day 5 Flashcards
What are the benefits associated with living in a community?
sociality, protection, economic activity
What are the common problems faced by communities?
They face problems
- with decision making
- deciding how much dissent and nonconformity a community can face and still accomplish its aims
- culture and values change over time/communities response
- can safety be preserved in a way that doesn’t violate ind rights and extends to all?
- communitarianism can lead to tyranny and even totalitarianism
What were the 2 great forces involved in the settlement/growth or the American colonies?
ideas and money
How did the reformation change the view of the state? Luther vs Calvin?
people no longer ha dot go through authority to access God,
had a direct link to God, promoted equality, govt should not get in-between god and individual.
-Luther believed state was necessary to control the chaos of the fallen world, and that it god established it to help and therefore christians should be subject to a secular govt.
-Calvin believed that subjection to the state posed problems for Christians
Covenant vs corporate communities
Covenant communities:
-republic is formed to glorify god
-the elect will build city upon a hill(Winthrop)
-He believed in 2 liberties.
civil lib:men are free to do that which is just and good natural liberty: free to do what they please
civil liberty is a communal notion of liberty natural is an individualistic one
Corporate communities:
-economic self interest
What is a social compact?
an agreement for mutual benefit between an individual or group and the government or community as a whole.