DC4H Sheep Flashcards Deck 1
1. The ideal final weight for a market sheep ready for the fair is 160-180 lbs. - SH 2
- In market sheep you evaluate structural soundness from the ground up. - SH 2
- Sheep get two permanent teeth a year until they are six years of age. - SH 2
- A balling gun allows you to put the bolus down the sheep’s throat so it will not spit it out. - SH 3
- When giving liquid dewormer to sheep push the syringe plunger in fast. - SH 3
- Lambs that are cool and clean gain weight better and stay healthier. - SH 3
- Each sheep in your care needs to be permanently identified. - SH 3
- A teaser ram placed with ewes ten to fourteen days prior to placing the intact ram with the ewes, will shorten the breeding season. - SH 3
- After lambing pull out the after birth if needed in sheep. - SH 3
- Intramuscular injections should not be made if blood appears in the syringe. - SH 3
- When giving subcutaneous shots, insert the needle parallel with the muscle. - SH 3
- The sooner you start lambs on dry feed, the more rapidly their digestive systems develop. - SH 4
- Over-fat sheep have a higher reproductive rate. - SH 4
- The more water in sheep feed the more nutrients there are in a pound of feed. - SH 4
- Good quality roughage’s are those that are cut early. - SH 4
- You don’t need to consult your vet if you know what is wrong with your sheep and how to take care of it. -SH 5
- When a new sheep first arrives, water them and then let them eat. - SH 5
- Trim the feet of every new sheep as they are unloaded and look for foot rot. - SH 5
- Foot rot is caused by two different bacteria that infect the foot, but it is not an infectious disease. - SH 5
- Sore mouth in sheep can cause fever and boil-like lesions on human skin. - SH 5
- Pneumonia only affects young sheep. - SH 5
- Prolapsed rectum must be surgically treated by your veterinarian. - SH 5
- Club lamb fungus first appears as 1 to 1-1/2 inch circular patches of crusted wool/hair which can be pulled off and leaves raw, wet skin. - SH 5
- Mutton is from a sheep over one year of age. - SH 6
- Ninety-eight percent of all quality graded lamb carcasses are prime, choice, or good. - SH 6
- Yield grade 5 represents the highest yield grade and yield grade 1 is the lowest yield grade in sheep. - SH 6
- Lambs with the callipyge gene have less muscle and less fat, also have more tender meat. - SH 6
- The callipyge gene is undesirable because tough meat is not wanted by the consumer. - SH 6
- Fat thickness at the twelfth rib is the one and only factor used to determine yield grade for sheep. - SH 6
- Wool is less fine in diameter and less elastic than hair. - SH 7
- Wool is nonflammable, strong, and easily dyed. - SH 7
- Wet sheep should be sheared. - SH 7
- It is recommended to wash the lambs BEFORE the show. - SH 8
- When shearing a sheep the rump is leveled out by shortening the wool over the hips. - SH 8
- Wool sheep are washed. - SH 8
- A large feeding before the show will keep the sheep active and alert. - SH 8
- During a show keep your hands on the throat and dock of the sheep. - SH 8
- Setting a sheep’s hind legs slightly wider than the front legs makes it look wider from behind. - SH 8
- Make contact with buyers before the sheep sale so they feel appreciated. - SH 8
- Sheep with young exhibit a maternal instinct, therefore they are usually easier to handle. - SH 9
- Most sheep related accidents are the result of people using poor judgment. - SH 9
- Crossbred ewe sheep are often more hardy and will produce lambs more efficiently on less feed stuff than purebred ewes. - SH 10
- In many animal science occupations the highest salaries go to those with the most education? - SH 12
- You can use the extra dose the vet gave your neighbor on your sheep with the same symptoms. - SH 13
- Everyone in the livestock industry is obligated to do their part to provide a safe, wholesome product to the consumer. - SH 13
- Production costs are nearly the same if a ewe sheep produces no offspring or one, two, or three lambs per year. - SH 11
- The medium wool sheep breeds and meat breeds tend to have shorter gestation periods than fine wool breeds. - SH 11
- All breeds of sheep come into heat at the same time of year. - SH 11
- True or False: You should provide fresh water to your sheep once a week. - SH 5
- True or False: A sheep’s normal body temperature is around 102.3. - SH 5
- True or False: Sheep cannot get sick from contaminated food. - SH 5
- True or False: It is not important to isolate a sick animal immediately. - SH 5
- True or False: Enterotoxemia is better known as “over-eating” disease. - SH 5
- True or False: There is no way to prevent Enterotoxemia. - SH 5
- True or False: There are no effective treatments for external parasites. - SH 5
- True or False: Foot rot is fatal to your herd. - SH 5
- True or False: A noticeable sign of parasites may be poor weight gain. - SH 5
- True or False: Coccidiosis causes dark, watery diarrhea in lambs. - SH 5
- True or False: Pregnancy Toxemia is when the ewe lacks energy for both she and the lamb often resulting in death. - SH 5
- True or False: A common name for pregnancy toxemia is ketosis. - SH 5
- True or False: OPP or Ovine Progressive Pneumonia is a virus often times confused with mastitis. - SH 5
- True or False: When a ewe gets mastitis the milk may be watery with clumps, yellowish, or brown. - SH 5
- True or False: Pneumonia only affects young lambs. - SH 5
- True or False: Applying iodine to the navel for two to three days following birth will help decrease the possible infection of the navel stump. - SH 5
- True or False: It is not necessary to treat the navel stump after birth to prevent disease. - SH 5
- True or False: Sore mouth only infects young nursing lambs. - SH 5
- True or False: There is no good treatment for sore mouth once it is contracted. - SH 5
- True or False: Humans can develop blisters from the sore mouth virus. - SH 5
- True or False: White muscle disease results from inadequate selenium and vitamin E in the diet. - SH 5
- True or False: When tetanus is present you should vaccinate all lambs with tetanus antitoxin before castration. - SH 5
- True or False: There is no vaccination for tetanus. - SH 5
- True or False: Wethers and rams are more likely to suffer from urinary calculi than ewes. - SH 5
- True or False: For lambs on a high grain diet, ammonia chloride can be added to its feed to prevent urinary stones. - SH 5
- True or False: Ringworm is an internal parasite. - SH 5
- True or False: Club lamb fungus is not contagious and will not spread to other animals in your herd. - SH 5
- True or False: Club lamb fungus is also known as ringworm. - SH 5
- True or False: Humans can get ringworm from animals. - SH 5
- True or False: Club lamb fungus is easily spread through feeding and grooming equipment. - SH 5
- True or False: You must burn all items that come in contact with ringworm to destroy it. - SH 5
- True or False: Humans can contract club lamb fungus through touching infected surfaces. - SH 5
- True or False: You may be able to fix a prolapsed rectum without aid from your veterinarian. - SH 5
- True or False: Abortions are not contagious so there is no need to separate ewes that have aborted. - SH 5
- True or False: People are not infected with any illnesses from sheep or other animals. - SH 5
- True or False: You should bring a weak lamb into the house and hold it next to your skin for warmth. - SH 5
- True or False: A ewe may have a virus and may not show any symptoms. - SH 5
- True or False: You get two of every main cut of meat from one animal. - SH 7
- True or False: There are six main or “wholesale” cuts of meat. - SH 7
- True or False: Spareribs come from the rib/rack. - SH 7
- True or False: Neck slice is a retail cut. - SH 7
- True or False: Wool that has not been previously manufactured is spring wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Companies use lanolin from sheep wool to produce cosmetics and other ointments. - SH 7
- True or False: You should feed your sheep right before shearing to help them settle down. - SH 7
- True or False: If shearing several breeds at once, sheer all white faced sheep before starting on the black faced sheep and keep the wool separate. - SH 7
- True or False: You must sell the wool to a co-op under U.S. law. - SH 7
- True or False: Selling your wool to the shearer or buyer is not always the best option for getting the most money for your wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Carpet wool is the highest quality wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Apparel wools are very coarse until they have been processed. - SH 7
- True or False: Noils are the short fibers in wool used for making felt. - SH 7
- True or False: Clothing wool is the longest in each grade. - SH 7
- True or False: There is only one true way to grade wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Wool top is the combed fibers that are long enough to spin. - SH 7
- True or False: The fine diameter grades of wool shrink more than the lower grades. - SH 7
- True or False: Using paint for identification does not affect the wool. - SH 7
- True or False: The best packaging for wool is plastic feed bags. - SH 7
- True or False: Canary colored wool is bleached to come out white. - SH 7
- True or False: Tender wool is the most valuable. - SH 7
- True or False: When a sheep dies you may save the wool and it is still valuable. - SH 7
- True or False: Having tags in wool of manure, mud, or urine can ruin the fiber. - SH 7
- True or False: It is important to comb the wool before shearing as it is impossible after. - SH 7
- True or False: Multi-ply yarn is made when 4 or more yarns are twisted together. - SH 7
- True or False: You don’t want any crimps in the wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Black fleece is a rarity and considered valuable. - SH 7
- True or False: Uniformity is when the fleece is all the same in diameter. - SH 7
- True or False: A healthy strong sheep usually produces sound wool. - SH 7
- True or False: Most animal accidents are fatal for humans. - SH 9
- True or False: People may get injured from an animal because they are angry and distracted. - SH 9
- True or False: As long as you have the right equipment to keep an animal, you really don’t need to understand their behavior. - SH 9
- True or False: Beef and swine have good depth perception. - SH 9
- True or False: Sheep have good depth perception. - SH 9
- True or False: Sheep have color blindness, but good depth perception. - SH 9
- True or False: An example of a homeland instinct in a sheep pen are well worn paths between feed troughs and barns. - SH 9
- True or False: Your tame lamb may run from your friend if the lamb does not know them. - SH 9
- True or False: When frightened you sheep may crash into walls because of their colorblindness and poor depth perception. - SH 9
- True or False: It is best to slap your lamb with a stick when it misbehaves until it learns acceptable behavior. -SH 9
- True or False: If an animal refuses to enter an area the first time the next time it will go in with no problems. -SH 9
- True or False: Humans can contract diseases by handling infected animals. - SH 9
- True or False: The environment does not affect the safety of an animal. - SH 9
- True or False: Allowing easy access for routine chores can help prevent accidents. - SH 9
- True or False: Strong-arm attitude is very important when working with animals. - SH 9
- True or False: Common sense is a key ingredient to having success when handling animals. - SH 9
- True or False: Quality grades are used to predict tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. - SH 6
- True or False: The lamb should be under twelve months of age at harvesting or it is called mutton. - SH 6
- True or False: The lamb should have a thick layer of external fat to keep it from shrinking and drying out in the cooler. - SH 6
- True or False: The quality grade and yield grade are the same thing. - SH 6
- True or False: The amount of external fat plays the primary role in determining the yield grade. - SH 6
- True or False: Dressing percent refers to the relationship between carcass weight and live animal weight. -SH 6
- True or False: A lot of mud and manure have no influence on the dressing percent because it is on the outside of the animal. - SH 6
- True or False: A shorn lamb will have a higher dressing percentage. - SH 6
- True or False: The finish of the animal refers to the thickness and distribution of external fat. - SH 6
- True or False: In lamb production you should aim for 90 pounds of live weight in 120 days. - SH 6
- True or False: Today sheep producers are trying for the “double muscling” in lamb production. - SH 6
- True or False: The Callipyge gene is a desirable trait because the meat has so much muscle. - SH 6
- True or False: Wyoming is the number one state for lamb production. - SH 6
- True or False: New York and California are the top states for lamb consumption in the U.S. - SH 6
- True or False: The top sheep producing country is the U.S. - SH 6
- True or False: Mutton comes from any sheep over one year of age. - SH 6
- True or False: As a 4-H member, your main goal should be to win grand champion. - SH 13
- True or False: Regardless of being on the farm or in the show ring, you are responsible for the well-being of the animals. - SH 13
- True or False: In 4-H, there is no need to participate in club meetings as long as the project gets complete. -SH 13
- True or False: Your animal’s well-being is only important at the fair. - SH 13
- True or False: You cannot really do anything for your animal until you bring it home. - SH 13
- True or False: You should prepare your animals feeding area with ample bedding so they can rest between feeding. - SH 13
- True or False: You animal may need special care if it is in gestation, in lactation, or at stud. - SH 13
- True or False: Give injections only if it is necessary because it can damage valuable meats. - SH 13
- True or False: A medication can be used on any species as long as it is for animal use. - SH 13
- True or False: Extra-label drug use is illegal. - SH 13
- True or False: Tattooing is not recommended for identification because it can fade over time. - SH 13
- True or False: It is important to handle your animal often so you recognize behavior changes like if it becomes ill. - SH 13
- True or False: Continually watch your animal for signs of stress, pain, or illness. - SH 13
- True or False: Getting the top dollar for your animal at the livestock sale is most important. - SH 13
- True or False: When loading animals and transporting, safety for yourself and the animal should be you main concern. - SH 13
- True or False: Everyone involved in the livestock industry is obligated to do their part to provide a safe, wholesome product to the consumer. - SH 13
- True or False: An important fact in quality assurance is having an appropriate environmental design. - SH 13
- True or False: The only factor to good quality assurance is having good nutrition. - SH 13
- True or False: Rx medications can be sold through local retailers. - SH 13
- True or False: Antibiotics for humans may be used on an animal as long as the indication is the same. - SH 13
- True or False: Pharmacists may prescribe medications for animals just as vets may prescribe medications for humans. - SH 13
- True or False: The label will tell you if a medication is light sensitive. - SH 13
- True or False: All medications should be stored in a dark cabinet. - SH 13
- True or False: It is ok to use a medication past the expiration date as long as it has been stored correctly. -SH 13
- True or False: You are responsible for everything your animal consumes even if it is an accident. - SH 13
- True or False: If a medication is about to expire, you may freeze it to keep it longer. - SH 13
- True or False: Any medication will work for any species as long as it is for animals. - SH 13
- True or False: All medications should be injected for the best results. - SH 13
- True or False: All injectable medications should all be given in the muscle. - SH 13
- True or False: It is always best to give a subcutaneous injection if possible so you don’t damage any valuable meat. - SH 13
- True or False: It is best to give a subcutaneous injection behind the sheep’s ear if all possible. - SH 13
- True or False: Having good citizenship is being committed to the welfare of your community, state, or country. - SH 13
- True or False: A 4-H member should go along with others at all times to avoid conflict. - SH 13
- What does soundness in a lamb mean? - SH 2
There are no weak spots in the wool, The animal is free from disease and lacks structural defects that affect its usefulness
- What is another name for the back of a sheep? - SH 2
- The average market lamb on good feed will gain about per day. - SH 2
.5-.75 lbs.
- High priced cuts come from which part of a market lamb? - SH 2
Top, Hind saddle, Leg
- Which is NOT a place you evaluate the finish on a sheep? - SH 2
- The condition of a sheep refers to . - SH 2
Amount of fat
- Which is an advantage of having a sheep project? - SH 1
Understanding the needs and welfare of sheep, Small initial investment, Small space requirement
- After you have chosen to take a sheep project, which is NOT important that you know? - SH 1
How much it is worth
- What is the usual gestation length of sheep? - SH 1
143-152 days
- is the meat from sheep older than twelve months of age. - SH 1
- Adult bred ewes require how much loose square feet of barn space? - SH 3
- Which sheep bedding should be avoided because the sheep tend to eat it. - SH 3
- Stay on the side of the lamb, when leading near the . - SH 3
Left, Shoulder
- How should a well trimmed foot of a sheep look? - SH 3
Flat, Short
- When should breeding rams be shorn? - SH 3
Before breeding season
- Yearling weight of sheep should be taken at what age? - SH 3
335-395 days
- Wool measurements on sheep should be measured at what age of the sheep? - SH 3
1 year
- Which is NOT a sheep fleece quantity and quality measurement? - SH 3
Kemp weight
- What is the normal temperature range for a mature sheep? - SH 3
101.4-104.9 degrees Fahrenheit
- When should ewe sheep be flushed? - SH 3
Two weeks before breeding
- A ram lamb can breed how many ewes in a pasture breeding program? - SH 3
- A mature ram can breed how many ewes in a pasture breeding program? - SH 3
- What is the normal birth position for lambs? - SH 3
Front feet first with head lying on top
- What is the first thing to do once the lamb is born? - SH 3
Clear mouth and nasal of any fluids
- How long should a ewe and her lambs be placed in a lambing pen? - SH 3
1-3 days
- A lamb should nurse within how long after birth? - SH 3
1 hour
- What is the maximum amount given in one intramuscular injection site in sheep? - SH 3
- How old should lambs be when they are docked and/or castrated? - SH 3
4-14 days
- When using a elastrator to castrate a lamb, how many days till the scrotum and band should fall off? - SH 3
7-14 days
- When using any method of docking a lamb how far should it be from its body? - SH 3
3/4 - 1 inch
- When should lambs be weaned? - SH 3
60 days or 45 lbs.
- Feed starts being digested where in a sheep? - SH 4
- Which compartment of a sheep’s stomach grinds the feed and squeezes the water out of it? - SH 4
- Which compartment of a sheep’s stomach is the “true stomach” and has digestive juices that further break down feed into usable nutrients? - SH 4
- Which part of a sheep’s digestive tract is where most nutrients are absorbed? - SH 4
Small intestines
- How much of a sheep’s body weight is water? - SH 4
- What are the building blocks of a sheep’s body, they are made of amino acids that build muscle, blood, internal organs, skin and parts of the skeletal and nervous system? - SH 4
- What supplies energy to sheep and examples are sugar, starch, and fiber? - SH 4
Carbohydrates & fats
- Which is needed in small amounts and is used to build bones and teeth in sheep? - SH 4
- Which is needed in small amounts and all but three are produced in the sheep rumen? - SH 4
- Which vitamin is important for the prevention of white muscle disease in sheep? - SH 4
Vitamin E
- When should lambs be started on creep feed rations? - SH 4
5-12 days
- If adjustments or changes in feed are needed, over how long of a period should the change take place? - SH 4
2-4 days
- A lamb creep ration should contain how much protein? - SH 4
18-21 percent
- How much protein should be in a “growing” ration for lambs? - SH 4
14-16 percent
- During the last six weeks, the lambs gain about how much of their birth weight? - SH 4
- A young lamb will eat up to what amount of its body weight in dry matter? - SH 4
6 percent
- A mature sheep will eat up to what amount of its body weight in dry matter. - SH 4
3 percent
- What is another name for wet basis sheep feed? - SH 4
As-fed, Sample basis, Fresh basis, As is
- How are the ingredients on a sheep feed label listed? - SH 4
Highest concentration to lowest
- What is a healthy temperature for sheep? - SH 5
102.3 degrees Fahrenheit
- How long should you wait before putting a new sheep with your flock? - SH 5
30 days
- Which is NOT a symptom of internal parasites in sheep? - SH 5
Redness around eyes and gums
- Which sheep is/are most often affected by urinary calculi? - SH 5
Ram, Wethers
- What is NOT a common external parasite on sheep? - SH 5
- What disease is commonly known as “overeating” disease? - SH 5
- Most abortions occur in what period of pregnancy? - SH 5
Last one-half or one-third
- Which is NOT a palatability characteristic of sheep meat? - SH 6
- Conformation is most noticeable in which area of a sheep? - SH 6
Leg, Loin, Shoulder
- A lamb must be younger than of age or it is classified a mutton. - SH 6
12 months
- Amount of fat on a sheep is measured at which rib? - SH 6
- What is the average dressing percent for lambs? - SH 6
52 percent
- What is the normal range of the size of the loin eye in sheep in square inches? - SH 6
- What is the ideal weight of a live lamb? - SH 6
115-140 lbs.
- What is the ideal carcass weight of a sheep? - SH 6
55-75 lbs.
- What is the average yield grade on a sheep carcass? - SH 6
- Which state in the U.S. is first in sheep production? - SH 6
- Which is not a sheep by-product? - SH 7
- Which is not a sheep by-product? - SH 7
Formica counter tops
- is wool from the hindquarters of the sheep, usually the coarsest on the body. - SH 7
- is the closeness of the fibers per unit area of skin on a sheep. - SH 7
- is abnormal, coarse, hairy fibers in some sheep’s fleece. - SH 7
- is the process of removing the grease, dirt, etc., from the sheep’s wool. - SH 7
- Do not feed or water sheep how long before shearing? - SH 7
12-24 hours
- Which is an option for selling sheep wool? - SH 7
Sell directly to shearer or buyer, Sell at a wool pool, Sell at a co-op
- are the longest sheep wools within each grade and are highest priced and best. -SH 7
Combing or staple wool
- is the shortest in each grade of wool for sheep. - SH 7
Clothing wool
- Which is NOT a reason to reject wool? - SH 7
- sheep wool disentangles and separates the wool fibers. - SH 7
- At least how long before a show should your lamb be taken on daily walks. - SH 8
1 month
- How do you get a sheep to move? - SH 8
Pull up on the dock, Apply pressure behind the ears
- It is recommended to trim a sheep’s feet at least how long before the show if needed? - SH 8
2 weeks
- Wool sheep should be shorn before a show. - SH 8
3-5 weeks
- After the sale for sheep what should you do? - SH 8
Thank buyers
- Which is a reason people are injured when working with sheep? - SH 9
Haste, Impatience, Anger, Preoccupation
- When handling sheep, if possible, where should the young in relationship to the adults be? - SH 9
Close to adults
- Sheep are extremely sensitive to and are easily frightened and spooked. - SH 9
- Which term indicates an illness that can be transmitted between humans and sheep? - SH 9
- Which is NOT a zoonotic disease found in sheep? - SH 9
- Which is a way to reduce exposure to zoonotic diseases in sheep? - SH 9
Prompt treatment, Proper cleaning, Proper protective equipment
- Which is NOT a way to help reduce risk at sheep facilities? - SH 9
Smooth walkways
- The goal of the entire sheep industry is to provide . - SH 10
Wholesome food, Quality fiber
- Which is a trait of sheep that commercial producers emphasize and is very important? - SH 10
Reproduction, Growth rate
- Lamb feeders like to purchase lambs with which characteristic(s)? - SH 10
Frame size, Growth rate
- Farm flock operations usually have about how many sheep? - SH 10
- Range sheep operations usually have about how many sheep? - SH 10
- Which sheep breed was developed in the United States from a Lincoln ram and Rambouillet ewe cross and is large, white faced, polled and has wool on the legs? - SH 10
- Which sheep breed was developed in Spain, is the basis for all wool breeds and has a white face with wool on its head and legs? - SH 10
- Which sheep breed was developed in France, will breed out of season and has wool that is fine in fiber diameter, is large, white face, and polled or horned? - SH 10
- Which sheep breed is polled with a lean black head and legs, is known for its meatiness, high carcass quality, and rapidly growing lambs? - SH 10
- From who can you seek advice about careers in animal science? - SH 12
Parents, High school guidance counselors, Teachers, Extension agents
- Which group of animal science careers is for someone who enjoys working with animals and being directly involved, and likes to be outdoors? - SH 12
Production management
- Reporters, management personnel, and commission agents are in what group of animal science careers? -SH 12
- To be prepared for higher education in animal science which high school courses should be taken? - SH 12
English, Math, Science
- What is a privilege of working with sheep? - SH 13
To be recognized, To know about your project, To receive information to raise project, To be given a variety of experiences
- Which is NOT a responsibility of raising sheep? - SH 13
Go to every show in your area
- What is the first thing to think about for your sheep’s well-being before you get it? - SH 13
Are facilities big enough
- Once your sheep arrives what is an important first step for the animals’ well-being? - SH 13
Feed balanced ration
- Be sure your sheep is receiving the nutrition it needs based on all these EXCEPT: - SH 13
- In sheep it is recommended to give all injections in what part of the body to avoid damage to high priced meat cuts? - SH 13
- A sheep care plan includes all the following EXCEPT? - SH 13
- What is the most common, permanent identification used for individual sheep? - SH 13
Ear tag & Tattoo
- If possible, how often should you spend time with your sheep, other than feeding, to train and get use to it? -SH 13
Every day
- What are the two P’s of sheep training and care? - SH 13
Patience & Practice
- Which is NOT a good way to care for sheep? - SH 13
Let roam anywhere
- in raising sheep involves providing for the animals’ needs to produce a healthy animal and a wholesome product. - SH 13
Quality assurance
- Which is NOT an injectable route of administering a drug to sheep? - SH 13
Drenching tube
- Which injection in sheep is given under the skin? - SH 13
- Which is NOT a pillar of character in the sheep industry? - SH 13
- Which is defined as the period of time from the end of one heat period to the start of the next in sheep? -SH 11
Estrous cycle
- How long is the average gestation in sheep? - SH 11
148 days
- In sheep which is defined as the release of a mature egg from the follicle of an ovary? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a male sheep is the sex gland where sperm originate? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a male sheep is the duct that collects and stores sperm while they undergo a maturation? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a male sheep is an external pouch of skin that encloses the testicles and aids in regulating their temperature? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a female sheep is the organ that contains and nourishes the embryo throughout gestation until the fetus is born? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a female sheep is where semen is deposited during mating? - SH 11
- Which reproductive organ of a female sheep is the gland where eggs originate and is the site of production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone? - SH 11
- Ewe and ram sheep normally reach puberty at what age? - SH 11
5-8 months
- In sheep how long is the time between estrus or heat periods? - SH 11
14-19 days
- In sheep how long is the length of estrus or heat period? - SH 11
20-42 hours
- In sheep where does fertilization occur? - SH 11
- Which reproductive hormone in the ewe sheep is the hormone that maintains pregnancy? - SH 11
- The is the way genes are expressed or physical appearance of sheep. - SH 11
- Sheep have how many pairs of chromosomes? - SH 11
- Which is NOT a highly heritable sheep trait? - SH 11
Birth weight
- A gene pair in sheep with different genes for the same trait is called what? - SH 11
- A gene pair in sheep where both genes are identical is called what? - SH 11
- Selecting sheep replacements, chosen on the average performance of the whole family, is what type of selection for single traits? - SH 11
Family selection
- Which type of straight breeding in sheep is the continuous use of unrelated rams? - SH 11
- Which is NOT a type of crossbreeding system used in sheep production. - SH 11
Line breeding
- What inherited defect in sheep is when one or both testes of the ram may be retained in the abdomen? - SH 11
- Which is an inherited defect in sheep that is a recessive trait that results in lambs with deformed legs and spine? - SH 11
Spider lamb syndrome
- What inherited defect in sheep is a serious defect that results in abnormally short legs, decreased fertility, and a short life span? - SH 11
- What inherited defect in sheep is when the lower eyelid rolls in and causes eye irritation? - SH 11
- What type of goat is the best choice for a pack goat? - SH 9
Wether dairy goat
- If you notice a sheep showing signs of illness, the first thing you should is . - SH 5
Remove it from the herd into isolation
- You should haul your new sheep home in a . - SH 5
A draft free vehicle
- You should fill your sheep’s water . - SH 5
- “Over-eating” disease is also known as . - SH 5
- Enterotoxemia is caused by . - SH 5
Sudden change in diet
- Lice, ticks, and mange are considered . - SH 5
External parasites
- When two different highly infectious bacteria infect the foot it’s called . - SH 5
Foot rot
- A sign of foot rot may be . - SH 5
Bad odor between the toes, Limping, Swelling
- Stomach and intestinal worms are known as . - SH 5
Internal parasites
- Treating your animal for internal parasites is done by giving . - SH 5
- is a parasite that causes watery, dark diarrhea in lambs. - SH 5
- Coccidiostats added to the feed help control the parasites that cause . - SH 5
- Pregnancy toxemia is commonly known as . - SH 5
Lambing sickness
- Failure to provide enough feed to meet the nutritional needs of a pregnant ewe may result in death due to . - SH 5
Pregnancy toxemia
- An inflammation of the udder or mammary gland is called . - SH 5
- When the udder becomes hard, painful, reddened and swollen it is likely the ewe has . - SH 5
- Factors that may cause pneumonia could be: - SH 5
Cold stress, High humidity, Poor ventilation
- Infection of the navel cord stump is called . - SH 5
Navel ill
- A virus recognized by small red spots at the corners of the lips is called . - SH 5
Sore mouth
- Lack of vitamin E and selenium result in the disease . - SH 5
Stiff lamb
- Stiff lamb disease is another name for the disease . - SH 5
White muscle
- Club lamb fungus is a fungal infection also known as . - SH 5
- If you notice circular patches of crusted wool or hair, which when pulled, leaves a wet raw skin surface, then your animal may have . - SH 5
- When a lamb is born dead, this is referred to as . - SH 5
- If abortion occurs, it is best to have the dead lamb . - SH 5
Evaluated by a veterinarian to determine the cause
- Before administering medications of any kind it is best to check for a . - SH 5
Withdrawal time before harvest
- When maintaining medication records in a book, you should record the . - SH 5
Animals treated, Date, Drug administered
- The best place to give an an IM or SC injection to a lamb is . - SH 5
In its neck
- Crown roast comes from the . - SH 7
- A blade chop comes from the . - SH 7
- Riblets are a cut from the . - SH 7
Breasts and Foreshanks
- The American-style roast comes from the . - SH 7
- A pre-sliced shoulder is best cooked by or braised. - SH 7
- A hind shank should be braised or . - SH 7
Cooked in liquid
- The arm chop is a cut. - SH 7
- One of two products sheep produce is . - SH 7
- Sheep wool contains a “grease” called used in cosmetics. - SH 7
- Once the wool is removed from the sheep it must first be . - SH 7
- When an individual fleece is evaluated and separated using grading criteria it is called . - SH 7
- A major class of wool is . - SH 7
- Ninety percent of raw wool and most common in the United States is wool. - SH 7
- Apparel wool is used to make . - SH 7
Blankets, Clothing, Upholstery
- The finest class of wool and most common is wool. - SH 7
- The wool most commonly used for making fabric is wool. - SH 7
- Staple wool are usually the priced wool. - SH 7
- Wool grading is based on the of the fiber. - SH 7
Diameter and Fineness
- The American or Blood System divides all wool from . - SH 7
Finest to coarsest
- The system that microscopically measures the diameter of the wool fibers in microns is the .-SH 7
Objective Measurement System
- Shrink is determined by the amount of . - SH 7
Dirt, Moisture, Yolk
- A common contaminant of wool is . - SH 7
Burrs, Hay, Seeds
- Possible wool stains could come from . - SH 7
Medication, Paint, Urine
- Wool may be rejected because it is too . - SH 7
- A felted condition where the wool interlocks because of the lack of yolk the wool becomes . - SH 7
- Disentangling and separating the wool is called . - SH 7
- Reducing the wool top is called . - SH 7
- The interlacing of two sets of yarn is . - SH 7
- The entire fiber should be the entire length to improve overall appearance and spinning quality of fleece. - SH 7
- The color of wool should be . - SH 7
Cream to white
- Most animal accidents happen from lack of . - SH 9
Safety awareness
- Animal handling is often learned from . - SH 9
Watching others
- An animal with color blindness is a . - SH 9
Beef, Dairy Cattle, Swine
- The reason cattle may spook at shadows is due to their . - SH 9
Color blindness
- Sheep are very in their pens, barns, and pastures. - SH 9
- Forcibly removing an animal from their homeland area can cause animals to . - SH 9
React unexpected
- A problem can occur or cause the animal to act strangely when . - SH 9
Herds are separated, Moving animals to new area, Taking them away from feed
- The best way to move your market lamb is by . - SH 9
Halter & Lead
- The danger of standing too close to an animal that turns suddenly is you could be . - SH 9
Knocked down
- The word “balk” refers to an animal that is being . - SH 9
- The best way to avoid problems when moving an animal is to before you begin. - SH 9
- Animals experience . - SH 9
Fear, Hunger, Strong maternal instinct
- You can get infected with a zoonotic disease by . - SH 9
Being bitten, Disposing infected tissues, Handling infected animals
- Other common problems to avoid would be . - SH 9
Improper lifting of young
- The age of the animal is the . - SH 6
- A lamb should be under months or it is classified as mutton. - SH 6
- The firmness of lean and fat is measured at the and is an indicator of carcass fatness. - SH 6
- The amount of plays the primary role in determining yield grade. - SH 6
External fat
- The amount of fat is measured at the rib above the loin eye muscle. - SH 6
- As the amount of increases, the yield grade decreases. - SH 6
External fat
- The degree of finish can be determined by observing the fat thickness directly over the top of the . - SH 6
Loin eye
- The can be used as an indicator of muscling. - SH 6
Loin eye area
- A goal for lamb production is to have pounds of live weight in 120 days or less. - SH 6
- Lamb production should have a goal of quality grade or better. - SH 6
- The gene that causes double muscling in sheep is called the gene. - SH 6
Callipye gene
- The largest cut of meat on the lamb is the . - SH 6
- The has the most carcass value. - SH 6
- The ideal weight of a lamb for dressing is pounds. - SH 6
- A modified hot house lamb up to 70 pounds, with normal slaughtering is a lamb. - SH 6
Easter lamb
- Your main duty as a 4-H member is to . - SH 13
Learn to properly care for your animal
- A privilege of being in 4-H is . - SH 13
To ask questions and share concerns, To be given a variety of experiences relating to your project, To know as much about your project as possible
- A reward of participating in the 4-H program is . - SH 13
To enjoy satisfaction from a job well done, To feel good about producing a quality project, To make friends
- Some planning you can do before bringing home your animal project is - SH 13
Inspecting the pen for safety, Planning for space to house your animal, Think about bedding
- When questions arise concerning your animal’s health, it is best to contact . - SH 13
- Use a injections whenever possible so as not to damage any meat. - SH 13
- A deviation from the label directions or use without veterinarian approval is called . -SH 13
Extra-label drug use
- Each of your animals need to be permanently . - SH 13
- You should work with your animal to get the best results at the show. - SH 13
- You should maintain for your animal through the show and until the buyer takes ownership. -SH 13
Care, Feeding, Watering
- In caring for your animal, you need to control and prevent disease. - SH 13
Flies, Lice, Worms
- Be aware of animal at all stages of production. - SH 13
- Who is responsible for ensuring a high quality product goes to the consumer? - SH 13
4-H member, Breeder, Packer
- When you use a medication for something other than what it should be used for or use more than you should, this is called . - SH 13
Extra-label drug use
- OTC medications can be purchased . - SH 13
Over the counter
- An animal should not be slaughtered if given a medication that has a time it has been treated with unless that time has passed for the residue to clear. - SH 13
- A medication that is stored incorrectly will lose its . - SH 13
Ability to work, Effectiveness, Potency
- If there is a drug recall, check the to see if your bottle was affected. - SH 13
Lot number
- If you do not recall when you purchased a medication and wonder if it is too old, check the to be sure. - SH 13
Expiration date
- Approved uses or is for which the drug is to be used. It states what animal and illness it will treat. - SH 13
- How a product is given is the . - SH 13
Route of administration
- Oral administration means to give through the . - SH 13
By mouth
- The livestock show is usually in conjunctions with the county . - SH 13
County fair
- Good is an important part of competing in the 4-H program. - SH 13
- Proper training of your animal for the show ring should not inflict on your animal. - SH 13
Abuse, Injury, Pain
- Do your best and be a good example is being a 4-H member. - SH 13
- Do unto others as you would have them do to you is for others. - SH 13
- Building good is the main goal of 4-H. - SH 13
- When selecting a lamb for a project, look for what three things?
Breed, Size, Quality
- When you remove the tail of a lamb it is called . - SH 2
- When a sheep has knees bent slightly forward it is . - SH 2
- When a sheep has knees bent slightly backward it is . - SH 2
- Name four of the eleven characteristics that you look for when selecting a market lamb. -SH 2
Balance, Size and scale (height, length, width), Depth of body, Levelness of rump, Length of hind saddle, Length of body,
Depth of fullness of leg, Trimness of middle, Correctness of feet, legs, & pastern, Length of head & neck, Trimness of breast
- When the top and bottom jaw are aligned on a sheep, it is called . - SH 2
Normal mouth
- Name four of the eight major points that breeding sheep are judged on. -SH 2
Breed and sex character, Fleece, Condition, Size, Soundness, Muscling, Finish, Expected carcass merit
- Name two people on whom the successful completion of a sheep project depends. -SH 1
Parents, Experts, 4-H leaders, You
- What are the two important products from sheep? -SH 1
Wool, Meat
- A is a male or female sheep between one and two years of age. - SH 1
- is the removal of the tail from the sheep. - SH 1
- Name four general needs of sheep.
Cool, dry, and draft free sleeping area, Use saw dust and wood shavings for bedding, If in a dirt pen, locate water where it will drain off if spilled Lambs need shade in the summer, Fresh air access, Space for exercising, Clean, fresh water readily available, Change water twice per day if you use a bucket, Keep feed troughs clean, Clean area on a regular basis
- The best way to catch a sheep is by its . - SH 3
- When the halter is on a sheep, the lead portion should come out on the side of its head. -SH 3
- Name the two basic methods of giving deworming medication to sheep. -SH 3
Drenching, Giving a bolus
- When setting a sheep on its rump, stand on its side, quickly bend the sheep’s head toward its shoulder while pushing its rump and toward you. - SH 3
Left, Right, Down
- The is the weight of a lamb taken within twenty four hours after birth. - SH 3
Birt weight
- is the weight of the freshly shorn fleece in pounds, to the nearest tenth of a pound in sheep. - SH 3
Grease weight
- Name two wool flock expected progeny differences (FEPD) for sheep. -SH 3
Grease fleece weight, Clean fleece weight, Staple length, Fiber diameter
- A ram is one that has been surgically sterilized and thus cannot get a ewe pregnant. - SH 3
- is when you don’t shear the whole ewe just the wool from the udder, flanks, and dock area. - SH 3
Crutching out
- Name three signs that a ewe is ready to lamb. -SH 3
Swollen, distended, or redness of the udder, Swelling and redness of the vulva, Sinking in front of hips, Nervous or restless behavior, Characteristic bleating
- Name three lambing position problems that may occur in sheep. -SH 3
Big-headed lamb, Big-shouldered lamb, One front leg turned back, Both front legs turned backward, Legs presented but head twisted back, Lamb is backwards or breech
- If the lamb is too weak to nurse how should nourishment be given? - SH 3
- is a castrated male lamb. - SH 3
- Name two methods of castrating lambs. -SH 3
Knife, Burdizzo (emasculatome), Elastrator and elastrator band
- Name four lambing equipment supplies needed. -SH 3
Thermometer, Towels, Syringes and needles, Disinfectant and fly repellent, Paint stick, Balling gun, Dose syringe, Marker paint and number set Emasculatome, emasculator, or elastrator, Wool clippers, Ear tags, Hoof trimmers, Heat lamps, Halter, Bottles and nipples, Barn sheet and clip board Scales
- A sheep is a , which means it has more than one compartment in its stomach. - SH 4
- Name the four compartments of a sheep’s stomach. -SH 4
Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, Abomasum
- are elements in feed that are used by a sheep for growth and production. -SH 4
- Name the five categories of nutrients for sheep. -SH 4
Water, Protein, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Vitamins
- Name three classes of feed stuff used for sheep. -SH 4
Roughage’s, Concentrates, Protein supplements, Other feed stuff
- A is the required amount and properties of nutrients for sheep. - SH 4
- Name four things that affect a sheep’s feed requirement. -SH 4
Climate, Age, Sex, Body size, Exercise, Stage of Production
- Name three things the guaranteed analysis of sheep feed includes. -SH 4
Minimum percentage of crude protein Crude fat, Crude fiber, Minimum and maximum percentage of calcium, Minimum percentage of phosphorus, Minimum and maximum percentage of salt, Minimum vitamin A in international units (IU) per pound
- Name five of the sixteen common diseases or sicknesses in sheep. -SH 5
Enterotoxemia, External parasites, Foot rot, Internal parasites, Coccidiosis, Pregnancy toxemia, Mastitis, Pneumonia, Prolapsed rectum, Navel ill, Sore mouth/contagious ecthyma, Stiff lamb/white-muscle disease, Tetanus, Urinary calculi,Club lamb fungus, Abortions
- What two common management procedures are frequently associated with tetanus in sheep? -SH 5
Docking, Castrating
- is when mastitis in sheep develops fast and severe, is when mastitis in sheep develops slowly. - SH 5
Acute mastitis, Chronic mastitis
- When recording medication/treatment for a sheep, name four things you should include. -SH 5
Animals treated, Date of treatment, Drug(s) and vaccines administered,Who administered the drug(s), Amount administered, Withdrawal time prior to slaughter
- What are the four ways to give a sheep medicine? -SH 5
PO/O orally, SQ under skin, IM in the muscle, IV into the blood
- Name the USDA quality grades for lambs and yearling lamb carcasses. -SH 6
Prime, Choice, Good, Utility
- Name the quality grades for slaughter (mutton) sheep carcasses. -SH 6
Choice, Good, Utility, Cull
- refers to the expected yield of boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts in sheep. - SH 6
Yield grade
- How do you find the dressing percent of a sheep? - SH 6
Chilled carcass weight divided by live weight times one hundred.
- Name four factors which influence dressing percentage for sheep. -SH 6
Increase in fill, Pelt weight, A lot of mud and manure, Heavy-muscled lambs, Fatter lambs, Shorn lambs (Fill, pelt, muscle, fat)
- refers to the thickness and distribution of external fat on a sheep carcass. -SH 6
- The area in sheep can be used as an indicator of muscling in the carcass. -SH 6
Loin eye
- What is it called when a sheep has heavy muscling? - SH 6
Double muscling
- Name the six whole sale cuts of lamb. -SH 6
Shoulder, Rib/Rack, Breast, Foreshank, Leg, Loin
- Name four of the wholesale cuts on market lambs. -SH 7
Shoulder, Rack, Loin, Leg, Breast, Foreshank
- Name three characteristics used for grading sheep fleeces. -SH 7
Fineness Yield, Color, Staple length, Vegetable matter type and content
- The two major classes of wool are wool and wool. - SH 7
Carpet, Apparel
- Sheep wool grading is based primarily on . - SH 7
Fiber diameter or fineness
- What are the four criteria sheep fleece is evaluated on? -SH 7
Character, Color, Uniformity, Wastiness
- Name two ways that daily walks improve a sheep. -SH 8
Conditions muscle, Improves feet and leg soundness, Firms finish
- To lead a sheep, place one hand under the and one hand on the. - SH 8
Jaw, Dock
- Practice showmanship you handle a sheep. - SH 8
Every time
- shearing and leaving on a sheep are types of shearing. - SH 8
Slick, Butt wool