DAY 3 (AM) Mercantile Law Flashcards
1) Letters of Credit are financial devices in commercial transactions which will ensure that the seller of the goods is sure to be paid when he parts with the goods and the buyer of the goods gets control of the goods upon payment.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) The use of the Letter of Credit serves to reduce the risk of nonpayment of the purchase price in a sale transaction.
b) The Letters of Credit can only be used exclusively in a sales transaction.
c) The Letters of Credit are issued for the benefit of the seller only.
d) (a), (b) and (c) are all correct.
a) The use of the Letter of Credit serves to reduce the risk of nonpayment of the purchase price in a sale transaction.
2) A Letter of Credit which is used in non-sale transaction, where it serves to reduce the risk of non-performance, is called _______.
a) irrevocable letter of credit
b) standby letter of credit
c) confirmed letter of credit
d) none of the above
b) standby letter of credit
3) At the instance of CCC Corporation, AAA Bank issued an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of BBB Corporation. The terms of the irrevocable Letter of Credit state that the beneficiary must present certain documents including a copy of the Bill of Lading of the importation for the bank to release the funds. BBB Corporation could not find the original copy of the Bill of Lading so it instead presented to the bank a xerox copy of the Bill of Lading.
Would you advise the bank to allow the drawdown on the Letter of Credit?
a) No, because the rule of strict compliance in commercial transactions involving letters of credit, requiring documents set as conditions for the release of the fund, has to be strictly complied with or else funds will not be released.
b) Yes, because an irrevocable letter of credit means that the issuing bank undertakes to release the fund anytime when claimed by the beneficiary, regardless of the kind of document presented.
c) Yes, because the issuing bank can always justify to CCC Corporation that xerox copies are considered as faithful reproduction of the original copies.
d) Yes, because the issuing bank really has no discretion to determine whether the documents presented by the beneficiary are sufficient or not.
a) No, because the rule of strict compliance in commercial transactions involving letters of credit, requiring documents set as conditions for the release of the fund, has to be strictly complied with or else funds will not be released.
4) AAA Carmakers opened an irrevocable Letter of Credit with BBB Banking Corporation with CCC Cars Corporation as beneficiary. The irrevocable Letter of Credit was opened to pay for the importation of ten (10) units of Mercedes Benz S class. Upon arrival of the cars, AAA Carmakers found out that the cars were all not in running condition and some parts were missing. As a consequence, AAA Carmakers instructed BBB Banking Corporation not to allow drawdown on the Letter of Credit.
Is this legally possible?
a) No, because under the “Independence Principle”, conditions for the drawdown on the Letters of Credit are based only on documents, like shipping documents, and not with the condition of the goods subject of the importation.
b) Yes, because the acceptance by the importer of the goods subject of importation is material for the drawdown of the Letter of Credit.
c) Yes, because under the “Independence Principle”, the seller or the beneficiary is always assured of prompt payment if there is no breach in the contract between the seller and the buyer.
d) No, because what was opened was an irrevocable letter of credit and not a confirmed letter of credit.
a) No, because under the “Independence Principle”, conditions for the drawdown on the Letters of Credit are based only on documents, like shipping documents, and not with the condition of the goods subject of the importation.
5) For a fee, X deposited 1,000 sacks of corn in the warehouse owned by Y. Y is in the business of warehousing. Y issued a warehouse receipt as proof of the possession of the 1,000 sacks of corn. The warehouse receipt states as follows: “Deliver to X or bearer 1,000 sacks of corn.” X wanted to use the warehouse receipt as payment of his debt in favor of Z.
How can the ownership of the goods covered by the warehouse receipt be transferred?
a) Negotiate the warehouse receipt by just delivering the warehouse receipt to Z.
b) Assign the warehouse receipt to Z to transfer ownership of the goods.
c) Negotiate the warehouse receipt by specifically indorsing it to Z.
d) The warehouse receipt in this case is non-negotiable.
a) Negotiate the warehouse receipt by just delivering the warehouse receipt to Z.
6) The warehouseman, by issuing the warehouse receipt, acknowledges that the goods are in his possession, but he can refuse to deliver the goods to the holder of the warehouse receipt covering the goods if _____.
a) the warehouse receipt covering the goods is not presented
b) the lien of the warehouseman is not satisfied
c) the said holder presents a materially altered warehouse receipt
d) all of the above
d) all of the above
7) The legal remedy of the warehouseman in case of conflicting claims is to ______.
a) file an action for interpleader
b) give the goods to the first one who first presented the warehouse receipt
c) use his discretion as to who he believes has the prior right
d) keep the goods and appropriate them to himself
a) file an action for interpleader
8) BBB Banking Corporation issued a Letter of Credit in the amount of P5Million, for the purchase of five (5) tons of corn by X. Upon arrival of the goods, the goods were delivered to the warehouse of X. Thereafter he was asked to sign a Trust Receipt covering the goods. When the goods were sold, X did not deliver the proceeds to BBB Banking Corporation, arguing that he will need the fund for the subsequent importation.
Is there sufficient basis to sue for criminal action?
a) Yes, because X’s failure to turn over the proceeds to the bank is a violation of the Trust Receipt Law.
b) No, because the trust receipt was signed only after the delivery of the goods. When the trust receipt was signed, the ownership of the goods was already with X.
c) Yes, because violation of Trust Receipt Law is mala prohibita, intention is irrelevant.
d) No, because X has a valid reason not to deliver the proceeds to BBB Banking Corporation.
a) Yes, because X’s failure to turn over the proceeds to the bank is a violation of the Trust Receipt Law.
c) Yes, because violation of Trust Receipt Law is mala prohibita, intention is irrelevant.
9) X secured a loan from BBB Bank to pay for the importation of some dried fruits. Upon arrival of the goods consisting of dried fruits imported by X but before delivery to him, a trust receipt was executed by X to cover the transfer of the dried fruits to his possession. The dried fruits were so saleable but instead of turning over the proceeds of the sale, X used the funds to pay for the medical expenses of his mother who was sick of cancer of the bone.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) X cannot be held criminally liable because although he did not pay the bank he used the proceeds for a good reason.
b) Fraud or deceit is a necessary element to hold X criminally liable for non -payment under the Trust Receipts Law.
c) X can be held criminally liable under the Trust Receipts Law regardless of the purpose or intention for the use of the proceeds.
d) X cannot be held criminally liable because the underlying obligation is one of simple loan.
c) X can be held criminally liable under the Trust Receipts Law regardless of the purpose or intention for the use of the proceeds.
10) X is the President of AAA Products Corporation. X signs all the Trust Receipts documents for certain importations of the company. In the event of failure to deliver the proceeds of the sale of the goods to the bank, which statement is most accurate?
a) The criminal liability will not attach to X as President because of separate juridical personality.
b) For violation of Trust Receipts Law, the law specifically provides for the imposition of penalty upon directors I officers of the corporation.
c) The officer will not be held criminally accountable because he is just signing the trust receipt for and in behalf of the corporation.
d) The officer of the corporation will be held liable provided it is clear that the officer concerned participated in the decision not to pay.
b) For violation of Trust Receipts Law, the law specifically provides for the imposition of penalty upon directors I officers of the corporation.
11) Who is the Entrustee in a Trust Receipt arrangement?
a) the owner of the goods
b) the one who holds the goods and receives the proceeds from the sale of the goods
c) the person to whom goods are delivered for sale and who bears the risk of the loss
d) the party who acquires security interest in the goods
c) the person to whom goods are delivered for sale and who bears the risk of the loss
12) Which phrase best completes the statement?
In accordance with the Trust Receipt Law, purchasers of the goods from the Entrustee will _______.
a) get the goods only as a collateral
b) not get good title to the goods
c) only get security interest over the goods
d) get good title to the goods
d) get good title to the goods
13) X acted as an accommodation party in signing as a maker of a promissory note.
Which phrase best completes the sentence?
This means that X is liable on the instrument to any holder for value _________.
a) for as long as the holder does not know that X is only an accommodation party
b) even though the holder knew all along that X is only an accommodation party
c) for as long as X did not receive any consideration for acting as accommodation party
d) provided X received consideration for acting as accommodation party
b) even though the holder knew all along that X is only an accommodation party
14) X issued a promissory note which states, “I promise to pay Y or order Php100,000.00 or one (1) unit Volvo Sedan.”
Which statement is most accurate?
a) The promissory note is negotiable because the forms of payment are clearly stated.
b) The promissory note is non-negotiable because the option as to which form of payment is with the maker.
c) The promissory note is an invalid instrument because there is more than one form of payment.
d) The promissory note can be negotiated by way of delivery.
b) The promissory note is non-negotiable because the option as to which form of payment is with the maker.
15) X issued a promissory note which states “I promise to pay Y or bearer the amount of HK$50,000 on or before December 30, 2013.”
Is the promissory note negotiable?
a) No, the promissory note becomes invalid because the amount is in foreign currency.
b) Yes, the promissory note is negotiable even though the amount is stated in foreign currency.
c) No, the promissory note is not negotiable because the amount is in foreign currency.
d) Yes, the promissory note is negotiable because the Hong Kong dollar is a known foreign currency in the Philippines.
b) Yes, the promissory note is negotiable even though the amount is stated in foreign currency.
16) X delivered a check issued by him and payable to the order of CASH to Y in payment for certain obligations incurred by X in favor of Y. Y then delivered the check to Z in payment for certain obligations.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) Z can encash the check even though Y did not indorse the check.
b) Z cannot encash the check for lacking in proper endorsement.
c) Y is the only one liable because he was the one who delivered the check to Z.
d) The negotiation is not valid because the check is an instrument payable to order.
a) Z can encash the check even though Y did not indorse the check.
17) A stale check is a check ____.
a) that cannot anymore be paid although the underlying obligation still exists
b) that cannot anymore be paid and the underlying obligation under the check is also extinguished
c) that can still be negotiated or indorsed so that whoever is the holder can
d) which has not been presented for payment within a period of thirty (30) days
a) that cannot anymore be paid although the underlying obligation still exists
18) In payment for his debt in favor of X, Y gave X a Manager’s Check in the amount of Php100,000 dated May 30, 2012.
Which phrase best completes the statement?
A Manager’s Check _______.
a) is a check issued by a manager of a bank for his own account
b) is a check issued by a manager of a bank in the name of the bank against the bank itself for the account of the bank
c) is like any ordinary check that needs to be presented for payment also
d) is better than a cashier’s check in terms of use and effect
b) is a check issued by a manager of a bank in the name of the bank against the bank itself for the account of the bank
19) Which phrase best completes the statement?
A check which is payable to bearer is a bearer instrument and _________.
a) negotiation can be made by delivery only
b) negotiation must be by written indorsement
c) negotiation must be by specific indorsement
d) negotiation must be by indorsement and delivery
a) negotiation can be made by delivery only
20) As payment for a debt, X issued a promissory note in favor of Y but the promissory note on its face was marked non-negotiable. Then Y instead of indorsing the promissory note, assigned the same in favor of Z to whom he owed some debt also.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) Z cannot claim payment from X on the basis of the promissory note because it is marked non-negotiable.
b) Z can claim payment from X even though it is marked non-negotiable.
c) Z can claim payment from Y because under the Negotiable Instrument Law, negotiation and assignment is one and the same.
d) Z can claim payment from Y only because he was the endorser of the promissory note.
b) Z can claim payment from X even though it is marked non-negotiable.
21) Negotiable instruments are used as substitutes for money, which means _________.
a) that they can be considered legal tender
b) that when negotiated, they can be used to pay indebtedness
c) that at all times the delivery of the instrument is equivalent to delivery of the cash
d) that at all times negotiation of the instruments requires proper indorsement
b) that when negotiated, they can be used to pay indebtedness
22) The signature of X was forged as drawer of a check. The check was deposited in the account of Y and when deposited was accepted by AAA Bank, the drawee bank. Subsequently, AAA Bank found out that the signature of X was actually forged.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) The drawee bank can recover from Y, because the check was deposited in his account.
b) The drawee bank can recover from X, because he is the drawer even though his signature was forged.
c) The drawee bank is estopped from denying the genuineness of the signature of the X, the drawer of the check.
d) The drawee bank can recover from Y because as endorser he warrants the genuineness of the signature.
c) The drawee bank is estopped from denying the genuineness of the signature of the X, the drawer of the check.
23) A issued a check in the amount of Php20,000 payable to B. B endorsed the check but only to the extent of Php1 0,000.
Which statement is most accurate?
a) The partial indorsement is not a valid indorsement, although will result in the assignment of that part.
b) The partial indorsement will invalidate the whole instrument.
c) The endorsee will be considered as a holder in due course.
d) The partial indorsement is valid indorsement up to the extent of the Php10,000.
a) The partial indorsement is not a valid indorsement, although will result in the assignment of that part.
24) A promissory note which does not have the words “or order” or “or bearer” will render the promissory note non-negotiable, and therefore ________.
a) it will render the maker not liable
b) the note can still be assigned and the maker made liable
c) the holder can become holder in due course
d) the promissory note can just be delivered and the maker will still be liable
b) the note can still be assigned and the maker made liable