day 5 Flashcards
period of recovery from illness or injury until returning to MAXIMUM LEVEL OF FUNCTIONING (does not always mean independence); as you age, recovery time increases
we don’t have to help them complete a task
we don’t have to help them complete a task but we do have to be there
limited assistance
we helped them a little, physical touch, no “muscle” use/ no effort
we had to you physical touch and muscle use/effort but the resident DID help
we had to do everything including physical touch, muscle/effort, resident did NOT help
Assistive Equipment
devices used to complete ADLs (walker, cane, wheelchair, diff. sized utensils, divided plates, show horn, sock aid
physical therapy (PT)
rehab services that work with strengthening the body
PT goals
ambulation and range of motion; get you place to place
Occupational Therapy (OT)
rehab services that works with adaptive equipment use for ADL independence
OT goals
focused on the ADLs and works closely with CNAs
speech therapy (ST)
rehab services that works with communication and swallowing difficulties; ALWAYS in place for stroke survivors
Restorative Care
Nursing specific rehab services (nurses and CNAs); takes place after the 100 days in TCU
Range of Motion (Active and Passive)
exercises that promote full range of motion of a joint
Passive ROM
resident cannot help at all, we have to help (staff does it)