are transported? - BF 10
3-8 weeks
- What is a concern for the packer or others when buying show beef cattle? - BF 10
Dark cutters, Chemical residue, Grading
- Which practice is NOT used to minimize dark cutting in beef cattle? - BF 10 a. Avoid selecting cattle with excitable temperaments, b. Calmly handle cattle, c. Avoid crowding cattle, d. Don’t restrict food and water
None of the above
- Practicing means making sure there are no harmful residues in beef products. -BF 10
Quality assurance
- Which is NOT a feedstuff beef quality assurance guideline? - BF 10
Dry all feed for twenty four hours
- What is the maximum volume of a product that should be administered per intramuscular (IM) injection site in beef cattle? - BF 10
- Which injection type should be avoided if possible in beef cattle? - BF 10
Intramuscular (IM)
- Where should subcutaneous (SQ) injections be administered in beef cattle? - BF 10
Ahead of point of shoulder
- Which dairy cattle breed is one of the oldest breeds, originated in Switzerland, its color ranges from light gray to dark tan, black nose and white muzzle, and is large framed and tends to be more heavily muscled than other dairy breeds? - BF 11
Brown Swiss
- Which dairy cattle breed originated in the Netherlands, are characterized by their black and white or red and white markings, large framed, and females are known for high milk production? - BF 11
- Which dairy cattle breed originated on the Isle of Jersey, is the smallest dairy breed, recognized by their black muzzle encircled by a light-colored ring, females have rich milk high in fat and have tender, well-marbled meat? - BF 11