day 4 - Acute Pain Management Flashcards
define pain
Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.
who pain ladder
“Pain ladder”, or analgesic ladder, was originated by the World Health Organization (WHO) to describe its guideline for the use of drugs in the management of pain. It was originally applied to the management of cancer pain, but is now widely used by medical professionals for the management of all types of pain.
The general principle is to start with first step drugs, and then to climb the ladder if pain is still present. The medications range from household, over-the-counter drugs with minimal side-effects at the lowest rung, to powerful opioids.
Bottom rung of ladder (mild pain): Non opioid +/- adjuvant
Middle rung of ladder (moderate pain): Weak opioid +/- non opioid +/- adjuvant
Highest rung of ladder (severe pain): Strong opioid +/- non opioid +/- adjuvant
Acute Pain Analgesic Staircase
Stage 1: Immediately post-operative Strong opioid e.g. morphine sc,im,iv or PCA or epidural opioid/ local anaesthetic infusion +/- non-opioid analgesic
 Stage 2: Oral opioid for moderate to strong pain +/- non-opioid analgesic( NSAID)
Stage 3: Prior to discharge      Non-opioid analgesic
Non-opioid Analgesics
Paracetamol: Acetaminophen centrally acting 1g 6h or 15-20mg/kg for children
Diclofenac sodium: 50mg TDS orally
SE: Prostaglandin and prostacyclin effect
Ibuprofen, diclofenac, naproxen, piroxicam
COX 1 and COX 2

Compound Analgesics
Co-Proxamol: Paracetamol 325mg, Dextropropoxyphene 32.5mg
Co-Dydramol: Paracetamol 500mg,Dihydrocodeine 10mg
Co-Codamol: Paracetamol 500mg, Codeine phosphate 8mg
Aspav: Aspirin 500mg and opium alkaloids
Weak opioids
Dihydrocodeine 30mg 4 hrly po
Tramadol weak iv,po agonist 50-100mg
Buprenorphine 200-400mcg sl 4-6h
Codeine phosphate 30- 60mg 4h
Strong opioids
Local Anaesthetic Techniques
Local anaesthetics are either esters or amides
Influence action potential along the nerve
 Local infiltration
Nerve block/ Plexus block with ultrasound
Caudal/ epidural/spinal analgesia