Daycare Flashcards
What does daycare refer to?
Any situation where a child is cared for by someone other than the parents for some or all of the day. It is a form of short term seperation.
What % of children under 1 years old are enrolled in daycare in the US?
What types of daycare are there?
a creche, day nurseries, childminders
What % of children in Canada are enrolled in daycare?
78% of all families with children aged 0-14 years said they …..
used childcare when asked about their recent term time week
What is the key question?
What issues should parents take into account when deciding upon daycare for their child?
Examples of factors to consider when deciding upon daycare…
- Child:Staff ratios
- Levels of qualifications that staff have
- Type of daycare
- Age of onset
- Child’s temperament
- Staff turnover
- Training
- Quality
What advantage of daycare did NICHD/SECCYD find?
That nursery type daycare led to improvements in cognitive development such as aggression and disobedience.
What disadvantage did NICHD/SECCYD find?
No difference in benefits in daycare depending on the economic or social status of the family. A child who spent a while in childcare nearing school age was found to show behavioural problems.
What advantage did Belsky and Plues find (2011)?
There is a suggestion that the individual differences of a child predicted how beneficial good quality daycare was
What have studies shown about daycare?
A child who started before 3 years old had better intellectual development, sociability, independence and concentration
What disadvantage did Belsky and Plues (2011) find?
Low quality childcare experiences predict later problems in the child such as them being impulsive and taking risks but this is dependent on the temperment of the child
What disadvantage did Belsky and Rovine (1988) find?
Found a higher incidence of insecure avoident attachment types with mother (43%) among children who attended more thsn 20 hours a week
What is a weakness of daycare research?
It is correlational meaning any associations cannot show cause and effect
What does SECCYD say that a good daycare needs?
Good adult:child ratios, low staff turnover, trained staff and a warm caring relationship
How many under 1 or 1 year olds can one staff member in nursery look after?
How many 2 year olds can one staff member in nursery look after?
How many 3 year olds can one staff member look after in nursery?
How many children can childminders look after?
- 6 in total
- 3 under 5yrs
- 1 under 1yrs
How many staff must have qualifications in daycare?
How long are daycare centres open?
What did Ruhm find about daycare?
Found that daycare had a negative impact on later verbal ability, reading and maths skills at school
What did Clarke-Stewart find?
No difference in attachment type formed with parents whether children spent more or less time in daycare
What did Burchinal find?
High quality daycare led to positive effects on language and cognitive ability
What dod Andersson find?
Those in daycare in Sweden had more friends and were more outgoing
What did Howes find about daycare?
High quality daycare led to happier, more considerate and less shy children